On March 31 2013 05:51 Chrispy wrote: CLG messes up once and completely falls apart lol. It isn't about messing up once, a team fight happening like that would have always happened. You can't peel dashes with snowball/wither. Then add on the fact that chauster is playing support bitch jungle nunu in a match up where he can't do his job, it's essentially a 4v5. bb plus snowball doesn't make your peeling better. You could win a fight with any peeler if you're winning with nunu hanging in the back.
Never play support bitch jungle nunu. Especially in an unfavorable matchup like xin.
On March 31 2013 05:53 daSilvaz wrote: Get Link they said, hes better than kingjiji they said...ROFL
Link's ults this game were very lackluster indeed.
Dyrus MVP, really solid game once again by him
On March 31 2013 05:53 daSilvaz wrote: Get Link they said, hes better than kingjiji they said...ROFL He is better...
Solid play by Dyrus this game.
On March 31 2013 05:54 SnK-Arcbound wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2013 05:51 Chrispy wrote: CLG messes up once and completely falls apart lol. It isn't about messing up once, a team fight happening like that would have always happened. You can't peel dashes with snowball/wither. Then add on the fact that chauster is playing support bitch jungle nunu in a match up where he can't do his job, it's essentially a 4v5. bb plus snowball doesn't make your peeling better. You could win a fight with any peeler if you're winning with nunu hanging in the back. Never play support bitch jungle nunu. Especially in an unfavorable matchup like xin.
Ehh?? They fucked up that blue fight bad and up to that point they were doing fine.
Dlift and Aphro need a new team. I feel like Link/Chauster arent really good at all and there is nothing special about them. HSGG is ok but he cant carry and only plays supportive tops. CLG needs better players and actual threats besides Doublelift
On March 31 2013 05:54 APurpleCow wrote:hotshotggs build... goddamn Show nested quote +On March 31 2013 05:53 Mondeezy wrote: Good point by Deman - how the hell can you deal with two lanes (one split pushing) when you only have one really scary person on your team? pretty sure nasus can 1v1 shen... =/ Not dyrus on shen at that time. He had built no damage he didn't even have a frozen gauntlet/fist. Shen with the triforce would have destroyed him. Though Nasus can 1v1 a shen np in general, at that point that nasus could not. Also, I'm confused why CLG ran the strat they did, their laning isn't nearly strong enough to pull that off vs TSM. TSM's laning is much better from what I just saw.
Yes, but what is the logic of replacing your midlaner when you have hotshot playing?!
On March 31 2013 05:55 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2013 05:53 daSilvaz wrote: Get Link they said, hes better than kingjiji they said...ROFL He is better... We clearly see him doing Maknoongodlike plays this LCS...oh wait
A Malphite for Hotshot would be better than Nasus...and his Nasus build is bad. One good thing that come from this is CLG actually playing and dieing like a team with a PLAN now unlike last week where you could not see any plan at all. A bit of improvement I guess but doesn't good enough to beat TSM.
On March 31 2013 05:54 mr_tolkien wrote: Why Barrier on Cait against Shen ? I don't get it :o That (and Lulu) are TSM's only real "hard" cc. Cleanse doesn't help against Diana+Xin, so Barrier's mostly extra burst shield on top of Lux+Janna.
Really though, they should've played Trist or something instead of Cait. Cait just not enough damage. Was an interesting bit of lane swapping, up until CLG got caught and murdered.
But eh, tbh I feel like Aphro didn't make the impact he needed. The first real teamfight and he gets blown up without peeling+CCing, and in the end, he's the one who needed to negate and cancel TSM's gapclosers mid-dash.
On March 31 2013 05:54 APurpleCow wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2013 05:53 Mondeezy wrote: Good point by Deman - how the hell can you deal with two lanes (one split pushing) when you only have one really scary person on your team? pretty sure nasus can 1v1 shen... =/
Well yeah, if they sit there and duke it out for five minutes. But you can't really sit there and stop him, plus you're going to have nobody slowing Draven/Diana from demolishing Dlift. Other than that Shen can literally do whatever he wants and not fear getting wrecked because HSGG always plays some supporty tanky top.
On March 31 2013 05:57 Caphe wrote: A Malphite for Hotshot would be better than Nasus...and his Nasus build is bad. One good thing that come from this is CLG actually playing and dieing like a team with a PLAN now unlike last week where you could not see any plan at all. A bit of improvement I guess but doesn't good enough to beat TSM.
This is probably what they wanted, but TSM smartly banned Malphite.
On March 31 2013 05:57 daSilvaz wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2013 05:55 wei2coolman wrote:On March 31 2013 05:53 daSilvaz wrote: Get Link they said, hes better than kingjiji they said...ROFL He is better... We clearly see him doing Maknoongodlike plays this LCS...oh wait I don't get your logic? just because I say Link is better than bigfatlp, that auto means, Link has to be on Maknoon level? Wtf?
TSM's game really stepped up with the Wildturtle change it seems. They just have a lot more cohesion with one shot caller. I thought they handled the lane swap really well even though it caught them off guard. Also the team fights were just much crisper than CLG's (who mostly just ran around and HSGG tunnel visioning on his wither for Draven cause I don't even think his presence existed during team fights outside of spirit fire.)
On March 31 2013 05:56 Mazzi wrote: Dlift and Aphro need a new team. I feel like Link/Chauster arent really good at all and there is nothing special about them. HSGG is ok but he cant carry and only plays supportive tops. CLG needs better players and actual threats besides Doublelift Oh don't put Aphro on a pedestal, he fucks up more often than any of his teammates.
HSGG built Spirit Visage on Nasus... why?!?!
Link's Lux was terribly underwhelming =( gg TSM
The lane switching was a good idea with the Janna passive but sadly their execution fell apart mid game. And CLG spent and F ton of money on wards more than TSM just to be able to switch like that safely.