On May 17 2013 23:21 spellsy wrote: idk if people are even on this early on friday but i made a new blogpost - http://spellsy.blogspot.com/2013/05/supporting-on-budget-beginner-setups-so.html and wonder what TL thinks.. even though its not really aimed that much due to you guys being a more hardcore audience (and im sure we might get into the gp10 argument again), but still curious !
I really dislike not going defence on ranged supports.They win you lanes 90% of games really.
I dunno I love that 5/0/25 page in any matchup where the opponent is going to be playing passive anyway (especially if I'm someone like Lulu where we're likely to be shoveshoveshoving.)
Are the extra points in Utility (Scout, Improved Recall, Awareness, Artificer, and Pickpocket) really better than 1 AP/level and 8% spell pen?
Enough of them are that you can't get it all without giving up 8% Spell Pen, at which point the AP/level is garbage compared to the rest of them.
2/2 Artificer and Pickpocket in particular, are baller. The rest of them only have to be "better than 0.25 AP/Level on a support" which really isn't hard.
I shall also nitpick Spellsy's 1/13/16 page - 1/2 Artificer, IMO, is way better than 1/1 Improved Recall.
my wireless mouse is so old that the rubber grip has is worn through on both sides, and is degraded to the point that you can poke it through with a pen. i've also worn out the paint on the top of it. my laptop is decent, but doesn't even have a dedicated graphics card.
still win games
i have like four support pages, used to have specific ones but i got lazyyyy.
10/0/20: extreme poke support page (don't use this one much) -mpen and improved exhaust in offense -summoner/item cooldown, recall, mana regen, pickpocket, wards and biscuit in utility
1/21/8: tanky support -improved exhaust in offense -basically the hp, armor/resist and everything that gives %'s except legendary armor in defense -summoner/item cooldown, recall, movespeed
9-21-0: pen tank (tanky ranged supports are pretty abusive) -mpen on offense -same tanky masteries
21-0-9 ap support (aka lux) -full ap on offense -summoner/item cooldown, recall, movespeed
omg imp recall save my life tho .. but you can take 1 point out of the mana regen imo to put it in artificer if you wanted. the reason i dont is most melee supports i dont get active items that much (usually end up rushing aegis)... but yea i prob should move 1 point from mana regn to artificer.
but yea imp recall is op op op - i remember even like backing with adc in bush and he had it i didnt and so he left and i was stuck for the 1 sec and died T_T, 1 mastery point that saves death in like 1/50 games - worth it !
On May 17 2013 23:21 spellsy wrote: idk if people are even on this early on friday but i made a new blogpost - http://spellsy.blogspot.com/2013/05/supporting-on-budget-beginner-setups-so.html and wonder what TL thinks.. even though its not really aimed that much due to you guys being a more hardcore audience (and im sure we might get into the gp10 argument again), but still curious !
I really dislike not going defence on ranged supports.They win you lanes 90% of games really.
"Going with the theme from the item build above there are two main mastery pages I use, one for melee support (or when I'm going to harass a lot and get into the thick of things with a ranged support),"
no reason to go def on a janna/soraka who you are playing defensively. but if you are harassing with like a sona then its good. i said this !
Ya I suck at reading sorry :D.
But I personaly like going 0/13/17 on most supp or 1/13/16.The reduced auto dmg is REALLY good(also it makes lulu passive useless).Like especially in solo q most lanes turn into kill fests so it's worth most of the time I think :D.
On May 17 2013 23:21 spellsy wrote: idk if people are even on this early on friday but i made a new blogpost - http://spellsy.blogspot.com/2013/05/supporting-on-budget-beginner-setups-so.html and wonder what TL thinks.. even though its not really aimed that much due to you guys being a more hardcore audience (and im sure we might get into the gp10 argument again), but still curious !
I really dislike not going defence on ranged supports.They win you lanes 90% of games really.
I dunno I love that 5/0/25 page in any matchup where the opponent is going to be playing passive anyway (especially if I'm someone like Lulu where we're likely to be shoveshoveshoving.)
Are the extra points in Utility (Scout, Improved Recall, Awareness, Artificer, and Pickpocket) really better than 1 AP/level and 8% spell pen?
Enough of them are that you can't get it all without giving up 8% Spell Pen, at which point the AP/level is garbage compared to the rest of them.
2/2 Artificer and Pickpocket in particular, are baller. The rest of them only have to be "better than 0.25 AP/Level on a support" which really isn't hard.
I shall also nitpick Spellsy's 1/13/16 page - 1/2 Artificer, IMO, is way better than 1/1 Improved Recall.
