Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On June 01 2013 04:45 Craton wrote: Top: Cho/Renekton Jungler: Rammus+not writing guides Mid: Ahri AD: Caitlyn/Graves Support: Sona (though frankly I can play all the ranged supports evenly) I deemed your list incomplete and took the liberty to edit in an appropriate manner.
Top: Nasus/J4 Mid: Lux/Lee (THE PLAYSSS) Bot: Cait/Corki (I like being safe during laning) Support: Blitz (PLAAYAYASYFXLCVKAFDGZZZ) Jungle: Lee/Mundo (PPPBBBTTTTTlays.)
top:I suck at everything jungle:j4 mid:lux/ori ad:varus/draven/ez supp:lulu/alistar/nunu
On June 01 2013 05:40 Lord Tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2013 05:32 cLutZ wrote:On June 01 2013 05:25 Lord Tolkien wrote: But back on (the current) topic, my "main" fallback champs for each role tend to be:
Top: Irelia Mid: Brand Jungle: Nunu I guess? adc: umm, Ashe/Trist Support: Jananna I like your wording of "fallback" champs, because that is also how I feel about: Olaf (GAH Im so dumb for still playing him): Top/Jungle Mid: Morgana ADC: Cait (Herp) Support: Taric (Derp) The main reason I don't want to call them a "main", is that while these are champs I'm generally extremely comfortable with and, if I absolutely had to, would First Pick (except Ashe; this meta is so unforgiving to her q_q ) blindly, I pride myself on being that guy in ranked Q who fills even when first pick (which means I get chucked into support really often, though as an ADC "main" I'm fairly non-plussed by it), and on having a large champion pool for matchups and counters. So despite being really comfortable with Ashe, I almost never play her nowadays.
Ja, I haven't played Ashe is so long.
Kog either, I should play more Kog.
Top: Jayce Mid: Wukong/Swain (Wukong mid is my highest winrate by far and Swain is my personal favourite champion in terms of design and style) Jungle: Udyr (I've been consistently playing Udyr for almost two years now) AD: Draven (been playing him for quite a while now since aphromoo started playing him) Support: Thresh
United States9244 Posts
Top: Vladimir Jungle: Mundo mid: Karthus/Heimer Ad: Urgot (please carry me) Support: Sona
On June 01 2013 05:39 Duvon wrote:
On June 01 2013 05:30 Bevan wrote:
On June 01 2013 04:52 Volband wrote:
On June 01 2013 04:52 InfSunday wrote:
On June 01 2013 05:10 Schwopzi wrote:
On June 01 2013 05:22 Twinmold wrote: Hoooooooooly- so many names I haven't ever seen posting here. Hi dear lurkers. <3
On June 01 2013 05:40 ticklishmusic wrote: I made a smurf account where I only play Nunu. Summoner name is Yeti Does it All. ... with style?
Top: I try to avoid top. In my opinion its the hardest postion to play. You have to know so much about each champion, when to trade etc. In mid you can just clear and roam. Also falling behind top is so frustrating.
Jungle: Basicly Nasus only. Also my highest win% champ at sth like 76%.
Mid: Kayle/Ori/Diana/Akali
Adc: Kog/Varus/MF
Supp: I try to avoid it. Just not fun for me. If I have to I go sth like Panth or Lux.
How do Shy and Flame get away with Dorans first on Jayce and Kennen
On June 01 2013 06:12 AsnSensation wrote: How do Shy and Flame get away with Dorans first on Jayce and Kennen Both have large MS buffs, along with being ranged. They can also farm from range.
Felt inspired by the top post, so here goes my first post in the LoL subforum after lurking for some time.
I'm a fairly new player (lvl 14 or so), and I generally dont have the time to play much, but I've just passed a huge exam, and therefore by some sick design have three months vacation, which means more time to play. I'd like to ask if any of you would play a few games, hopefully pass on some experience and help me learn the game 
Also I really, really like Zed's skillset and I was wondering how hard the recent nerfs hit. Is he still a viable pick when I start playing ranked, or would my time be better spent learning someone else to go top with?
Edit: I play on EU west.
On June 01 2013 06:15 SnK-Arcbound wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2013 06:12 AsnSensation wrote: How do Shy and Flame get away with Dorans first on Jayce and Kennen Both have large MS buffs, along with being ranged. They can also farm from range.
yeah but I mean if I was the jungler I'd just camp the brush after doing buffs and even if the gank fails if I inflict only a bit of dmg, he won't be able to trade with the enemy laner anymore and eventually has to back thus losing lane
ofc I don't know if they coordinated some possible counterganks or if the support warded their lane for them, can't check at the moment.
