he clears pretty well, ganks well, but doesn't scale that well later as xin (or at least for low farm) and doesn't really gank any better than xin either
[Champion] Jax - Page 36
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Ireland23335 Posts
he clears pretty well, ganks well, but doesn't scale that well later as xin (or at least for low farm) and doesn't really gank any better than xin either | ||
United States33802 Posts
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22 Posts
On February 06 2013 23:37 Requizen wrote: You also can't take tier lists too seriously. I like Stonewall well enough, but often times it looks like his "top tier" junglers just include the FotM ones and the ones he likes to play, so good/underplayed junglers just get shoved off, only to occasionally jump up to Tier 1 as soon as someone wins a couple games as them. same i look up to stonewall and i learnt how to jungle through his videos, but his tier system is not too fair because jax was tier 2 in the Vi Era and he said that jax was pretty good | ||
22 Posts
On February 06 2013 18:34 Slayer91 wrote: the problem with jungle jax mostly is that theres this champion called xin zhao he clears pretty well, ganks well, but doesn't scale that well later as xin (or at least for low farm) and doesn't really gank any better than xin either jax will win 1v1 vs xin zhao anyday. just spam e as soon as it comes up and ult to troll haha. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Australia2003 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
On February 08 2013 09:34 Jaydosu wrote: jax will win 1v1 vs xin zhao anyday. just spam e as soon as it comes up and ult to troll haha. what an awkward time to try and pull the "NUH UH my champ can beat your champ!" argument, rofl. what are you, 5? | ||
United States1306 Posts
holy. fucking. shit. I'm in love with him now. my scores in the 4 games i've played as him: 8/4/6 11/1/3 6/3/4 17/5/18 he's totally my style of champion, a tanky dps, but you don't need to build defensive stats on him with his ult and CRAZY amounts of health. i've been going boots->gunblade->botrk->triforce to start and improvising from there. | ||
France45622 Posts
I tried opening negatron against a Vlad but despite the 100+ MR I felt like I was taking much more damage than I was dealing too. And rushing triforce feels strange now, esp. with the higher cost sustain, the nerf to phage's cost, and stuff. Plus all those damn mass sustain openings make you run oom so fast if you everr have to trade pre-6 (and even post, it's just that you usually don't really wanna trade pre-6). | ||
United States8519 Posts
Vlad is just a little prick tho, if you can't kill him early its usually miserable for quite a while. | ||
France45622 Posts
And yeah, I guess I'll fall back to dblades, vamp doesn't give enough damage and is still pretty shit sustain, I'll try building dblades before going for phage, sheen or cutlass depending on lane. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
jax has very strong kill potential at all points in the lane | ||
France45622 Posts
Ideally, I'd want to bait Kayle's E, or wait for her to push with it, and jump her as soon as it's finished (or about to), so I can actually out-dps her. And probably pop E is she tries to Q me, so I can stun her and get some more hits before the slow lets her run away. However, it's still hard to fight because with her pushing power she'll almost always have the creep advantage, especially since she usually uses E either when she gets to Q you, or when the wave arrives, so by the time it's over she'll have a big creep advantage anyway. She can also just W herself if you don't stun her when jumping, and she'll simply run away. On top of that the fact that she usually wants sorcs makes it not as detrimental item-wise for her to get early boots/boots2, so pre-phage it's excruciatingly hard to stick on her after Leap strike (baiting E is a thing, but Q only has 8s cd so it's much harder). She can push the wave pretty fast, and as long as she has wards to avoid ganks she is also able to easily clear at tower without exposing herself using E, and harass you without drawing tower aggro using Q (the combo of range + slow projectile speed makes it pretty easy for her to play with the tower's range). Jax's burst with Sheen should be much stronger, and his ability to stick to her with Phage if he can stun her through her Q's duration should be enough to force her ult whenever he manages to do it. But I found it very hard not to be outfarmed because of the tower shove (my shitty mechanics at work; I'm not a lover of Jax's animation but even if it's slower than most it's not bad either), and taking too much damage