[Patch 3.07: Nerf Everything Not Nami] General Discussion…
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Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. | ||
United States1693 Posts
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United States2382 Posts
I started at bronze 1 and I had points around 60 or something and went pretty well in ranked, and every win i was getting 1-2 points a win, and something like 6 points or more a loss (probably more), so when I was doing well, I couldn't get that 100 points to advance, then i kept dropping going 50-50 or so and dropping because of the point discrepancy. I don't understand why I climb at so much slower of a rate than I drop. As I drop lower I got a ton of trolls/dc's/feeders in my games. Today I didn't win one game (out of about 10), and while I did very well every game, our teams couldn't get over the 4v5s, people who run in 1v5, etc. I think i'm on the verge of dropping this game because it's just not fun to play ranked que in this sort of environment when whoever wins is dictated by whichever team has the troll/feeder/dc. League, in my opinion, at the very least needs something to address people afk/dcing in ranked, because some games are over before they start, and it's super demoralizing. | ||
Germany95 Posts
On May 24 2013 13:49 sung_moon wrote: Does anybody remember what LCS EU game where it was EG vs a team with Kassadin mid/Irelia top and Froggen got FB with Anivia, but then Kassadin roamed top/bot, snowballed those lanes, and EG just fell apart hilariously. Notable "plays" included: Krepo/Froggen/YellowPete 3-man diving their bot lane, but Krepo missed his Zyra ulti completely while tanking turret then got Crescendo'd. Irelia being chased 1v4 for like one minute with double digit HP and living with Snoopeh diving into the whole team. The adc distracting all of EG with blue buff while the rest of the team did Baron. Also I'm done playing for tonight, this lag/ping right now is ridiculous. I remember this catastrophe. Oh god. Week 4 vs Giants. Don't watch it. Makes you cry. | ||
3232 Posts
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England706 Posts
On May 24 2013 16:29 cLutZ wrote: Vi is still good. WTF did people stop using her? Because Sejuani was overly buffed in her remake she's crazy op. When they nerf her I'll go back to Vi :D | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On May 24 2013 16:29 cLutZ wrote: Vi is still good. WTF did people stop using her? Because she is super awkward in teamfights, has bad CC and is all her damage is melee. I think she is still useable though, I myself play her quite a bit. | ||
United States4423 Posts
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Germany24009 Posts
He's still a decent pick on live, but definitely not as faceroll | ||
Canada9496 Posts
On May 24 2013 18:46 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Someone needs to make a rumble thread so I can learn how to do what China did to NA in that first all star game. Also super ironic considering dyrus said he isn't going to play rumble anymore. To be fair he's played a lot of Rumble since he said that LOL | ||
United States37500 Posts
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United States4423 Posts
On May 24 2013 19:01 NeoIllusions wrote: PDD is using pre-nerf Rumble. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. They can't be that many patches back can they? I thought it was just one patch back, since there's no lissandra, and sej and trundle are disabled. | ||
United States37500 Posts
Rumble nerfs are this patch. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
On May 24 2013 17:19 Arisen wrote: Im just getting back into playing league, and I must say I don't like the new rank system at all. I started at bronze 1 and I had points around 60 or something and went pretty well in ranked, and every win i was getting 1-2 points a win, and something like 6 points or more a loss (probably more), so when I was doing well, I couldn't get that 100 points to advance, then i kept dropping going 50-50 or so and dropping because of the point discrepancy. I don't understand why I climb at so much slower of a rate than I drop. As I drop lower I got a ton of trolls/dc's/feeders in my games. Today I didn't win one game (out of about 10), and while I did very well every game, our teams couldn't get over the 4v5s, people who run in 1v5, etc. I think i'm on the verge of dropping this game because it's just not fun to play ranked que in this sort of environment when whoever wins is dictated by whichever team has the troll/feeder/dc. League, in my opinion, at the very least needs something to address people afk/dcing in ranked, because some games are over before they start, and it's super demoralizing. Is Bronze that bad currently? I haven't had a DC/AFK in ranked all season. LoL does have a system (use the report button). That being said, the enemy team is just as likely/more likely to have a DC/AFK/troll (if you yourself aren't), which means in the long run, this would average out. But in general, if it's frustrating for you, play normal draft or somesuch and work on getting better. ELO hell is alot easier to move out of once you focus on your own mistakes and areas where your own gameplay can see improvement rather then focusing on trolls and other people's mistakes. It's how I moved out of unranked back in S1: I just dropped ranked play and started playing normals, and focused specifically on my own gameplay for a couple months. The lower you are in the ranked ladder, the easier it is to one-man carry games. Also, take a break man, a 10 game loss streak in 1 day means you're on tilt. My advice, from someone who once grinded for ELO, precious ELO, back in S1 to claw my way out of 1000s elo. | ||
Deleted User 45971
533 Posts
On May 24 2013 19:07 NeoIllusions wrote: wat u talkin about Arcbound? lolol Rumble nerfs are this patch. He probably means the ult nerf they did a few patches ago. | ||
6318 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
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Germany11331 Posts
On May 24 2013 14:49 komokun wrote: Same, and use pinky to spam taunts (and smartcast modifier, auto attack) I have the same bug MrTolkien experienced with the connection error "Connection failure: unable to connect PvP blahblah..." on EUW. Is there any way to fix this besides restarting your computer every time ? This is getting annoying. Also I'm using two screens and we're all familiar with the borderless glitch, I tried using the move the "windows toolbar on the side" trick, or the task manager thing but all it does is fixing it by going fullscreen on... my secondary monitor. It doesn't really help me play (vertical display on that screen) so I have to restart the client anyway, which would normally be fine, except I can't log back in unless I reboot Com-Pu-Tor ;_; because of the new EUW glitch. halp me fix either of these bug plz, I'm getting all stressed and it's not good for my body TLDR: Client crippled with bugs can't play league Two solutions that worked for me were: Ctrl - Alt -Del, Taskmanager, Maximize LoL Task, or in game you can use the menu to switch to fullscreen and back. You will need to move the options window partly offscreen to be able to reach the necessary buttons. | ||
France45622 Posts
On May 24 2013 14:34 Dgiese wrote: Do left handers use their right on the keyboard and left on the mouse? Or no fucks given, and ball out like an ambidextrous mofo? Using the computer like a right-handed person. I'm not sure how comfortable playing games like LoL would be if I learnt like a left-handed once I switched to a laptop. x) | ||
335 Posts
How do you even ban against Korea? Diana TF Ryze Jayce Blitz Rumble all need to be banned but you can only ban three. Thats not even including Lee Sin or Thresh.. Its also pretty gross how their top/mid players champion pools are pretty much interchangeable. | ||
United States33802 Posts
But then the entire first hour is the "Coming Up" screen :D | ||
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