On May 22 2014 14:57 739 wrote: Hohohoh this patch, damn, RIP Pantheon :\ kind of a dick move from Riot to release a DragonSlayer awesome skin and then nerf his shit :\ goddamn
I'm glad Soraka got nerfed, that was one annoying thing to deal with. They are refunding the skin if you ask before friday.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
On May 22 2014 15:03 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On May 22 2014 14:57 739 wrote: Hohohoh this patch, damn, RIP Pantheon :\ kind of a dick move from Riot to release a DragonSlayer awesome skin and then nerf his shit :\ goddamn
I'm glad Soraka got nerfed, that was one annoying thing to deal with. They are refunding the skin if you ask before friday. Oh didn't know about this. I remember I had 1 skin refunded long time ago, because of some ninja nerfs, right after I've purchased. Anyway it still hurts... poor Pantheon.
Watching Curse Academy in Black Monster Cup is kind of sad.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
On May 22 2014 15:06 739 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 22 2014 15:03 Gahlo wrote:On May 22 2014 14:57 739 wrote: Hohohoh this patch, damn, RIP Pantheon :\ kind of a dick move from Riot to release a DragonSlayer awesome skin and then nerf his shit :\ goddamn
I'm glad Soraka got nerfed, that was one annoying thing to deal with. They are refunding the skin if you ask before friday. Oh didn't know about this. I remember I had 1 skin refunded long time ago, because of some ninja nerfs, right after I've purchased. Anyway it still hurts... poor Pantheon. Yeah. Like I said, they're going to adjust him if they decide it effects his play too much for 4.9
rip NA servers? I keep constantly connecting/disconnecting.
Nvm, got drophacked. My entire team couldn't connect, and the game's not showing up on my lolking page.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
I'm just watching Nightblu3's stream and he's playing Pantheon and damn that ult nerf makes a huuuge difference :\ To land a stun or throw some combo you have to land a perfect ult or waste your flash.
Also I got 30 games chat restriction, because from what I see Tribunal is working again and I've gained a couple of reports during that time, damn. And I have to admit that the restriction helps me a bit, I just ping during the game, so I don't have to throw some sad words on people that fail horribly :D
Yeah Pantheon got gutted pretty hard, they should at least make him unable to be hit by shit while landing imo and even then he'll be a lot weaker than he was before.
Is it worth picking up Lux or should I try another mid? I've been maining Syndra pretty hard but I need a fall back champion since people are actually starting to ban her (sad times). Give me some hipster mid champ advice pls.
My assumption is that these chat restrictions are somehow part of an automation system, So many came in so few days and I don't think tribunal works so damn fast
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
On May 22 2014 15:50 Serelitz wrote: Yeah Pantheon got gutted pretty hard, they should at least make him unable to be hit by shit while landing imo and even then he'll be a lot weaker than he was before.
Is it worth picking up Lux or should I try another mid? I've been maining Syndra pretty hard but I need a fall back champion since people are actually starting to ban her (sad times). Give me some hipster mid champ advice pls. Go for Anivia, because why the fuck not? Ziggs is pretty good mid-er if u like throwing bombs and have a pretty safe pick. If not, go for Zed... ahhh Zed, gives me a lot of fun.
Woah woah, does Pentakill Karthus reference Holy Diver?
Not being able to queue stun while pantheon jumping is A HUGE NERF. I'm surprised Locicero isnt mad as hell right now
On May 22 2014 15:50 Serelitz wrote: Yeah Pantheon got gutted pretty hard, they should at least make him unable to be hit by shit while landing imo and even then he'll be a lot weaker than he was before.
Is it worth picking up Lux or should I try another mid? I've been maining Syndra pretty hard but I need a fall back champion since people are actually starting to ban her (sad times). Give me some hipster mid champ advice pls. Brand, Malzahar and Cassiopeia are never banned. Plus they are unlikely to receive significant buffs because of their damage potential, meaning they will probably always be available.
I still play Zyra mid. That works fine too.
Who bans Syndra? Should play some Viktor. Viktor is good times.
