On July 26 2014 01:38 VayneAuthority wrote: the last time a singed proxy farmed vs me he was annoying for the first 5 mins but then I pushed all the way to nexus basically. he took objectives and stuff like you said in 4v5s at drag but this just allowed me to take their top inhib np since I had so much q farm. not a great strat.
if he is proxy farming you you dont even have a wave to push with lol you'd need obnoxiously high q stacks to solo a full health tower
On July 26 2014 00:25 JimmiC wrote: Thinking about the E max nasus which I have not played. But would it be worth going 0/21/9 for the mana and the biscuits? The move speed would be nice as well. Also what quints do use? Mr vs teemo/ryze or like hybrid pen?
One guy goes 4/13/13 which I think is kind of weird, but it does offer a lot of sustain since you get the 3% lifesteal/spell vamp and he takes the point in wealth for an extra potion to start. You can use move speed, lifesteal or health regen quints.
On July 26 2014 00:25 JimmiC wrote: Thinking about the E max nasus which I have not played. But would it be worth going 0/21/9 for the mana and the biscuits? The move speed would be nice as well. Also what quints do use? Mr vs teemo/ryze or like hybrid pen?
When I play Nasus vs the lanes that "beat" him, I run hybrid reds+quints, E max and 0/21/9. Summoner's Insight and Biscuits are awesome and the massive amount of hybrid runes makes E do a ton of a damage while of sorts make up for the lower Q stacks later.
From my experience it's much easier for an E first Nasus to harass out the sustainless "bullies" after first back (God bless Teleport) that I don't really feel like defensive quints are needed.
On July 26 2014 01:38 VayneAuthority wrote: the last time a singed proxy farmed vs me he was annoying for the first 5 mins but then I pushed all the way to nexus basically. he took objectives and stuff like you said in 4v5s at drag but this just allowed me to take their top inhib np since I had so much q farm. not a great strat.
if he is proxy farming you you dont even have a wave to push with lol you'd need obnoxiously high q stacks to solo a full health tower
You don't need to solo the tower in one wave though. Free farming nasus gets something like +15Q damage per minute for first 10 minutes, and roughly +20-25 per minute after that. I'm pretty sure that once you get a FH(should be first item if unpressured), in about 10-12 minutes, you can walk up, auto Q auto auto auto Q and then let it reset, and you can heal enough off the wave to do it again. Your not in any danger of dying because the singed is off proxy farming, and unlike singed, you can kill towers.
Pretty sure you can do at least 30% tower damage with just 2 Q's and a bunch of autos by 20 minutes, which means eating ~6-7 tower shots. Not that much when you're around 150-200 armor, and you can heal it off next wave.
On July 25 2014 09:17 Slayer91 wrote: he beats jax and trynd in 1v1 split push, he tanks compareably to mundo/shyv and i don't know why you'd call lulu a "semi carry" when she's basically an AP-support and he rekts people like riven in teamfights
he's basically an anti melee champ
i mean ultimately the 95% of the reason you pick a champ is teamfights+laning phase and nasus is okay in laning phase and strong in teamfights in a lot of comps
interesting thing about nasus v s ryze if you do that guys strat of going flask into chalice and maxing E it actually is really strong against ryze because he's super squishy so he can't eat much E harass and he can't do shit if you push the lane hard enough you can legit win against ryze and have like 30 cs up on him it's insane probably good against kennen quinn as well as teemo where he demonstrated it
So just a few thoughts about the Nasus Chalice route vs Quinn. Wouldn't double doran's or Forbidden Idol be more useful in this case? I figure part of why chalice wrecks against Ryze/Teemo is because of the MR chalice provide. This seems to hold true for Kennen too.
However, Quinn is mainly AD, so the MR on chalice would go to waste. The main thing you'd want would be Mana regen. The benefit of Forbidden Idol would be it's cheaper, provides some mana regen, and gives you CDR for Q stacks. The benefit of Double Dorans would be mana regen and extra AP to push waves/do more damage with E. So, I think if you try to do this vs quinn, it might be better to go with one of those options instead. At that point though, would the investment simply be too much? Maybe a cloth5 -> glacial shrould or something would do better. :/
Yeah probably double dorans or something would be better against quinn, nobody picks quinn so i forgot. double dorans glacial shroud i guess. E has 2.0 AP ratio total for pushing so 30 AP is 60 damage which sint bad.
