On February 01 2012 16:15 starfries wrote: Wellll... if you're not sick of hearing from me, I think everyone should build Wit's End. Like wtf, it's so good on Jax. His ult scales with attack speed, his passive scales with attack speed (the faster you attack the faster you stack it), the proc synergizes with his passive and with his two autoattack resets. And the only real drawback for most champions is that Wit's End does magic damage which doesn't work with crit and armor pen, but Jax doesn't give a fuck since he does tons of magic damage anyways. I don't think it's so good. I rather just build AP on him. Wits end just feels like it doesn't deal nearly enough damage. ¨
I prefer stuff like WotA, Rylai, Deathcap, maybe Abyssal and Hourglass. Need to also test Nashors as it should be good.
By the way, in lane you harrass like this after patch: Q up to them, hit them. if they attack back, E and stun whenever they turn around and hit hit W animation cancel hit. If they run away, hit again if you can, if not E, then do hit, hit and cancel animation with W and run away. Repeat every time E is up.
I haven't done well with jax at all so far, I think I'm playing him really poorly. I feel like what I've got is, basically, yi, except with much better laning and (significantly) no cooldown reset. He has about the same sticking power, a bit less maybe, and the same feeling of powerful right click bursting.
On February 01 2012 17:43 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2012 16:15 starfries wrote: Wellll... if you're not sick of hearing from me, I think everyone should build Wit's End. Like wtf, it's so good on Jax. His ult scales with attack speed, his passive scales with attack speed (the faster you attack the faster you stack it), the proc synergizes with his passive and with his two autoattack resets. And the only real drawback for most champions is that Wit's End does magic damage which doesn't work with crit and armor pen, but Jax doesn't give a fuck since he does tons of magic damage anyways. I don't think it's so good. I rather just build AP on him. Wits end just feels like it doesn't deal nearly enough damage. ¨ I prefer stuff like WotA, Rylai, Deathcap, maybe Abyssal and Hourglass. Need to also test Nashors as it should be good. By the way, in lane you harrass like this after patch: Q up to them, hit them. if they attack back, E and stun whenever they turn around and hit hit W animation cancel hit. If they run away, hit again if you can, if not E, then do hit, hit and cancel animation with W and run away. Repeat every time E is up. eh in lane I just walk up to them and start hitting them with W. If they fight back or I pull lots of minion aggro I turn on E. If they try and run at this point I jump after them with Q and proc the stun, then run away. If they're not faster, I don't even need to jump after them, I just walk beside them until the stun pops.
Everybody here should try 0 damage item (or just a rageblade) Jax with Surge. Go full tanky, pop ult and Surge and teamfights, do more damage than an AD carry.
But you'll have a very weak laning phase >.>
Getting on when I get home, how are the buffs? Affect the build at all?
Changes are pretty darn good. CS change is really noticable, so is the ult buff. I just did a simple Wriggle-Mercs-Gunblade-tanky items. I felt pretty darn strong..
On February 01 2012 17:43 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2012 16:15 starfries wrote: Wellll... if you're not sick of hearing from me, I think everyone should build Wit's End. Like wtf, it's so good on Jax. His ult scales with attack speed, his passive scales with attack speed (the faster you attack the faster you stack it), the proc synergizes with his passive and with his two autoattack resets. And the only real drawback for most champions is that Wit's End does magic damage which doesn't work with crit and armor pen, but Jax doesn't give a fuck since he does tons of magic damage anyways. I don't think it's so good. I rather just build AP on him. Wits end just feels like it doesn't deal nearly enough damage. ¨ I prefer stuff like WotA, Rylai, Deathcap, maybe Abyssal and Hourglass. Need to also test Nashors as it should be good. By the way, in lane you harrass like this after patch: Q up to them, hit them. if they attack back, E and stun whenever they turn around and hit hit W animation cancel hit. If they run away, hit again if you can, if not E, then do hit, hit and cancel animation with W and run away. Repeat every time E is up.
what do you mean by 'hit hit W animation cancel hit'?
On February 02 2012 11:48 snowbird wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2012 17:43 Shikyo wrote:On February 01 2012 16:15 starfries wrote: Wellll... if you're not sick of hearing from me, I think everyone should build Wit's End. Like wtf, it's so good on Jax. His ult scales with attack speed, his passive scales with attack speed (the faster you attack the faster you stack it), the proc synergizes with his passive and with his two autoattack resets. And the only real drawback for most champions is that Wit's End does magic damage which doesn't work with crit and armor pen, but Jax doesn't give a fuck since he does tons of magic damage anyways. I don't think it's so good. I rather just build AP on him. Wits end just feels like it doesn't deal nearly enough damage. ¨ I prefer stuff like WotA, Rylai, Deathcap, maybe Abyssal and Hourglass. Need to also test Nashors as it should be good. By the way, in lane you harrass like this after patch: Q up to them, hit them. if they attack back, E and stun whenever they turn around and hit hit W animation cancel hit. If they run away, hit again if you can, if not E, then do hit, hit and cancel animation with W and run away. Repeat every time E is up. what do you mean by 'hit hit W animation cancel hit'?
he means reset the attack timer with W as soon as your attack lands, if I understand the phrasing his advice in that section would involve the following steps
- Right click them - As soon as they receive damage hit W and instantly hit them again - Stay in there for one more (normal timing) swing
whattttt... that's very interesting. Are you sure it's a full reset?
