[Patch 4.5] Rune Rework General Discussion - Page 88
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Sweden2247 Posts
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Peru1308 Posts
The only champion I sometimes skip leashing on is Ashe, and I still throw a w for my jungler, just so I can lvl 1 crit cheese the enemy botlane. | ||
Canada1875 Posts
On April 16 2014 06:11 Alaric wrote: I've been trying Nami a bit... urgh. She's pretty frustrating to play, Q isn't too easy to land, W needs bounces to be worth it, eg. to be in a fight, E is the same, and R is a counter-initiation ability. Compared to Lulu, I feel like I don't do anything because my range is more or less the same as Sona and I'm almost as squishy, but without true sustain or poke. Granted, one of the games it was Yasuo, Fizz, Xin, Vayne, LB (support who built full AP) so it really didn't make Nami's kit shine. Having to basically wait for an ally to get initiated on to be able to Q means "wait for an ally to die to cc the killer" against assassins, the heal won't save anyway (Sona's is weak too but more spammable and the resistances buff is basically "grant 150~250 HP to allies around you" in the midgame). Her damage is also really pitiful outside of high level bubbles. I see the appeal of E->auto->Q to force trades in lane, but unless you're really good at hitting bubbles out of the blue she really felt very underwhelming. Being unable to do anything outside of combat while being super squishy in said combat doesn't exactly suit my style either, I prefer to feel active/contributing. If you can not land Q, then Nami feels pretty useless (duh). It takes a little while but learning to land that Q makes all the difference in the world. E-auto-Q is a great way to train, but you're right that throwing out bubbles on their own is key to success on her. In lane it should be pretty easy. Just aim at the ADC every time they try to last-hit. I don't care what league you're in, landing a bubble on an ADC attempting a last-hit is probably the easiest bubble you'll ever land (aside from E-auto-Q). Don't max W, the mana cost is just ridiculous. No more than 2 points before E is maxed (I favour E max first on Nami). Also, for a bit of extra range, target yourself with W rather than the opponent you're aiming for, the bounce has longer range than the initial cast. R is counter initiation, or follow up on inititiation... Or flat out primary initiation... Just be ready to land a good 2-4 man Q behind your ult, E your ADC (or the Renekton/Vi/Whoever diving theirs) and toss a W into the mix for mega-bounces. Then just Q to protect your carries and E yourself to control key targets while your ADC does all the real work (alternatively, E important teammates that need to chase or escape, Nami passive OP). You pretty much HAVE to buy Mikails and Talisman, Twin Shadows is pretty nice on her too. She's a utility-bot, and those items all help to maximize what she's already good at. Out of combat, her passive helps her (and her nearby teammates) zip around the map, similar to Sona's E (only better). In combat, her squishiness shouldn't be an issue if you're positioned correctly. People who die a lot on Nami generally are walking into fights (for some reason) trying to be "useful" when really it's all about placing E on the right teammates (or hitting the right opponents if you've cast it on yourself), landing good Q's and keeping the health on your carries up with W. TL;DR If you can actually land Q, then Nami is a great generalist support, viable under almost any conditions. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
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Canada1875 Posts
On April 16 2014 10:28 Zdrastochye wrote: My biggest problem with Nami is that she doesn't have a hook move. Can't play champs without a hook. Carry me based Blitzcrank God. | ||
United States15065 Posts
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United States15536 Posts
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Canada1600 Posts
On April 16 2014 10:36 AsmodeusXI wrote: Anyone have a super quick Xin guide for 4.5? Is there any reason to play him with Feral Flare or is he still a little meh? I just got 5v4'd and carried through a promo game with him but I don't want to discount him due to my crappy play. Also Warring Kingdoms skin is getting unused atm. R>E>Q>W Kill stuff, he plays the same way as before, just build FF and farm more. Still pretty gank heavy if you can, but if not just farm it up. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada1875 Posts
On April 16 2014 10:45 GolemMadness wrote: When you get a Lee on your team, does anyone else think "We're probably going to lose this game"? Not before I lolking their KDA like any self-respecting Challenger would. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On April 16 2014 10:45 GolemMadness wrote: When you get a Lee on your team, does anyone else think "We're probably going to lose this game"? not really. i'd say it's usually a coinflip. either carry's my ass, or fails miserably. 50/50 chance. the worst offenders are tards that choose vayne on my team, 90% of the time, they just go 0-20 in lane. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