Clg scrimming again now apparently vs Velocity
Does anyone have any tips/tricks, to CS better as an AP mid from lvls1-7? Particularly Ahri and Orianna I guess. I don't know why but my CS earlygame is really my weakest point of league, it makes me upset because I know in sc2 if your early game macro isn't near-perfect you're basically setting yourself so far behind / games can be won thru macro alone.. and I can def see that being the case if you're csing like a Korean on League... but yeah. recently I've been using S more (i barely used it in lane, i'd just move around instead of stopping) and it helps.
Don't think there's any tip on how to cs better than just to practice it more (maybe even in custom games) :\ especially with Ori who has one of the best Autoattacks among AP mids.
If you have problems rightlclicking creeps try a+leftclick
On June 01 2013 06:19 AsnSensation wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2013 06:15 SnK-Arcbound wrote:On June 01 2013 06:12 AsnSensation wrote: How do Shy and Flame get away with Dorans first on Jayce and Kennen Both have large MS buffs, along with being ranged. They can also farm from range. yeah but I mean if I was the jungler I'd just camp the brush after doing buffs and even if the gank fails if I inflict only a bit of dmg, he won't be able to trade with the enemy laner anymore and eventually has to back thus losing lane ofc I don't know if they coordinated some possible counterganks or if the support warded their lane for them, can't check at the moment. Clg scrimming again now apparently vs Velocity it also depends on who they are facing in lane. If it is someone with some form of cc they probably won't start dorans blade first (well that is what I think - will have to confirm).
On June 01 2013 06:17 Arctyrus wrote: Also I really, really like Zed's skillset and I was wondering how hard the recent nerfs hit. Is he still a viable pick when I start playing ranked, or would my time be better spent learning someone else to go top with?
Champs generally don't get nerfed hard enough to warrant you not playing them
Honestly, if you're having fun with them it doesn't matter if the champ on average has a 25% win rate. It doesn't matter if you've never won a game with Zed.
On June 01 2013 06:27 SHr3DD3r wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2013 06:19 AsnSensation wrote:On June 01 2013 06:15 SnK-Arcbound wrote:On June 01 2013 06:12 AsnSensation wrote: How do Shy and Flame get away with Dorans first on Jayce and Kennen Both have large MS buffs, along with being ranged. They can also farm from range. yeah but I mean if I was the jungler I'd just camp the brush after doing buffs and even if the gank fails if I inflict only a bit of dmg, he won't be able to trade with the enemy laner anymore and eventually has to back thus losing lane ofc I don't know if they coordinated some possible counterganks or if the support warded their lane for them, can't check at the moment. Clg scrimming again now apparently vs Velocity it also depends on who they are facing in lane. If it is someone with some form of cc they probably won't start dorans blade first (well that is what I think - will have to confirm). I see a lot of people play with just a Dorans. Usually it feels like I win the early trades or go even by having more pots and then I just sit back and farm while taking any 1for1 trades I can. I can't zone 2 people out on my own. I feel like I'm advantaged but if nothing happens then I'm not going to all in and draw creep aggro. I really don't trust myself to make it work out fine. If the support is an aggressor like Blitz or Leona and if the support takes opportunities, then we're able to press the HP advantage to engage and get kills. If the support is a poker we generally aren't able to get the enemy team low enough to zone them since we aren't coordinated enough to zone them even if both are at half hp and we're at full.
If the enemy support is a raka then the enemy ADC will get back to full health and Soraka will still have enough mana to fight. Otherwise the wave slowly moves around and lanes start getting decided by junglers and wards. The Dorans disadvantage seems to stop mattering after people go back the first time. High gank junglers and supports that ward a lot tend to win/lose lane until one ADC gets significantly stronger than the other.
On June 01 2013 06:23 AsnSensation wrote: Don't think there's any tip on how to cs better than just to practice it more (maybe even in custom games) :\ especially with Ori who has one of the best Autoattacks among AP mids.
If you have problems rightlclicking creeps try a+leftclick true, Ori has been so much easier than early game Ahri for me. i've been practicing customs, trying to hit 10/min or so, and CS @ certain time intervals that i pulled from some OGN games