Standart placement/promotion matches We went trought 5 promotion series to go from bronze 1 to silver 5 cause you get matched vs plats and diamonds doing placements... games inside the brackets are cake, we only get those sort of enemy teams in promo or placements
Okay because I got a support janna who built a fucking twin shadows and lichbane, citing waveclear on a team with blue ez+anivia, this is why it's fucking terrible in comparison to a bulwark.
10 armor, 25 MR.
On a squishy with 80/50 lategame
This is 5.55% more EHP vs physical, and 16.66% vs magic.
Even assuming it's half as effective due to pen, it's still 2.8% EHP vs physical and 8.3% vs magic.
The more squishies/semi-squishy people you have, the more important it is to get a bulwark. aegis and locket are far and away the best expenditures of gold for midgame teamfights, absolutely no reason to not get them.
I wish competitive lol had intros like the NBA. Alan Parsons TSM Project would be FTW.
On May 17 2013 13:01 Amui wrote: Okay because I got a support janna who built a fucking twin shadows and lichbane, citing waveclear on a team with blue ez+anivia, this is why it's fucking terrible in comparison to a bulwark.
10 armor, 25 MR.
On a squishy with 80/50 lategame
This is 5.55% more EHP vs physical, and 16.66% vs magic.
Even assuming it's half as effective due to pen, it's still 2.8% EHP vs physical and 8.3% vs magic.
The more squishies/semi-squishy people you have, the more important it is to get a bulwark. aegis and locket are far and away the best expenditures of gold for midgame teamfights, absolutely no reason to not get them.
1) When I cast his ult, I assume it works like nunu's, if he moves it is interrupted. Does it still do full damage? (Ignoring the bonus damage) 2) Can enemies cast abilities while taunted? (I know things like taric stun can be cast before i cast the ult). 3) If I cast Q or W or E while channeling my ult, will it interrupt my ult?
I played an ARAM game with him, he seems pretty cool, not sure exactly how he could survive in a solo lane on summoners rift though
Matchmaking is done based on MRR/Elo, what league you're in doesn't really have anything to do with it. See how everyone on team two was gold in S2 (when league was based directly on Elo), while only 3/5 of team one was? They're probably pretty evenly matched.
On May 17 2013 13:57 Complete wrote: I need an explanation of Galio's ult.
1) When I cast his ult, I assume it works like nunu's, if he moves it is interrupted. Does it still do full damage? (Ignoring the bonus damage) 2) Can enemies cast abilities while taunted? (I know things like taric stun can be cast before i cast the ult). 3) If I cast Q or W or E while channeling my ult, will it interrupt my ult?
I played an ARAM game with him, he seems pretty cool, not sure exactly how he could survive in a solo lane on summoners rift though
yes (but the damage ramps based on how many times you've been auto'd) no yes
Pretty interesting presentation, first time I see this guy's channel. I never really took the mixed damage aspect of ganking a lane as a jungler (ad jungler ganking an ap solo lane/ap jungler ganking bot or the ad solo lanes) at the timings where the enemy buys their first specific resistance items (MR or armor)
Double AP works because both AP champs typically have better Utility than bruisers. Good Examples would be Equalizer, and hemoplague top or the Anivia/Orianna type champs mid.
Some of the ideas are good, I think.
For example, every time I play as Mordekaiser and my top laner is also AP I get super annoyed, because I can't as easily ghost the enemy top laner (the most accessible target to me) due to magic resistance.... Hexshrinker in particular is really dumb.
Pretty interesting presentation, first time I see this guy's channel. I never really took the mixed damage aspect of ganking a lane as a jungler (ad jungler ganking an ap solo lane/ap jungler ganking bot or the ad solo lanes) at the timings where the enemy buys their first specific resistance items (MR or armor)
Double AP works because both AP champs typically have better Utility than bruisers. Good Examples would be Equalizer, and hemoplague top or the Anivia/Orianna type champs mid.
Some of the ideas are good, I think.
For example, every time I play as Mordekaiser and my top laner is also AP I get super annoyed, because I can't as easily ghost the enemy top laner (the most accessible target to me) due to magic resistance.... Hexshrinker in particular is really dumb.
Except the video encourages double AP, to increase tower and ADC damage, he's ok with the mid getting shut down apparently.
and if that isn't his point then again a video saying 5 ad comps is easy to itemize against is neither timely nor rocket surgery.
On May 17 2013 13:57 Complete wrote: I need an explanation of Galio's ult.
1) When I cast his ult, I assume it works like nunu's, if he moves it is interrupted. Does it still do full damage? (Ignoring the bonus damage) 2) Can enemies cast abilities while taunted? (I know things like taric stun can be cast before i cast the ult). 3) If I cast Q or W or E while channeling my ult, will it interrupt my ult?
I played an ARAM game with him, he seems pretty cool, not sure exactly how he could survive in a solo lane on summoners rift though
1. Right. It does less less damage if you are attacked less during the channel, 8 attacks is max damage, so functionally it works identically to nunu ult pretty much.
Pretty interesting presentation, first time I see this guy's channel. I never really took the mixed damage aspect of ganking a lane as a jungler (ad jungler ganking an ap solo lane/ap jungler ganking bot or the ad solo lanes) at the timings where the enemy buys their first specific resistance items (MR or armor)
Double AP works because both AP champs typically have better Utility than bruisers. Good Examples would be Equalizer, and hemoplague top or the Anivia/Orianna type champs mid.
Some of the ideas are good, I think.
For example, every time I play as Mordekaiser and my top laner is also AP I get super annoyed, because I can't as easily ghost the enemy top laner (the most accessible target to me) due to magic resistance.... Hexshrinker in particular is really dumb.
Except the video encourages double AP, to increase tower and ADC damage, he's ok with the mid getting shut down apparently.
and if that isn't his point then again a video saying 5 ad comps is easy to itemize against is neither timely nor rocket surgery.
The best thing about this patch is that every popular picked ADC received some kind of nerf which makes vayne that tiny bit easier to play in regards to her horrid early game.
On May 17 2013 13:57 Complete wrote: I need an explanation of Galio's ult.
1) When I cast his ult, I assume it works like nunu's, if he moves it is interrupted. Does it still do full damage? (Ignoring the bonus damage) 2) Can enemies cast abilities while taunted? (I know things like taric stun can be cast before i cast the ult). 3) If I cast Q or W or E while channeling my ult, will it interrupt my ult?
I played an ARAM game with him, he seems pretty cool, not sure exactly how he could survive in a solo lane on summoners rift though
Galio's actually a pretty good solo laner, particularly mid with the MR synergy. Just push and push with your Q and never die. Lots of AP mids can't really win lane against him without serious jungler intervention since he'll both out-push and out-sustain them.