On June 10 2013 03:25 TheLink wrote: Been reading all these starcraft WCS threads and it's fascinating to me how if a game isn't a pair of top-50 players then you're wasting your time. All events should always only consist of the best. After all, our goal is to show top quality starcraft right? With Riot though I spend months watching LCS where I become attached to local teams (culturally if not physically local) and then cheer as they head off to represent on the international stage every now and again. I know they'll get crushed by the Asians but I still cheer for them, hell the Raiders haven't won anything in decades now.
I know LCSNA is far from the pinnacle of LoL competition but I realise it's just a buildup to the big one at the end of the year where I will see the absolute top and that enhances my enjoyment of both events. It's not as though its even an entertainment over skill sort of thing as I do see the very best. It's just I see it when all the teams come together a few times a year rather than every weekend.
I agree with so much of this. I still follow SC2 and while reading those threads, the same thoughts were running through my head.
I don't get people's obsession with Draven. It's like a forced thing on LoL. Same with hating on Teemo on reddit. Never will figure that out.
Also didn't they just release gladiator Draven a few weeks back?
Confirmed for inability to grow an awesome stache and inability to twirl axes.
the teemo thing is more compelling imo. He's a bitch to lane against.
Well, it could be more natural like when Garen/Demacia came around. I doubt Riot thought spin to win was going to take off as it did. Draven, on the other hand, is very much a manufactured product. He was 100% meant to appeal as the image he has now. Maybe that's why I dislike it. There was nothing the public/community did except latch onto Riot's plans.
Teemo is also quite natural in how people react to it. I doubt Riot thought Teemo would be as polarizing as it is or as popular as it's become. Though, judging by how techies are in DotA, I guess they had some idea. I just don't think it's too forced compared to what Draven has become. Redditors do push it overboard though with that hate on teemo inside joke thing they have going there.
I don't get people's obsession with Draven. It's like a forced thing on LoL. Same with hating on Teemo on reddit. Never will figure that out.
Also didn't they just release gladiator Draven a few weeks back?
Confirmed for inability to grow an awesome stache and inability to twirl axes.
the teemo thing is more compelling imo. He's a bitch to lane against.
Because Draven is fun to watch, fun to play with a pain to play against a good one and he spins freaking axes while acting like a WWF wrestler. People who don't like Draven do not exist, they just haven't been Dravenized yet.
lol entire time i though kennen has no wave clear which discouraged me from buying him but in fact he is better at clearing waves than rumble (not in siege scenerio ofc)
On June 10 2013 03:25 TheLink wrote: Been reading all these starcraft WCS threads and it's fascinating to me how if a game isn't a pair of top-50 players then you're wasting your time. All events should always only consist of the best. After all, our goal is to show top quality starcraft right? With Riot though I spend months watching LCS where I become attached to local teams (culturally if not physically local) and then cheer as they head off to represent on the international stage every now and again. I know they'll get crushed by the Asians but I still cheer for them, hell the Raiders haven't won anything in decades now.
I know LCSNA is far from the pinnacle of LoL competition but I realise it's just a buildup to the big one at the end of the year where I will see the absolute top and that enhances my enjoyment of both events. It's not as though its even an entertainment over skill sort of thing as I do see the very best. It's just I see it when all the teams come together a few times a year rather than every weekend.
I agree with so much of this. I still follow SC2 and while reading those threads, the same thoughts were running through my head.
It seems to me that people in the SC2 community just want to watch the best of the best and if it's not 2 koreans playing they don't really care. It shows in threads where people were talking about a regional NA/EU league or something and people were totally against it. It's not like it would impact GSL at all and it could only strengthen the SC2 scene but people were still crying about it being pointless.
I would rather be able to watch NFL games (GSL) and College league games (regional NA/EU leagues). Having regional leagues allows people to make a living doing eSports and that in turn means more people will make it to the top tier. It seems to me right now your either a top tier player who can make a living in gaming at the top level of play and any one else who isn't S class can't survive on just gaming.
Eve is currently insanely OP as a jungler. If you disagree with that you need to go try her out, SotEL -> Liandry's -> Zhonya's/Abyssal/Rylais is stupid.
On June 10 2013 06:54 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Eve is currently insanely OP as a jungler. If you disagree with that you need to go try her out, SotEL -> Liandry's -> Zhonya's/Abyssal/Rylais is stupid.
