[Patch 4.5] Rune Rework General Discussion - Page 87
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1594 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Compared to Lulu, I feel like I don't do anything because my range is more or less the same as Sona and I'm almost as squishy, but without true sustain or poke. Granted, one of the games it was Yasuo, Fizz, Xin, Vayne, LB (support who built full AP) so it really didn't make Nami's kit shine. Having to basically wait for an ally to get initiated on to be able to Q means "wait for an ally to die to cc the killer" against assassins, the heal won't save anyway (Sona's is weak too but more spammable and the resistances buff is basically "grant 150~250 HP to allies around you" in the midgame). Her damage is also really pitiful outside of high level bubbles. I see the appeal of E->auto->Q to force trades in lane, but unless you're really good at hitting bubbles out of the blue she really felt very underwhelming. Being unable to do anything outside of combat while being super squishy in said combat doesn't exactly suit my style either, I prefer to feel active/contributing. | ||
Canada5009 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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United States23745 Posts
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United States15536 Posts
On April 16 2014 06:25 onlywonderboy wrote: I think bubble just takes a while to get good at. It's frustrating when you are first learning her, but once you get to the point where you can hit most of your bubbles she feels a lot stronger. But I mean if she's not your style of champ I would just play someone else haha. I will further add that if you max her Q then you don't have to worry about hitting it, as it will be up every 6 seconds anyways. :D You'll hit ONE. | ||
Sweden2360 Posts
She also have the smallest sized (I think?) hitbox, a blessing in some situations. On April 16 2014 06:31 AsmodeusXI wrote: I will further add that if you max her Q then you don't have to worry about hitting it, as it will be up every 6 seconds anyways. :D You'll hit ONE. Mana though.. | ||
Canada3353 Posts
On April 08 2014 01:38 Dark_Chill wrote: What would be cool is to have howl turn into an aoe fear. Makes sense with his theme (he's a werewolf hunting for blood, that's pretty scary). His ult is kinda pointless these days, when there are people who just have straight up better ones. Instead of stunning himself, maybe doing one claw attack to suppress the enemy while he can still move around. The bigger thing I find problematic is the focus on aa for warwick when his ult is the only way to jump onto people and he's a melee with no other cc. I'm glad they took my idea for warwicks skill though Proof Riot watching TL | ||
United States23745 Posts
On April 16 2014 06:33 Duvon wrote: Bubble is really nice, and the similarities with Lina (dota) AoE triggered some old synapses. She also have the smallest sized (I think?) hitbox, a blessing in some situations. Mana though.. And that's why I love that chalice is a standard pickup now lol. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On April 16 2014 06:14 Alzadar wrote: Basically so much is changed that it's a new champion. I much prefer their reworks that were just slight tweaks (Trundle, Sivir, Katarina) over shit like Skarner and Gragas that totally change the feel of the champion (well TBH I haven't played a single game of Skarner since the rework). Kat was such a huge change though... | ||
France45622 Posts
![]() W max doesn't seem that bad before the first back, but then you spend 1/5th of your mana pool to heal what can be dealt with 1-2 autos or a spell and you're a bit depressed, yeah. x') Chalice being so crucial means later boots/talisman after sightstone and chalice tho. I get that Nami's utility is high, but it also looks pretty niche, even though several people here talked of her as a generalist support. Since it's MS and/or ground-based skillshots based (as opposed to hard cc or pass-through skillshots) mobility really hurts it, and it's so common now... | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On April 16 2014 03:52 Kyrie wrote: whether or not renekton is well balanced is entirely dependent on the definition of 'balanced', which is far from standardized and is at the heart of most champion balance disagreements i don't think anyone disagrees that he is a very strong laner who has the largest individual impact on the viable champion pool. whether this is problematic is an entirely different matter what were things like before renekton was thought of as the #1 top lane issue? if renekton were not in the game, would the number of viable top laners be appreciably different? would there be a much more even, rock paper scissors sort of interaction between many champions rather than the 'must be this tall to ride' restriction that renekton places, or would somebody else become the new benchmark? if there are many champions who can still compete with renekton, does that make it ok that many others will never see play unless he is banned? what color socks am i wearing right now? The problem I see with current Renekton being the "measuring stick" is not that there need not be one, but that: 1. While he has been said measuring stick, only champions that play almost exactly like him have been able to "measure up", so to speak; and 2. The Ryze buffs showed that he isn't a particularly healthy measuring stick. He is just as susceptible to hard counter matchups as any other toplane, its just that people couldn't see what his counters were because he was so strong as to transcend counters. | ||
United States18466 Posts
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United States3359 Posts
Speaking of flare junglers, some dude in D1 has been absolutely destroying games with Olaf, flare + bork just kills people... | ||
United States23745 Posts
On April 16 2014 07:40 Dusty wrote: yeah toplane "bar" isnt Renekton anymore, it's Ryze. His last round of buffs make him a lot safer toplane, PLUS in the meta of junglers who sit in the jungle and masturbate over getting an extra 3 on hit magic damage on hit instead of ganking he's pretty much god tier. If you have a "flare jungler" who doesn't gank the Ryze over and over the game is pretty much over unless the rest of the map is getting completely shit on. Speaking of flare junglers, some dude in D1 has been absolutely destroying games with Olaf, flare + bork just kills people... The Renekton Bar is something Riot mentioned recently that they are going to start buffing around. I don't think any buffs have hit the PBE since they made that post though. | ||
686 Posts
Also, it is has gotten considerably more difficult to peel for my carrys since 4.5. It's not uncommon to get up to 3 of these in a game; LB/Jax/Yi/Fiora/Xin/Kha/Nocturne/Aatrox/Zed/Yasuo/Irelia, etc. Lulu has been my answer so far, but she isn't always available (banned/mid), so perhaps it's time to reacquaint myself with Janna... | ||
Australia1825 Posts
@SilentShout Zyra is another Support with decent Peel/Disengage. Not as good as Janna of course, but at least you'll be more a threat during the laneing phase. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
On April 15 2014 23:35 Ketara wrote: I have a question for all the better players than me out there. Do you guys leash at all bot lane? I'm increasingly of the opinion that whoever spends more time leashing bot lane gets level 2 second and ends up losing lane because of it, all so the jungler can do their first clear 1 second faster. Should I just stop leashing altogether? I always leash, unless the jungler tells me not to. It's a lot more than 1 second faster. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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