Jungle: Udyr
Mid: Lux/Diana
ADC: Tristana
Support: Leona/Janna/Sona
Edit: Maybe just confirmation bias, but there seems to be an unusual amount of Tristana players here compared to what I see in game. Guess its that TL hipster mentality?
Forum Index > LoL General |
Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. | ||
United States907 Posts
May 31 2013 19:48 GMT
Jungle: Udyr Mid: Lux/Diana ADC: Tristana Support: Leona/Janna/Sona Edit: Maybe just confirmation bias, but there seems to be an unusual amount of Tristana players here compared to what I see in game. Guess its that TL hipster mentality? | ||
United States10467 Posts
May 31 2013 19:48 GMT
Jungler: Rengar Mid: Malzahar ADC: Trist Support: Janna | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
May 31 2013 19:48 GMT
Mid: Gragas Jungle: Sejuani ADC: Cait Support: Nami | ||
Hungary6034 Posts
May 31 2013 19:52 GMT
Mid: Malzahar Jungle: Sejuani Support: Janna AD: Urgot | ||
United States735 Posts
May 31 2013 19:52 GMT
Mid: Katarina Supp: Lux Jungle and ADC I don't play. xD | ||
Canada31494 Posts
May 31 2013 19:53 GMT
/cry | ||
United States15536 Posts
May 31 2013 19:55 GMT
On June 01 2013 04:53 WaveofShadow wrote: I haven't played in months so I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE /cry d/w I got this. Top: Baby Jungle: Baby Mid: Baby Ad: Baby Support: Baby | ||
United States9006 Posts
May 31 2013 19:59 GMT
On May 31 2013 23:38 djWHEAT wrote: Show nested quote + On May 30 2013 09:14 overt wrote: On May 30 2013 09:02 onlywonderboy wrote: On May 30 2013 08:58 caelym wrote: Does anyone else think All Star for League was bigger than G-1 was for Dota 2? or am I being biased and ignorant? (I bring it up because Live on 3 is almost entirely dedicated to G-1, and not showing much love for All Star Shanghai.) All-Stars was a bigger specticle, but G-1 was probably more important for Dota as an eSport. LO3 has always been biased against LoL anyway, better since Scoots is gone but it's clear they sill prefer Dota and SC. All Stars was bigger. LoL is a bigger eSport. Lo3 doesn't cover it because the people on the show don't care that much about the league scene. They don't cover fighting games either. I don't think there's anything wrong with Lo3 focusing on DotA2 and SC2 while ignoring League. It does kind of suck that League's shows are all kind of bad because people who have been in the scene for years aren't as interested in League so we have to rely on Travis who doesn't have the contacts that Slasher or djWheat have (nor the experience). Hopefully in a few years Travis can step his game up and get pros back on his show and increase the production values of the shows he does or maybe someone like djWheat who's been in the scene for so long will step into LoL. edit: Also, I know that Travis has tried to get League players on his show again but complained that it was harder to organize them since they're all so busy now a days but it still sucks that he almost never gets to do a show with pro player commentary anymore. We covered All-Stars as a preview, and had every intention of covering the results, but the show took a turn that we had no expected. I find some of these comments odd though, because over the past 15 shows, the two games that have gotten the most attention are StarCraft 2 and League of Legends. It's funny that we do one show where we stack DOTA 2 guests and suddenly "we don't care that much about the league scene", but 12 weeks prior we did regular coverage of LCS. Live On Three covers all games, and all esports. But we're also only 2 hours. If we don't cover a news item, I wish people wouldn't jump to the conclusion that we must hate "X" game or like "Y" game more. I can promise you that Slasher and I never cut content or not consider content due what game it is. I must admit I've only seen a few episodes of Lo3 and was basing my post off ones talking about the recent G-1 episode. I apologize for speaking out of turn. | ||
United States3721 Posts
May 31 2013 20:03 GMT
On June 01 2013 04:48 YouGotNothin wrote: Top: Udyr/Kennen Jungle: Udyr Mid: Lux/Diana ADC: Tristana Support: Leona/Janna/Sona Edit: Maybe just confirmation bias, but there seems to be an unusual amount of Tristana players here compared to what I see in game. Guess its that TL hipster mentality? Eh, Tristana's gotten some really nice buffs relatively recently, I'm surprised she's not picked more often in solo queue tbh It's not like Viktor :D | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
