Pretty interesting presentation, first time I see this guy's channel. I never really took the mixed damage aspect of ganking a lane as a jungler (ad jungler ganking an ap solo lane/ap jungler ganking bot or the ad solo lanes) at the timings where the enemy buys his specific resistance items (MR or armor)
On May 17 2013 08:10 Ketara wrote: I think Executioners Calling is sort of in the game specifically so that people won't buy it. Thornmail is in a similar position.
It prevents doing things like say, getting 5 BTs, from being a reasonable option. If there was no way to get any healing reduction in a team comp, then the ADC going 5 BTs and boots would honestly make some pretty good sense. But you can't do that because you can just buy an Executioners Calling or a Morellonomicon.
Likewise, Thornmail as an item prevents a team comp from being 3 ADCs, a support and a tanky jungler. Nobody builds Thornmail in most games, it exists for the fringe cases.
Execs and Thornmail are like Scouts in BW -- no one ever builds them but they do prevent certain strategies by their mere existance.
What exactly do scouts prevent? IIRC scouts are pretty much awful at everything exept BGH scout-tank
iirc Scouts are why you can't just use corrupters to stop corsairs
EDIT: And as posted above, why you don't go carrier/BC vs P
On May 17 2013 09:41 Capped wrote: LoL really sucks for telling u their patch times, everyons all "Lul its 4am on a wednesday morning" - well its thursday, no EU patch. Never anything on their website other then "Servers are online! )) - Servers are offline! (("
Wut up? Just put up a fuckin maintenance post with times every week, its not hard guys, every other game in the world will give you an ETA on downtime
It's more like Riot EU is absolutely fucking awful.
Pretty interesting presentation, first time I see this guy's channel. I never really took the mixed damage aspect of ganking a lane as a jungler (ad jungler ganking an ap solo lane/ap jungler ganking bot or the ad solo lanes) at the timings where the enemy buys their first specific resistance items (MR or armor)
Double AP works because both AP champs typically have better Utility than bruisers. Good Examples would be Equalizer, and hemoplague top or the Anivia/Orianna type champs mid.
On May 17 2013 08:10 Ketara wrote: I think Executioners Calling is sort of in the game specifically so that people won't buy it. Thornmail is in a similar position.
It prevents doing things like say, getting 5 BTs, from being a reasonable option. If there was no way to get any healing reduction in a team comp, then the ADC going 5 BTs and boots would honestly make some pretty good sense. But you can't do that because you can just buy an Executioners Calling or a Morellonomicon.
Likewise, Thornmail as an item prevents a team comp from being 3 ADCs, a support and a tanky jungler. Nobody builds Thornmail in most games, it exists for the fringe cases.
Execs and Thornmail are like Scouts in BW -- no one ever builds them but they do prevent certain strategies by their mere existance.
What exactly do scouts prevent? IIRC scouts are pretty much awful at everything exept BGH scout-tank
iirc Scouts are why you can't just use corrupters to stop corsairs
EDIT: And as posted above, why you don't go carrier/BC vs P
On May 17 2013 08:10 Ketara wrote: I think Executioners Calling is sort of in the game specifically so that people won't buy it. Thornmail is in a similar position.
It prevents doing things like say, getting 5 BTs, from being a reasonable option. If there was no way to get any healing reduction in a team comp, then the ADC going 5 BTs and boots would honestly make some pretty good sense. But you can't do that because you can just buy an Executioners Calling or a Morellonomicon.
Likewise, Thornmail as an item prevents a team comp from being 3 ADCs, a support and a tanky jungler. Nobody builds Thornmail in most games, it exists for the fringe cases.
Execs and Thornmail are like Scouts in BW -- no one ever builds them but they do prevent certain strategies by their mere existance.
What exactly do scouts prevent? IIRC scouts are pretty much awful at everything exept BGH scout-tank
iirc Scouts are why you can't just use corrupters to stop corsairs
EDIT: And as posted above, why you don't go carrier/BC vs P
The term you are looking for is "Devourer". Looks kinda like a snail with wings.
Pretty interesting presentation, first time I see this guy's channel. I never really took the mixed damage aspect of ganking a lane as a jungler (ad jungler ganking an ap solo lane/ap jungler ganking bot or the ad solo lanes) at the timings where the enemy buys his specific resistance items (MR or armor)
he kinda goes best case scenario to prove his point, I actually really dislike this video. Mixed damage being good =/= alert the media. he also bases his entire theory of double AP being the only way to go right now on boosting your AD carries damage, then uses Jayce as an example, news flash: Jayce is your primary AD Damage source until like 40 min if you go the Muramana rush build, and he's a solo laner so,
I'm just confused why people would look at a video saying Jayce/Zed/Khazix decrease your ADC's damage output and give a shit, then at the end when he tries to make it not about solo q, guess what dog, if you are running one of these solo lanes in an arranged comp, you can run a support AD like Varus/Twitch/MF
Pretty interesting presentation, first time I see this guy's channel. I never really took the mixed damage aspect of ganking a lane as a jungler (ad jungler ganking an ap solo lane/ap jungler ganking bot or the ad solo lanes) at the timings where the enemy buys his specific resistance items (MR or armor)
It's a nice presentation, but it thinks of things in way too binary a fashion.
