On August 24 2013 13:42 petered wrote: I rarely have the time anymore, but I added three more entries into the QQ hall of infamy (first page of Shikyo thread). Not sure if anyone actually reads that page but I sure enjoy updating it.
On August 24 2013 13:55 Volband wrote: Yeah, I guess it's easier to say "just leave, bro!" from the outside. Maybe I'm living in a dream world, but I do hope Riot steps in, because this situation probably asks for a professional help. Dyrus and Xpecial seem to respect Reginald, which just makes it even harder for them. Being bullied by someone you love in some way is even more terrible.
And think about all the families where the wife stays with her husband, despite being abused not only verbally but phisically as well, but she still honestly loves him, so if you've marched in like a saviour, she would actually defend him. All right, I know, it's not the case of TSM, I just wanted to represent the capabilities of a fragile heart and a confused mind.
Is this a joke?
Dyrus is not a "victim". He's not being "abused." He's not being "bullied".
It was two rather immature people getting into a stupid argument. Dyrus randomly exploding at Reginald and friends having a loud conversation was bad of him. He wasn't like "please be quiet". He went "shut the fuck up." Reginald not letting it drop was pretty terrible too but people are acting like Reginald took a bat and beat Dyrus on stream.
EDIT: Comparing Dyrus to a battered spouse is extremely offensive too. Like, what the hell guys? Some people live miserable lives in abusive relationships where they are physically and mentally destroyed and we're comparing that to TSM?
I've decided I dont mind the culling. It not an all in skill, more a chasing/poking skill.
Getting extra E's off is also huge.
Only thing i dont like about Lucian is how mana hungry he is. Dat Q CD is so so low, but that mana cost is hug. 80 mana is ridiculous, even late game I feel starved for mana. Maybe it just because I new to Lucian, but his mana costs feel higher than Corki's.
On August 24 2013 13:55 Volband wrote: Yeah, I guess it's easier to say "just leave, bro!" from the outside. Maybe I'm living in a dream world, but I do hope Riot steps in, because this situation probably asks for a professional help. Dyrus and Xpecial seem to respect Reginald, which just makes it even harder for them. Being bullied by someone you love in some way is even more terrible.
And think about all the families where the wife stays with her husband, despite being abused not only verbally but phisically as well, but she still honestly loves him, so if you've marched in like a saviour, she would actually defend him. All right, I know, it's not the case of TSM, I just wanted to represent the capabilities of a fragile heart and a confused mind.
Is this a joke?
Dyrus is not a "victim". He's not being "abused." He's not being "bullied".
It was two rather immature people getting into a stupid argument. Dyrus randomly exploding at Reginald and friends having a loud conversation was bad of him. He wasn't like "please be quiet". He went "shut the fuck up." Reginald not letting it drop was pretty terrible too but people are acting like Reginald took a bat and beat Dyrus on stream.
EDIT: Comparing Dyrus to a battered spouse is extremely offensive too. Like, what the hell guys? Some people live miserable lives in abusive relationships where they are physically and mentally destroyed and we're comparing that to TSM?
You and I must have seen different videos, because I saw Dyrus being bullied and abused. Yeah saying "shut the fuck up" isn't exactly polite, but Regi's response was several levels higher in douchetude.
man, I've been hanging out in the IHLoL raidcall and its so much more fun than soloq, everyone so nice and everyone works together, it's like a dream come true OwO
As far as I'm concerned, this isn't about the bullying or whatnot.
These are two professionals who are supposed to be doing a job. One of them is, the other isn't. As far as I'm concerned, the one who's doing his job is in the right, and the one who's not only not doing his job but actively disrupting the other from doing his is clearly in the wrong.
It's a house with the players, sure, but it's also their workplace. And they should treat it like one. Having loud personal Skype calls while someone else is trying to do their job is not remotely what I would call professional.
On August 24 2013 14:45 Dusty wrote: man, I've been hanging out in the IHLoL raidcall and its so much more fun than soloq, everyone so nice and everyone works together, it's like a dream come true OwO
i love you hai
Yeah, if only shit like this was around for plat and under.
On August 24 2013 13:55 Volband wrote: Yeah, I guess it's easier to say "just leave, bro!" from the outside. Maybe I'm living in a dream world, but I do hope Riot steps in, because this situation probably asks for a professional help. Dyrus and Xpecial seem to respect Reginald, which just makes it even harder for them. Being bullied by someone you love in some way is even more terrible.
And think about all the families where the wife stays with her husband, despite being abused not only verbally but phisically as well, but she still honestly loves him, so if you've marched in like a saviour, she would actually defend him. All right, I know, it's not the case of TSM, I just wanted to represent the capabilities of a fragile heart and a confused mind.
Is this a joke?
Dyrus is not a "victim". He's not being "abused." He's not being "bullied".
It was two rather immature people getting into a stupid argument. Dyrus randomly exploding at Reginald and friends having a loud conversation was bad of him. He wasn't like "please be quiet". He went "shut the fuck up." Reginald not letting it drop was pretty terrible too but people are acting like Reginald took a bat and beat Dyrus on stream.