That would be Roffles. I strive every damn day to be as godlike as him. Kiss is his messiah, Kiss pls. | ||
Canada1875 Posts
On April 16 2014 10:58 wei2coolman wrote: not really. i'd say it's usually a coinflip. either carry's my ass, or fails miserably. 50/50 chance. the worst offenders are tards that choose vayne on my team, 90% of the time, they just go 0-20 in lane. Ya but it's ok because when they finally finish their BorK at 35 minutes (God bless passive gold generation) when your nexus is at half health, they can 1v5 the other team and carry to the win. | ||
United States15065 Posts
Kissblade is awesome. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On April 16 2014 10:50 krndandaman wrote: the only thing i'm confused about xin is his ulti. i've played him a few times but still not sure of the optimal way to use his ult and which direction which champ goes when I hit them. at the moment I just rush in and try to disrupt but I really wish I could make it more effective by sending X champ in Y direction on purpose. Ideally you want to hit as many as you can, but it depends on your goal with the ult. Is your goal to initiate and isolate the squishy champs to your team? If so, you want to ideally charge (E) to something behind the guy and sweep him back to your team. Think of it as a Gragas ultimate. You can even Flash to ideally secure the knockback as well if you want to. I believe you can animation cancel it similarly to other skills if you queue the flash immediately after you ult. Is your goal to disengage? Just walk up and sweep them away. You ideally want to hit as many as possible to get the % damage off as well as the armor and MR bonus, but if your goal is to say isolate the enemy Jinx to your team and you see a window, hitting only 1-2 people isn't all that big of a deal. | ||
United States3529 Posts
On April 16 2014 10:33 Ketara wrote: Nami is scared of hooks for thematic reasons. I think its appropriate that hook champions are her weakness. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On April 16 2014 10:45 GolemMadness wrote: When you get a Lee on your team, does anyone else think "We're probably going to lose this game"? Uh no. I know low elo Lee can be awful, but he isn't that bad... at least not Rengar level of bad. | ||
United States3529 Posts
On April 16 2014 06:51 Alaric wrote: Q is Nami's only skill which cost doesn't go up with levels, so yeah, maxing Q is actually the least mana-intensive. ![]() W max doesn't seem that bad before the first back, but then you spend 1/5th of your mana pool to heal what can be dealt with 1-2 autos or a spell and you're a bit depressed, yeah. x') Chalice being so crucial means later boots/talisman after sightstone and chalice tho. I get that Nami's utility is high, but it also looks pretty niche, even though several people here talked of her as a generalist support. Since it's MS and/or ground-based skillshots based (as opposed to hard cc or pass-through skillshots) mobility really hurts it, and it's so common now... The thing about Nami is that if you're in a poke lane you can max W to sustain/harass. If you're in a lane where you can all-in force long trades you can max E in order to enable engages/kite/chase. If you're in a lane where you need that stun, you can max your Q for a very low CD AoE stun which has a low mana cost. Her only problem is being weak to Thresh, Leona, and Blitzcrank (hard to stop their engages, squishy enough to explode before she can do anything if she gets caught, not enough damage to turn the fight once it happens) On April 16 2014 07:51 SilentShout wrote: What is the current train of thought about going against a double heal bot lane? I feel passive farming is pretty safe right now, at least until 6. Also, it is has gotten considerably more difficult to peel for my carrys since 4.5. It's not uncommon to get up to 3 of these in a game; LB/Jax/Yi/Fiora/Xin/Kha/Nocturne/Aatrox/Zed/Yasuo/Irelia, etc. Lulu has been my answer so far, but she isn't always available (banned/mid), so perhaps it's time to reacquaint myself with Janna... Its OK if you have someone else on your team to exhaust. The -50% damage debuff applies to spells as well as auto attacks and the extra range means its easier to dump it onto an enemy mid laner(or anyone else who does damage really) before they've gotten their key combo off. Heal isn't bad(its also hard to miss use it, especially if you've got more than one and the enemy doesn't have ignite) but i feel like someone should be running exhaust | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
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