[Patch 3.06: Lissandra Patch] General Discussion - Page 86
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United States3721 Posts
On May 05 2013 23:51 Zdrastochye wrote: This may sound kind of weird but I'm surprised Teemo isn't played top more based on how many lanes he outright wins, and with the strength of both nashors for AP builds, and bork for AD builds. I don't think he's that great of a champion, but there's a lot of people who will pick just to win the lane, and Teemo shits on so many top laners. I dunno. If that many people picked to only win lane, we'd see way more Nunu tops... | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On May 06 2013 01:14 thenexusp wrote: I dunno. If that many people picked to only win lane, we'd see way more Nunu tops... Nunu top is sleeper OP. | ||
France45622 Posts
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6318 Posts
pretty sure everyone is aware how stupid nunu top is, u can even see riot making changes to his sustain (dont think it will change anything but w/e) | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
It's all Smash's fault. D: | ||
United States15065 Posts
I started doing srsface ranked again yesterday, and in my first 10 games I had 3 with a perpetual AFK guy. Looking at the match histories of the people who DC'd all 3 of them have Leave results multiple times in their last 10 games. Kinda bumming me out because my first 10 games were 6 and 4, but if you pull the DC's out they're 5 and 2, which sounds so much better T_T | ||
United States816 Posts
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Pootie too good!4331 Posts
On May 05 2013 00:48 Shikyo wrote: My modern Heimerdinger remake: Passive: Turret Master: Heimerdinger's basic skills spawn Hextech turrets. Each Turret will have a one second delay before they are able to begin firing. Each Hextech turret has 550 range, 280(+40xlvl) health, 75% of Heimerdinger's Armor and MR and they all deal 15-85(depending on level) mixed damage per attack(BaT 0.665), lowering the opponent's armor and magic resist by 3/5/7% per attack, stacking up to 5 times. Each turret has 100% bonus attack speed for 5 seconds upon creation, and each turret lasts for a maximum of 10 seconds. Hextech turrets seek targets every second, and their attacking priority goes from champion > pet > minion > monster, prioritizing lowest health targets in each group. There is no limit to the amount of Turrets you can have out at one time. Q: Turret Head: Range: 600/650/700/750/800 Mana cost: 40/40/40/40/40 Cooldown: 16/14/12/20/8 Leaps up to an allied or enemy target. If the target is an enemy, the skill deals 50/75/100/125/150(+.05/AP) damage + 8/10/12/14/16% of their max health as magic damage and stuns them for 0.5 seconds. Additionally, if the target is a champion(an allied one too), places a turret on their head. The turret will stick to the target until it expires or gets destroyed. The turret can attack the target. The The turret can be removed with a Quicksilver Sash or with normal methods of targeting. W: Turret Prison: Range: 600 Diameter: 450 Mana cost: 50/55/60/65/70 Cooldown: 12 Targets an area. After a 1 second delay, an electric hextech net appears around the diameter for 4 seconds, spawning a turret in the center and slowing the movement and attack speed of targets inside by 15/25/35/45%. Additionally, drains 4/5/6/7/8% of every champion's maximum health in magic damage over the duration and heals Heimerdinger for half the drained amount(after resistances). Hitting the hextech net itself deals 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 (+0.8/AP) magic damage and slows the opponent's movement speed by 30/50/70/90% for 2 seconds, decaying over the duration. E: Turret Calldown: Range: 1000 Diameter: 225 Mana Cost: 30/35/40/45/50 Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 Heimerdinger causes a Turret to fall down to the target area after a 0.5 second delay, stunning every target it hits in the AoE for 1.5 seconds. In addition, the first bullet the turret fires will cause a 300 diameter AoE knockup for 1/1.05/1.1/1.15/1.2 seconds and deal 60/80/100/120/140 (+0.4 AP) magic damage and half that amount as true damage in a 300 diameter AoE. R: The Revered Turretor: Mana Cost: 100 Cooldown: 120/90/60 Passive: Heimerdinger gains 10/15/20% cooldown reduction and Spell Vamp Active: For 15 seconds, Heimerdinger utilizes all of his knowledge in the art of turrets, causing them to deal an additional 0.25/0.5/0.75% of the opponent's max health as true damage per hit. In addition, all turrets will slow the movement speed of targets hit by 30/40/50%, reducing attack speed for half that amount. The cooldown on Turret Head will reset on kills and assists. his Turret Prison now spawns 2 turrets at once and they gain a chain lightning effect on their every attack, dealing 30/50/70(+0.2/AP) magic damage per attack to up to 5 targets, applying the armor/magic reduction debuff to every target affected. Turret Calldown will now additionally