Blue build Corki day, 3 PM.
I want to try:
Mid blue build Corki
ADC blue build Corki
Mid blue build Corki with ADC blue build Ez and Jayce, all of the Muramanas.
Any thoughts on the build for blue build Corki?
I was wondering something like an item combo of: Trinity Force BotRK Black Cleaver Muramana CDR boots
I'd like to join in on this if I may. Sounds like lots of fun! Do I need someone from TL to give me permission to join? Is there a TROLLS chat in the client I can just join?
TROLLS chatroom, NA server. We also use the TL teamspeak which you can get at from the bottom left of the TL sidebar.
anyone tried attack speed bruiser vayne? experimental build bork, zephyr, banshees, frozen mallet, guardian angel.
I'm not sure how strong muramana is atm, especially on corki, someone who does have a good way of applying it (as all his spells are AoE)
So, blue build Corki seemed to work just fine.
Thoughts: BotRK felt weak compared to BT Trinity Force still good on him He works as ADC and mid far as we can tell. Possibly better mid.
I'm sure the Corki players will add in~
GL guys. I know you're testing/have done for today. Do you ever feel like the large variability in skill levels (due to the trolls team and the nature of arranged 5s) contaminates the results though?
On July 27 2013 11:10 obesechicken13 wrote: GL guys. I know you're testing/have done for today. Do you ever feel like the large variability in skill levels (due to the trolls team and the nature of arranged 5s) contaminates the results though?
Today for sure I'd say the results were really conclusive just because of how large a stomp our games were. But we do know that Blue Corki does a ton of damage and its pretty evenly split magic/physical. I personally would not feel confident saying that Blue Corki is a superior way to build him without a more even test.
Did any of your builds involve IBG? When we tested him ages ago I ended up rushing IBG against a couple AD assassin mids, to fairly great affect.
I hardly pop my head in here but it's been bugging me for a little while...can you jungle TF since his E change from CDR to ASPD? Im having a hard time picturing it all pre-6 and overall itemization as well with jungle gold but his ganks seem strong specially with an on-demand no skill shot cc.
On July 27 2013 12:07 Seuss wrote: Did any of your builds involve IBG? When we tested him ages ago I ended up rushing IBG against a couple AD assassin mids, to fairly great affect.
I did. I went 1 doran's blade/tear/vamp scepter/ionian boots/IBG/botrk/LW (partly because Jayce's shockwaves were wrecking me). It felt pretty good to me, and I can understand why you like blue build Corki so much now. He does an insane amount of AOE damage and benefits from levels a lot when played mid. That being said, that game was a little suspect because Lux had 12 armor at the start against our team of 3 ADCs, so I was like 10/1/0 about 15 minutes in (although I killed her in lane maybe once or twice before she started the typical play like a complete pansy behind turret when behind as Lux). CDR on Corki feels extremely good too, you can fire so many missiles. Machine gunning dragon down with a full load of missiles just shreds it so fast.
Not such a huge fan of BotRK, but after trying BT it didn't feel that much better. I think that was more because that game was a bit out of hand because they had Blitz and Thresh and we played against that pretty poorly.
I think the skill difference skews the results of today's tests a bit, but the bigger problem is the average team we run into when playing draft normals has coordination that's pretty terrible. It was a lot better when we had enough people to play inhouses, because the teams were fairly balanced due to our player pool and Monte balancing the teams out. We've already done blue build Corki in the past before he was buffed (when we had enough for inhouses) and I was the one facing Monte several times, and playing against it felt fairly obnoxious and Corki has only gotten stronger since then. So I'm pretty convinced in it, even if the games today weren't too telling.
I want to try some sort of adc jungle. Today in the TROLLS games I played as MF jungle, and it really didnt feel that bad. There are some disadvantages and advantages to ADC jungling.
Disadvantages: Likely slower clear time (Usually) worse ganks Teams may lose some utility in teamfights (try to make up for this by running more utility lanes)
Advantages: Much faster turrets Higher damage later on Ganks, if unseen, are almost definitely secured kills Dragon control I THINK would be better this way.
But which adcs would be best fit for this?
