[Patch 3.07: Nerf Everything Not Nami] General Discussion…
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Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
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United States7414 Posts
Smash is famous, L2 players know him. | ||
France45622 Posts
On June 01 2013 06:17 Arctyrus wrote: Also I really, really like Zed's skillset and I was wondering how hard the recent nerfs hit. Is he still a viable pick when I start playing ranked, or would my time be better spent learning someone else to go top with? He's very, very good. Thus very, very popular. And very, very banned, so you can learn him, doesn't mean you'll get to play him much tho. ^^' | ||
Canada10567 Posts
On May 31 2013 23:52 canikizu wrote: How long does this "clamping" period last though? Because if he keeps wining 4 games and lose 1, he will keep on losing his LP and tanks down or something. And is there a point somewhere that the LP he earns for wining can get higher again? Or he will always gain +5 and lose -20 even when he's in BronzeV? I doubt his MMR is lower than BronzeV and the system slow down to make sure he belongs there. For promotion from leagues, you have an uncertainty rating. I think this one is different from the expected MMR, because it doesn't want you to streak your way into a higher league. Basically, there's a threshold around +100 from the league cutoff. You need to get your MMR - uncertainty above that. If you win streak, your uncertainty can increase faster than MMR, and it will get increasingly difficult to get promoted(LP clamping). A couple of losses though, and your uncertainty drops rapidly, and you'll very quickly get to a point where you'll go right back into a promotion series if you lose. As for favourite champs top: irelia>jayce mid: anivia>jayce>swain jungle: J4,xin,udyr,noct,skarner etc. I jungle almost everything. support: Sona, janna, lux AD: I don't adc, but maybe urgot? | ||
Canada12016 Posts
On June 01 2013 04:55 AsmodeusXI wrote: d/w I got this. Top: Baby Jungle: Baby Mid: Baby Ad: Baby Support: Baby Alright I'm super late on this post but I laughed pretty heartily irl. | ||
United States8474 Posts
Jungle: Noc Mid: Pretty random ADC: Ez/Cait Supp: Sona My list is so misleading though I abuse free weeks so much outside of ranked, and play so much random shit based on how I'm feeling. Also: omg Wheat posted in LoL GD. I know he actually plays now and then(when he's not fungaling Muta's), but I don't think I've seen him post in here ever. | ||
Canada2869 Posts
Top: Jayce, Irelia, Riven Jungle: Jarvam, Cho Mid: I dont mid but I guess Ryze if I have to AD: Mf, cait Sup: Janna, Sona I usually dont mind filling in so I play mostly jungle/support p.s. RIP Olaf my old pick for both top and jungle | ||
Canada605 Posts
Top: Riven Mid: Kayle ADC: Draven Support: Leona Jungle: Amumu/Shyvanna | ||
Germany431 Posts
Mid: Jayce/Viktor Adc: MF/Varus Support: Janna Jungle: Rengar | ||
United States11285 Posts
Mid: Lux/Annie/TF Jungle: Nunu!/J4/Xin/Voli ADC: MF/Varus/Graves/Cait Support: Threshing kids all day erre day. Silver 1 on my promo now. I went from getting 3 points a win at the start to like 12-21 a win. I'm on a pretty big streak, went from 12 under .500 to 14 over from monday. Pretty happy with my play this week ![]() | ||
United States10796 Posts
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Germany86 Posts
Mid: Lux/Karthus Jungle: Naut/Heca/Noc AD: Ashe Support: Leona/Lulu/Blitz | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
mid fiora jungle udyr ad wat support soraka | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
On June 01 2013 06:20 Vei wrote: Does anyone have any tips/tricks, to CS better as an AP mid from lvls1-7? Particularly Ahri and Orianna I guess. I don't know why but my CS earlygame is really my weakest point of league, it makes me upset because I know in sc2 if your early game macro isn't near-perfect you're basically setting yourself so far behind / games can be won thru macro alone.. and I can def see that being the case if you're csing like a Korean on League... but yeah. recently I've been using S more (i barely used it in lane, i'd just move around instead of stopping) and it helps. There are a couple crutches you can use to improve your CS'ings, from AD runes to Dorans start or else picking a champ that can waveclear or CS easy peasy (Annie or TF for instance). However, there are definite ways to improve upon CSing beyond simply practice. For instance, to last hit under tower in the early game, 2-tower shots+1 autoattack will kill a melee minion (as towers deal just under half health to a melee minion), while 1 tower-shot+2 autoattacks will kill a ranged minion (if you're playing ADC with AD runes and a Dorans start, this may just be 1 AA). Knowing this formula allows you to prepare minions for last hitting under tower if you need to. Beyond this, as you're learning, using Stop can help, but moving around between autos is generally how to last hit (because standing still can sometimes be rather dangerous versus skill-shot based chars or certain jungles). Orianna generally has an easy time CSing thanks to her passive, while Ahri doesn't until she levels up to the point where she can sustain constant wavepush into roam. | ||
France3578 Posts
On June 01 2013 06:17 Arctyrus wrote: Felt inspired by the top post, so here goes my first post in the LoL subforum after lurking for some time. I'm a fairly new player (lvl 14 or so), and I generally dont have the time to play much, but I've just passed a huge exam, and therefore by some sick design have three months vacation, which means more time to play. I'd like to ask if any of you would play a few games, hopefully pass on some experience and help me learn the game ![]() Also I really, really like Zed's skillset and I was wondering how hard the recent nerfs hit. Is he still a viable pick when I start playing ranked, or would my time be better spent learning someone else to go top with? Cheers! Edit: I play on EU west. Don't forget to come on the LiquidParty channel ! We don't always speak about LoL but don't be afraid to ask questions. ![]() | ||
14536 Posts
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Spain1114 Posts
On June 01 2013 07:42 Diamond wrote: These CLG scrims are hilarious. "What the fuck are we doing?" lol Doublelift "We are never scriming Velocity again" LOL They keep pausing for internet problems -_- | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
On June 01 2013 08:03 Spaiku wrote: Doublelift "We are never scriming Velocity again" LOL They keep pausing for internet problems -_- Have they gotten their housing in order yet? | ||
United States9109 Posts
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Botswana368 Posts
Mid: Zyra Jungle: Noc AD: Ezreal Support: Zyra | ||
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