Some time after I finish testing all 109 champions for jungle capability (I'm up to the Ns, I stopped at Nami because the bug was too funny) I'll have to go back and revisit some of the more promising ones for mana dependency. An otherwise good jungler can go down the tubes fast if they're super-blue dependent.
Jungle Nasus might be better discussed in the jungle thread.
I'm thinking that Annie might be a good alternative to Ryze/Cass in our AP duo compositions. The key reason being that unlike other AP champions she has two low cooldown abilities. It's not quite up there with the rapid fire assault Ryze and Cass provide, but it's close. With 40% CDR Annie throws Qs every 2.4 seconds and Ws every 4.8, with her E up for 5 out of every 6 seconds. The threat of her stun is also huge whether bottom or in a 2v1 lane. She's also adorable.
I need to spend some time examining other options, but there really are very few who even come close.
any idea of viktor ahri kass for bot lane duo carry?
Good job doing that research on all the heros for jungle capability. I'll be very very interested in seeing that.
I was gonna say.
You know who another sustain AP is for an AP duo lane?
Morde jungle was true terror in S2 when I tried it, no guarantees it works now though, and it was during free week so I didn't get to do it much. You just farm and kill whenever ult is up.
True terror: teemo twitch bot lane. Try engaging that shit.
On February 05 2013 10:45 Sermokala wrote: any idea of viktor ahri kass for bot lane duo carry?
Good job doing that research on all the heros for jungle capability. I'll be very very interested in seeing that.
i wouldn't run any of those as duo over ryze/cass/annie. Kass is just a terrible idea.
On February 05 2013 12:08 LazyFailKid wrote: Morde jungle was true terror in S2 when I tried it, no guarantees it works now though, and it was during free week so I didn't get to do it much. You just farm and kill whenever ult is up.
except his ganks are like garbage can tier, no gap closer, no CC whatsoever, poor range, and crap survivability when he shows up in lane with no shield.
So I was reading the General Discussion thread and there was a decent discussion on Nasus. It got me thinking about comps with Nasus in them. I know his Q crit is crazy now, but even if it gets fixed, I still think this might be worth trying.
And small disclaimer, I am not a good league player, and I am now in the small African country of Lesotho for the next 2 years - so no I haven't tested this and no I won't be able to test it, sorry!
But while I am here volunteering as a teacher, I do have some downtime to read TL on my blackberry. I try and follow the scene (and sc2) with leaguepedia, TL, and other sites. Anyway, I just thought about a Nasus based comp/strat that went something like this:
Top: Nasus
Jungle: Pre-6 strong jungler like a Xin, Lee, etc...
Mid: A strong initiator would be good. Maybe a Karthus, Cass, Zyra, Diana, even Eve. Ryze might be good too. Ryze + Nasus late game would be unstoppable.
Bot: I think Cait/Nunu would be very good because they have great escapes and can push to tower fairly safely.
Strat: The idea is for the jungler to camp top and mid and let bot survive on their own. Gank top early and prioritize it over mid. This will let two things happen. The enemy jungler will try and camp bot, who with lots of wards and traps should be able to be safe while pushing hard. OR the enemy jungler will camp top to try and countergank, in which case it becomes a pseudo 2v2 lane, and allows for bot lane to push hard, take towers and roam. You can even use non mana dependent mids such as Kat or Ken and depending on what side you spawn, you can give top/bot blue buff. I am not sure how this comp would handle lane switches. I feel like a lane switch against this comp would really screw Nasus.
In any case. This is just me daydreaming on my porch after a long day of school. I'd love to see if it was any good!
On February 05 2013 06:50 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On February 05 2013 06:06 Duvon wrote: Thoughts on a couple of thoughts of the last pages:
Sustain team, you really need targettable damage reduction or tanks with excellent regeneration, or someone will get picked off sooner or later. Meanwhile, also needing (preferably ranged) tower siege.
AP Ezrael in my mind falls on that last part too, there are a lot of good AP heroes, but only a few ranged tower killers. (Though I agree, it's really cool with AP Ez) You mean not unlike Dig's Lulu/Soraka/Mundo/Kog/Janna or Taric? It wouldn't work as well since shields work better with resists, same with heals and Lulu's ult, and s3 came round the corner. It was really hilarious though. Wasn't my idea initially, but reading it I quite like it. Karma though, with both sustaining heal and targettable well-scaling shield... Add Alistar (tower tank) and Janna or Lulu or Lux, and I'm smelling something... Might just be blitzcrank pulling the team apart, Zyra stunning everybody or Ms Fortune just killing things.
Nasus CAN at least farm under turret thanks to lifesteal / Q when he's laneswapped, but I think he's extremely susceptible to getting tower dove. Maybe if you level E more with 1 point Q. Yeah, you won't get as much Q farm, but you'll still have a tower 5 minutes into the game.
Teemo-Lulu bot lane.
So much harass and poke any AD will want to rip their hair out, while having immense synergy between lulu W and teemo Q - Also cupcakes and shrooms.
So, after many games of training, I can testify Monte's Trynda idea is... Incredibly good :
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Uv8QNMu.jpg)
How should I report about it ? Would some of you guys like an in depth guide ?
Well, we already have the Math behind it. I think the differences when playing him should be enough.
On February 06 2013 01:41 mr_tolkien wrote:So, after many games of training, I can testify Monte's Trynda idea is... Incredibly good : ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Uv8QNMu.jpg) How should I report about it ? Would some of you guys like an in depth guide ? Definitely. Some context would also be really nice, because we can't tell for certain just based on your match history how each game went. (ie were you camped by jungler, did you get carried, did you roll over your lane, etc)
Well I'm Gold I, in my Bo5 to get plat atm. I uploaded those 6 replays (search mrtolkien in lolreplays).
I can upload the replays for sure, but as an example for the last game I got ganked a few times by a Maokai and played constantly pushed to tower against a Vlad until the 20th minute, falling pretty far behind in cs, but I survived lane, and with good focus in teamfights and split pushing, came back in it. I'm still very much training with Trynda, but I'll try to climb up to at least Plat III and have more than 100 games with him before writing a guide. I'll begin working on it this week though.
I didn't see any specific discussion on this but I would like to hear your thoughts on a double wota bot lane. Since it builds off a kage's you could have the "carry" rush revolver and support rush kage's. Probably work best as some kind of bully/sustain lane. Vlad and Mordekaiser jump immediately to mind as potential carries, Vlad for sustain or Mordekaiser for bully. General idea would be to bully the opposing duo lane while wearing them down. If done right your own sustain would allow you to stay in lane indefinitely while they after to back after a burst combo.
mr_tolkien is a boss and highly valued member of T.R.O.L.L.S. It's always awesome seeing a theory succeed in practical scenarios.
WotA is 2550g. Most solos finish that just before laning ends unless they're fed. With two champions trying to rush it, both in the same lane, neither is going to be done in time for any lane bullying that wouldn't have occurred regardless of what you wanted to build.
For those of you speaking French : the theme of my emission tonight will be Monte's Trynda ! Runes/masteries/gameplan + 2 games. If curious, it's on in around 10 minutes at http://www.twitch.tv/ogamingtv .
On February 06 2013 07:21 mr_tolkien wrote:For those of you speaking French : the theme of my emission tonight will be Monte's Trynda ! Runes/masteries/gameplan + 2 games. If curious, it's on in around 10 minutes at http://www.twitch.tv/ogamingtv . Is that Trynd starting AP to be strong as shit early game, and then building regular Trynd stuff afterwards?
I believe that's what he was referring to when he called it "Monte's Trynd idea".