And iirc the stun duration is too low at early levels to hit his AoE reliably (I remember that if he tries to kill you with stun level 1-2 you can Zhonya before it lands, sure it may not be enough to walk away but since LB's W return is instant (and a teleport, not a dash) shouldn't she be able to dodge it?). With mercs she'll def be able to at least avoid the AoE but she obviously wants to avoid relying on mercs to survive.
[Patch 4.5] Rune Rework General Discussion - Page 98
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France45622 Posts
And iirc the stun duration is too low at early levels to hit his AoE reliably (I remember that if he tries to kill you with stun level 1-2 you can Zhonya before it lands, sure it may not be enough to walk away but since LB's W return is instant (and a teleport, not a dash) shouldn't she be able to dodge it?). With mercs she'll def be able to at least avoid the AoE but she obviously wants to avoid relying on mercs to survive. | ||
United States15065 Posts
I'm starting to feel like Lux is pretty good this patch, it makes me heppi. Need more people playing her for obvious reasons. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On April 18 2014 05:20 Alaric wrote: Tbh whenever I try to harass people with autos as Orianna I take more damage than them because of minions. 525 range is annoying, plus the caster minions seem to follow incredibly far once they aggro you (I walked a good 400 units behind my melee minions once and they were still trying to chase me and attacked me). I could position better (eg. to a side although that'd let her just go to the other), but isn't it super easy for her to just either stand in her wave, or in a way such that if you try to zone/harass her from your melee minions you'll draw aggro because you'll have to get close to her caster minions to be in range to auto her? In general I used to have this problem all the time mid until I just got better (and don't know why). I still sometimes, seemingly randomly get crazy minion aggro as ori though, and would love if someone diamond could actually explain what happens on a more in depth scale. I would watch like 20 mins of minion aggro explanation lol. | ||
United States15065 Posts
Best I've been able to figure out is try to get behind your minions after autoing or have one of your minions between you and their minions. | ||
France45622 Posts
- are you in aggro range of the minions? - is the enemy laner in range of the minions too? If they aren't in the second case, then you won't draw aggro. In a way, the minions will "see you attack" but not "see an allied champion be attacked" so they won't go on you. Ideally you'd like to be in your own minions and the enemy away from his, so you don't draw aggro but if he retaliates he does draw it from yours. More realistically, you're sitting to the side of the waves and trying to auto, or they're slightly on the side of the wave (because they don't want to get AoE'd, for example vs Ziggs or Mordekaiser) and you abuse it. But with short-ranged champions like Viktor or Orianna it's pretty hard to auto people without having to walk in the creep wave. If you try to stand to the side they just walk on the opposite side, are still in range to last hit your minions, and you have to overextend hard to reach them. I guess the first thing I need is make sure I don't push so I get more wiggle room, then wait for the melee minions to die, this way they have to come "deeper" to last hit my caster minions and I can get in range to harass them without having to walk into their own caster minions. | ||
United States35092 Posts | ||
United States4006 Posts
On April 18 2014 06:51 Ketara wrote: I am really enjoying the Leblanc craze. I think the last four or five times I've played Lux vs Leblanc they've tried to all in me before 6 and just died. I'm starting to feel like Lux is pretty good this patch, it makes me heppi. Need more people playing her for obvious reasons. I've been playing Lux on this patch. She feels really good, really bad at killing tanks though | ||
Canada11044 Posts
On April 17 2014 22:01 Sponkz wrote: Is anyone taking him serious anymore? Renekton top, Soraka mid, TF, Graves? LOL What's not serious about this...? | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On April 18 2014 07:33 MattBarry wrote: I've been playing Lux on this patch. She feels really good, really bad at killing tanks though You need a Liandries, obviously. | ||
United States15065 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
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Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On April 18 2014 08:02 Ketara wrote: I swear to god xes I will hurt you. Haunting Guise is an item that I've seen many pro, Lux build (different from Ketara, Lux pro), so in the mythical super late game there's no reason why you can't upgrade it to a Liandries. | ||
United States15065 Posts
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United States735 Posts
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United States15065 Posts
The difference is honestly very small and not worth the amount of time that was spent on it. | ||
United States3529 Posts
On April 18 2014 06:55 Ketara wrote: Yeah I'd love an explanation of how to auto harass as mid without taking lots of minion aggro. Best I've been able to figure out is try to get behind your minions after autoing or have one of your minions between you and their minions. lol wiki has their behavior core IIRC the "call for help" works in the same manner that turrets work so that if the enemy is not in range of their minions you don't get aggro. The range at which this functions is i believe roughly ranged minion auto attack range (not sure on melee minions) | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States3529 Posts
On April 18 2014 08:16 InfSunday wrote: I forget due to the massive amount of math that happened in the Lux thread, you build DFG on her as a last item unless the enemy team has like 3 tanks, then Liandries is fine, yeah? Or I guess if you really want the health. Actually the DFG was better against tanks due to the CDR and active (being used after the fight). The Liandrys was better against the enemy back line due to the extra Mpen and not particularly due to the burn. Edit: I mean the DFG active is 15% current HP. You would need at least 3 full(including slow) liandry's procs in order to do the same amount of damage as the DFG active not even including the extra magic damage from all sources for 4 seconds or the move from 20% to 30% CDR (or 30-40 if you had blue) or the extra AP | ||
United States15065 Posts
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