actually having inbult %armour pen favours getting other stats since armour pen is a % damage increase on your total damage if you dont have a lot of AD its better to get more AD then get more %armourpen. Especially since Vi is a burst hero you often get your main burst from Q R and W, most of your damage occurs before BC stacks. So its not a prioity item but its not bad for sure.
in practice its a trade off for more defensive stats vs more % armourpen because its 1663 for BC upgraade and 1350 for hexdrinker and 1200 for phage, and 1600 gives you giants +2 cloths.
i get like elder lizard or spirit of the ancient golem and then shit like hexdrinker/brutalizer/ninja tabi/randuins maybe a spirit visage vs heavy ap teams. or a warmogs if i went lizard instead of randuins maybe
Yeah, really not a fan of BC, at least not until later in the game when fights drag out and shredding tanks even more makes your carries' lives easier if you need to peel.
I haven't played her enough yet to compare Golem and Lizard, I still think I'd prefer Lizard, at least in soloQ, because you're burst-oriented so having some early damage plays into that (especially considering how strong you are during skirmishes), and you want to be able to smash people yourself without being overly reliant on your laners to do the damage.
Atm I'm rushing Lizard -> boots1, then either Cowl or Warden's Mail depending on who's threatening on the enemy team, with boots2 somewhere between "right after Lizard" and "right between Cowl/Warden's and the other" depending on needs. I usually end up building Tabi and Cowl first, as it gives some HP compared to Warden's which, being full armour, would leave me pretty squishy against magic burst. Most of the time I finish SV before Randuin's because at this stage both are basically HP anyway, the build-up for SV is much smoother and getting 20% more CDR for my Q in teamfights (and ult, 48-63s cd ult is such a boon when the comps lead to long fights, you can easily pick somebody off before everyone has respawned or simply before their ults are back up and noone's looking to teamfight) is a nice side bonus.
Most games are decided (or at least one team has a big enough advantage to be considered favourite) before Lizard/Boots2/Randuin's/SV, which in itself is a pretty nice (and expensive) core coming out of the jungle, so I haven't given much thought to follow-up items. GA's nice for suicide initiations esp. if their late game damage potential is high, Locket is another armour/MR item and if you're short on slots (I always keep one for wards) it's completed faster than a GA. BC/LW are pretty good at increasing your damage, BC being tankier and helping your team too. Or you can just build something like BotRK or Hydra if you want sustain (BotRK better for chasing and dps, Hydra's active doesn't apply a W stack anyway).
I end up getting BC because brutalizer has comparable stats to Lizard for a lot less gold and it ends up being better than ghostblade on her.
it hink everyone here is grossly underestimating hexdrinker as an alternative to cowl//BC since it is essentially the best of both worlds.
brutalizer/hex drinker is more than enough damage for early/midgame and you can covert to maw/BC late game after getting randuins or whatever
golem/tabi already gives you a good hp/armour base (and hexdrinker gives mr//*hp)
i think im going to try lizard->cowl again
new triforce on vi wrecks everything (well, it wrecks on everyone who builds it but vi burst combo hits so hard)
On September 26 2013 10:40 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: new triforce on vi wrecks everything (well, it wrecks on everyone who builds it but vi burst combo hits so hard) I did it on an ARAM once. Not even malphite could step up to me.
In addition, where do you fit it in? I could see picking up phage post boots/golem, but I can't think of a god time to finish it until after tanking up.
well, it's not hard as a laner. I don't think you can possibly build it if you're a jangler unless you get pretty fed though.
i was specifically referring to doing it top lane, something like bruta triforce into aegis sunfire idk
it's pretty good tbh...it was amazing pre-nerf vi
It was good or decent, I wouldn't go as far as saying it was amazing though unless you ended up against a squishy that died to ult+ignite+E...
Vi is a strong midlane vs champions like Zed actually. I've seen her tool quite a few.
On September 28 2013 03:12 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Vi is a strong midlane vs champions like Zed actually. I've seen her tool quite a few. um...isn't it probably better for the team to choose a standard midlaner and get ganks from jungle Vi than to play mid Vi?
yeah just pick mid malphite or something huehue
On September 28 2013 07:08 nath wrote:Show nested quote +On September 28 2013 03:12 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Vi is a strong midlane vs champions like Zed actually. I've seen her tool quite a few. um...isn't it probably better for the team to choose a standard midlaner and get ganks from jungle Vi than to play mid Vi?
That's probably why Vi is typically played as a jungler.
I wasn't that wrong when I said she wasn't that good before because Lux mid, Zyra support, Kayle anywhere were in every game... But now that the meta is more mixed and have less hard CC every game, a farmed Vi can destroy a champ one by one. Q and E have 8seconds cooldown each without CDR so she can get her 10% health shield every 2 seconds lategame if she is not CCed.
Edit: As stated by the poster below me, I'm wrong!
On October 02 2013 01:40 Iblis wrote: I wasn't wrong when I said she wasn't that good before because Lux mid, Zyra support, Kayle anywhere were in every game... But now that the meta is more mixed and have less hard CC every game, a farmed Vi can destroy a champ one by one. Q and E have 8seconds cooldown each without CDR so she can get her 10% health shield every 2 seconds lategame if she is not CCed. At level 12+, Vi's passive is on an 8 second cd.
I am enjoying going sotag then triforce then frozen mallet.