It's false. Leona's passive is triggered by just about any damage.
I think Galio would be another possible Malphite stand-in. Resolute Smite pretty good poking, ult for the teamfight power. Not as good at roaming as Malphite, though.
Ziggs is a good Viktor substitute, though he doesn't have the teamfight utility that augmented grabbity squeeze brings. The burst is beautiful, though, esp. once Malphite finishes abyssal.
is it going to append tonight? I was away for 5 weeks and couldn't play in the trolls game (even pass from silv 2 to almost silv5 due to inactivity )
I'm going to be around to start it off, so I think we can say it's happening.
There hasn't been much discussion of new tests to do, so I'm assuming we'll keep testing the jungle buff transfer (possibly with very concentrated tests on invasions using extremely short in-houses) and a few other old favorites (blue corki, maokai mid, whatever else).
I may be around for part of the time, I don't know.
I'm with friends in Maine but today is like dick around and play videogames day because it's raining real hard.
In other news, I want to try a split push GP top build some time.
Basically my idea for it is not necessarily that it's good, but it might be decent and moreover, it's cool.
See, in my head, there are two types of split push champ.
The first type is like Nidalee or Tryndamere or Shaco, which is not a cool champion. They're obnoxiously hard to 1v1 and absolutely terrible in teamfights. They try to stay as far away from their team as possible and just be assholes, and it's not cool because it's frustrating for both teams. The enemy team is frustrated because they can't really 1v1 them, and the allied team is frustrated because the goal of the split push champion is to not play with his team as much as possible.
The second type is like Shen, which is a cool split pusher. You can 1v1 Shen a lot easier, but Shen is actually playing with his team because he can use his ult to assist fights, so while it's still strong or even stronger, it feels a lot better design wise.
I think if GP could be a good split pusher, he could be cool like Shen. Because you'd be assisting fights with your global ult while split pushing.
I'd like to try it sometime with a comp that's like a strong 4 man team, plus GP. GP builds Tiamat, Bilgewater Cutlass and Chalice as his core, and split pushes like crazy, using his ult to assist fights. End game build would be like Hydra, BotRK, Athenes, GA, and something else dunno what.
My main fear with split push GP is that he simply won't be strong enough to deal with other split-pushers. He's either going to end up against people like Tryndamere or Yi who will simply rock his socks, or against people like TF and Shen who'll simply teleport away and add a lot more to a fight than GP's ult. Conceptually, GP seems like the worst of both worlds.
Yeah I think I agree. GP just needs to be buffed.
But the idea is cool.
Zeusplank splitpushes pretty well and the build is solid in general. Once you reach Wit's+Shiv and maybe a belt you can split push well or you can group with team and zap people with the power of Zeus. It's maybe more flexible than a build focused solely on splitpushing. You're still playing GP though
GP can also run TP since a lot of the time he's not really going for lane kills, and if you're tp ganking you can ult ahead of time to make sure your targets don't make it too far away. Though honestly it doesn't seem much better than TP on any other safe laner : \
Been busy with a summer class, sad I missed blue Corki day, but I can probably fit him into other tests since his role doesn't change that much if he's bot. I'm thinking muramana's a no-go because he doesn't proc it on any of his spells. Speaking of which, the wiki says both Jax's W and R double-proc muramana, which has me intrigued.
When I've played Blue Corki I've generally found myself working toward IBG or SotEL first, the former more than the latter. Whichever way you do it picking up Tear is kinda awkward, especially as you probably want a Vamp Scepter somewhere in there as well. Muramana isn't a terrible item on him, but getting the Tear early enough to really make it work is rough.
On August 10 2013 05:52 Flakes wrote: GP can also run TP since a lot of the time he's not really going for lane kills, and if you're tp ganking you can ult ahead of time to make sure your targets don't make it too far away. Though honestly it doesn't seem much better than TP on any other safe laner : \
Been busy with a summer class, sad I missed blue Corki day, but I can probably fit him into other tests since his role doesn't change that much if he's bot. I'm thinking muramana's a no-go because he doesn't proc it on any of his spells. Speaking of which, the wiki says both Jax's W and R double-proc muramana, which has me intrigued. One proc for the aa, one proc for the "ability" (the fact that he uses W, or R triggers).
