Thresh After hooking, pull twice then Q to pull in so the enemy land behind you. Then you can E to knock them even further back.
Turn around right before you ult. The "point" of the pentagon is always behind you, so doing so makes an opponent trying to escape more likely to hit two walls (the corner) instead of just one. Does extra damage, but doesn't slow.
If you hook someone but they already used a jump/dash, they will drag you along. FOr example,if you hook an ulting Shyvana she will drag you in the direction in which she ulted.
On March 27 2013 15:23 Aphasie wrote: I dont know if these count:
- Being a champion with no quick escape you will benefit from standing to either side of the creep wave (depending on where your opponent is) and attack the creeps the furthest diagonally from you. This will leave the your creeps healthier in between you and your opponent, making his "first cs" closer to you. This really narrows down your opponents movement pattern and hitting Qs are much easier. Also increases the chances of hitting both him and your CS at the same time.
Not sure I understand this tip. Are you just trying to push lanes with auto? How does this limit his cs closer to you.
I dont get it either....
1. When harassing in lane with passive remember that skill use lowers its cd, so its better to auto and then follow up with a Q to have it back sooner. If you are within auto range, Q should also be an easy hit.
2. When pushing towers you can spam skills at nothing if you feel safe for more passive procs on the tower. Careful though, you dont want to get caught with all your escapes on cd.
3. In dueling and teamfighting use your minefield closer or directly on top of yourself, especially vs a melee opponent, so you can use its full field and lonnnnng duration to kite people through multiple times and get maximum damage and cc out of it. Throwing it as max range with your Q right away is usually a huge waste of its potential. This is my biggest ziggs tip.
4. Save satchel charge for absolute emergency, cd is stupid long and it doesnt do much damage.
Akali can do that with a lot of things, including alistar headbutt. It's just kinda hard to do unless you are diving their carry at the back and just jump through all of it.
Jarvan IV: when jungling, you can use your Dragon Strike while standing directly on top of your Demacian Standard to achieve the knock-up effect without losing any auto-attack time.
Nocturne: 1)You don't always have to use your ultimate to start a fight. Keep your eye on the locations of enemy champs during a fight, as, if you get low, you can escape a horde bent on landing the death blow on you by using your ultimate to escape to a lone enemy. What's even better about this is that the lone enemy is quite often a champion staying out of the fight due to their low health or vulnerability. Pre-empt their janitor and save yourself.
2) When ganking, it's more important to land your Q on the victim than using it for the speed to cut him off. The damage and passives you gain are more important.
3) Got a feeling you're getting counter-jungled and the enemy jungler is waiting for you in a bush? Hit your W before face-checking to save yourself from Shaco pain.
Vi: is the Queen of diving towers for ganks. You're a superstar at level 6, don't forget it. Between your ultimate, your Q and Flash for mobility, and your E on top for un-interupted burst, you've got more than enough mobility and damage to get in, assassinate a low-health target, and get out before the tower kills you. Even easier if your team-mate in that lane is helping you.
2) You've got a passive that gives you a shield on spell use. Use your E on your pursuers for that clutch one second of survival you needed for your Q to come up and get you over that wall. Proceed to spam "DA PLAYS" in All chat.
E self, run up W, wait for snare to about to proc mantra Q
remember Mantra Q has much greater range than normal Q due to its AOE explosion at the end of its range, you can snipe people easily with it.
Use W every opportunity later in the game, even if it will be broken, its worth it for the mantra reduction and sometimes it will get you and your team kills. If people get near you you would be QWing them like those two keys are a stuck together. Also, once you get some CDR and 2 levels in ult, spam out the mantras, don't hold onto them like a normal ult, they arent, and they have way less CD. #1 nub karma mistake.
Anivia: To save allies from enemy meele chasers; cast crystalize right on top of ally. Wall will materialise right between them because of small cast time.
Singed - you can quickly doubletap your poison while autoing to get extra damage on the minion in case your auto alone isn't enough - this is especially useful when last-hitting at the turret.
Xin Zhao - your Q resets your autoattack, so if you need more damage on a gank, or if you are just clearing the jungle, go for the auto-Q combo. If you mainly need the CC on a gank, activate your Q immediately because the auto also takes more time.
Also in general when jungling don't use your gapcloser if you don't have to (save it for if they flash)
Leona: When fighting over bushcontrol bot (or anywhere else for that matter) autoattack -> Q -> autoattack can kill a ward before i goes invisible if you're close and fast enough ofc
I think a couple other champs can do this aswell with AA - skill - reset AA?
On April 18 2013 18:43 Calliopee wrote: Leona: When fighting over bushcontrol bot (or anywhere else for that matter) autoattack -> Q -> autoattack can kill a ward before i goes invisible if you're close and fast enough ofc
I think a couple other champs can do this aswell with AA - skill - reset AA?
Garen, Shyvana, Darius and Jayce should be able to being right next to it, but Leona is the most likely to have a ward put on her since she will be stood in the bush where it is placed a lot more often.
Renekton: You can use tiamat or hydra's active to get rid of the horrendously long ruthless predator auto attack animation. Particularly useful on his empowered w.
I learned this from watching Voyboy's Taking it To Toplane. :>
Twisted Fate: There's a certain mechanic between blue card and stacked deck passive (and Sheen-based procs). If an enemy you blue card are low enough to die only by the blue card's damage, the stacked deck passive will increase by 1 like a normal autoattack, but if it is ready to be used in that attack, it will be preserved. Same with Sheen-based items. In particular, late-game scenarios you can safely keep or manipulate your stacked deck to be ready most of the time. Don't worry about the Sheen stuff because using Destiny to Assassinate will prepare the proc anyway.
Miss Fortune: When you use Double Up (Q), the second target will be randomly chosen among all targets in a 70-degree arc behind the first target. If there are no targets in the 70-degree arc, the arc will be expanded to 180 degrees and a target will be randomly chosen among all viable targets. The arc has a radius of 500 units.
When the enemy laner is hiding behind minions to stay safe from volley, go all the way up to a minion and shoot your volley directly at it. Most of they volley will go through and you have a chance of hitting your enemy.