On June 03 2019 05:30 Uldridge wrote: I really loved Deathfire grasp. Using it on midlane Eve or Akali, with gunblade. It was so much fun trying to blow people up. Which one? You're talking about Eve so I'm assuming it's the % total HP nuke that scaled with AP.
I remember the first one, %damage amp that you'd build on Veigar.
My favourite builds were probably the utility junglers that actually wanted Shurelya for the active, like Maokai punishing mispositioning, or Mundo running people down with cleavers and FoN providing movement speed. Also Olaf during s2 an early s3, when W provided AD instead of AS, and his ult flat ArPen instead of AD, so you could build a single damage item then tank from lane (he could jungle too but his clear was more dangerous compared to new W), and you actually both felt like an actual threat during your ult, and capable of dueling people because at low health the combo of very high AS, high bonus AD and lifesteal made you hard to finish off in long grindy fights without burst damage.
Also Jax. Not even the one from %dodge runes + %dodge on E (I barely played him before the E rework and didn't get to experiment the glory days), just the actually tanky one who was great at scrap figthing with og Gunblade. His kit didn't change that significantly from then, he hasn't really been nerfed in terms of numbers of utility and stuff. However the number of champions with aa modifications or aa-based spells and the amount of things that go straight through his dodge (amongst the popular laners of the time Riven was the big one since her numbers were even more overtuned and her passive meant that her autoattacks pretty much ignored E, dunno if that's still the case), mobility creep and item changes hurt him more.
Overall you could it sum up with actual juggernauts and tanks before the "class rework", with initiation tools and staying power that relied on picking your timing to enter fights and tailoring your build to the opposing team.
Pre-rework Viktor was fun too. Overall weaker, sure, but his strengths and weaknesses were better defined (and his passive gave him a distinct power curve) and I enjoyed using his unpopularity to surprise people. His highs were higher in terms of strength so it was more satisfying to make an impact at the right timing.
Building Locket 2nd item on Wukong top because he was good at getting ahead in lane and from there you didn't need to keep building damage. An item with CDR, HP and an aura to transfer your lead to the rest of your team (especially since the soloQ consensus at the time was "build locket on junglers only, if at all") did everything you wanted: more spells to nuke people, more health to synergise with the 24~40 resistances buff when you dive in, keep your team alive so you don't ever have to 1v5.
On June 03 2019 05:21 AdsMoFro wrote: Speaking of throwbacks. I was reminded of my Diana 1-trick days. Crystalline flask into double dorans into abyssal mask. What a classic build. Playing Diana now feels so bad ;(
What are everyone's fav old items/old iterations of items? Shurelia and Heart of Gold in it's own right by far.
For older builds I really liked when shurelia+boots was full build on support. I dont know why but I really liked it back when you had so little to work with, you sort of had to play smarter to be impactful?
Tank Kat was probably the most fun besides the old TP/Smite toplane bruiser vs bruiser meta.
On June 03 2019 05:28 Sent. wrote: It's not that old and not exactly optimal but rushing the old Banner of Command against Singed was quite fun.
Rushing Banner against Singed was even more fun.  edit: I cannot read
Meta-golem (Trinity, Atma's, Warmogs, Frozen mallet) Gangplank.
I miss old Graves and going BT first on ADC. The current meta encourages AS builds, and while I do enjoy it, I do sometimes like thinking back to the days where it was possible to lane against Sona/Soraka without fear of being seriously out sustained if you don't murder them.
Diana is garbage now. OTP Diana's do exist in D1+ EUW, so I think she's playable. She's a bit like Kassadin, if you give her a finger she'll murder everything on the map and become undealable unless you drafted some comp against her.
On June 03 2019 21:43 DarkCore wrote:I miss old Graves and going BT first on ADC. The current meta encourages AS builds, and while I do enjoy it, I do sometimes like thinking back to the days where it was possible to lane against Sona/Soraka without fear of being seriously out sustained if you don't murder them. OTP Diana's do exist in D1+ EUW, so I think she's playable. She's a bit like Kassadin, if you give her a finger she'll murder everything on the map and become undealable unless you drafted some comp against her. Because she can currently RQ and is boom/bust. Riot has no idea wtf they're doing with her.
On June 03 2019 22:50 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2019 21:43 DarkCore wrote:I miss old Graves and going BT first on ADC. The current meta encourages AS builds, and while I do enjoy it, I do sometimes like thinking back to the days where it was possible to lane against Sona/Soraka without fear of being seriously out sustained if you don't murder them. Diana is garbage now. OTP Diana's do exist in D1+ EUW, so I think she's playable. She's a bit like Kassadin, if you give her a finger she'll murder everything on the map and become undealable unless you drafted some comp against her. Because she can currently RQ and is boom/bust. Riot has no idea wtf they're doing with her.
