On April 30 2013 10:36 kongoline wrote: but what will u buy with rejuv on ap like kat or rumble?
you sell it...i think it takes 3 minutes of healing with it so it pays off in pots
it also affects morde hue
On Mordekaiser you can also consider getting Spirit Stone and the spellvamp jungle item late on, so starting beads isn't too bad.
However, I still think on Morde you might as well go Amp Tome + 1pot. Shove the lane as hard as you can, then back around 3:30 to avoid the first red buff jungle gank (assuming you are facing a blue-start jungler).
Yay ARAM queue! No more wasted IP after spamming so many games on the new map on the PBE lol.
Edit: Also the addition of Guardian's Horn to ARAM is pretty great. Got it on Singed and the speed boost was godly, made flipping so easy. Like Shurelya's but sooooo cheap.
Edit 2: Also a much welcomed changed "Dodging a match in a promotional series now counts as 1 loss. This will still end your series if you were one loss away from losing it"
Super excited for the ARAM queue will make it much easier to start up games, especially for those under level 30.
In terms of in game updates the PFE bug fix has finally come. I don't see why it should have taken so long for a theme that people paid so much money for.
On April 30 2013 06:50 MrMercuG wrote: I honestly think Riot is a bit quick on them nerfs, they basically nerfed every starting item that was popular >_<
In the Patch Preview video they made it seem like they are going to be expanding starting items (or fixing them in some way) in the furture, but the mass potion/Red pot opening was something they wanted to take care of first because it was having such a profound effect on the game.
On April 30 2013 10:36 kongoline wrote: but what will u buy with rejuv on ap like kat or rumble?
you sell it...i think it takes 3 minutes of healing with it so it pays off in pots
it also affects morde hue
On Mordekaiser you can also consider getting Spirit Stone and the spellvamp jungle item late on, so starting beads isn't too bad.
However, I still think on Morde you might as well go Amp Tome + 1pot. Shove the lane as hard as you can, then back around 3:30 to avoid the first red buff jungle gank (assuming you are facing a blue-start jungler).
3:30 is too late. From my experience a more valid time would be 3:05 - 3:10
And I know this because my wonderful 3min timing to ward a brush has ran into their doublebuff jungler at least twice already
On April 30 2013 10:36 kongoline wrote: but what will u buy with rejuv on ap like kat or rumble?
you sell it...i think it takes 3 minutes of healing with it so it pays off in pots
it also affects morde hue
On Mordekaiser you can also consider getting Spirit Stone and the spellvamp jungle item late on, so starting beads isn't too bad.
However, I still think on Morde you might as well go Amp Tome + 1pot. Shove the lane as hard as you can, then back around 3:30 to avoid the first red buff jungle gank (assuming you are facing a blue-start jungler).
Jungler's first doublebuff gank should be much closer to 3 minutes.
so, lissandra looks like she might make a good support. do a little poke, ton of cc, build tanky. depending on her base values, she could be the new zyra/lux.
like she has the second most cc in the game after lulu
On April 30 2013 12:04 ticklishmusic wrote: so, lissandra looks like she might make a good support. do a little poke, ton of cc, build tanky. depending on her base values, she could be the new zyra/lux.
^ first thought when I saw her kit and numbers (but remove Lux from there). Gotta get myself a new support in... 10 days. Once the price drops.
On April 30 2013 12:04 ticklishmusic wrote: so, lissandra looks like she might make a good support. do a little poke, ton of cc, build tanky. depending on her base values, she could be the new zyra/lux.
^ first thought when I saw her kit and numbers (but remove Lux from there). Gotta get myself a new support in... 10 days. Once the price drops.
yeah, zyra is a much closer match. lulu too, i guess.
that e has so much potential though. disengage, engage, free flash engage, fake out the enemy... man.
Lyssandra E looks strong for long range ganks. You don't really know if she's going to follow up with it or not so she can bluff with it or actually use it and chain stun/snare you then slow you some more in a gank. Reminds me of Vi.