EDIT: Comparing Dyrus to a battered spouse is extremely offensive too. Like, what the hell guys? Some people live miserable lives in abusive relationships where they are physically and mentally destroyed and we're comparing that to TSM?
Please Nitan, enlighten me what is bullying then, because apparently nagging someone for 10 minutes, and not accepting THEIR apology for getting nagged is not bullying. Apparently if I laugh my ass off of you playing LoL is not harassment. Apparently if I keep asking the same question you asked me not to is not bullying. Apparently forcing you to feel my superiority is not bullying. Apparently bashing you for practicing, for rightfully talking back to me, for apologizing, for trying to reason is not bullying. Apparently if I treat you like some worm I am not a bully. Jesus Christ, if ignorance does not make me mad, I don't know what. I like your double standard as well, that Regi can be a huge ass, no problem, but when Dyrus says shut the fuck up after being laughed at for 3 minutes, it's suddenly shocking and unexpected. /insert joker meme here
Reginald must be the greatest friend by the way, if he keeps on harassing his buddy, even though he was quite close to crying from the anger. That's what we do here as well, when we come around for a drink or two. We keep saying offensive things, until we finally manage to hurt someone's feelings, then we keep pressing the issue until he/she runs home while crying. Friendship is magic.
And I told you it's not the case with TSM, I just brought an example about a possible result of bullying in society, and that it cannot be taken lightly.
On August 24 2013 14:22 iCanada wrote: I've decided I dont mind the culling. It not an all in skill, more a chasing/poking skill.
Getting extra E's off is also huge.
Only thing i dont like about Lucian is how mana hungry he is. Dat Q CD is so so low, but that mana cost is hug. 80 mana is ridiculous, even late game I feel starved for mana. Maybe it just because I new to Lucian, but his mana costs feel higher than Corki's.
There was that one bug where Lucian's Q was costing twice as much mana as intended -- did they fix this yet?
I only watched Dyrus's vlog for 5 minutes, it was more than enough. Yep, that's what I was talking about. - Why is your left eye all purple and swallowed? Someone hit you? - Haha, naaaaah. I was just tired and stupid, and I tripped over something, ya know. I should watch where I step more carefully!
I wish TSM the worst at PAX, so they don't have to pretend anymore.
Honestly dont know why LoL proteam drama is censored in here but talking about college isnt. Its the same people complaining about proteams that talk about colleges, i dont like your "slightlybutnotreally" off-topic discussions but i dont Q.Q and rant about getting you to stop.
Regi is an asshole, he literally reminds me of a time in highschool where some dude was taking the piss out of me and i literally laughed jokingly and said "shut up" he was having fun, i was having fun. His face immediately dropped and he got really aggressive "blahblah who u telling to shut up i'll fuck you up etc" straight after class he tried to fight me, people pulled him away, later he tried to fight me, people pulled him away, after school he fought me, lost, came back the next day with 10 friends and pummeled me, he also robbed me once after that too, (Expelled, youth offenders, i didnt give a shit about my "manhood", insecure little dude who i pummeled in the first place)
This is what Regi and his "drama" (its harrassment / bullying.) reminds me of. Its like you cant tell a "supposed" friend to shut the fuck up? Really? Come on guys im sure you tell friends on the internet to shut the fuck up everyday let alone real life, its perfectly accepted in groups of friends like TSM is, it DOESNT warrant that sort of reaction, it just DOESNT, The man fucking apologised 2 minutes after for gods sake.
Dyrus stated that Regi ALWAYS does this, if Dyrus has been putting up with this for a long time (which we all know he has, lets be honest.) then that outburst is 100% warranted IMO, especially if he's having a bad day and is just fed up with it. ^_^
Anyway, this is bad topic. What college should i attend if i move to ontario?
EDIT: for no grammar. ,,|,, ^_^ ,,|,,
Ive turned into some sort of Zen master since i hit silver, no rage xD, i dont care about winning anymore, its fun. I really hated the bronze stigma and knew i shouldnt be there lol.
You saw a, what, 10 minute video of two guys in an argument and you're gonna start psycho analyzing and recommend legal discourse? Come the fuck on, you have no idea how these people function, how they feel, no clue how often it happens, or indeed why it did this time. It's OK to have an opinion, but please acknowledge that the only thing you have to go by is an argument on youtube and some whispered beef a year ago.
Its hardly a 10 minute video, its hours of video of Regi and this shit over years, his teammates always mentioning it, shit always going down because of it. It all adds up tbh, not a one time thing especially when there is alot of proof + people in the situation saying its constant.
On August 24 2013 15:48 Capped wrote: ^ removed by him apparently lol.
Its hardly a 10 minute video, its hours of video of Regi and this shit over years, his teammates always mentioning it, shit always going down because of it. It all adds up tbh, not a one time thing especially when there is alot of proof + people in the situation saying its constant.
That moment where you're still watching a video that got removed.