Think she's quite different to Kassadin. Kassadin has a way of simply scaling. Diana is a champ that is required to always be half an item ahead. She has good matchups but if the enemy jungler has half a brain, she's so ez to shut down. Compared to S4/S5 Diana she's just not as fun anymore Also my Diana only account got hacked so that sucked
On June 03 2019 21:43 DarkCore wrote:I miss old Graves and going BT first on ADC. The current meta encourages AS builds, and while I do enjoy it, I do sometimes like thinking back to the days where it was possible to lane against Sona/Soraka without fear of being seriously out sustained if you don't murder them. OTP Diana's do exist in D1+ EUW, so I think she's playable. She's a bit like Kassadin, if you give her a finger she'll murder everything on the map and become undealable unless you drafted some comp against her. A lot of stuff exists at D1 these days, I wouldn't put too much worth on that to be honest.
My point was that if people are able to play her to moderate success (There's a GM Diana with 61% win rate on her, 50% overall though) in high MMR, then she can't be all that bad.
She has good matchups but if the enemy jungler has half a brain, she's so ez to shut down. I agree, but I have seen streams where really good Diana's where getting their ass camped during the laning phase, their opponents never fed them kills in lane, and they still managed to somehow get the ball rolling and dumpstered the game. So I think it's possinle, just requires serious good understanding of the champ (and game ofc).
You just reminded me that I once made a Vayne only account, it's almost lv 30, maybe I'll try to play ranked with it.
Aww man I remember laning with Sivir and Graves and saying "screw kiting and last hitting, I have damage spells to get useful even when I get blown up / missclick besides the enemy hero!"
Why are they so married to realm warp? We have Twisted Fate, Galio, Kench, Panth, Shen, who all do globals, but less broken.
On June 04 2019 07:11 Alaric wrote: Aww man I remember laning with Sivir and Graves and saying "screw kiting and last hitting, I have damage spells to get useful even when I get blown up / missclick besides the enemy hero!"
This is the real reason I played Graves.
On June 03 2019 06:48 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2019 05:30 Uldridge wrote: I really loved Deathfire grasp. Using it on midlane Eve or Akali, with gunblade. It was so much fun trying to blow people up. Which one? You're talking about Eve so I'm assuming it's the % total HP nuke that scaled with AP. I remember the first one, %damage amp that you'd build on Veigar. I seem to recall DFG always had a flat damage part and a damage amp part. Maybe I'm wrong? Anyway, it was S3 that I started to play and WOTA was still in the game.
Alaric is correct the %max hp that scaled with ap was a rework of the original which was an amp.
If I recall the reasoning was dfg was meant to make Assassins not awful vs tanks instead of 100-0 carries on 1 item as it was being used. The end result of this change however was hilarious especially combined with eve ult where you could reach >100% max hp on like 3 items lol
Oh I get it now. The active had AP scaling to its max% damage, woops.
Deals 15% of target champion's maximum health in magic damage (down from 15% of target's current health + 5% per 100 AP ), then amplifies all magic damage they take by 20% for 4 seconds. 60 second cooldown. Is the last iteration of the item before it was removed. And that's from V1.0.0.152, so I've always known it like that. I also seem to recall I've played the little bit it was 120 ap instead of 100, but that's not relevant lol.
The only annoying part with the combo was the range differential, so you had to make sure to get close enough and time the DFG projectile with her instantaneous ult to deal as much damage as possible and run in range for E before they get what's happening and flash away.
Everything else was annoying too, but for the enemy team instead.
Abusing Eve v2 mid is one of my fondest league memories
Maining Vi jungle during the assassin meta was fun. You didn't even have to coordinate with your laners to get ganks off, just keep track of the enemy Zed's / Fizz's / Ahri's ult cd and which side is warded, then walk there a couple seconds early and wait for them to all-in each other. Never failed to ruin the opposing mid's day.
Granted, I was only hovering in high gold at the time, and stuff like minimap buff icons and global objective announcements didn't exist yet, so simple things like timing dragon or knowing routes enough to be able to predict (and call) the opposing jungler's position and likely gank timings were enough to give you a pretty big edge as long as a lane wasn't feeding.
Is casual executioner just required in all Aatrox matchups right now? I feel like I have to run from him until his ult ends even if very ahead.