Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
United States23745 Posts
On May 24 2013 12:24 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2013 12:04 zer0das wrote: Olaf's just really bad now. They should have never altered the slow on his Q. QFT. He used to be balanced around hitting ~50% of axes. Now hes weak even if you are at like 90% One of the worst recent examples of Riot swinging the nerf bat much too hard.
you know, now that i think about it, the esports meter likely got filled because a pizza 50% off is likely going to entice a lot of people. This type of stuff shows up on say... slickdeals and people jump all over it.
On May 24 2013 12:48 wussleeQ wrote: you know, now that i think about it, the esports meter likely got filled because a pizza 50% off is likely going to entice a lot of people. This type of stuff shows up on say... slickdeals and people jump all over it. That actually makes a lot of sense. Too bad 
On the plus side I don't think slickdeals ads by themselves would generate as many new customers as having an entirely new market talk about it with their friends. Selling things at half off is usually selling at loss. I doubt Papa Johns is selling at loss even with the coupon but their primary goal was probably to attract new customers. Something they can't do by putting ads on slickdeals all the time/ever since those people will go to any cheap pizza place and have seen other pizza coupons.
On May 24 2013 12:43 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2013 12:24 cLutZ wrote:On May 24 2013 12:04 zer0das wrote: Olaf's just really bad now. They should have never altered the slow on his Q. QFT. He used to be balanced around hitting ~50% of axes. Now hes weak even if you are at like 90% One of the worst recent examples of Riot swinging the nerf bat much too hard. When you design a snowball like that, it's either broken or weak. It's a fundamental issue with the design.
just played a ranked game as support nunu
was denied a quadra
Olaf's design is not nearly as broken as a lot of their other champs like Rengar, Talon, Kat, Kha, Rumble, and others.
Passive: AS Steroid that scales with lost HP Q: Linear Skillshot slow. Has a CD reset. W: Active Vamp/LS/AD steroid (AD scales with max HP) E: Single target nuke (True damage) R: Active CC Immunity for Duration (Also gives ArP, MRes, Armor) (Formerly had a passive effect as well)
The things in the brackets are not essential to keeping Olaf Olaf. E doesn't need to be true damage (he wasn't nerfed because of E neways), and if you switch that you could make it scale. However, making his things scale with HP makes the most sense because he is not an assassin, and doesn't have the utility to be a true tank.
In fact, I don't know if we brought back old Olaf he would even need to be nerfed now that people have figured out ways to deal with 2v1 in interesting ways in the pro scene (he always was mediocre SOLOQ).
On May 24 2013 13:34 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2013 12:43 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 24 2013 12:24 cLutZ wrote:On May 24 2013 12:04 zer0das wrote: Olaf's just really bad now. They should have never altered the slow on his Q. QFT. He used to be balanced around hitting ~50% of axes. Now hes weak even if you are at like 90% One of the worst recent examples of Riot swinging the nerf bat much too hard. i feel the opposite do you remember the january lcs qualifiers? every game was decided by who got olaf... he was massively overpowered and a champ that has cc immunity needs to be extra weak to compensate. item nerfs on top of his own nerfs probably pushed him a bit too far under but he's one of the champs i don't mind seeing gone. once he got ahead there was literally nothing you could do to catch up, regardless of matchup. one axe and you were DONE SON
Yea, and everyone was doing 3v1 dives and donating blue buffs at lvl 1. The game is incredibly different. Plus as you noted his mid-lategame got hurt badly by the Warmogs/Sunfire/Locket nerfs.
On May 24 2013 12:43 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2013 12:24 cLutZ wrote:On May 24 2013 12:04 zer0das wrote: Olaf's just really bad now. They should have never altered the slow on his Q. QFT. He used to be balanced around hitting ~50% of axes. Now hes weak even if you are at like 90% One of the worst recent examples of Riot swinging the nerf bat much too hard.
i feel the opposite do you remember the january lcs qualifiers? every game was decided by who got olaf... he was massively overpowered and a champ that has cc immunity needs to be extra weak to compensate. item nerfs on top of his own nerfs probably pushed him a bit too far under but he's one of the champs i don't mind seeing gone. once he got ahead there was literally nothing you could do to catch up, regardless of matchup. one axe and you were DONE SON
United States23745 Posts
On May 24 2013 13:34 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2013 12:43 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 24 2013 12:24 cLutZ wrote:On May 24 2013 12:04 zer0das wrote: Olaf's just really bad now. They should have never altered the slow on his Q. QFT. He used to be balanced around hitting ~50% of axes. Now hes weak even if you are at like 90% One of the worst recent examples of Riot swinging the nerf bat much too hard. i feel the opposite do you remember the january lcs qualifiers? every game was decided by who got olaf... he was massively overpowered and a champ that has cc immunity needs to be extra weak to compensate. item nerfs on top of his own nerfs probably pushed him a bit too far under but he's one of the champs i don't mind seeing gone. once he got ahead there was literally nothing you could do to catch up, regardless of matchup. one axe and you were DONE SON I mean I agree he needed looking into, but I still think they went a little too far. I know win rates aren't everything, but he literally has the lowest win rate of any champ right now. That's pretty crazy.
