[Patch 4.12] RIP Lucian General Discussion - Page 29
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Noobville17920 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
On July 20 2014 13:37 nafta wrote: Lolskill is such a weird site.Wish they would post some explanations on how they grade people. Like the first amumu is a guy in challenger from tr who is negative in everything but deaths with 600 games.2nd amumu is d1 21 points with 570 games still negative in everything but deaths. Like sure kda doesn't really mean much but seems rather odd. I don't think it really means that much, it's just an easy way to find high elo players with a bunch of games on a champion. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On July 20 2014 14:03 Scip wrote: Sacrificing early health for damage is what is standard on almost all junglers because it makes sense. Early game you are going to spend more time farming, now more than ever since the tower buffs made it significantly harder to towerdive. Faster farm = more gold+more exp = more stats overall. Specifically Amumu is a pretty bursty champion with loads of AP ratios so Spectral Wraith is really good on him and as a lot of people mentioned Quill Coat just sucks an unbelievable amount of cock, like if I came to Teutonica's parent's farm there wouldn't be enough cock there for me to suck to match Quill Coat. I think golem stone is good, but they need to just remove quill coat and go back to spirit stone tbh | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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Bulgaria18893 Posts
On July 20 2014 14:06 arb wrote: I think golem stone is good, but they need to just remove quill coat and go back to spirit stone tbh Wouldnt having to change the item make it not good? | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On July 20 2014 14:10 nafta wrote: Wouldnt having to change the item make it not good? Nono, i think Golem Stone is a good item tbh, but quill coat is just .. not | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
either Ancient Golem is a good item and Quill Coat is a good item too because it builds into Ancient Golem or Quill Coat sucks and Ancient Golem sucks too because it bulds out of Quill. You can't just arbitrarily decide you're going to evaluate items ignoring build paths in the process and also suggest a balance change in the same sentence because that raises like 18 different question marks at the same time and nobody will have any fucking idea what you're actually trying to say. | ||
622 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On July 20 2014 14:38 Yes Im Otto wrote: Why the title? I really dont think Lucian is dead lol. Please think before you use such titles....if anyhting I think hes going to be stronger/a lot more mobile now On July 16 2014 07:49 NeoIllusions wrote: I just want to say for the record, I don't actually think Lucian will be dead now. It was simply the fact that there is no new champion this patch and no major rework. Lucian happened to have the most significant change this patch. Thread titles are mostly just tongue-in-cheek from me. Don't take it literally. | ||
United States3529 Posts
On July 20 2014 14:03 Scip wrote: Sacrificing early health for damage is what is standard on almost all junglers because it makes sense. Early game you are going to spend more time farming, now more than ever since the tower buffs made it significantly harder to towerdive. Faster farm = more gold+more exp = more stats overall. Specifically Amumu is a pretty bursty champion with loads of AP ratios so Spectral Wraith is really good on him and as a lot of people mentioned Quill Coat just sucks an unbelievable amount of cock, like if I came to Teutonica's parent's farm there wouldn't be enough cock there for me to suck to match Quill Coat. Oh my god the Alistar buffs are so good. You can tank tower for like 8 years with just a relic shield. | ||
10417 Posts
On July 20 2014 14:38 Yes Im Otto wrote: Why the title? I really dont think Lucian is dead lol. Please think before you use such titles....if anyhting I think hes going to be stronger/a lot more mobile now How about you suck a bag of dicks before you come posting in our forum telling us what to do User was temp banned for this post. | ||
United States3359 Posts
On July 20 2014 14:57 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: How about you suck a bag of dicks before you come posting in our forum telling us what to do rewd edit: rekt | ||
United States19143 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
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Denmark6522 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
On July 20 2014 17:22 killerdog wrote: I for one hope lucian gets butchered in the next patch, so we can get a "rip rip lucian" thread I think it should be RIP "RIP" Lucian. EDIT: capitalization The casters for IEM REALLY annoy me. It's not "sao mei". "Chao mei" is closer, and is a reasonable anglicization that at least shows some effort. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On July 20 2014 17:11 Amui wrote: On a different topic, IEM shenzhen is up. WE crushing EDG atm. Tune in to see ninja with the 0/1/0 ziggs mejai, he learns fast from China | ||
France987 Posts
The call was very good, with opponents having no vision over baron, our team being able to ward their whole jungle, (I was the support and I had some wards around abron + tons of wards available), two of the opponents being dead and one of them being bot, plus the last two busy cleaning up lanes. Our only mistake was that we didnt see our jungle Amumu's items. As a Taric support I started to tank the baron a bit, and when Amumu replaced me and tried to tank it he got utterly destroyed by the baron quasi instantly, we were forced to back off and the two opponents who were cleaning lanes came at us and got something like 3 kills. Then the whole team thought "wtf happened to Amumu's life", we opened our Tab windows and we realized that he had the Wraith item. That was pretty disappointing lol. He was 0/3 too so maybe going Wraith as an 0/3 jungler isn't the best idea ? And now I come here and I learn that Wraith is actually decent on Amumu, I guess I'll have to take a look at my jungler's items before I make a baron call next time. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On July 20 2014 17:49 Amui wrote: I think it should be RIP "RIP" Lucian. EDIT: capitalization The casters for IEM REALLY annoy me. It's not "sao mei". "Chao mei" is closer, and is a reasonable anglicization that at least shows some effort. i've been saying cow mei personally | ||
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