On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
.... Hasn't every decent Diana player been doing this since near release? How are people attributing that as a Korean thing lmao. The Asian circlejerk never ends.
0:24 ?
That R hits the minion wayyyy before the R. I don't know if it's a latency issue or what, but when my R lands that long before the Q, the ult usually doesn't reset. Look really odd to me, perhaps it's because they're playing with close to zero latency, and I'm not?
Edit: In the Scarra clip, his Q and R lands pretty much simultaneously, that's obviously not the case in the Rapidstar clip.
On May 26 2013 03:52 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Shikyo's being totally fine here and LaM you're getting out of hand
Stop insulting him over and over and bringing up stuff not related to the discussion. The R landing before the Q but still refreshing the ult CD is something that I haven't seen very often either.
A good way to not get "insulted" over and over is not say the same uninformed thing over and over without considering that you might be missing something.
Everything I have said has been factual and on topic. Everything I have brought up has clarified and corrected the discussion, and the only things you could consider otherwise I only discussed after he raged about my tone and thus I explained why I used the tone I did.
I don't see who you are to say I am getting out of hand, but I will try and be a bit friendlier/react better to people being uninformed while trying to pass off their thoughts as informed.
On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
And then you try to be pro and your R lands .001 seconds before your crescent strike and you don't get refresh.
there's like a 0.5s grace period, it's actually really easy to do
Yup, even if you plink it(about 1 frame in between Q and R and using smartcast) it resets it way after your ult lands. As I mentioned above, you can Q, ult in, and E to pull them into the Q. It's really stupid strong.
Again the only ones I've seen using this are the Koreans even though it indeed is extremely easy.
K I was so confused by your mention of a Korean QR style when I and every other good Diana player I see has been abusing this for months, and then your statement that only Korean do it that I youtubed diana scarra. And literally the first video I get to shows him 'doing it' (I feel so silly saying that, everyone who plays Diana does this) in a random solo q game in the first gank I watched to:
Sorry... I just hate when people attribute stuff to the Asian scene that isn't special/original/whatever. They are good enough as is, we don't need to exaggerate everything by circlejerking to every thing they do.
The example you provided is clearly not the same as what Rapidstar did. Compare what you posted to 0:24 of what Shikyo posted and you'll easily see the difference. Scarra's Q lands before his R. Rapidstar's R lands before his Q but still refreshes.
You just said you have rarely seen this QR mechanic, so you already admit that you don't understand the context of the QR discussion.
We can go tit for tat over the specifics of the random video examples for the rest of eternity, but it doesn't change the fact that the QR mechanic is widespread, popular, and not started recently, or in Korea.
The videos show the exact same mechanic, and the discussion was of that mechanic - not the specific plays in either video.
I'm not sure I want to have this conversation (and be called an asshole) again with somebody who is uninformed/has little experience with the Diana QR mechanic (as Shikyo was, and as you have said you are already).
If you want to believe that the two videos show different mechanics, or that there is anything specifically new or Korean about Diana QR instant resets than feel free.
On May 26 2013 03:52 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Shikyo's being totally fine here and LaM you're getting out of hand
Stop insulting him over and over and bringing up stuff not related to the discussion. The R landing before the Q but still refreshing the ult CD is something that I haven't seen very often either.
A good way to not get "insulted" over and over is not say the same uninformed thing over and over without considering that you might be missing something.
Everything I have said has been factual and on topic. Everything I have brought up has clarified and corrected the discussion, and the only things you could consider otherwise I only discussed after he raged about my tone and thus I explained why I used the tone I did.
I don't see who you are to say I am getting out of hand, but I will try and be a bit friendlier/react better to people being uninformed while trying to pass off their thoughts as informed.
Well, all I have to go off of is that when I came in Shikyo had posted an R hitting before a Q and said it was a concept and you were totally raging and insulting him personally about it and posting a counterexample of a Q hitting before an R.
This whole QR thing on Diana really isn't that mysterious. I've noticed it during the first a few days of play. In fact, I am sure any player with at least a little experience with Cassiopeia will notice that Diana's R's mechanics is extremely forgiving compared to Cass's E. Granted, I don't use it often due to the risk of missing the Q, but to say this is a "Korean" thing is pushing it a little.
On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
.... Hasn't every decent Diana player been doing this since near release? How are people attributing that as a Korean thing lmao. The Asian circlejerk never ends.
That R hits the minion wayyyy before the R. I don't know if it's a latency issue or what, but when my R lands that long before the Q, the ult usually doesn't reset. Look really odd to me, perhaps it's because they're playing with close to zero latency, and I'm not?
Edit: In the Scarra clip, his Q and R lands pretty much simultaneously, that's obviously not the case in the Rapidstar clip.
Like shikyo said earlier if your Q would kill the minion you're jumping to before the R damage, then R doesn't get reset. That might be what you're experiencing. Playing with latency would prevent you from executing the abilities as quickly as Rapidstar did in the video, but the timing for resetting your ultimate is actually very forgiving and shouldn't be a problem with latency.
