On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
.... Hasn't every decent Diana player been doing this since near release? How are people attributing that as a Korean thing lmao. The Asian circlejerk never ends.
I think Misaya was the first person to do it consistently and impressively in a pro game during the season 2 playoffs. He really took Diana to another level, and I think only got to play her in 1 game because of that (she was banned always). But you're right, it's really nothing special now. One of the biggest criticisms of the nerf that took Diana's R range to 750 was how incompatible that range was with her Q range, because at that point everyone was casting R and Q simultaneously.
So this thing that everybody has been doing for months on end that people are trying to attribute to the Korean scene MAY have been originally popularized by... a Chinese player.
On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
.... Hasn't every decent Diana player been doing this since near release? How are people attributing that as a Korean thing lmao. The Asian circlejerk never ends.
You can only do QR when you are sure that your Q will hit though. If your Q doesn't hit, you'll waste cd of the R. Well, that's the main reason why people use Q and wait a little bit to make sure the Q hit, lol.
On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
.... Hasn't every decent Diana player been doing this since near release? How are people attributing that as a Korean thing lmao. The Asian circlejerk never ends.
Huh? Did you really just link me a play from a week or two ago from OGN as some kind of proof or rebuttal of something? What is that supposed to show? Koreans can do it too?
Beyond confused as to what the hell you are trying to accomplish here.
On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
.... Hasn't every decent Diana player been doing this since near release? How are people attributing that as a Korean thing lmao. The Asian circlejerk never ends.
Huh? Did you really just link me a play from a week or two ago from OGN as some kind of proof or rebuttal of something? What is that supposed to show? Koreans can do it too?
Beyond confused as to what the hell you are trying to accomplish here.
I haven't seen that a single time done by a NA or EU progamer so that's why I call it a korean thing. I showed the video because it seems like you're confused about what I'm talking about. In the case you aren't, well ... No people haven't been doing it since release.
Not like it really matters, the point is that it's really OP.
On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
.... Hasn't every decent Diana player been doing this since near release? How are people attributing that as a Korean thing lmao. The Asian circlejerk never ends.
Huh? Did you really just link me a play from a week or two ago from OGN as some kind of proof or rebuttal of something? What is that supposed to show? Koreans can do it too?
Beyond confused as to what the hell you are trying to accomplish here.
I haven't seen that a single time done by a NA or EU progamer so that's why I call it a korean thing. I showed the video because it seems like you're confused about what I'm talking about. In the case you aren't, well ... No people haven't been doing it since release.
Not like it really matters, the point is that it's really OP.
I saw it done with consistency within the first 2 weeks of her being out by a Diana in a Silver game who explained it to me. I even went back and looked at the replay and watched it happen.
On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
.... Hasn't every decent Diana player been doing this since near release? How are people attributing that as a Korean thing lmao. The Asian circlejerk never ends.
Huh? Did you really just link me a play from a week or two ago from OGN as some kind of proof or rebuttal of something? What is that supposed to show? Koreans can do it too?
Beyond confused as to what the hell you are trying to accomplish here.
I haven't seen that a single time done by a NA or EU progamer so that's why I call it a korean thing. I showed the video because it seems like you're confused about what I'm talking about. In the case you aren't, well ... No people haven't been doing it since release.
I'm not confused by the QR mechanic at all. I'm confused as to how you have never seen anybody do it, when everybody has been doing it for months and months in every region at far more than just the pro level. People have been doing it since within weeks of Diana's release. That is a fact. Just because you have somehow never seen that doesn't change it.
Please refer to this post that you missed on the last page where I search "diana scarra" and see him using the QR mechanic in his very first gank of the first video that shows up (now you've seen an NA pro do it!):
Seeing a Korean do something cool in a Reddit clip doesn't make one of the basic mechanics of a champion a "Korean style" that nobody else in the world does. I'm still flabbergasted as to how people can think this is some new Asian thing that nobody does when any match you watch with Diana in it above Gold ELO will have people doing it.
When Diana's R had its range nerfed, people complained that you couldn't QR anymore so Riot increased the R range to be similar to Q. People didn't just know about it, it's an intended mechanic.
On May 26 2013 02:14 dottycakes wrote: When Diana's R had its range nerfed, people complained that you couldn't QR anymore so Riot increased the R range to be similar to Q. People didn't just know about it, it's an intended mechanic.
Right. Which is why I call it a mechanic, not a trick/bug/"style". It's a fundamental part of Diana's kit that everybody uses, and Riot balances with in mind. Which makes me even more astounded by anything Shikyo is saying, whether calling it a "Korean QR style that nobody else does" or by calling it something "Really OP" (which apparently was his point all along, despite none of the conversation being about that).
On May 26 2013 02:21 obesechicken13 wrote: We could take this to the Allstars thread. Also I keep forgetting that Diana got gutted last patch but Allstars isn't caught up.
Only her shield was nerfed, Diana is still pretty great
I'm not saying no one uses it, I'm just calling it "korean style" because I thought that that's what people would recognize it by. I don't understand why you need to look so heavily into what I'm saying, you're the one being incredibly toxic and negative for no reason.
v ragequitting this thread because apparently I'm really mad, have fun
On May 26 2013 02:47 Shikyo wrote: I'm not saying no one uses it, I'm just calling it "korean style" because I thought that that's what people would recognize it by. I don't understand why you need to look so heavily into what I'm saying, you're the one being incredibly toxic and negative for no reason.
I'm being clear, detailed, and accurate. I guess that's "toxic and negative" to the discussion when you are being unclear, vague, and inaccurate.