Lol currently? She's been stupidly effective in the jungle since her remake. The issue was her lane counterpart got the lime light
On June 10 2013 06:54 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Eve is currently insanely OP as a jungler. If you disagree with that you need to go try her out, SotEL -> Liandry's -> Zhonya's/Abyssal/Rylais is stupid.
Lol currently? She's been stupidly effective in the jungle since her remake. The issue was her lane counterpart got the lime light
And I assure you she was even worse in testing. Eve just has the problem where she can initiate onto people from multiple angels without anyone being aware of it. Then again, I also wonder sometimes if that is really such a big problem.
On June 10 2013 06:54 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Eve is currently insanely OP as a jungler. If you disagree with that you need to go try her out, SotEL -> Liandry's -> Zhonya's/Abyssal/Rylais is stupid.
Lol currently? She's been stupidly effective in the jungle since her remake. The issue was her lane counterpart got the lime light
And I assure you she was even worse in testing. Eve just has the problem where she can initiate onto people from multiple angels without anyone being aware of it. Then again, I also wonder sometimes if that is really such a big problem.
She's strong in jungle right now , but I don't think she's op'd currently. Back when her ulti did percent max health, you literally just farm up to dfg as fast as possible. You one shot anyone who didn't have 3 mr items.
On June 10 2013 06:54 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Eve is currently insanely OP as a jungler. If you disagree with that you need to go try her out, SotEL -> Liandry's -> Zhonya's/Abyssal/Rylais is stupid.
Lol currently? She's been stupidly effective in the jungle since her remake. The issue was her lane counterpart got the lime light
And I assure you she was even worse in testing. Eve just has the problem where she can initiate onto people from multiple angels without anyone being aware of it. Then again, I also wonder sometimes if that is really such a big problem.
Does stealth for Eve work similarly to every other stealth champ? (just get a pink etc) If so then i could see the conflict, and even then it seems silly to argue "all 3 lanes shouldn't have to ward just to counter 1 champion" because if you think about it Eve (especially jungle) becomes pretty useless if she can't sneak up on anyone.
Wait for the jungle items nerfs and we'll see. She has pretty damn strong counterjungling because unless she gets bursted down or fights straight-up duelists (Jarvan, Lee, Xin... I guess she could beat Vi just because she'd run circles around her and walk away as soon as she sees a Q charging) because her sustained damage is always high and E+ elder lizard (or just E at early levels) give her good burst too. Maybe losing a bit of power there will help.
I've yet to play a multiplayer game where the benefits of adding stealth outweighed the balance issues and frustration that comes with it. I can't think of a single multiplayer game where I wouldn't have preferred to have stealth removed.
On June 10 2013 07:16 Badboyrune wrote: I've yet to play a multiplayer game where the benefits of adding stealth outweighed the balance issues and frustration that comes with it. I can't think of a single multiplayer game where I wouldn't have preferred to have stealth removed.
Spies in TF2 are pretty manageable, it's all a mind game. + Show Spoiler +
On June 10 2013 06:54 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Eve is currently insanely OP as a jungler. If you disagree with that you need to go try her out, SotEL -> Liandry's -> Zhonya's/Abyssal/Rylais is stupid.
Lol currently? She's been stupidly effective in the jungle since her remake. The issue was her lane counterpart got the lime light
And I assure you she was even worse in testing. Eve just has the problem where she can initiate onto people from multiple angels without anyone being aware of it. Then again, I also wonder sometimes if that is really such a big problem.
Does stealth for Eve work similarly to every other stealth champ? (just get a pink etc) If so then i could see the conflict, and even then it seems silly to argue "all 3 lanes shouldn't have to ward just to counter 1 champion" because if you think about it Eve (especially jungle) becomes pretty useless if she can't sneak up on anyone.
Yes, Pinks will detect Eve.
Your argument can apply to nearly any jungler though because you can argue that wards make junglers useless if all 3 lanes are warded, and Greens have longer ranger than Pinks. You can argue that Eve can lane gank well but again, so can many other junglers.
On June 10 2013 07:16 Badboyrune wrote: I've yet to play a multiplayer game where the benefits of adding stealth outweighed the balance issues and frustration that comes with it. I can't think of a single multiplayer game where I wouldn't have preferred to have stealth removed.
But then what will we do without Bronzie the Bear, Destroyer of Worlds?