Yeah I run the 1/13/16 page with 1/2 in Artificer on all my supports, so I don't really have any experience to base the usefulness of the remaining utility masteries, but I was always under the impression that they are garbage. Improved Recall, Scout, and Awareness for obvious reasons, but even Artificer I'd have a hard time justifying if it weren't for the fact that it's the best remaining option in the first two tiers. I'm almost never hurting for reduced item cooldowns except in the extremely rare event that I buy twin shadows. You still have enough points to get 1/2 Artificer and Pickpocket if you go 9/0/21, so it really boils down to 1% CDR, Scout, Improved Recall, 1 point in Awareness and 1 point in Artificer vs 1 AP/lvl and 8% spell pen.
It's on consume, so it doesn't need to kill. If you're top, you can nom Red or Blue (depending on your side) to help your jungler and get a nice buff out of the deal too.
On May 18 2013 01:08 Requizen wrote: It's on consume, so it doesn't need to kill. If you're top, you can nom Red or Blue (depending on your side) to help your jungler and get a nice buff out of the deal too.
Thanks. I was wondering this since the tooltip describes it as on consume but most people make it sound like it's on kill.
Silver I don't know about Sej being OP. I think I'll just go back to banning Jarvan, his mindless camping is just too annoying mid. Come to think of it, they don't pick much Zac either (he's still fairly common, just maybe picked or banned once every 4th game). Reminds me of Elise's release, it took a bunch of weeks for her to become a common ban. Trickling down really takes time. ôo
On May 17 2013 23:24 Artok wrote: ap gp is so awesome, just destroyed zed, he couldnt do shit because of massive heals and cleanse, wonder if he will become next ap trynd.
Just played a Ranked where enemy team had an AP GP beating a Shen and anytime we had a 4v4 and GP Ult'd us; I swear to god they hit like a lvl 18 ADC non-crit auto's.
i bought a deathadder 2013 this morning off amazon. i've been using intellimouse 3.0, but when i play osu my wrist hurts. i'm hoping the DA will fix it. if not... eh whatever i'm rich.
sej is REALLY strong. her ult is game changing. i've won many games when my team was behind by a lot (6k~10k) simply because i hit a good ult. hell, i've even missed my ult and i'm still useful because W and E is a decent AoE now and even if your ult misses you still get E.
she's even strong top lane. she has great trading potential because of percent health on Q and permafrost.
On May 17 2013 23:24 Artok wrote: ap gp is so awesome, just destroyed zed, he couldnt do shit because of massive heals and cleanse, wonder if he will become next ap trynd.
Just played a Ranked where enemy team had an AP GP beating a Shen and anytime we had a 4v4 and GP Ult'd us; I swear to god they hit like a lvl 18 ADC non-crit auto's.
Jesus christ it hurts
yup, its amazing, ofc ulti is still super rng reliant,which is annoying, but doesnt really matter since its pretty hard to lose the lane and after lich bane is done q damage is pretty insane. Oh yeah, cant blame the shen, gp completely destroys him in lane, only upside is that shen can cast ulti whenever, too bad theres downside of gp just casting his ulti at the same place and pushing free turret.
On May 17 2013 23:24 Artok wrote: ap gp is so awesome, just destroyed zed, he couldnt do shit because of massive heals and cleanse, wonder if he will become next ap trynd.
Just played a Ranked where enemy team had an AP GP beating a Shen and anytime we had a 4v4 and GP Ult'd us; I swear to god they hit like a lvl 18 ADC non-crit auto's.
Jesus christ it hurts
yup, its amazing, ofc ulti is still super rng reliant,which is annoying, but doesnt really matter since its pretty hard to lose the lane and after lich bane is done q damage is pretty insane. Oh yeah, cant blame the shen, gp completely destroys him in lane, only upside is that shen can cast ulti whenever, too bad theres downside of gp just casting his ulti at the same place and pushing free turret.
does shiv work with lichbane + parley?
also, walking through cannon barrage without taking damage = best feeling ever
On May 17 2013 23:24 Artok wrote: ap gp is so awesome, just destroyed zed, he couldnt do shit because of massive heals and cleanse, wonder if he will become next ap trynd.
Just played a Ranked where enemy team had an AP GP beating a Shen and anytime we had a 4v4 and GP Ult'd us; I swear to god they hit like a lvl 18 ADC non-crit auto's.
Jesus christ it hurts
yup, its amazing, ofc ulti is still super rng reliant,which is annoying, but doesnt really matter since its pretty hard to lose the lane and after lich bane is done q damage is pretty insane. Oh yeah, cant blame the shen, gp completely destroys him in lane, only upside is that shen can cast ulti whenever, too bad theres downside of gp just casting his ulti at the same place and pushing free turret.
does shiv work with lichbane + parley?
Lichbane doesn't overwrite your auto, it just adds the AP proc to it. So with Shiv, the physical part with deal the extra damage + lightning + have the potential to crit, but the AP portion will just do damage based on your AP.