deal 8/12/16% of the opponents' max health as magical damage in the AoE on its first attack. Reading that was an emotional roller coaster. I was interested at first, which turned into outright laughter as I realized how broken he was. Then as I continued to read (where I think each one of his skills, save his ult, would be an awesome ult) I was jaw-dropped in fear as I realized how scary (and cool) this character would be. Realistically he would just dominate and it'd be boring, but it would be cool if every league champion was that broken. Buffs for everyone! | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On May 06 2013 02:48 JonGalt wrote: Reading that was an emotional roller coaster. I was interested at first, which turned into outright laughter as I realized how broken he was. Then as I continued to read (where I think each one of his skills, save his ult, would be an awesome ult) I was jaw-dropped in fear as I realized how scary (and cool) this character would be. Realistically he would just dominate and it'd be boring, but it would be cool if every league champion was that broken. Buffs for everyone! Oh you could simply nerf his numbers and like, not make everything do %hp or true damage. I think that kit would be boss. | ||
United States15977 Posts
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Netherlands4122 Posts
On May 06 2013 03:47 ticklishmusic wrote: Client's been incredibly buggy for me lately-- have to reload every other game. :/ Yes, some times it also just says that the client stopped working and then I have no means to join the game. | ||
Germany3357 Posts
On May 06 2013 03:47 ticklishmusic wrote: Client's been incredibly buggy for me lately-- have to reload every other game. :/ Not more than usual I guess.. t.t you were just accustomed to it being buggy. Best bug I had: the launcher just closed. For reasons unknown to me. I alt+tab out, it crashes, so I restart the launcher, close the other instance of the process, it says "reconnect?", I'm like "sure baby, go", it starts loading, I tag out again, watch a youtube vid or what, 2 minutes later I realize that the application for some reason wasn't running anymore. xD What is also great, when the game starts and you can move your mouse only in the bottom right corner of the screen. Luckily that has never happened in the middle of the game, I'd be so pissed. xD Ah, good old league of legends. Whoever programmed you sure is incompetent | ||
United States23745 Posts
After discussing it with several people I think the nerfs are fair. Tone down his early ganks with the Ult CD nerf and take away his free CDR so he might have to buy a little bit at least(it was only 15% at max rank of Stacked Deck). TF always been strong, guess soloq players had just kind of forgotten about him. But yeah, with 100% pick/ban rate in OGN it's pretty apparent he's probably a little bit too strong. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States3359 Posts
but yeah pros are pros and the best ones can play TF to near perfection so this balance change is for the better because at the highest level he's too strong, he does too much. | ||
United States9006 Posts
On May 05 2013 20:37 Serelitz wrote: Get Quinn. She's so... quinnly. Quinn works in a lot of team comps as an ADC but everyone is focused on playing her in solo lanes. If you're running a comp that tries to catch people out like with TF or Nocturne or something Quinn is incredible. If you run a comp that has multiple heavy damage threats that can get enemies low Quinn is great because she has probably the best clean up/chase down of any ADC. If you run a comp with very little peel Quinn still does decent (although someone like Ez might be better) since her E and R provide her with a good means to not get killed. Finally if you run a split push comp Quinn is up there in terms of solid choices as she can split herself or push with the team and then ult to quickly aid a split pusher to help them shove down a tower or something (Caitlyn might be better if your running a team that's looking to split because she can siege towers so well while pushing with three members of her team). The biggest downfall of ADC Quinn is that she doesn't face roll lanes but her bot lane is significantly better than people give it credit for imo. So yeah, Djin)ftw(, consider going hipster and playing Quinn before she gets even more buffs and eventually is run in bot lane when people get over solo lane Quinn love affair. On May 05 2013 23:48 adriftt wrote: tfs been op and banned most of the time at higher rating for a while now its funny to me that whenever I play on smurfs at lower ratings people freak out about amumu or malphite but never ban tf To be fair, TF is like the opposite of Tryndamere/Yi in that he doesn't really pubstomp at low levels because bad players can't abuse his strengths properly but does pubstomp at high levels because good players know how to abuse him. | ||
United States15977 Posts
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