On May 26 2013 04:00 DonKey_ wrote: Koreans have good Dianas. Chinese have good Dianas. Majority of good mid players have good Diana execution.
This topic got out of hand quickly. o.o
Yes. I apologize for my part in that. I've been pretty consistent with my larger point (the Diana QR is a known, intended, and popular mechanic all over the world that has been used since near her release) while people are still trying to argue with pieces of that, whether with specific videos or obfuscating their original points.
I'm going to leave it at this, but for anybody looking to clarify their understanding of the global/competitive usage of Diana QR mechanics, I would recommend checking my previous posts on it - and I apologize for the tone (but must respectfully endorse the content of).
Maaaaaan NA and EU reeeeeeeeeeaaaly need more coaches like Liquid. It feels like their ability to focus on the players needs outside of the game and ability to act as an authority figure that is NOT on the team itself are so badly needed with teams like CLG and TSM.
Also game analysts op. I think the analyst for the NA allstar team was wearing a TL shirt in some interview does any one know who he is? Does he post on here? If so would love to hear him talk about what he did for the allstars.
On May 26 2013 04:11 DonKey_ wrote: Also game analysts op. I think the analyst for the NA allstar team was wearing a TL shirt in some interview does any one know who he is? Does he post on here? If so would love to hear him talk about what he did for the allstars.
He's caelym on TL. He did post a bit in the LR thread but understandably not revealing everything.
Also, let's move on from this Diana RQ discussion.
He's caelym here iirc, he posted a bit in the All-stars thread about what they did (most notably about the preparations for China when people said they didn't see anything that looked like "specific preparations" while invoking usual picks and bans). There's so many pages you'd better just search for his nick in the subforum tho.
Screw you MoonBear, go back to talking about skins pls. :<
On May 26 2013 04:11 DonKey_ wrote: Also game analysts op. I think the analyst for the NA allstar team was wearing a TL shirt in some interview does any one know who he is? Does he post on here? If so would love to hear him talk about what he did for the allstars.
He's caelym on TL. He did post a bit in the LR thread but understandably not revealing everything.
Also, let's move on from this Diana RQ discussion.
On May 26 2013 04:18 Alaric wrote: He's caelym here iirc, he posted a bit in the All-stars thread about what they did (most notably about the preparations for China when people said they didn't see anything that looked like "specific preparations" while invoking usual picks and bans). There's so many pages you'd better just search for his nick in the subforum tho.
Screw you MoonBear, go back to talking about skins pls. :<
On May 26 2013 03:52 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Shikyo's being totally fine here and LaM you're getting out of hand
Stop insulting him over and over and bringing up stuff not related to the discussion. The R landing before the Q but still refreshing the ult CD is something that I haven't seen very often either.
A good way to not get "insulted" over and over is not say the same uninformed thing over and over without considering that you might be missing something.
Everything I have said has been factual and on topic. Everything I have brought up has clarified and corrected the discussion, and the only things you could consider otherwise I only discussed after he raged about my tone and thus I explained why I used the tone I did.
I don't see who you are to say I am getting out of hand, but I will try and be a bit friendlier/react better to people being uninformed while trying to pass off their thoughts as informed.
Well, all I have to go off of is that when I came in Shikyo had posted an R hitting before a Q and said it was a concept and you were totally raging and insulting him personally about it and posting a counterexample of a Q hitting before an R.
I mean, you're wrong.
I said I wouldn't respond to any more people who were completely uninformed, but I can't resist one last time - just because you were so blatantly obnoxious and wrong here after already admitting several posts ago that you have rarely seen the Diana QR combo yourself.
So here goes:
- I posted my video first. Go check. It wasn't a counter example that didn't correctly mirror his original, it was an example of a foreign player (Scarra) using the Diana QR mechanic that Shikyo said he never saw a foreign player use!
- ALL I have said is that the Diana QR instant reset mechanic has been used globally since near release and is not Korean or new. Content wise, I have been 100% correct this entire argument and my tone is a result of being repeatedly told by uninformed people that I am wrong or do not know what I am talking about (you happen to be the latest!).
Please, STOP. You have already told me I am out of line and wrong, and you haven't even read the full discussion or placed it correctly chronologically.
Not only are you being an asshole as you try to portray me as one, but you are calling me wrong as you are wrong.
That's really enough out of me though. I am being douchey now. Getting told that I am wrong/an asshole over and over as I clarify and am correct for page after page of discussion is just too annoying.
EDIT: Apologies to Moonbear, was apparently typing this as you said to end the discussion. It's my last word on the matter in any case. Hopefully it stands.
You kids just get along now. The world of LOL is vast and difference people view it in their own way. For me, those Korean Dianna RQ is really crisp/clean and very satisfying to see, I has my bisu mouth drop when I saw it on OGN, thats all I can say about the matter.
Oh shit, have to go back to watch the UEFA Champions League Final...too much content in one day