MF: felt fine due to her attack speed from her w and damage from auto attack and q to clear, and the movespeed passive definitely can help in "ganking". Twitch: his kit seems to be pretty good for this. Toss the cask and auto the big creep a couple times then expunge to clear camps pretty quickly Varus: his passive is attack speed, which is good for camps. His blighted quiver is very good against neutral minions. Just attack 3 times then either q or e and you can clear very quickly. His ult is one of the only ones that can actually be used for ganking decently. Vayne: not as good as the others but because of the w she can clear pretty fast. Q for extra damage. E to stun buffs. Ganks can be decent due to passive and ult and if possible can condemn towards ally laner. Ezreal: his passive is really good for this, along with spamming q. Other than that, meh, but can arcane shift to chase in lanes. Good at taking turrets due to passive.
In order for this to work i think you'd usually want all lanes to have some sort of CC (unless you're jungle Varus) so ganks can attempt to get kills. Example: Elise top, nami/another adc bot, tf mid. Just for example.
If a lane starts pushing our adc jungler can come to that lane and attempt to get the turret along with the laners.
I'm not sure how counter jungling would work out.
Rushing vamp scepter in my game as MF jungle seemed to give enough sustain/clear time to jungle without problem. I'd imagine it would be similar for other adcs.
I dunno, maybe this is stupid but I'd like to try it out :D
I'd have to do a few runs with each of them in the jungle to give specific opinions on each AD's viability as a jungler. That said, there are a few teamcomps which lend themselves to this sort of thing.
There's the VES hyper-push strategy, where all lanes are put under pressure all the time. For that strategy Ezreal, Varus, and to an extent Caitlyn and Lucian are the best ADs to have (in general, not necessarily in the jungle) because of their excellent tower pushing.
There's a more standardish double AD, in which one of the ADs will typically run a blue build. Thus, you'd probably want Corki or Ezreal involved.
If you didn't want double AD you could have a roaming support mid, but that leaves you with the problem that your sole AD is essentially down a summoner spell (because they have Smite).
I hope you guys consider more tests in with IBG(rushed) corki. I like the idea of getting that early sheen on corki, and then having a flexible path on either building Triforce or IBG. I think both are interesting, but would definitely like to see IBG over triforce for testing. I think most people already know triforce works well with corki. On the other hand, IBG is a pretty big part of what people call the blue build. Both Triforce and IBG have interesting build up items as well.
What I am most interested in, is the timing related to this build. You can go IBG, and start up a vamp scepter(which starts your next item, BT or BOTRK). This is around 200g more than a triforce rush, but seems(to me) to be more interesting for that second big item
Why would you want to go IBG over Triforce on blue corki? The only point of the IBG is the slow, but corki can only apply it with autos unlike blue ezreal. If you are going to be in auto range then Tri does significantly more damage and still has slow.
Tankiness, consistency, wave clear, CDR, and cost. I actually rushed Glacial in the games where my Blue Corki mid was against ADs like Zed and Kha'zix. The tankiness of Glacial meant they couldn't 0-100 me, the consistency of the slow made it easy for me to punish them for trying, the wave clear meant I could constantly shove and roam, Corki loves CDR, and IBG is also 600 gold cheaper than Trinity.
That's not to say IBG is always better than Trinity, but there's more to the item than the slow.
Roaming/jungle twitch is really nice, unless lanes push too hard. Red + Elder lizard + passive = lots of true damage ticking. Clear speed is a little slow, so dunno how he would handle invades... I've experienced it too, on the enemy team. Low level of play though, but yeah, it can work. Also: ignite instead of flash :D
Have you guys tryed blue corki without the tear? It feels like a very weak item on corki because of how long it takes to stack now and the fact that corki only procs.muramana with autos. Ibg + elder lizard is what i found to be very strong because it allows you to spam your spells. I usually get 1 or 2 dorans, bruta, sheen and then elder lizard. At this point your strenght is comparable to the other adc, but the ramp up is smoother because of the low cost items. When you get cleaver ibg, you add alot of utility to the team with the e-cleaver supershred inside the slow field. Your damage is also heavy on the magic side
I wouldn't say it is weak, you can spam all day long with tear. Phosphorous bomb does cost quite a bit of mana still, even if his missiles are cheaper. It probably is feasible to skip tear now that his missile costs are lower though.
At level 18 with Tear and Trinity Force it gives Corki 71 AD, plus the Muramana toggle.
Given that Corki likes flat AD a lot and does really need some sort of mana from somewhere, I feel like it's still a good buy.
I wonder if you could just get the tear and not finish Manamune till after you have Trinity, BT and Black Cleaver.
However, if SotEL gave him enough mana regen to cope with his spamming by itself, the true damage proc would actually give more damage to his spells than a fully stacked Muramana would, and gives CDR. So I suppose we need to do a test of how much mana regen Corki needs to spam all day.