[Patch 3.07: Nerf Everything Not Nami] General Discussion…
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Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
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United States23745 Posts
On May 17 2013 11:16 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: Bananamage Soraka is the best. Nashor's Rylai's Gunblade, get in there I thought I had the ARAM thread open for a second lol. | ||
France343 Posts
On May 17 2013 10:22 Amethyst21 wrote: It's a nice presentation, but it thinks of things in way too binary a fashion. For example aura items (ageis, locket) are pretty good against double AP comps. Plus, he ignores the fact that stacking health is equally good against AP and AD champions - and there is no way you're renekton has 3 mr items in the midgame, come on now. Plus he could use #s to say "Renekton dies in 9 hits with this build and 11 hits in this build, etc.. Plus, he ignores armor pen/magic pen and it's midgame effectiveness Anyway, its a nice presentation, but really doesn't show anything of much use Don't take everything too litteraly. Of course hex/merc/visage renekton never happens even vs the most annoying rumble (pre-nerf huehue). I also agree that some of his ideas behind Zed/Khazix/Jayce are far fetched, mainly because these champs are the exception with huge damage output from mid to lategame AND escape abilities (range/disengage for jayce) but if you just replace "Zed/Khazix" by "ad bruiser" the idea is relevant. Stacking hp is indeed equally good against both AP and AD, but I find people haven't been going straight up hp compared to early season 3 when giant belt/warmogs was so efficient. We also see that resists are getting popular again with all the penetration build champions (Elise/rumble..) or ad comps. As a jungler main, I often find myself feeling squishy early late game when I rush bulwark because my team needs to resist the double ap high burst in the midgame. I guess it's a trade off for having my team more beefy but I should account for it until I have sufficient amounts of armor. Bulwark is no use if I'm dead. In other words, play safer around ad damage dealers because there is only so much gold in the jungle that getting bulwark usually delays locket/sunfire/randuins quite a bit. Spirit golem doesn't provide armor anymore either. This presentation kinda goes overboard to prove a point but it helps me understand a blurry idea that I wasn't smart enough to appreciate all around. Another point, as I said before is ganking opportunities depending on which resistance the lane itemize. Something I have never really bothered with. I usually look at how farmed and leveled the lanes are compared to me and my own ally laner, and account for the lane position and ward to come up with a gank route or plan. This is definitely something I'll pay more attention to. You can also plan your early game if you have the same damage type as a solo lane, you should probably plan and snowball it as early as the enemy have not itemized yet against your damage type, and focus on other areas later on. Sorry for the wall of text, I believe there actually are useful ideas if you just think past "report spiritvisage renekton nub build kthx" | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On May 17 2013 11:19 onlywonderboy wrote: I thought I had the ARAM thread open for a second lol. Play Bananarama mid and see if anyone can stop you lol. 9/21/0 (or maybe double pen) masteries for long-term survivability, and just wear people down thru attrition. The sustained damage from autos is a big help cuz the ratios on her Q and E don't justify a glass cannon mage build, and she has no burst I run hybrid pen and armor/mr, cuz again i don't think she benefits enough from AP. Full flat AP definitely makes laning a little easier, but she doesn't really need help there | ||
United States10467 Posts
http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Muramana#Notes | ||
10417 Posts
On May 17 2013 10:40 TheYango wrote: Looks like you're also showing off Milo's slot-filler tech, lol. No that was his first 2 items and we DUNKED LANE with it | ||
Canada1135 Posts
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10417 Posts
On May 17 2013 10:31 dae wrote: A nerfed champion playing vs itself, how it it relevant at all...? Do you want an actual explanation or are you just being a jackass? I'm sorry if I offended you with the original post but that's no reason to be an asshole because it clearly wasn't targeted at you. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On May 17 2013 11:38 obesechicken13 wrote: Jax's W and ult apply Muramana's toggle twice. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Muramana#Notes Hmmmm. If only he didn't already suck during the time that that item sucks... | ||
Singapore5741 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
That's what legacy code is like. The bigger the system, the more it mounds up. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On May 17 2013 11:50 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Do you want an actual explanation or are you just being a jackass? I'm sorry if I offended you with the original post but that's no reason to be an asshole because it clearly wasn't targeted at you. Cait's lategame is virtually untouched unless you do something wonky like stacking attack speed items. Her early game is where the impact is. At level 9 with 0AS, or level 13 with Berserker's Greaves, you have nearly identical attack speed. It's a nerf, but it's mostly a level 1-5 autoattack dps nerf (also no more stacking headshot on towers for incredible siege poke power when pushing turrets early game) | ||
