Screw this shit. Dignitas are playing fucking awful, Lambo hasn't done anything and he only has like 10 cs on Chauster with absolutely no pressure at all—he only showed himself to save 30s on Kiwikid's tower lifetime, and hold a lane from time to time. Plus he builds selfishly so it's not like he'll help the time at all, contrary to Jarvan and Cho'Gath. Cait is already several dozen cs behind Vayne, and despite having Cait+Thresh they aren't even capable of outpushing Vayne+Sona to kill the goddamn mid tower that sits on like 300 HP. Dignitas has no synergy at all, plays passive as fuck and just gives up any objective that appears. I'm not sure they'd even try to defend any of their buffs from an invade.
Fucking Dig is a joke. They'll lose their shot at the 1st place. They'll deserve it. And it [they] pisses me off.
that spear came so autta nowhere
Fuck this shit I'm so mad.
holy shit that dmg from clg
So the one play Dig tries to make this game is to try to fight 4v5 against a stronger team. Ok...
These guys are so bad w/o Crumbz
lambo basically didnt do anything this game and didnt clear when he shouldve
You know you playing bad when hotshotgg has 0 deaths.
On April 12 2013 06:35 Alaric wrote: Screw this shit. Dignitas are playing fucking awful, Lambo hasn't done anything and he only has like 10 cs on Chauster with absolutely no pressure at all—he only showed himself to save 30s on Kiwikid's tower lifetime, and hold a lane from time to time. Plus he builds selfishly so it's not like he'll help the time at all, contrary to Jarvan and Cho'Gath. Cait is already several dozen cs behind Vayne, and despite having Cait+Thresh they aren't even capable of outpushing Vayne+Sona to kill the goddamn mid tower that sits on like 300 HP. Dignitas has no synergy at all, plays passive as fuck and just gives up any objective that appears. I'm not sure they'd even try to defend any of their buffs from an invade.
Fucking Dig is a joke. They'll lose their shot at the 1st place. They'll deserve it. And it [they] pisses me off.
this sums up the game perfectly.
Looks like Dignitas isn't worth anything outside of their comfort zone. Sure Lambo isn't as good as Crumbz, but qtpie and patoy are on their comfort champions and really truly lost their lane hardcore.
Scarra doesn't impress as Zed either (he had absolutly 0 impact on this game so far).
On April 12 2013 06:27 nafta wrote: They really should've 2v2-d.Why let vayne get free early game wtf..... That's not really the reason why dig is losing
Yeah... Lambo had no successful ganks, no pressure, no dragon control, no farm advantage, no support usefulness, and he took all the buffs.
Pretty awful performance.
Tired, going to bed. Somebody else post bans/picks in my place.
Giving Vayne free early game, I mean what's going on in Dig right now. You can't shut down Vayne right now with Jarvan and Cho sits in the front line. And its Doublelift's Vayne.
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shit Dig getting raped lol, hopefully I can start using my clg mouse with pride again. They have already been looking good during the scrims vs curse though.
gotta give credit to hotshot, he may suck most of the time but when on comfort champs like malph and especially cho, he plays really solid. and doublelift probably first time 10cs/min although he has said it's pretty much impossible ( ofc proven wrong by every Wx game ever played :D)
most of that was chauster pressuring all over the place and while lambo kept going bot and not accomplishing much. CLG played that really clean though, no glaring mistakes.
Rough looking game. Link did very well to be relevant after laning vs Cait/Thresh. Hotshot can play Cho, news flash. Double farmed as hell. Aphro and Chauster making most of the plays through the early and mid game. Just solid.
Dignitas seemed to lose everywhere, and I really feel like it was because they tried to run a unique lane set up with a jungler they don't know well.
c ya qtpie