Does anybody remember what LCS EU game where it was EG vs a team with Kassadin mid/Irelia top and Froggen got FB with Anivia, but then Kassadin roamed top/bot, snowballed those lanes, and EG just fell apart hilariously.
Notable "plays" included: Krepo/Froggen/YellowPete 3-man diving their bot lane, but Krepo missed his Zyra ulti completely while tanking turret then got Crescendo'd.
Irelia being chased 1v4 for like one minute with double digit HP and living with Snoopeh diving into the whole team.
The adc distracting all of EG with blue buff while the rest of the team did Baron.
Also I'm done playing for tonight, this lag/ping right now is ridiculous.
United States37500 Posts
They probably overdid Olaf. That's my take.
On May 24 2013 13:50 NeoIllusions wrote: They probably overdid Olaf. That's my take. He was a real pain in the ass to play against if he even got the slightest bit fed, you can only kite him for so long as ADC before he catches you and theres no way to stop him from getting up your ass and killing you either
I think Olaf is pretty much a perfect example of Riot overnerfing. Yes, he was insanely OP at his height, but a lot of his core items were changed. Black Cleaver was nerfed and Warmogs/Sunfire had their cost increased at the same time his nerfs hit. They hit the effectiveness of his Q slow extremely hard, jacked up his W cooldown a significant margin, and got rid of the passive armor penetration on his R.
He went from being a complete monster to almost never being played in the span of one patch. It isn't because people are like "oh he got nerfed, he must be terrible now," he's legitimately awful. He can't do his job anymore with the Q slow nonsense. I mean everything else they changed I was okay with, I took one look at the q nerf and went "whelp, guess I can't play Olaf anymore." They could have just reduced the slow by 5% at all levels (maybe a bit more?) instead of having it fade, and he probably would have been perfectly fine.
I feel like if Riot reworks Olaf there will be pretty big backlash. Olaf was played, and people liked him because there were tradeoffs. You play a bruiser with no initiation potential, no hard CC, in exchange for being able to train down squishies for the duration of his ultimate. The only reason he isn't seeing play is because he got nerfed into the ground.
Olaf's laning was snowbally before, but the axe nerf alone was enough to reduce a huge element of snowball. He doesn't even snowball as hard as other more popular top laners. Every popular top laner right now can allin you at any time if you get close to creeps(you can farm from range with a lot of them, but that's another point). Olaf can't even do that right now without using a summoner.
The thing is post patch he had like 10% pick rate after the nerfs. He still had 40% winrate. Diana got nerfed to about there, but a lot of it was massive QQ because people weren't getting free wins any more, and was such a big change to her kit that people had to relearn her. People just didn't try to make Diana work. People did try to make Olaf work. There wasn't anything to relearn about Olaf either, he just straight up went from an average soloq pick to almost unplayable.
On May 24 2013 13:53 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2013 13:50 NeoIllusions wrote: They probably overdid Olaf. That's my take. He was a real pain in the ass to play against if he even got the slightest bit fed, you can only kite him for so long as ADC before he catches you and theres no way to stop him from getting up your ass and killing you either
A fed bruiser able to kill the AD Carry? Oh the horror. Olaf is the perfect example of a champ we should want to be strong, because he HAS to do sustained damage, and he HAS to play well to do that sustained damage.
But in reality he was just the first of many safe toplaners that have tumbled as a result of the 2v1 meta.
This group also includes Katarina, Nidalee, Singed, Elise, and Rumble (Also arguably Kha/Zac/Zed, but they were released IBMA for multiple roles).
It is likely to soon also include: Renekton and Shen.
Olaf was mediocre soloq because his axe is the hardest skillshot in the game - not only did you have to hit, you have to place it perfectly. And his passive gets more op the better you are - whereas soloq scrubs get the effects of passive for like 1s before they die.
One of this would have to go if olaf wants to be balanced in both pro and scrub play. His skillcap is way too high, even progamers* can't use him.
*of a certain NA variety
I don't know if I read that discussion here or elsewhere, but does anyone here uses a hand position different from "Riot's Way"?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EWdwhD1.png)
On May 24 2013 14:21 JeosAdn wrote:I don't know if I read that discussion here or elsewhere, but does anyone here uses a hand position different from "Riot's Way"? ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EWdwhD1.png) I put my ring finger on Q and use index for E and R.
Do left handers use their right on the keyboard and left on the mouse? Or no fucks given, and ball out like an ambidextrous mofo?
I don't use my pinky at all, I keep my three middle fingers on Q,W,E, and I move my index finger to R,D,F. Also, I use my middle finger for items 1-3 and my index finger for 4-6.
EDIT: I'm left-handed, but I've always played games with keyboard-left and mouse-right.
I play with pinky on ctrl, ring on tab, middle on 1, index on 3.
I also rebound skills to 1234, dumb cast on ctrl+key, and items to qwerty though, so my key setup is probably much different than most people.