For example aura items (ageis, locket) are pretty good against double AP comps. Plus, he ignores the fact that stacking health is equally good against AP and AD champions - and there is no way you're renekton has 3 mr items in the midgame, come on now. Plus he could use #s to say "Renekton dies in 9 hits with this build and 11 hits in this build, etc.. Plus, he ignores armor pen/magic pen and it's midgame effectiveness
Anyway, its a nice presentation, but really doesn't show anything of much use
Pretty interesting presentation, first time I see this guy's channel. I never really took the mixed damage aspect of ganking a lane as a jungler (ad jungler ganking an ap solo lane/ap jungler ganking bot or the ad solo lanes) at the timings where the enemy buys their first specific resistance items (MR or armor)
Too much theory.
Most of these things were considered when people started doing bruisers mid in tournaments again. I'm not saying I disagree with the logic though. He just needs objective proof.
Also Jayce is a horrible example of a physical damage only champion. Jayce can have significant magic damage from hammer W and hammer E.
I'll definitely be more attentive to watching the effect of AP jungler ganks against heavy armor tanks though.
On May 17 2013 08:10 Ketara wrote: I think Executioners Calling is sort of in the game specifically so that people won't buy it. Thornmail is in a similar position.
It prevents doing things like say, getting 5 BTs, from being a reasonable option. If there was no way to get any healing reduction in a team comp, then the ADC going 5 BTs and boots would honestly make some pretty good sense. But you can't do that because you can just buy an Executioners Calling or a Morellonomicon.
Likewise, Thornmail as an item prevents a team comp from being 3 ADCs, a support and a tanky jungler. Nobody builds Thornmail in most games, it exists for the fringe cases.
Execs and Thornmail are like Scouts in BW -- no one ever builds them but they do prevent certain strategies by their mere existance.
What exactly do scouts prevent? IIRC scouts are pretty much awful at everything exept BGH scout-tank
iirc Scouts are why you can't just use corrupters to stop corsairs
EDIT: And as posted above, why you don't go carrier/BC vs P
Not sure if serious or trolling :/
doh, yeah i meant devourers
I should boot up the BW again, it's been a while...
Yeah... still pretty sure scouts aren't the reason you don't use devourers against corsairs. It's cause if you try to tech up to devourers while your opponent is running something like DT + Corsair, then your opponent just comes and fuckin' kills you.
On May 17 2013 10:33 Dgiese wrote: Yeah... still pretty sure scouts aren't the reason you don't use devourers against corsairs. It's cause if you try to tech up to devourers while your opponent is running something like DT + Corsair, then your opponent just comes and fuckin' kills you.
On May 17 2013 10:33 Dgiese wrote: Yeah... still pretty sure scouts aren't the reason you don't use devourers against corsairs. It's cause if you try to tech up to devourers while your opponent is running something like DT + Corsair, then your opponent just comes and fuckin' kills you.
yeah idk i was pretty bad at BW
Heh, fair enough. Just reminded me of Day9 talking about counters.
On May 17 2013 10:33 Dgiese wrote: Yeah... still pretty sure scouts aren't the reason you don't use devourers against corsairs. It's cause if you try to tech up to devourers while your opponent is running something like DT + Corsair, then your opponent just comes and fuckin' kills you.
With all the quality of life changes they do, you'd think they'd lose this adobe client really. Season 3, millions spent on advertising esports but cant create a decent client Q.Q
On May 17 2013 07:30 obesechicken13 wrote: LoL is having a few problems on NA. Spectator mode they say is broken. Connections to the server seem shaky (or it's my internet). I was once waiting in queue for like 2 minutes. I know that doesn't sound long but I never wait that long. Then when I tried to cancel it, it said I'd been disconnected from pvp chat. Well then why keep the timer running? And after two games I didn't go to the post game screen. It's still playable but it's a bit buggy.
On May 17 2013 11:04 Capped wrote: With all the quality of life changes they do, you'd think they'd lose this adobe client really. Season 3, millions spent on advertising esports but cant create a decent client Q.Q
Adobe Air isn't the problem, it's the crappy programming behind it. It's perfectly possible to create a good client in Adobe Air
Also, if they make a new platform I guarantee it will be broken for at least three months as they iron everything that they missed. Legacy code systems are full of cruft, but they also have a lot of institutional wisdom baked in that isn't usually well-documented (e.g. we do this unintuitive coding so it gets better performance and doesn't take down the servers whenever more than 1,000,000 people are on)