I suppose one way to describe the proper pronunciation is chow without the h sound. So same beginning and end as chow, but without the the h sound. Cow is acceptable, although a bit lazy. The female caster saying "cow mei..excuse me..sao mei" irritates me to no end though.
[Patch 4.12] RIP Lucian General Discussion - Page 30
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Canada10567 Posts
I suppose one way to describe the proper pronunciation is chow without the h sound. So same beginning and end as chow, but without the the h sound. Cow is acceptable, although a bit lazy. The female caster saying "cow mei..excuse me..sao mei" irritates me to no end though. | ||
Taiwan1571 Posts
On July 20 2014 18:48 Amui wrote: I suppose one way to describe the proper pronunciation is chow without the h sound. So same beginning and end as chow, but without the the h sound. Cow is acceptable, although a bit lazy. The female caster saying "cow mei..excuse me..sao mei" irritates me to no end though. Just call him strawberry. Its easier and is the same thing... | ||
France4120 Posts
On July 20 2014 17:11 Amui wrote: On a different topic, IEM shenzhen is up. WE crushing EDG atm. Stream link please ? Doesn't seem to work on TL. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On July 20 2014 20:11 RouaF wrote: Stream link please ? Doesn't seem to work on TL. It's over + Show Spoiler + WE 2-1 EDG, koro and U had a pretty bad series, world elite on the whole played pretty well. Even conan | ||
France45622 Posts
On July 20 2014 13:37 nafta wrote: Lolskill is such a weird site.Wish they would post some explanations on how they grade people. Like the first amumu is a guy in challenger from tr who is negative in everything but deaths with 600 games.2nd amumu is d1 21 points with 570 games still negative in everything but deaths. Like sure kda doesn't really mean much but seems rather odd. My Lulu is "22% below average" because I only play her support and thus have no farm and don't deal that much damage (I outdo the AD and jungler in some games though). | ||
United States10467 Posts
On July 20 2014 20:13 Alaric wrote: My Lulu is "22% below average" because I only play her support and thus have no farm and don't deal that much damage (I outdo the AD and jungler in some games though). Are you trying to imply a computer algorithm might have misjudged your skill? Preposterous! | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On July 20 2014 20:13 Alaric wrote: My Lulu is "22% below average" because I only play her support and thus have no farm and don't deal that much damage (I outdo the AD and jungler in some games though). My nasus is 142% better than average. Get out of my way peasants | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
Yeah, this website is full of shit, 5th is clearly way too low HAHAHAHA it rates Skarnold Trump above me. I guess this is the part where I cut my wrists? | ||
Australia1541 Posts
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France4120 Posts
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United States3359 Posts
"Let me jungle fiddle please, #3 ranked fiddle in the world!" - words said before witnessing one of the worst fiddle junglers I've ever seen | ||
Canada23833 Posts
The problem is that if you are playing against weaker opponents your stats will be inflated. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On July 20 2014 18:14 Maluk wrote: On the topic of Amumu and Golem vs Wraith, my team made something like an 18 minutes baron call yesterday, which is extremely early for low ELO as people don't even think about baron before 40 mins in gold and below. The call was very good, with opponents having no vision over baron, our team being able to ward their whole jungle, (I was the support and I had some wards around abron + tons of wards available), two of the opponents being dead and one of them being bot, plus the last two busy cleaning up lanes. Our only mistake was that we didnt see our jungle Amumu's items. As a Taric support I started to tank the baron a bit, and when Amumu replaced me and tried to tank it he got utterly destroyed by the baron quasi instantly, we were forced to back off and the two opponents who were cleaning lanes came at us and got something like 3 kills. Then the whole team thought "wtf happened to Amumu's life", we opened our Tab windows and we realized that he had the Wraith item. That was pretty disappointing lol. He was 0/3 too so maybe going Wraith as an 0/3 jungler isn't the best idea ? And now I come here and I learn that Wraith is actually decent on Amumu, I guess I'll have to take a look at my jungler's items before I make a baron call next time. That is one of the number one reasons that the jungle items are a failure, and will continue to be. By the time your Amumu was 0-3 he was already locked in to his choice. Hell, he probably had already bought spirit stone before his first death. Honestly, it is just a more extreme version of the choice of Shyvana to go tank-first or Blade-First because a jungler, like Amumu, cannot choose to avoid skirmishes and teamfights early (going Wraith), nor can he choose to not farm the jungle at all early (choosing Quill/Golem). I've routinely said they should eliminate jungle items, however, if they don't they should all have the same build path until late in the game. Perhaps they should all work like Kha's evolve in some way (this idea might actually be good). Basically, you would start with Machete, then be able to combine it with some other basic item (I.E. Amp, Longsword, Ruby, Cloth) for tier 2, then combine that with either any higher tier basic item or a mid-tier advanced item (PIckaxe, Chalice, Codex, Chain vest, Kindlegem) so you can then re-shuffle the stats. So you thought you were going to be an aggro Lee, bought the Longsword upgrade, but died a lot being aggro, so you then go down the Kindlgem path. Its a complicated fix, which is why the better answer is eliminating the items altogether. | ||
Netherlands2895 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On July 21 2014 00:42 krndandaman wrote: They should make it 'best relative X' Been playing on kr server while in korea and I've been pretty pleased with the lack of toxicity so far. A big difference I also noticed is that the consensus is blue = mid's. I was surprised to get every blue without fail every game I went mid. Even when feeding. The fact of the matter is, no one can determine the MMR of a match. For example, for all we know I could be smurfing in bronze playing Poppy - thus getting massive KDA since my opponents are weak. Once I get to Challenger I stop playing her completely even though I cannot actually play Poppy at that level. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 21 2014 03:25 Serelitz wrote: Man, I keep winning promo's to divisions I don't feel I belong. Plat 2 now but I lose lane a lot, mechanics suck comparatively but somehow I keep climbing idk. Anyone else having the same? Join the club. Somehow landed in plat 3 on main and almost landed there on smurf as well (lost promo 1-2 due to a troll). | ||
United States3529 Posts
On July 21 2014 00:01 Sufficiency wrote: I can imagine what this website does. It compiles a series of statistics (kda, cd, etc.) For each champion and compares your statistics against the average. The problem is that if you are playing against weaker opponents your stats will be inflated. Also KDA/CS etc aren't indicators of good play, even against weaker opponents. | ||
France8631 Posts
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