At any point of IEM Kiev, if you think of an interesting byline, please drop a sentence in the Pro Scene thread. (e.g. "Day 2: M5 hype was everything people expected") At the end of the month, I'll catalogue the results of Kiev but also any interesting facts or events that happen over the course of the tournament. Thanks. Neo, 20.1.2012 |
On January 21 2012 23:10 Shiv. wrote: I really like Zenon's questions btw. His commentary is awkward from time to time, but the questions are pretty good. I love how some of his questions are so cut throat its great.
On January 21 2012 19:05 Shawngood wrote: Stats time! Now that the groupstage is over I was interested in how good some of the top bans and picks really are.
Top 20 picks/bans so far:
Karthus 12 picks or bans (most banned champion) Rammus 12 Cassiopeia 10 Graves 10 (most picked champion with Taric) Morgana 9 Irelia 8 Lee Sin 7 Skarner 7 Vayne 7 Sona 7 Taric 7 Riven 6 Kassadin 6 Nunu 6 Kennen 6 Maokai 6 Sivir 6 Ryze 5 Shaco 5 Soraka 5
Most successfull champions by position (only if picked/banned five or more times):
Jungle: Rammus (4 Wins, 0 Losses) - Maokai (3 Wins, 1 Loss) AD Carry: Sivir (4 Wins, 2 Losses) AP Carry: Ryze - Kassadin (both 2 Wins, 0 Losses) Support: Sona (5 Wins, 1 Loss) - Nunu (3 Wins, 1 Loss), Soraka (3 Wins, 0 Losses) Solo Top: Irelia (4 Wins, 2 Losses)
Overrated champions (?):
Cassiopeia - banned in 8, picked in 2 games, 0 wins Vayne - 1 win, 4 losses Taric - picked 7 times, only won 1 game Riven - 1 win, 3 losses Shaco - banned in 3, picked in 2 games, 0 wins
On January 21 2012 20:24 Shawngood wrote: Re: MVP of groupstage
Here are the KDA ratios of the teams that made it through:
AP Carry: ocelote 20,5 Reginald 10,0 AlexIch 9,75 Scarra 3,4
AD Carry: Genja 18,5 Chaox 13,0 Imaqtpie 10,75 CandyPanda 4,1
Solo Top: The Rain Man 10,3 Dar1en 9,7 Kev1n 4,3 Voyboy 3,9
Jungle: Diamondez 17,0 TheOddOne 9,5 SleazyWeazy 6,8 Dominate 6,5
Support: Nyph 13,3 GoSu Pepper 13,0 Xpecial 7,8 L0CUST 4,25
"You heard it here first, SK cannot stop M5, the sound can" -Zenon Lolz
Sorry, missed the first part of the interview! Stream messed up.
Zenon: Is there a problem in communication, or a game problem? Nyph: Janna has no sustain. We were only a tiny bit of cs behind and that's ok for Vayne but then Sion ganked and we fell behind and it snowballed from there. Zenon: What's you're plan for now? Don't pick Vayne? Nyph: Basically yeah haha.
Zenon: So, Diamonprox. This is the first Bo3. Yesterday was Bo1 so you had to play safe to prevent losses to cheese. Does this mean today you can go nuts and try crazy stuff? Diamonprox: Bo3 is our favourite because you have a chance to make errors or lose a game so it's more forgiving. We have strategies prepared for all games.
Zenon: Nyph, SK Gaming has competed in lots of LANs but you've never actually won anything despite placing well and practising so much. How's the team feeling? Nyph: We've actually won the EPS which was an offline event. But we have a lot of experience. Only CLG has been to as many LANs. I think it's M5 who have the pressure on them to win a LAN. We're confident. We're going to win this shit.
Zenon: So then Diamond, M5 this is your first LAN. Today you're up on the big stage with everyone watching you. Are you afraid of nerves playing a factor in your play? Diamonprox: We came here to the CyberArena 3 days earlier and practised on the stage constantly to get over this. The biggest problem is the sound because it means we have to use Mumble (it's like Ventrilo) because you can't hear each other normally. But we can win.
Sorry for asking a potentially stupid question (as usual), but I find the ESL site hard to navigate. Now that we're up to the semifinals, is this a Bo3?
Caster needs movement speed runes
On January 21 2012 23:16 Jaksiel wrote: Sorry for asking a potentially stupid question (as usual), but I find the ESL site hard to navigate. Now that we're up to the semifinals, is this a Bo3? Correct. Details are all on the frontpage.
On January 21 2012 23:16 Jaksiel wrote: Sorry for asking a potentially stupid question (as usual), but I find the ESL site hard to navigate. Now that we're up to the semifinals, is this a Bo3?
Yes, it is BO3
Would love to see a TSM v M5 finals. Regibro going to get all Rocky IV!
This is gonna be siiiick!
United States37500 Posts
United States37500 Posts
M5 (first): Cass, Morg, Kass SK: Karth, Nunu, Yorick
United States37500 Posts
M5 (first): Sona, GP Shy, Morde Kennen SK: Irelia Sivir, Rammus Soraka, Anivia
So many instalock-Sona.
I hope that means we get more support champs and not "better nerf Sona"... D:
United States37500 Posts
M5 don't give a fuck about your meta.
M5 Bans: CassiOPeia, Morganna, Kassadin SK Bans: Karthus, Nununununu, Yorrick
M5 Picks: Sona, GP, Syvannanananananana, MORDEKAISERHUEHUEHUEHUE, Kennen SK Picks: Irelia, Sivir, Rammus, Soraka
Lol, Zenon and Phreak going like kids about Morde :D