I highly encourage all our users to find TL counterparts in other regions if they do get a free skin from GhandiEAGLE. That means if you're from NA, try to find an EU/KR/SEA/etc friend and let them test out the PAX code.
No confirmation yet if codes work cross region.
Lastly, there will be slight favoritism to users with higher post count. Consider it a perk for actually being a part of the community. If you post regularly in TL LoL GD, you're included.
gl hf
Edit: Chexx has confirmed the PAX codes do not work on KR Edit 2: These should be the Riot Blitz and Arcade Hecarim skins. |
Hey all, I'm going to have PAX codes flowing in like wine, so I decided to share the wealth with some of my fellows at TL! Post in chat if you want one, and they will be selected at random (although more frequent members may be a little more lucky via my system).
Simply post if you look to get the skins (the blitz and the hecarim come in a set). Also, if you don't have the champion it will give you said champion, so don't be shy. And on one last note, any TLers finding themselves burdened by too many codes are free to PM me if they wish to throw some of their codes into the ring.
Good Luck ^_^
Post in this thread btw, only PM me if you want to give some codes away as well ~
DEMACIA6550 Posts
Korea (South)11232 Posts
United States23455 Posts
Gandhi if I were to call you tsundere, would that up my chances any? ^.^
ghandi thanks for doing this! ##entercontest
Would love to get some
Also don't own either hec or blitz so it'd be almost 10k IP worth of champs =)
this thread? or in some specific chatroom? I'd love one
Edit:: Also don't own either blitz or hecarim
woop woop
Actualy don't need any codes but woop woop stands.
I would like a code.
I play ~70% of my games as blitz, so I'd love to snag a skin.
That being said, I rarely have time to play these days, so the codes would probably see more use for someone else.
Either way, it's awesome of you to do this
I want one...!
I wish I was at PAX this year, sigh. Last year was so fun.
Would be gr8! Thanks mate!
I'd love to enter and have a chance to get a code for Blitz and Hecarim. Thanks again!
I'm greedy and think only of myself. I'd like one please!