proxying against nasus isnt that great a strat b ecause it allows him to tank the way with lifesteal and q farm
you cant be proxy farming and helping your team at the same time. he proxy farmed and then realized i could just tank waves so it did nothing then he would roam. allowing me to simply push down the entire top in one go due to triforce and obscene q stacks i could 3 shot towers basically
On July 25 2014 17:46 kongoline wrote: i like jayce vs nasus, because his E hurts as f and knockbacks him so after he uses his wither he cant gapclose, he is also one of those champions who can kill him no matter how tanky he gets
The problem is once turrets go down all you can do is EQ to clear waves against him. You can't realistically split push, if you get close enough for him to wither you late game you are toast.
While Jayce is able to harass him under turret better than most, he's also very weak to jungle ganks after wither. Denying Nasus farm as Jayce is extremely dangerous because you have to push lane to do so.
imo if you have a decent jungler Nasus finds Jayce a very easy lane because you shit on him so hard post level 11.
On July 26 2014 03:24 VayneAuthority wrote: proxy farm
take objectives
pick one
you cant be proxy farming and helping your team at the same time. he proxy farmed and then realized i could just tank waves so it did nothing then he would roam. allowing me to simply push down the entire top in one go due to triforce and obscene q stacks i could 3 shot towers basically
yes you can. proxy farm then go join up with team at mid or dragon. by the time the wave pushes so that enemy top laner can hit your tower, you should be able to back and TP to defend easily. its what I do every time as singed vs nasus.
on another note, has anyone seen this video?
fucking god gragas mechanics
Everytime I see a video of Faker I'm extremely impressed. The guy is a god.
On July 26 2014 03:24 VayneAuthority wrote: proxy farm
take objectives
pick one
you cant be proxy farming and helping your team at the same time. he proxy farmed and then realized i could just tank waves so it did nothing then he would roam. allowing me to simply push down the entire top in one go due to triforce and obscene q stacks i could 3 shot towers basically
yes you can. proxy farm then go join up with team at mid or dragon. by the time the wave pushes so that enemy top laner can hit your tower, you should be able to back and TP to defend easily. its what I do every time as singed vs nasus.
Everytime I see a video of Faker I'm extremely impressed. The guy is a god.
What's scary isn't that he does these plays, it's the consistency he pulls this shit off. A lot of pro players have plays like this, but Faker does it on a regular basis in solo queue and pro play. It's fucking ridiculous.
On July 25 2014 17:46 kongoline wrote: i like jayce vs nasus, because his E hurts as f and knockbacks him so after he uses his wither he cant gapclose, he is also one of those champions who can kill him no matter how tanky he gets
The problem is once turrets go down all you can do is EQ to clear waves against him. You can't realistically split push, if you get close enough for him to wither you late game you are toast.
While Jayce is able to harass him under turret better than most, he's also very weak to jungle ganks after wither. Denying Nasus farm as Jayce is extremely dangerous because you have to push lane to do so.
imo if you have a decent jungler Nasus finds Jayce a very easy lane because you shit on him so hard post level 11.
I think this post hits the Nasus lane on the head for more matchups than just Jayce. Wither is just such an insanely strong and long slow both for movement and attack speed that even super slippery top laners like nidalee are basically dead to ganks if they cross river. Level one wither lasts five seconds, second only to level 5 Zilean slow in duration.
A 5 second disable for one point makes the type of aggressive positioning that can deny farm basically suicide.
On July 26 2014 03:24 VayneAuthority wrote: proxy farm
take objectives
pick one
you cant be proxy farming and helping your team at the same time. he proxy farmed and then realized i could just tank waves so it did nothing then he would roam. allowing me to simply push down the entire top in one go due to triforce and obscene q stacks i could 3 shot towers basically
yes you can. proxy farm then go join up with team at mid or dragon. by the time the wave pushes so that enemy top laner can hit your tower, you should be able to back and TP to defend easily. its what I do every time as singed vs nasus.
Everytime I see a video of Faker I'm extremely impressed. The guy is a god.
What's scary isn't that he does these plays, it's the consistency he pulls this shit off. A lot of pro players have plays like this, but Faker does it on a regular basis in solo queue and pro play. It's fucking ridiculous.
That's probably the most impressive part. He's shown the both the ability to make ridiculous plays under pressure(hello ryu) and very consistently makes those plays.