May 31 2013 20:08 GMT
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Netherlands954 Posts
May 31 2013 20:10 GMT
mid: lux/kha jungle: w/e i feel like supp: thresh/nami/lux ad: cait | ||
Canada5009 Posts
May 31 2013 20:18 GMT
Mid: Almost never play mid but I play a mean Kassadin/Ryze when forced Jungle: Skarner, Nasus Support: Lulu, can't go wrong. Support Elise is great if I'm with my duo partner AD: Draven, if they picked Draven take Cait, if they have Ezreal take Vayne instead | ||
Sweden238 Posts
May 31 2013 20:22 GMT
Mid: Orianna Jungle: Hecarim Support: Leona AD: Quinn | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
May 31 2013 20:25 GMT
On June 01 2013 03:57 Mondeezy wrote: Show nested quote + On May 31 2013 22:22 Capped wrote: On May 31 2013 22:17 IamPryda wrote: On May 31 2013 17:38 Arisen wrote: On May 29 2013 08:05 Diamond wrote: On May 29 2013 06:52 Arisen wrote: On May 29 2013 06:22 JonGalt wrote: On May 29 2013 06:11 Arisen wrote: On May 29 2013 05:11 Diamond wrote: On May 29 2013 05:00 Arisen wrote: [quote] Im losing 6 or more times the LP per ranked game than I win (usually 1LP per win, 6-25 per loss). I also seem to get a lot of AFK/DCs, etc. I've been told its because LoL thinks my MMR or whatever should be lower so it's trying to get me to where it wants me by making me lose more points than I could possibly gain (I had a friend tell me that he thinks they're putting me on the team with the lower combined MMR as well, but I think it's just a coincidence that I get quite a lot of DCs/AFKs). That's not a bug, not even close to one..... Either bug or working as intended, I was in high silver when i stopped playing, now that I've started playing again after a long hiatus, I've worked my way almost down to bronze 3 because of this issue. It's no fun for me as a play much worse players than myself only to keep dropping because LoL thinks my MMR should be lower so i can finally reach some equilibrium then steamroll back up. If it is an intended function, I think it's decidedly unfun. I don't want to sound like a negative nancy or the broken record that is the TL attitude of ignore LP but... 1) Do you think that your "long hiatus" has anything to do with losing now? OR 2) Ignore LP because it means nothing and just focus on improving. And if you don't like any of those, how about blame ELO/MMR decay due to inactivity and just wait it out because it will fix itself. Starting a new account for the sole purpose of getting into ranked again seems like a waste of runes, champs, IP, RP, and hard work! If you just want a smurf for playing with friends, then that's different. Or if you want to ignore this and go back to 2002 and make a new ![]() Oh em gee, I am blowin' up my post count tonight. 1) I'm positive my "long Hiatus" has nothing to do with me losing now. I had played dota during my haitus, my mechanics are better than ever. The only thing i have to improve is my game knowledge. I'm playing support mostly, I always end up positive during my games, i place a ton of wards. I counter ward. People either go afk or go off 1v5 and die over and over and feed people. 2) My league keeps dropping, so I'm playing worse and worse players. It's not fun to play versus worse players. Even if I start winning now, i have to win 100 games right now to up a division (1 LP a win). I'm getting majorly frustrated playing the games I am now, hence I'm starting another account. Now if we could PLEASE get to my original question, that would be great :/ No one that I have seen is trying to flame you. We are all telling you the truth is all. LP means nothing, and is just for show, your MMR/ELO is all that matters and it's really low. Also when your MMR and LP even out the gains/losses will be normalized. So once that hits you will go from +1/-20 or w/e, to normal point gains/losses. So you would NOT need 100 wins, probably after 10 or so in a row you would see it normalize out. Example: When I got into Silver 1 I went from +20/-20~ on my games to +4/-10. After what seemed like forever (one month or so), I started getting better at the game and winning a lot. My MMR actually ended up getting way higher than my LP, and it went to +25/-6~ until it promoted me to Gold V. One thing I do agree with is the system is very frustrating in that aspect. I was