WHOA. Two full resets on Jax now?
I dont think E resets. It's just that the animation for his E is pretty long so it seems like a reset. Not 100% sure, but that's what I've gathered.
just tried it out in game and it's bullshit
bullshit as in it works or bullshit as in it doesn't?
i'll have to try playing Jax some more. prolly W max then E max with 1 point in Q. going wriggles->tanky. maybe a triforce or gunblade if I'm doing well.
It doesn't work. As far as I've seen you even need to attack again after pressing E or he'll just play the twirling animation without attacking until the stun. What do people think of Spirit Visage on him? He seems to rely a lot on sustain (wriggles/GB and stuff) and SV provides HP, MR and some CDR, without being exceedingly expensive. One game where I managed to get really fed (came from the jungle, had to farm a lot because we had Kennen-Galio-Nida on top and a ragequitter Urgot so less sharing to do) I built wriggles-mercs-triforce-gunblade-guardian angel-qss (enemy team had Galio and Fiddle amongst others), the only thing that allowed them to stop me was Fiddle getting a zhonya, or I'd melt him even through his 600+ AP ult.
People seriously underestimate how bloody hard Jax hits and how strong his E is. I'll dive in on a full target (myself at half) and easily explode them with just the R->QEW combo.
@Alaric: I don't know if I'd go TF first over Gunblade. I think the damage and sustain on GB makes it superior to TF with Jax's kit, as his burst and sustained damage with the lifesteal/vamp makes him terrifying to 1v1. The think I like about TF is the utility (MS, Sheen/Phage procs), but when your job is to jump in and wreck things, I never felt TF as super necessary.
Moved over from the GD thread...
On February 02 2012 19:00 mr_tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On February 02 2012 18:50 starfries wrote:On February 02 2012 18:39 mr_tolkien wrote:On February 02 2012 17:33 Ryuu314 wrote: I don't think Jax is OP at all. I think he's still underwhelming. Sure he can do tons of damage, but his laning is weak as hell and he still requires a shitton of farm to get the ball rolling. I honestly don't see him being all that strong/viable in competitive play especially since the metagame is pretty geared towards early-mid game domination. I think people with Jax still think you need to build damage to melt faces. Once they'll get that you don't need this at ALL, Jax will be perma ban status. He still does get abused in lane early on though because of the long cd on his E and I don't think that will change. You have to be really clever about when you use it or people will bait it out and then destroy you while it's down. Once you hit 7ish you become really scary and you can chunk people hard enough that they won't even want to eat a single E so the cooldown doesn't matter too much anymore. But he does have weak matchups (more so than say, Irelia or GP) so I think that will keep him down. E ? Lane with W and win every trade with a double empowered hit. Open cloth 5 and outlast them if they didn't. If they did open cloth 5, just farm and destroy them post 6. His damage output is just crazy while building full def with full defensive masteries as well. I don't get it. Against who? I'm not saying max E, I'm saying that if you don't have E up and just try and auto W, pretty much everyone will win the trade before 6. Riven's combo will outdamage your double hit. Irelia has her own auto reset and with her W on she will outdamage you too since she can stick to you, although you win if you can successfully disengage. Tryndamere beats you if he has fury up. You can outtrade him if he doesn't have fury, but pretty much anyone can beat a Trynd without fury. You can't do much to GP. Garen will terror you when your E is down, although he can't hit you, you can't really go near. I'm not sure if E blocks Renekton's stun (I think you still get stunned but don't take damage) but you definitely lose with only W, maybe go even with E.
I think the idea is that they're just stating the obvious: max W first. If you engage when Q and E (and eventually R) is up, if your W is leveled up, you win every trade. Period. Jump - Counter - W, especially if you have a Wriggles, allows you to trade evenly to victoriously every single time.
On February 03 2012 00:17 Requizen wrote: @Alaric: I don't know if I'd go TF first over Gunblade. I think the damage and sustain on GB makes it superior to TF with Jax's kit, as his burst and sustained damage with the lifesteal/vamp makes him terrifying to 1v1. The think I like about TF is the utility (MS, Sheen/Phage procs), but when your job is to jump in and wreck things, I never felt TF as super necessary.
That was the final item build, not the order ; I like to buy components as needed, and I'll usually get revolver after wriggles-mercs if I'm doing great, phage if only reasonaly well (get some buffer HP before the spellvamp), or a resists item (based on what hurts me) if I'm behind. I also prefer to finish TF than GB from that point if I'm doing well as I feel I don't need the improved sustain immediatly.
If you can always trade on your terms, then sure. But the CD on counterstrike is long enough that smart opponents will abuse the window when your counterstrike is down and either force shitty trades or make you miss CS.