And Reaper Nocturne ult just confuses the hell out of me every time.
[Patch 3.10: Yimake Patch] General Discussion - Page 238
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Germany9118 Posts
And Reaper Nocturne ult just confuses the hell out of me every time. | ||
New York City13113 Posts
On August 14 2013 02:13 mr_tolkien wrote: Well most of the time I worked with 2 Qs/5s autos. But indeed it lacks 1 auto which might make Nash better. From my games with Kayle though, you very rarely have the occasion to auto anybody more than 5s. Being bursty is a good thing on her. There are so many errors in your spreadsheet. You're using a level 13 Kayle but using her level 0 base attack speed and attack damage. Apparently she can only autoattack for 4s but gets to use two Q's, an ability with an 8s cooldown. You ignore Spellblade mastery. No wonder it spits out counterintuitive results (claiming Nashor's Tooth isn't good for her). | ||
United States35091 Posts
On August 14 2013 00:53 nyxnyxnyx wrote: OP skins iBlitzcrank, hook animation makes it harder to dodge Blackthorn Morgana, Dark Binding has no directional facing (usually it's =) but Blackthorn's Q is just an O) Mecha-Kha'zix, Void Spikes harder to dodge due to the twisty missile thingy Monarch Kog'maw, occasionally flies up which throws off people trying to aim skillshots on you Astronaut Teemo, little side-to-side jaunt while walking, see above Stainless Steel Lux still shady as all hell? | ||
United States10536 Posts
On August 14 2013 02:54 GrandInquisitor wrote: There are so many errors in your spreadsheet. You're using a level 13 Kayle but using her level 0 base attack speed and attack damage. Apparently she can only autoattack for 4s but gets to use two Q's, an ability with an 8s cooldown. You ignore Spellblade mastery. No wonder it spits out counterintuitive results (claiming Nashor's Tooth isn't good for her). Actually he does factor in the attack speed from being level 13, it's in cell P3. He does appear to have forgotten Kayle's AD per level, or it's buried somewhere I couldn't find. I can't say I'm satisfied by his explanation regarding Qs and autos either, for the same reasons you state. Granted, CDR can take a lot off the 8 seconds, but he's never explicitly stated his assumptions in that area. | ||
United States3721 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
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France3578 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
On August 14 2013 03:11 obesechicken13 wrote: My biggest problem with the spreadsheet is you can't see formulas. Cell E19 has the formula he used, but because he didn't preserve the numbers from each calculation we can only guess as to their accuracy. On August 14 2013 03:15 -Zoda- wrote: Isn't Nashor on Kayle like on Diana ? If you want to (split)push a lot it's great buy, if you want to do dmg just get something else ? Diana has much greater nuke potential than Kayle. It's fairly easy with or without Nashor's to Q->R->Auto->E->Auto*2, and when you aren't going all-in you can just poke/waveclear with Q. Kayle has one nuke, and her wave clear is dependent upon auto-attacking. She also has twice Diana's AP scaling on her autos via Reckoning. A lot of it depends on how comfortable you are playing an AP like they're an AD carry. | ||
United States2405 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
If Randuin's really doesn't work then I'd much rather Riot make unpopular armor items more appealing (e.g. Atma's, Thornmail, Wriggle's). There are so many Armor items as it stands, we don't really need more. | ||
United States1291 Posts
On August 14 2013 02:40 thenexusp wrote: They've already confirmed that phage is going to keep ruby+longsword recipe. Yea I saw that too after I posted but it could still be done. Bruiser Atma's Idea + Show Spoiler + Phage + Chain Vest = Atma's Impailer 20 AD, 200 HP, 45 Armor Rage passive 1.5% HP > AD passive Removes the useless Crit stat. Carry Atma's Idea + Show Spoiler + Phage + Avarice Blade = Atma's Impailer 20 AD, 200 HP, 25% Crit Rage passive 1.5% HP > AD passive Removes the undesirable armor stat for carries and gives them a viable Crit item that does not also give AS. | ||
United States35091 Posts
On August 14 2013 03:15 -Zoda- wrote: Isn't Nashor on Kayle like on Diana ? If you want to (split)push a lot it's great buy, if you want to do dmg just get something else ? I think Lichbane might push faster on Di. | ||
United States2405 Posts
On August 14 2013 03:25 Seuss wrote: Or you could just build an AD item, and then an armor item. It's not like Randuin's is bad on a bruiser. If Randuin's really doesn't work then I'd much rather Riot make unpopular armor items more appealing (e.g. Atma's, Thornmail, Wriggle's). There are so many Armor items as it stands, we don't really need more. eh, sort of. Randuin's is more of a tank item, and also some bruisers scale better defensively with armor compared to health, so they may not necessarily want to buy giant's belt items when they want a decent armor item. It'd also be useful to return phage as a useful laning item for bruisers. Thornmail is fine as a niche item, wriggle's is fine as a niche jungler item (edit: although I think the numbers need to be tweaked, currently it's just better to leave it at madred's). Atma's though is way too situational, and I'm all for re-making that to be a better ad+armor bruiser item. | ||
United States1291 Posts
Card holders will get 1,000 RP for signing up, 1,000 RP the first time they load up $20, 10,000 RP with the first direct deposit of $20 or more and 1,000 for their first 10 purchases. League of Legends cards come with images of Teemo, Vi, Lux, Twisted Fate, the Summoner's Cup or the game's logo. LINK I think this is definately worth the effort for 13,000 RP unless those aren't the actual numbers. Hell it's worth just to have TF on the card itself! edit: I probably read it wrong and its only 13k RP and not 22k RP. | ||
United States5211 Posts
That seems weird to me for some reason. | ||
United States1291 Posts
edit: I read the article wrong and its 3k and not 12k without the DD so yea if you're going to do this for the RP you might as well setup the DD or just forget about the whole thing. | ||
New York City13113 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
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Germany11324 Posts
On August 14 2013 03:52 Ghost-z wrote: IDK but you can still get 12,000 RP even without the DD setup. Not with the numbers you gave above. The main RP comes from that direct deposit, namely 10000. The rest is just 3000 RP for everything else. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On August 14 2013 03:43 Ghost-z wrote: About that LoL debit card: Card holders will get 1,000 RP for signing up, 1,000 RP the first time they load up $20, 10,000 RP with the first direct deposit of $20 or more and 1,000 for their first 10 purchases. League of Legends cards come with images of Teemo, Vi, Lux, Twisted Fate, the Summoner's Cup or the game's logo. LINK I think this is definately worth the effort for 22,000 RP unless those aren't the actual numbers. Hell it's worth just to have TF on the card itself! It's not real life money. It's a nice deal, but selling people out to credit cards companies is hurting either Riot, the credit card company, or the customer. I don't think Riot will end up with less money. Riot gets paid by Amex. The people who get the debit cards will spend more than if they used cash and will eventually open up a line of credit with Amex leading to debts and interest on things. And the consumer likely wouldn't have spent the money for 22k RP so it's not all worth face value. RP is still intangible internet points like flyer miles. Add this with the fact Dota 2 is a game that gives you every champion and rune and rune page at level 1. And several banks give you real money for signing up with them. And if you already have a card then you'll likely have to sit through an hour processing and then sign up for monthly fees on this card. | ||
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