Hi guys, I'm trying to learn top lane and I'd like some advice. My champ pool is Ryze, Malphite, Nasus, Xin, Mundo, with the last two really situational. I'm happy with this because I like tanky guys more than non-tanky guys. I'd say I win lane 80% of the time, go even 15% of the time and lose 5% of the time so far. I think I know wave control a bit, aka I know how to freeze a lane and I know to not fight with minion aggro. I take teleport on all of these guys and I like to use it on my own tower a lot. The advice I'm looking for here is how to help other lanes as a top laner. The only thing I do is walk down for dragon around the 15 minute mark or so and say to my team "lets do dragon", and then I teleport top again. As Malphite I also group a bit earlier than with my other champs.
Does Braum have a weakness?
What is it?
I have no fucking clue how to play vs him in teamfights. Can't focus him with CC or damage since he'll just shrug it off, can't ignore him because retarded CC & utility. Wat do?
Can't outrotate because coordinating in soloq is so hard.
Just splitpush until you see a good fight to tp into. Try to get 2 people top so your team is 1 guy up, but don't die for nothing. With Malphite and Ryze you can sometimes push your lane and walk mid to dive the enemy midlaner. On Ryze it's basically a free win if you get allowed to freeze the lane for a bit, but generally I would advise to try to push towers fast.
PS. Don't die vs Soraka...
On May 22 2014 17:22 Doctorbeat wrote: Does Braum have a weakness?
What is it?
I have no fucking clue how to play vs him in teamfights. Can't focus him with CC or damage since he'll just shrug it off, can't ignore him because retarded CC & utility. Wat do?
Can't outrotate because coordinating in soloq is so hard. braum is confirmed fully stupid. this fucker hits for way too hard, and tanks way too much. It also doesn't help he's a slippery mother fucker for a melee support.
Viktor and LB are dicks to Viktor, and although I haven't played against Soraka or Lulu yet I assume they're pretty much unkillable while abusing him at early levels. Not the best of meta to put him out sadly. 
(I smashed a Zed recently and was shocked, that's a pretty faceroll match-up for Zed especially since because he can poke and only go in reactively, Viktor has to play passively and shouldn't try to aggro him unless Zed specifically shows that he doesn't know the match-up and how he can punish. Skill floor higher than I thought in the end I guess.)
I know how to freeze, and how to slow push to an extent (trim the minions starting with the ranged ones so that your wave will "waste" time killing the melee ones without taking much damage, and eventually the next wave will catch up, ideally you want to start pushing with a cannon minion wave), but I still have no clue as to how I can reset the lane. Simply "pushing into tower" doesn't always do it (worse, badly done it can let the enemy freeze), you need to either lose your whole wave to the tower so they actually reset, to lose your wave late enough that the next enemy wave caught up and they'll have a minion advantage next clash (that'll also happen closer to their tower), or to clash with their next wave with your very last minions so said wave takes minor damage but the minions group up, enhancing their focus and making up for the damage when they meet your own next wave.
The issue is that I've got no idea which timing to shoot for to produce these effects. @_@
^ Fildun: I've found that although I want to use my first TP for myself (and maybe the second) so I can get a level and/or farm or item advantage, if I'm able to shove the enemy laner (for example by playing aggressively because I have better items, even if I fail to kill him before the wave reaches tower), I'll recall and come back to lane by foot as the wave won't have the time to reach my tower (and if he tries freezing my TP isn't wasted). Then I'll look for counterganks bot. Make sure your laners ward ahead of them (be it the far lane bush, tribrush if people/river bush if blue) so you can flank if the enemy walks forward to engage them. This can net you drakes and/or towers way earlier and make up for the damage your tower takes. I try roaming mid from time to time too but that's because I'm playing mostly Jax and Irelia top atm, so I have either MS quints, early boots2 or a zeal at some point which makes moving around faster. When playing Mundo I tend to get shoved so I just farm it out, using TP pre-6 or when I'm getting low again with my ult on cd. I'm probably way too greedy on Mundo and if I meet a decent player who'll all-in me I'll get punished (I spend a lot of pots too, easily 2-3 each back and keeping 1+ ward in my inventory so it reduces my actual farm advantage after awhile).