getting so upset being stuck around 0 LP, but all of a sudden when the time was right the system recognized it, and basically forced me to be promoted. There needs to be some more transparency or LoL needs to be more harsh with demotions. I think it would be a lot less frustrating if it just demoted you to the right spot so you can get normal LP gains again. Edit: For what it's worth, I do fully understand your frustration as a friend of mine is experiencing the same thing atm. I wrote an tweet to RiotLyte about it, as I see A LOT of frustration with this from players. Hope Riot does something to make it more clear and less frustrating. went from high silver, now at the very very bottom of bronze 5. Still losing 5x what I'm winning (1-5 a win, just takes all of them away when i lose up to 15 was the highest i got). Still working as intended? If you can't carry your way out of bronze 5 by winning like 15 straight then u belong Im tempted to offer my account and a reward to anyone able to do exactly this. Continous winning streaks and out of bronze in 3 days to anyone below gold 3. But i guess thats eloboosting :3 Would love to shut someone the fuck up though. I'm Gold I and I played on my friends Bronze IV account to prove to him that it wasn't just "bad luck, trolls, and DC's" keeping him there. I didn't lose a game yet and the only 4v5 I had we ended up winning. I didn't finish though because I think I proved my point to him and I don't want him to get to a rating he doesn't deserve. On the other hand, I have another buddy who insisted the same thing (DC's and bad teammates) and decided to teach him instead of playing for him, and I am proud to say he's almost silver and wins a majority of his games now after we practiced in norms for a couple of weeks. Probably wouldn't do it again though - after playing those games I end up playing really stupid when I do ranked on my account, and there's no way I will win a promo series playing that way. On the Topic of Bronze and Elo Hell: I've worked with newer/lower level players as part of a 3rd party mentoring program before. For those that are in Bronze,there are generally significant mechanical issues that hinder their progression. Most of the time, they are unaware of such issues, because in LoL, it's far easier to focus on the problems that your team has committed (or issues like Trolls and Leavers and Feeders) than to conduct personal self-reflection and highlight mistakes you yourself made (it's often difficult to see those yourselves), especially if you don't know what mistakes you've been making in the first place. One of the most recent ones I worked with (who was asking for "non-bronze, non-leaver/afk/troll players" to duo in Ranked with for his placement matches) for instance showed significant mechanical issues issues (last hitting both off and on tower, wave control, positioning, orbwalking, etc.), in addition to more general game knowledge issues (2nd item Frozen Mallet on Tristana...O_o; ). I pointed out the most egregious areas where he could improve on his gameplay (mostly mechanics) and gave him resources to improve upon them, as well as being somewhat blunt on where (I felt) his skill level was now, with the advisement to improve his gameplay before diving into it. In games I play with similar level players, I more or less hard carry with some of the most wacky shit imaginable (Riven jungle recently, despite my jungle being horribad and being Worst Riven NA). On the topic of Dota->LoL, it generally doesn't carry over as well as you'd think, and roughly it's like going from LoL->DotA. There's a great deal of similarities due in part to the genre, but both are highly divergent AoS games, which a great deal of pronounced nuances to them, especially in terms of game knowledge, metagame, etc.. Even ignoring the higher strategic elements on which both games are primarily based, DotA->LoL is not easy at all, as things like turn animations, AA animation delay, etc, can create staggering mechanical differences. Plus, if you've been playing a different game, you're also prone to fall behind (i.e., even assuming no decay in LoL skill, the average skill level of LoL and different ELOs could simply be improving while you've been stagnant). For instance, back in S2 Silver, I could run circles around other ADCs because more often than not, they didn't know how to properly CS, pressure, etc, or take