So far you have said:
- It is a Korean style - It is relatively new, or otherwise hasn't been around since near her release - Other regions (including their pro players) do not use it - I don't understand it - It's really OP
When in reality, it isn't specific to Korea in any way, it isn't new, players of all skill levels from all regions use it, I completely understand it, and it is a fundamental part of Diana's kit that Riot is comfortable with and balances with in mind.
I apologize if by being thorough and accurate in correcting misinformation, I have been "toxic and negative" (is this solo queue by the way ).
On May 26 2013 02:47 Shikyo wrote: I'm not saying no one uses it, I'm just calling it "korean style" because I thought that that's what people would recognize it by. I don't understand why you need to look so heavily into what I'm saying, you're the one being incredibly toxic and negative for no reason.
I'm being clear, detailed, and accurate. I guess that's "toxic and negative" to the discussion when you are being unclear, vague, and inaccurate.
So far you have said:
- It is a Korean style - It is relatively new, or otherwise hasn't been around since near her release - Other regions (including their pro players) do not use it - I don't understand it - It's really OP
When in reality, it isn't specific to Korea in any way, it isn't new, players of all skill levels from all regions use it, I completely understand it, and it is a fundamental part of Diana's kit that Riot is comfortable with and balances with in mind.
I apologize if by being thorough and accurate in correcting misinformation, I have been "toxic and negative" (is this solo queue by the way ).
Well, to be fair, between you two he was far less passive-aggressive in his posts. I can see easily how your posts could be taken as "toxic" just due to the tone they take, not necessarily the content they have
On May 26 2013 02:47 Shikyo wrote: I'm not saying no one uses it, I'm just calling it "korean style" because I thought that that's what people would recognize it by. I don't understand why you need to look so heavily into what I'm saying, you're the one being incredibly toxic and negative for no reason.
I'm being clear, detailed, and accurate. I guess that's "toxic and negative" to the discussion when you are being unclear, vague, and inaccurate.
So far you have said:
- It is a Korean style - It is relatively new, or otherwise hasn't been around since near her release - Other regions (including their pro players) do not use it - I don't understand it - It's really OP
When in reality, it isn't specific to Korea in any way, it isn't new, players of all skill levels from all regions use it, I completely understand it, and it is a fundamental part of Diana's kit that Riot is comfortable with and balances with in mind.
I apologize if by being thorough and accurate in correcting misinformation, I have been "toxic and negative" (is this solo queue by the way ).
Well, to be fair, between you two he was far less passive-aggressive in his posts. I can see easily how your posts could be taken as "toxic" just due to the tone they take, not necessarily the content they have
The post that annoyed me (and prompted me to be a bit more passive aggressive & derisive of his position) was when he goes:
<irrelevant youtube clip>
As if he has some superior knowledge and I have revealed my ignorance by daring to question it, when in fact he is making little sense and is uninformed about how Diana is played by the entire world and designed by Riot.
It's just really easy to throw shit out there when you don't know what you are talking about, then retreat and use vaguery to confuse readers in the following discussion. When it became clear that everything he was saying was of little substance, he just calls me an asshole and stops talking. :/
Spoilered because there's no real League discussion, just me explaining why I took the tone I did in the discussion. If you don't like drama, feel no need to read!
I thought shikyo was universally ignored here? Hence the q.q thread named after him. Figured everyone knew he trolled and spoke shit.
And as for the allstars, its so retarded really, its more a contest of who can practice the most and be comfortable as a team quicker. Also better hope none of those players dislike another from the same highly competitive region huh?
On May 26 2013 02:21 obesechicken13 wrote: We could take this to the Allstars thread. Also I keep forgetting that Diana got gutted last patch but Allstars isn't caught up.
Only her shield was nerfed, Diana is still pretty great
Plus it does the thing where it stacks instead of refreshes to it's a nerf to the shield in lane but a buff in teamfights.
Her passive got hit a little bit too, smaller AoE and less damage. Diana should still be pretty strong. RQ + E is one of the best non-long cooldown ult initiations in the game if Diana is tanky enough.
Shikyo's being totally fine here and LaM you're getting out of hand
Stop insulting him over and over and bringing up stuff not related to the discussion. The R landing before the Q but still refreshing the ult CD is something that I haven't seen very often either.
On May 25 2013 22:26 Shikyo wrote: So doing Diana QR korean style is OP as fk. It's not just a style thing, it's amazing.
Freelo here I come. Hopefully she's not banned alot after meganerfs.
What are you talking about? What is QR style supposed to be?
You use Crescent Strike, and then while the Q is still in mid air you use Lunar Rush so they hit almost at the same time. That way your opponent doesn't have as much time to avoid the R follow up and because you fire Q just beforehand you get the instant reset.
And then you try to be pro and your R lands .001 seconds before your crescent strike and you don't get refresh.
there's like a 0.5s grace period, it's actually really easy to do
Yup, even if you plink it(about 1 frame in between Q and R and using smartcast) it resets it way after your ult lands. As I mentioned above, you can Q, ult in, and E to pull them into the Q. It's really stupid strong.
Again the only ones I've seen using this are the Koreans even though it indeed is extremely easy.
K I was so confused by your mention of a Korean QR style when I and every other good Diana player I see has been abusing this for months, and then your statement that only Korean do it that I youtubed diana scarra. And literally the first video I get to shows him 'doing it' (I feel so silly saying that, everyone who plays Diana does this) in a random solo q game in the first gank I watched to:
Sorry... I just hate when people attribute stuff to the Asian scene that isn't special/original/whatever. They are good enough as is, we don't need to exaggerate everything by circlejerking to every thing they do.
The example you provided is clearly not the same as what Rapidstar did. Compare what you posted to 0:24 of what Shikyo posted and you'll easily see the difference. Scarra's Q lands before his R. Rapidstar's R lands before his Q but still refreshes.