Baa?21242 Posts
On March 18 2014 04:35 Diamond wrote: You guys could have easily just linked a damn picture of what they look like and the wiki article instead of this massive debate on the use of the abbreviation.
I really thought TL was above the whole "let me google that for you"/"just read it bro!" attitude.
Someone linked a lmgtfy and you were too lazy to click the first link which went to the Wikipedia article, and now you're complaining cause you don't want to read and want everyone to spoon feed you everything.
Also pretty sure TL has always been about helping those who aren't too lazy to help themselves.
Wait the article has 0 pictures of what everyone thinks will be the Rumble skin, I go to google images and see nothing, and no one will help?
I did click the link Sheep, I even went further and looked thru google images.
Unless it's this ( http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/7669/614630-2421975-TengenToppaGurren-LagannMECH.jpg ) (which I don't know why it'd be, it's nothing like Rumble) I don't know what I'm looking for because I don't watch this particular manga. But fuck me right?
EUW gone to shit. o7
Someone didn't press "ready", game freezes when it's supposed to put us back in queue, 'cept I don't with the rest. Then 9 minutes later I'm suddenly in champ select (it's an ARAM so... ) with the champ select frozen and a bunch of error message every so often.
why is it taken for granted that every reference made needs to be understood by all readers, understanding the ttgl remark is not required to get the core message of a new rumble skin coming out soon
like what
On March 18 2014 04:48 Alaric wrote: EUW gone to shit. o7
NA donezo too ggggg
Because linking a picture would be very easy to someone that knows TTGL and knows what part of the show is being referenced.
Even after reading the "Guren Lagann" wiki's first few paragraphs I still have no idea why someone would think they are related to this new Rumble skin. Looks more like "Thunderdome Rumble"
So reading Reddit (which is proving to be more useful than TL in this situation....) and people are saying they would love to see rumble in "Dotonbori Robo" which google images says is this: + Show Spoiler +
Is this what everyone is referencing?
I think i just found my bestial LoL urge or some shit, logged on for the first time in 3 days and am just not happy with my play no matter what happens. godlike engages, jukes etc last game and i was just like "meh, must be bettar!"
On the topic of wukong, people dont build him full damage do they? I always go lizard/bruta/boots into a defensive item, finish BC and then if im behind usually get a 2nd defensive item, if not, then damage. But that isnt full damage either way.
with it shooting drills instead of fire ans harpoons
On March 18 2014 05:00 Diamond wrote:So reading Reddit (which is proving to be more useful than TL in this situation....) and people are saying they would love to see rumble in "Dotonbori Robo" which google images says is this: + Show Spoiler +Is this what everyone is referencing? Dotonbori is actually in Kill la Kill, an other anime by the same studio as Gurren Lagann.
Looks more like this : + Show Spoiler +
Ok can someone who is familiar with TTGL please post a link to a picture of the mech within the show that lots of people are believing this skin will be? The wiki article, TL, and google images are failing me....
Edit: To the above pic, REALLY?????????? That looks awful.....
Skin could be based off the Lagann in particular.
And the picture remind people of TTGL because it also remind of the protagonists looking at the surface world at the beginning of the series I guess.
I think Alaric got the right one yeah, not sure rumble would fit in a Dôtonbori Robo.
Ty based Alaric.
As never having seen this show before, that looks so stupid....
Pretty sure a lmgtfy "ttgl" was sufficient in this case for answering the question "what is ttgl?". 80% of the web hits refer to the anime in question, as well as 100% of the image hits. Now if we want to hear why someone thinks this anime can be related to that picture of rumble, that's a different question entirely, one that can't really be asked by a mere "TTGL?"
On whether the abbreviation is appropriate to the show, and whether people would know about it... Well I think we've demonstrated already that some people know the abbreviation, and some don't. That's the case with almost every abbreviation though, and that's fine. Even LOL is known more as laugh-out-loud than league-of-legends, and we don't expect the average person to know the latter meaning (or even the former meaning in much of the world), even though it's a top google hit.
United States15536 Posts
omg i'm so sorry to have caused this
I'm just excited to see if my drills can pierce the heavens in LoL.
pretty sure "Its a robot anime" would have also been sufficient and also not dickish.
I thought TTGL was some weird LoL related abbreviation related to Twisted Treeline.
On March 18 2014 05:08 Diamond wrote: Ty based Alaric.
As never having seen this show before, that looks so stupid.... TTGL should be summed up as "over the top" and "no, really, that wasn't over the top enough, let's push it a bit further".