advantage of lane matchup differences. On my way up through Silver Leagues in S3 (after taking a break for the last 1/4th of S2 and the preseason of S3), such laning differentials narrowed significantly. Part of it was because my lane mechanics had deteriorated significantly, and my CSing got a fair bit worse (possibly also due to switching back to full armpen pages over full AD pages), but also because enemy bot lanes had developed significantly better knowledge of bot lane matchups, and their lane mechanics had improved in the interim. But back on (the current) topic, my "main" fallback champs for each role tend to be: Top: Irelia Mid: Brand Jungle: Nunu I guess? adc: umm, Ashe/Trist Support: Jananna | ||
Canada90 Posts
May 31 2013 20:30 GMT
Mid: Diana I guess, working on Lux Jungle: Trundle/Nocturne AD: god please don't make me do this Support: Taric/Thresh Nasus is the only one I'm really set on though, and that's mostly because the results have been there. | ||
United States19573 Posts
May 31 2013 20:32 GMT
On June 01 2013 05:25 Lord Tolkien wrote: Show nested quote + On June 01 2013 03:57 Mondeezy wrote: On May 31 2013 22:22 Capped wrote: On May 31 2013 22:17 IamPryda wrote: On May 31 2013 17:38 Arisen wrote: On May 29 2013 08:05 Diamond wrote: On May 29 2013 06:52 Arisen wrote: On May 29 2013 06:22 JonGalt wrote: On May 29 2013 06:11 Arisen wrote: On May 29 2013 05:11 Diamond wrote: [quote] That's not a bug, not even close to one..... Either bug or working as intended, I was in high silver when i stopped playing, now that I've started playing again after a long hiatus, I've worked my way almost down to bronze 3 because of this issue. It's no fun for me as a play much worse players than myself only to keep dropping because LoL thinks my MMR should be lower so i can finally reach some equilibrium then steamroll back up. If it is an intended function, I think it's decidedly unfun. I don't want to sound like a negative nancy or the broken record that is the TL attitude of ignore LP but... 1) Do you think that your "long hiatus" has anything to do with losing now? OR 2) Ignore LP because it means nothing and just focus on improving. And if you don't like any of those, how about blame ELO/MMR decay due to inactivity and just wait it out because it will fix itself. Starting a new account for the sole purpose of getting into ranked again seems like a waste of runes, champs, IP, RP, and hard work! If you just want a smurf for playing with friends, then that's different. Or if you want to ignore this and go back to 2002 and make a new ![]() Oh em gee, I am blowin' up my post count tonight. 1) I'm positive my "long Hiatus" has nothing to do with me losing now. I had played dota during my haitus, my mechanics are better than ever. The only thing i have to improve is my game knowledge. I'm playing support mostly, I always end up positive during my games, i place a ton of wards. I counter ward. People either go afk or go off 1v5 and die over and over and feed people. 2) My league keeps dropping, so I'm playing worse and worse players. It's not fun to play versus worse players. Even if I start winning now, i have to win 100 games right now to up a division (1 LP a win). I'm getting majorly frustrated playing the games I am now, hence I'm starting another account. Now if we could PLEASE get to my original question, that would be great :/ No one that I have seen is trying to flame you. We are all telling you the truth is all. LP means nothing, and is just for show, your MMR/ELO is all that matters and it's really low. Also when your MMR and LP even out the gains/losses will be normalized. So once that hits you will go from +1/-20 or w/e, to normal point gains/losses. So you would NOT need 100 wins, probably after 10 or so in a row you would see it normalize out. Example: When I got into Silver 1 I went from +20/-20~ on my games to +4/-10. After what seemed like forever (one month or so), I started getting better at the game and winning a lot. My MMR actually ended up getting way higher than my LP, and it went to +25/-6~ until it promoted me to Gold V. One thing I do agree with is the system is very frustrating in that aspect. I was getting so upset being stuck around 0 LP, but all of a sudden when the time was right the system recognized it, and basically forced me to be promoted. There needs to be some more transparency or LoL needs to be more harsh with