[Patch 4.12] RIP Lucian General Discussion - Page 61
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Australia2470 Posts
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United States3106 Posts
On July 25 2014 14:35 miicah wrote: ☑ - Trinity Force buff before worlds If that goes through, Corki comes back into competative play (and right before Worlds, who'd thunk?) | ||
United States3786 Posts
On July 25 2014 09:17 Slayer91 wrote: he beats jax and trynd in 1v1 split push, he tanks compareably to mundo/shyv and i don't know why you'd call lulu a "semi carry" when she's basically an AP-support and he rekts people like riven in teamfights he's basically an anti melee champ i mean ultimately the 95% of the reason you pick a champ is teamfights+laning phase and nasus is okay in laning phase and strong in teamfights in a lot of comps interesting thing about nasus v s ryze if you do that guys strat of going flask into chalice and maxing E it actually is really strong against ryze because he's super squishy so he can't eat much E harass and he can't do shit if you push the lane hard enough you can legit win against ryze and have like 30 cs up on him it's insane probably good against kennen quinn as well as teemo where he demonstrated it So just a few thoughts about the Nasus Chalice route vs Quinn. Wouldn't double doran's or Forbidden Idol be more useful in this case? I figure part of why chalice wrecks against Ryze/Teemo is because of the MR chalice provide. This seems to hold true for Kennen too. However, Quinn is mainly AD, so the MR on chalice would go to waste. The main thing you'd want would be Mana regen. The benefit of Forbidden Idol would be it's cheaper, provides some mana regen, and gives you CDR for Q stacks. The benefit of Double Dorans would be mana regen and extra AP to push waves/do more damage with E. So, I think if you try to do this vs quinn, it might be better to go with one of those options instead. At that point though, would the investment simply be too much? Maybe a cloth5 -> glacial shrould or something would do better. :/ | ||
United States60033 Posts
On July 25 2014 15:35 Kinie wrote: If that goes through, Corki comes back into competative play (and right before Worlds, who'd thunk?) Eu already plays an insane amount of corki, Eu confirmed to win worlds if Triforce gets buff. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Lulu top, shen jungle, zilean mid, twitch ADC. This submarine has no breaks | ||
Canada11044 Posts
On July 25 2014 15:38 ghrur wrote: So just a few thoughts about the Nasus Chalice route vs Quinn. Wouldn't double doran's or Forbidden Idol be more useful in this case? I figure part of why chalice wrecks against Ryze/Teemo is because of the MR chalice provide. This seems to hold true for Kennen too. However, Quinn is mainly AD, so the MR on chalice would go to waste. The main thing you'd want would be Mana regen. The benefit of Forbidden Idol would be it's cheaper, provides some mana regen, and gives you CDR for Q stacks. The benefit of Double Dorans would be mana regen and extra AP to push waves/do more damage with E. So, I think if you try to do this vs quinn, it might be better to go with one of those options instead. At that point though, would the investment simply be too much? Maybe a cloth5 -> glacial shrould or something would do better. :/ I don't think it'd work so well against Quinn. You do it against AP Teemo since he has no sustain, but if Quinn goes doran's into cutlass, she has some decent life steal. Probably better to just go for a fast frozen heart. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
Tryn, Jax and Irelia can all beat you up early game, tryn is the easiest to itemise against but also the scariest as he has the best sustain an is manaless. Unfortunately for those champs they all get wrecked by Nasus eventually (no 6 item melee champ beats him 1v1). I still think ryze followed by lucian are the best picks vs him, ryze especially if you have an ad mid because the Nasus will have problems itemising unless he gets super fed. | ||
United States60033 Posts
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United Kingdom50293 Posts
On July 25 2014 16:52 wei2coolman wrote: I'll admit, I hate playing against a nasus top, as any laner, mostly because I play a really stupidly pussy lane style that just always results in me being even in farm/gold, no matter how big of an advantage I have in matchup. So usually that leads to Nasus recking my team lategame. I remember for a long time getting this idea ingrained into my mind that I can take nasus top with elise. Every time I'd get an early kill, soon get outsustained and there's a nasus 1v5ing our team while I'm dazed and confused at top. Now normally I take jax and try to go hard at 6 and try to snowball, at my level (high gold/low plat) they're pretty shit and let themselves get killed and I try to snowball with blade. | ||
United States20754 Posts
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France45622 Posts
![]() Otherwise I don't see many people use TP offensively (heck they even TP on the cannon minion under their tower to try and deny the farm instead of the tower for the cd) so I just recall regularly if he tries to play too passive and TP for bot counterganks (or dives if we're behind) and drakes, or I just roam mid if it's being pushed. I shoulda paid more attention to his item build, he ended up tanking as much as me (we had a jungle Yi, Jinx and support Morg so as long as we could control their Trist and avoid a 5-man shockwave we wee good to go) and I'm pretty sure he had deathcap on top of DFG. 't'was impressive to see him bullied by Orianna at the start, back, get 2 more drings+boots, and proceed to outfarm anyone into midgame while still roaming. But since, well, it's Sion, and we went past midgame, I'd be curious to see how he transitioned. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On July 25 2014 16:57 Fusilero wrote: I remember for a long time getting this idea ingrained into my mind that I can take nasus top with elise. Every time I'd get an early kill, soon get outsustained and there's a nasus 1v5ing our team while I'm dazed and confused at top. Now normally I take jax and try to go hard at 6 and try to snowball, at my level (high gold/low plat) they're pretty shit and let themselves get killed and I try to snowball with blade. I always just play Renekton and just shit on him for a long ass time, if you play really aggressive(while warding ofc) you can zone him off so much cs its unreal. and if you get a premature ult pop you can dive and kill him pretty easily too. He's surprisingly squishy early game tbh | ||
United States60033 Posts
On July 25 2014 16:57 Fusilero wrote: I remember for a long time getting this idea ingrained into my mind that I can take nasus top with elise. Every time I'd get an early kill, soon get outsustained and there's a nasus 1v5ing our team while I'm dazed and confused at top. Now normally I take jax and try to go hard at 6 and try to snowball, at my level (high gold/low plat) they're pretty shit and let themselves get killed and I try to snowball with blade. yeah, I usually play like S2 hsgg, pick utility top lane, or something that scales insanely well in 1v1. Split farm, hope to have more impact late game due to superior play. But jesus christ my 1v1 in early game is so fucking terrible, especially with TP being insanely popular. Sometimes over extending to get that early kill in a 1v1 can seriously fuck you over in wave position. | ||
United States5765 Posts
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6318 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
On July 25 2014 17:46 kongoline wrote: i like jayce vs nasus, because his E hurts as f and knockbacks him so after he uses his wither he cant gapclose, he is also one of those champions who can kill him no matter how tanky he gets It's a good matchup for sure. W and melee E can negate wither to a certain extent, and nasus is one of the champs who can't abuse the fact that you went tear. Lategame if you go IE after the mura/brut/LW core along into ghostblade you can slaughter nasus within a range W. Singed I'm kinda iffy on. Nasus is one of the champs who you don't want to proxy farm against because after a certain point he can just tank the creep wave, and free farming nasus is scary as fuck. 300+ bonus damage at 20 minute, 500+ at 30min nasus isn't something most teams want to deal with. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On July 25 2014 15:42 wei2coolman wrote: Eu already plays an insane amount of corki, Eu confirmed to win worlds if Triforce gets buff. EU Confirmed Season 4 champions. Triforce got buffed | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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