trying to farm because of her Q, and the random E swings if I get too close while trying to get exp when the wave isn't at tower yet. I also probably shouldn't go full consumables then 2 dblades, it delays my core way too much. If I go full consumables, I should at least be able to last until 6 to start getting "true" items afterwards, rather than keep getting pots (and not have enough money when backing for a ward+flask). Am I in that bad a form (Kayle wasn't doing anything intricate or big plays or stuff, if anything he spammed stuff on cd, including ult if I ever jumped him, just to run away without retaliating), or is it a Kayle lane and it's more important to focus on farming and stuff and wait a whole lot before trying to fight back (even with phage against sorcs+pick I lost trades because of her shoving)? | ||
26 Posts
I believe that Hashinshin says that Jax is easy to consistently disrupt during teamfights. Does anyone have a lot of experience dealing with this? So far I've found a lot of success in flanking the enemy to cut straight into the backline, but it's not always a realistic option. Splitpushing is also pretty effective, but for that I'd rather pick Shen. Also, a sidenote--it's probably been said, but Jax's post-6 auto attacks sound way too cool. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On April 16 2013 15:13 TheLastRaven wrote: Hey does anyone else have a hard time in teamfights with Jax against high CC teams? Generally I pick him only because his post-6 laning phase is a piece of cake. I know that he becomes a 1v1 monster come late game, but as someone 100% reliant on autoattacks he feels incredibly easy to shut down in a full blown 5v5. In a typical teamfight I wait for someone to get initiated on, ulti, and w-q into whichever carry is more fed. Though this approach tears through teams in normal games, in ranked it feels awkward and completely reliant on farm. If I won laning phase hard enough, I kill the carry. If I lost laning phase, I die. It's not like Wukong for example, where no matter what I can make a difference. Or Irelia, who sticks to carries so much better than does Jax. I believe that Hashinshin says that Jax is easy to consistently disrupt during teamfights. Does anyone have a lot of experience dealing with this? So far I've found a lot of success in flanking the enemy to cut straight into the backline, but it's not always a realistic option. Splitpushing is also pretty effective, but for that I'd rather pick Shen. Also, a sidenote--it's probably been said, but Jax's post-6 auto attacks sound way too cool. If you are afraid of being CC'd (and you should be sometimes) just stay in the middle of your team and serve as a scary deterrent to divers and save leap until after the first volley. Then you can kinda serve as the Bruiser version of a Ryze or an AD Carry and put out sustained damage. He is not a burst champ. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
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26 Posts
On April 16 2013 15:26 cLutZ wrote: If you are afraid of being CC'd (and you should be sometimes) just stay in the middle of your team and serve as a scary deterrent to divers and save leap until after the first volley. Then you can kinda serve as the Bruiser version of a Ryze or an AD Carry and put out sustained damage. He is not a burst champ. I've tried this approach too, but I end up becoming an easy target for the enemy backline. Jax isn't a burst champ, but he isn't a tank either. Even a sustained damage carry as tanky as Ryze tries to stay as far back as possible. Of course, I might not be doing it right. At what elo is your approach working? | ||
France45622 Posts
But yeah, like Irelia Jax is a diver/anticarry, but not an initiator by any teams (the AoE and duration of E are pretty light for this, though some champs with similar abilities can still pile up on top of you for 2nd rate initiation I guess), so you'd prefer to wait till the big stuff flies out and then go 1v1. I really like CDR as a defensive stat comes late game, because shorter CD on E is huge for your survivability against autoattack carries, and shorter CD on Q means you can also escape more easily/react to a turnaround faster, provided that you have a target to leap to. And thanks for the opinion on the Kayle match-up. As for AP Jax, starting revolver sounds like it'd make you get smashed by aggressive laners compared to cutlass (which I dislike personally) or phage with dblade(s). The sustain is also pretty weak since you only get it every 3rd auto unless you use your spells. How do you survive lanes like Renekton, Riven, Jayce? | ||
Canada5484 Posts
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