[Patch 4.5] Rune Rework General Discussion - Page 99
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Canada23833 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Lux has that on Orianna that she can be a real pussy in lane, for example Syndra is a dick to you, Ziggs is boring too, Lux doesn't care because they don't outrange her (or not enough) to prevent her from farming or to take her tower. And she can faceroll QE once she gets chalice+blue buff and at some point a squishy within 1100 range will eat one of them and die because Finales Funkeln's base damage is absurdly high like that. And if you get lucky (or the enemy team is dumb) it's a double kill even. Orianna can't do this with her effective ~900 range with delay (I got 3 Shockwaves today cancelled because I died during the animation, makes me even saltier toward the fucking Lee Sin ult). | ||
United States848 Posts
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Korea (South)1667 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
The most important thing to realize is that this item does % CURRENT health damage OVER TIME. Most non-AD mid laners do bursty magic damage (and almost always coupled with AOE and/or CC) and prefer to build AP items because AP items also provide a fair amount of defense. So, in the normal play pattern, you can easily get any target you wish to fairly low health even before Liandry's DoT ticks, rendering Liandry's damage fairly useless. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On April 18 2014 09:07 nobodywonder wrote: yo I'm a shitter who hasn't played really for a month, how do I get back in without feeding a shit ton? Feral Flare. Feral Flare everywhere. Yi will 1v5 your team. Thanks Feral Flare. Shyvana is raid-boss. Thanks Feral Flare. Warwick is broken. Thanks Feral Flare. Xin is OP. Thanks Feral Flare. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On April 18 2014 09:30 Alaric wrote: Rumble. Not a mid laner. On April 18 2014 09:28 GolemMadness wrote: I think the only champion I build liandry's on is support Karma. Actually, Singed also. Singed is definitely not a mid laner. Karma I'll let you have it. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
On April 18 2014 09:35 Sufficiency wrote: Not a mid laner. Singed is definitely not a mid laner. Karma I'll let you have it. Not saying either are, particularly since I specified support Karma. | ||
Australia1825 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On April 18 2014 09:42 JazzVortical wrote: Zyra mid/support I usually get it. I also frequently get it when I play Malz and Brand too. pretty sure its semi acceptable on anyone who doesnt rely on 100% the opposing mid laner | ||
Canada23833 Posts
Let's talk about this instead of Liandry's. Fuck that item it's a nub trap anyway. | ||
United States15977 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On April 18 2014 09:56 ticklishmusic wrote: Crystal Rod + Liandry's on Soraka? Rylai's is essential on Soraka, you probably know this already. I think Abysal is a bit better on Soraka instead of Liandry's. The -20 MR is basically two Q casts worth of MR reduction for you. | ||
United States3529 Posts
On April 18 2014 09:16 Sufficiency wrote: Liandry's Torment is a bad item for mid laner in general. Liandry's just plain isn't that good of an item. Its primary advantage is that it builds out of Haunting Guise and Haunting Guise is really strong due to how penetration stacks. So if you're a champion who has a lot of base damage but doesn't have a lot of scaling damage you can get a lot out of it. The only way Liandry's makes sense as an early game item is if you've got DoT's and Slows already in your kit (with low scaling and high base damage). So it works on Teemo (200-450 + .5 AP is really low scaling) and Karma (non-ult Q is on the low side of decent scaling. Ult Q is kinda poor scaling, Q CD is low and she plays a poke/siege game making reapplying strong) and Singed(even though his Q scaling is insane) because he will want Rylais' anyway and then everone in your poison takes it forever. Edit: It would also be good if you're playing an AP duo lane with Leona as her magic damage counts as yours and so penetration (and dots to ensure sunlight procs in a timely fashion) becomes stronger On April 18 2014 08:34 Sufficiency wrote: Dfg active is 15% max. And the damage is instant. Yes, i meant to type max. My point was that Liandry's passive can't really keep up with the active damage of DFG. Sorry for the confusion | ||
United States1240 Posts
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United States15536 Posts
On April 18 2014 10:02 traceurling wrote: Feral Flare is pretty strong right now .-. do you think Riot will nerf Feral Flare, or FF champions? iirc, Feral Flare already getting some nerfs | ||
United States3529 Posts
On April 18 2014 09:54 Sufficiency wrote: Holy shit guys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dvYxkyQFZU Let's talk about this instead of Liandry's. Fuck that item it's a nub trap anyway. We are getting Angus. Holy shit indeed | ||
United States3359 Posts
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