Couple games with vamp --> SotEL --> IBG Corki, but both were stomps before SotEL was finished, so idk. Damage #s looked on par with rest of team, and it felt like a good minimal amount of AD to reach before farming the IBG.
From the two invasion tests I was there for, I think playing to level 3 would have given a better idea of timing/advantage effects, though there's just too many variables in level 1 fights (even at the pro level) that we probably wouldn't learn much.
No TROLLS today due to super week and other stuff, but next time we'll probably test the Cass Support + Twitch bot lane.
3 PM Pacific today.
Be there~
So I've been thinking about poke lanes bottom. By poke lane, I mean a pair of heroes with some form of reliable ranged harass. (This is a pretty loose definition, btw.) There are examples that fit the support/carry meta (Lulu, Sona, Varus, Ashe), but I'm more interested in examples that don't. For instance, I've been talking about Malphite/Viktor a lot and I consider it a poke lane. Malphite has his Q for reliable harass and Viktor has his E, which becomes very reliable on a slow enemy.
What are the weaknesses of this sort of double AP poke (Malphite/Viktor specifically)? First, both pokers need levels in their skills to output enough damage. Level 1 Q does very little; same with level 1 E. Moreover, both are very mana inefficient until leveled up. Second, you don't have a carry, so your lane had better win hard or scale very well. Malphite/Viktor does scale fairly well, but in games where we don't win lane hard I do feel behind in lategame. Fortunately, Malphite is very good at nullifying a carry in fights, making him a solid backup plan. Third, you have to bring something to the team as an underleveled and less-farmed champ. We usually slightly split bot lane farm with most of it going to Viktor. Malphite always has his ult, Q and E. Ult is very effective with just one point, and Q and E do their job even without being fully leveled. Viktor's gravity field is also a one-point wonder, though his ult is mostly damage and needs levels/farm.
The strengths, of course, are incredible midgame teamfight potential and a high kill threat after 6. Malphite can get mobos and roam while viktor holds tower, or just focus on ulting bot every time ult is up. I've run this with pantheon or TF mid a lot, and both those champs appreciate someone to hold people in place while ult channels.
Not to be unfair, but I am extremely suspicious of any bot lane that involves Malphite.
He is not strong pre 6, not even a little bit.
Even after 6 the cooldown on his ult is ginormous.
And he needs items.
My Internet is dead. It doesn't look like I'm going to make it tonight.
Edit: And then it miraculously returns.
I honestly don't understand the point. What exactly does having Malph in bot lane 2v2 accomplish when you could just run him solo top with teleport? And you want a low farm Malph to get mobility boots to roam? What?
I also disagree with the statement Q and E do their job without being leveled. The movement speed bonus scales with levels on q, the attack speed slow on his e scales with levels. More importantly, you're never going to be in range to use his E to slow their ADC unless you just ulted. You're not going to nullify the enemy ADC with a low farm Malph unless your team follows up your ult extremely well. The margin for error when you have minimal tankiness is very low.
Also you drag out the stage of the game where Malph is weak. Level 1-3 Malph is hideously weak, and he doesn't really hit his stride until 8 or 9. The odds you ever get to level 8 or 9 without getting mauled are fairly low in a duo lane with Viktor, and even if you do, you have no items.
So, thoughts on Twitc/Cass.
It seems really strong in lanes where the enemy duo can't avoid trades with Cassiopeia. It seems extremely hard to beat the two of them in any sort of 2v2 situation.
Lanes that are able to passive farm at a distance I think things are a little different.
We're also not really sure what good items to build on Cass are. It'd be good to do some math and theorycraft what the most efficient budget AP in the game is.
All in all it is gimmicky, but possibly strong in the right situation, may work very well against some lanes and very poorly against others.
Also seems like it would be pretty good in a 2v1 situation?
I honestly feel like if you want to run Cass bot just put her with Soraka and destroy shit.
Thing is they want Twitch to farm, while in what you propose Cass would be the one farming. Basically, Twitch is all "yo, get near a creep, I auto you, then Cass starts spamming her E in your face and you lose 75% of your HP" with their Ws as slows to help Cass keep at it. It's Twitch letting Cass go ham on people whenever he lands an auto or W on them, so he can farm easily and zone them, rather than Cass herself running at them trying to hit Qs and not get cc'd while they retreat.