demotions. I think it would be a lot less frustrating if it just demoted you to the right spot so you can get normal LP gains again. Edit: For what it's worth, I do fully understand your frustration as a friend of mine is experiencing the same thing atm. I wrote an tweet to RiotLyte about it, as I see A LOT of frustration with this from players. Hope Riot does something to make it more clear and less frustrating. went from high silver, now at the very very bottom of bronze 5. Still losing 5x what I'm winning (1-5 a win, just takes all of them away when i lose up to 15 was the highest i got). Still working as intended? If you can't carry your way out of bronze 5 by winning like 15 straight then u belong Im tempted to offer my account and a reward to anyone able to do exactly this. Continous winning streaks and out of bronze in 3 days to anyone below gold 3. But i guess thats eloboosting :3 Would love to shut someone the fuck up though. I'm Gold I and I played on my friends Bronze IV account to prove to him that it wasn't just "bad luck, trolls, and DC's" keeping him there. I didn't lose a game yet and the only 4v5 I had we ended up winning. I didn't finish though because I think I proved my point to him and I don't want him to get to a rating he doesn't deserve. On the other hand, I have another buddy who insisted the same thing (DC's and bad teammates) and decided to teach him instead of playing for him, and I am proud to say he's almost silver and wins a majority of his games now after we practiced in norms for a couple of weeks. Probably wouldn't do it again though - after playing those games I end up playing really stupid when I do ranked on my account, and there's no way I will win a promo series playing that way. But back on (the current) topic, my "main" fallback champs for each role tend to be: Top: Irelia Mid: Brand Jungle: Nunu I guess? adc: umm, Ashe/Trist Support: Jananna I like your wording of "fallback" champs, because that is also how I feel about: Olaf (GAH Im so dumb for still playing him): Top/Jungle Mid: Morgana ADC: Cait (Herp) Support: Taric (Derp) | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
May 31 2013 20:34 GMT
Support: Sona Top/Jungle: Cho'Gath (barely play it anymore and always fail hard) Ad: Trist/Ez (same as top/jungle tho) | ||
Sweden2360 Posts
May 31 2013 20:39 GMT
I also like variation, I'm not playing this game to get good scores and thus practice a single hero or two. Top: Kayle, Renektron Jungle: Warwick (pretty much failsafe ganks are worth it most of the time, if laners are aware that I won't do much <6), junglers with CC. Mid: TF, Lux (though I don't own her yet, she's my best mid), Ryze, Kayle. Syndra was hella fun last week too. Support: Alistar, Taric. Alistar got me through level 1-15 pretty much flawlessly (though that was on flask-patch, flask+faerie start so nice). Me playing ADC is just painful. Ez, especially the blueish build, is fun though, and Vayne is also nice. Only own Ashe and Tristana... | ||
United States15977 Posts
May 31 2013 20:40 GMT
Mid: Nunu (Ryze/ Cho) AD: Tristana, Nami, Ashe Support: Nunu (Thresh, Lulu, Nami, Leona... everything else) Jungle: Nunu (J4, Trundle, Hec) I made a smurf account where I only play Nunu. Summoner name is Yeti Does it All. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
May 31 2013 20:40 GMT
On June 01 2013 05:32 cLutZ wrote: Show nested quote + On June 01 2013 05:25 Lord Tolkien wrote: But back on (the current) topic, my "main" fallback champs for each role tend to be: Top: Irelia Mid: Brand Jungle: Nunu I guess? adc: umm, Ashe/Trist Support: Jananna I like your wording of "fallback" champs, because that is also how I feel about: Olaf (GAH Im so dumb for still playing him): Top/Jungle Mid: Morgana ADC: Cait (Herp) Support: Taric (Derp) The main reason I don't want to call them a "main", is that while these are champs I'm generally extremely comfortable with and, if I absolutely had to, would First Pick (except Ashe; this meta is so unforgiving to her q_q ) blindly, I pride myself on being that guy in ranked Q who fills even when first pick (which means I get chucked into support really often, though as an ADC "main" I'm fairly non-plussed by it), and on having a large champion pool for matchups and counters. So despite being really comfortable with Ashe, I almost never play her nowadays. | ||
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