United States60033 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
On May 17 2013 12:15 justiceknight wrote: can any1 explain how MF's W work? I dont get the "accumulated dmg" means Let's say you have level 1 W (new, slightly nerfed W). The first autoattack you do on a specific target is +4 magic damage. The second attack is +8 magic damage. Then you doubleup, now you do +12 magic damage (on the initial target... the stacks are seperate for each target). Then you autoattack twice more, this does +16 and +20 magic damage. Caps out at 5 stacks (+20 magic damage) It's a deceptively strong steroid, since it gives both +damage and +AS, and cooperates nicely with Double-Up. The +damage is totally passive, you only need to activate if you want AS/healing debuff. | ||
United Kingdom7236 Posts
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United States19143 Posts
On May 17 2013 11:26 komokun wrote: Don't take everything too litteraly. Of course hex/merc/visage renekton never happens even vs the most annoying rumble (pre-nerf huehue). I also agree that some of his ideas behind Zed/Khazix/Jayce are far fetched, mainly because these champs are the exception with huge damage output from mid to lategame AND escape abilities (range/disengage for jayce) but if you just replace "Zed/Khazix" by "ad bruiser" the idea is relevant. Stacking hp is indeed equally good against both AP and AD, but I find people haven't been going straight up hp compared to early season 3 when giant belt/warmogs was so efficient. We also see that resists are getting popular again with all the penetration build champions (Elise/rumble..) or ad comps. As a jungler main, I often find myself feeling squishy early late game when I rush bulwark because my team needs to resist the double ap high burst in the midgame. I guess it's a trade off for having my team more beefy but I should account for it until I have sufficient amounts of armor. Bulwark is no use if I'm dead. In other words, play safer around ad damage dealers because there is only so much gold in the jungle that getting bulwark usually delays locket/sunfire/randuins quite a bit. Spirit golem doesn't provide armor anymore either. This presentation kinda goes overboard to prove a point but it helps me understand a blurry idea that I wasn't smart enough to appreciate all around. Another point, as I said before is ganking opportunities depending on which resistance the lane itemize. Something I have never really bothered with. I usually look at how farmed and leveled the lanes are compared to me and my own ally laner, and account for the lane position and ward to come up with a gank route or plan. This is definitely something I'll pay more attention to. You can also plan your early game if you have the same damage type as a solo lane, you should probably plan and snowball it as early as the enemy have not itemized yet against your damage type, and focus on other areas later on. Sorry for the wall of text, I believe there actually are useful ideas if you just think past "report spiritvisage renekton nub build kthx" except my major problem with it is based on his exaggerated examples his hypothesis is double AP is always > AD/AP solos, which is just untrue(I assume he's not referring to 5 AD because this wouldn't be worth a video a year ago). This just is not true, it is good a lot of time, and double AP is strong at the moment, but there are still team comps that are very competitive (I would argue AD assassin + AP + AoE based AD is every bit as strong if not stronger atm). I love when he "backs up" his point by saying Koreans use this but "it's hard to give specific details" before changing the subject, well I've got some specific details for you in the OGN semis: + Show Spoiler + The winning team played Double AP 2/10 times (1 win was a 5 ad team) again this is not to say that double AP isn't strong right now, it is, but to suggest that it isn't worth running an AD solo lane is complete hogwash. Now to touch on the point of bruisers (not assassins (if you count Jayce) as being weak) there is a point here, if you notice the most popular AD Bruisers being played right now have free/magic damage Shen(Health based magic damage), Renekton(Free magic damage from ult), Irelia (True damage). perhaps something could be done to help out the pure AD bruisers, but in the meantime I'm annoyed by a video that has potential to really mislead some people simply because it's produced in such a polished manor. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On May 17 2013 12:06 cLutZ wrote: Hmmmm. If only he didn't already suck during the time that that item sucks... Agreed. Something to try and think about. On May 17 2013 12:18 wei2coolman wrote: I wonder if they plan on doing a full rehaul of the coding? I can't imagine them doing a remake. Dota 2 was rewritten from a custom map to a new game with an engine. Starcraft BW to Starcraft 2 was the same. LoL will probably never get remade but it may get a sequel. There just aren't enough problems with the client. | ||
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United States19143 Posts
On May 17 2013 12:27 Leeto wrote: Can someone explain that matchmaking lol Divisions are mostly a function of games played and are getting further and further from being representative of MMR as the season progresses ( I exaggerate but mostly this) zz I didn't notice it was a team match, the next answer is much more accurate than mine, I thought this was a solo q game lol | ||
United States1320 Posts
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