On March 05 2011 21:53 BluzMan wrote: I lol'ed at "I told him to come and he never came". He said it in such voice as if even he didn't believe it. I was going to take mid after wraiths and then he stopped backing and died :/
yea, no idea why he stopped backing, I wasn't about to flash in blindly so stopping his B right as we got vision on him was retarded IMHO.
just bought jarvan and am having so much fun with him his e-q knockup combo is so much fun and early game nukes for so much damage (didnt find out about smartcast until i read this thread)
his ult is a lot of fun as well. TRYIN TO TOWERDIVE? EAT TOWERSHOTS IN MY ARENA i love building frozen mallet and tiamat on jarvan the frozen mallet for the 700HP/20AD and the slow and tiamat for the 50 AD and HP regen. both great early game items
i get berserker greaves for the 25% attack speed and from there it depends on the opponent compo
if they're armor heavy i get a last whisper and start building towards IE if they're really squishy i build another tiamat and go towards IE
since jarvan's a great initiator (so much cc) i try to beef him up with a frozen heart or GA.
my build for jarvan : dorans blade berserker greaves phage tiamat frozen mallet tiamat BF sword GA IE/Bloodthirster
i get flash/ghost on him so i can chase down and ult heroes running away. i dunno how well his ult scales on AD but with 2 tiamats and an IE they'll die before the arena clears
what do you run for your runes? I really like the build a lot, but I think my runes are too nooby for it, early game just feels wrong.
Oh lord, this guide seems so cool! I always wondered how can you help Jarvan's early game and here is the solution - if you buy both mallet and tiamat you have great early game, yay!
Anyone care to give some anti-Jarvan advice? I feel like I always lose when the enemy team has him, basically how to counter him. Obviously his ult is vulnerable to blink skills but other than that he just does so much damage for such a tanky char and with the knockup he feels like xin on steroids.
He's usually either fairly squishy or fairly harmless. Identify which he is and focus accordingly.
Tiamat into Mallet earlygame too good. Get dangerous fast. Double Tiamats to cause havoc with ult does have a nice, Calle-esque ting to it. Maybe better to amp your lategame up some more, and go quadruple, tho.
I tried a few games on a build that Locodoco suggests that is imba, 2-3HOG>sunfire/banshee>atmas 0/21/9, maybe i haven't been playing it correctly, i just felt like it was weak till the point u get atma to dish out some dmg, otherwise, after ur ulti and i feel pretty useless if no one is focusing me...
please enlighten me.
On March 11 2011 15:08 Shizuru~ wrote: I tried a few games on a build that Locodoco suggests that is imba, 2-3HOG>sunfire/banshee>atmas 0/21/9, maybe i haven't been playing it correctly, i just felt like it was weak till the point u get atma to dish out some dmg, otherwise, after ur ulti and i feel pretty useless if no one is focusing me...
please enlighten me. his base damage is pretty alright, so if you do QEQWQR -> R > Q > W > E and spec straight tank you can do pretty well for yourself by just running around like an idiot CCing people and whacking them with your passive. It plays sorta like how Garen plays, but with better CC and single target damage, worse AoE and no Garen ult. This is where my builds started with jarman but I'm not really a big fan anymore.
Nowadays I like ghostblade -> tanky. Most jungle games look like Wriggles -> Ghostblade -> Banshee's + GA, and most lane games look like Brutalizer -> Banshee's/Funfire -> Ghostblade -> Funfire/Banshee's -> Atma's. Your Q does some pretty sillytarded damage with a brutalizer and I like having that lethality early.
Trinity is also really blown out of proportion on Jarman. It's pretty good, but it's not omgwtfbbq awesome like some people seem to think.
Also, I'll be updated the guide with a weeks worth of extra experience sometime soon.
his ulti is really buggy for me, the wall generated sometimes does not trap the target within it, some times only myself i alone in it, and some times people can move/glitch through the walls.... and some times there isn't even walls that shows up -.-
On March 12 2011 14:41 Shizuru~ wrote: his ulti is really buggy for me, the wall generated sometimes does not trap the target within it, some times only myself i alone in it, and some times people can move/glitch through the walls.... and some times there isn't even walls that shows up -.-
I often flash just around the time Jarman ults me and I end up inside the wall, Jarman outside it. Seems to leave them confused.
Korea (South)922 Posts
On March 09 2011 05:26 PBC wrote: just bought jarvan and am having so much fun with him his e-q knockup combo is so much fun and early game nukes for so much damage (didnt find out about smartcast until i read this thread)
his ult is a lot of fun as well. TRYIN TO TOWERDIVE? EAT TOWERSHOTS IN MY ARENA i love building frozen mallet and tiamat on jarvan the frozen mallet for the 700HP/20AD and the slow and tiamat for the 50 AD and HP regen. both great early game items
i get berserker greaves for the 25% attack speed and from there it depends on the opponent compo
if they're armor heavy i get a last whisper and start building towards IE if they're really squishy i build another tiamat and go towards IE
since jarvan's a great initiator (so much cc) i try to beef him up with a frozen heart or GA.
my build for jarvan : dorans blade berserker greaves phage tiamat frozen mallet tiamat BF sword GA IE/Bloodthirster
i get flash/ghost on him so i can chase down and ult heroes running away. i dunno how well his ult scales on AD but with 2 tiamats and an IE they'll die before the arena clears u should post this on leaguecraft. will get so many upvotes.
On March 12 2011 18:35 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On March 12 2011 14:41 Shizuru~ wrote: his ulti is really buggy for me, the wall generated sometimes does not trap the target within it, some times only myself i alone in it, and some times people can move/glitch through the walls.... and some times there isn't even walls that shows up -.-
I often flash just around the time Jarman ults me and I end up inside the wall, Jarman outside it. Seems to leave them confused.
i'm competent enough to tell if they flashed or simply walked out of the arena...
did some testing today and figured out something, if u cast ulti on some1 with banshee or morg shield shield on, u will jump to the target but nothing else happens, no demacian glory. If the target is running away in a straight line if u cast ur ulti, depending on their move speed, because of the nature of the ulti has like 1-2 second delay before the wall is actually up, they can escape in time before the arena wall shows up even if u cast on them on time...
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Holy hell I just played him for the first time.
Didn't even go practice, nothing, just went and played. Went 10-1 ffs. This hero is retardedly OP. Like retardedly, people I meet who play him don't even understand that. I was collecting kills with purely tank items, and dove nexus turrets (successfully, picked up a double kill) with my ultimate when mid tower wasn't even down. He deals so much damage with pure tank items and farms like a beast. Think of it, this hero has tanky base stats, a guaranteed sheen proc (stronger than Sheen actually), 3 AoE disables, a shield that has 450 HP (150% of Sion) with 0 AP, 2 leaps one of which may be used defensively and 2 AoE nukes to afk farm 1000 creepwaves. Did I mention armor reduction, a retarded DPS steroid and laughable manacosts lol? I don't know who designed him, but I fear had he been given at least a bit more freedom, Jarvan would be ranged. But what the hell, he is ranged already with his instant-hitting Q and E that cost no mana.
Glad you can call him op after playing him once.
God damn, I must be bad at E->Qing people who are standing right next to the fucking banner.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
i dont even press Q E or W, just afk in spawn until my ult is up again then make the motion he does irl.
Remove pantheon from the game and make Jarvan ult global imo.
edit: also make the arena bigger so that he can be sure to trap the enemy team into a 1v5 that they will lose.