On May 02 2013 05:16 Slayer91 wrote: It's just a FoTM thing champions that don't get played much you don't see do well so you assume they suck when a champ gets changed (wasnt really even a buff) then its like omg he's so op The Q animation change helped A LOT. You're blind if you think Trundle wasn't buffed.
On May 02 2013 05:34 mr_tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2013 05:16 Slayer91 wrote: It's just a FoTM thing champions that don't get played much you don't see do well so you assume they suck when a champ gets changed (wasnt really even a buff) then its like omg he's so op The Q animation change helped A LOT. You're blind if you think Trundle wasn't buffed. When playing him on PBE his Q animation felt clunky and certainly slower than the old one. At least it scales with AS now.
The old one already needed you to reduce the wind-down, but that's also the case with Vi's E and strangely enough nobody complains about her.
United States47024 Posts
On May 02 2013 05:33 wei2coolman wrote: I think that more so has to do with the fact it costs 800 for lifesteal now, instead of 450.
You're paying 400 for the lifesteal. Other than Zeke's, all other Vamp items were AD-based so you weren't buying a stat you wouldn't otherwise buy.
On May 02 2013 05:53 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2013 05:33 wei2coolman wrote: I think that more so has to do with the fact it costs 800 for lifesteal now, instead of 450.
You're paying 400 for the lifesteal. Other than Zeke's, all other Vamp items were AD-based so you weren't buying a stat you wouldn't otherwise buy.
Show me an item that gives me the lifesteal stat for 400 gold. or do you think longsword is somehow core on every jungler? Some junglers could start vamp scepter S2 and clear just fine.
On May 02 2013 05:53 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2013 05:33 wei2coolman wrote: I think that more so has to do with the fact it costs 800 for lifesteal now, instead of 450.
You're paying 400 for the lifesteal. Other than Zeke's, all other Vamp items were AD-based so you weren't buying a stat you wouldn't otherwise buy. Paying 400 for lifesteal; yes, but you're required to get a prereq, that maybe you didn't necessarily need initially.
On May 02 2013 05:34 mr_tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2013 05:16 Slayer91 wrote: It's just a FoTM thing champions that don't get played much you don't see do well so you assume they suck when a champ gets changed (wasnt really even a buff) then its like omg he's so op The Q animation change helped A LOT. You're blind if you think Trundle wasn't buffed.
The Q animation was pretty fast anyway and it didnt matter that much since you didnt max W until last. I just happened to pick trundle up before all the hype and change and everyone else just assumed he sucked.
Ok folks, you TL guys never failed me when it comes to providing a crash course to extend my game knowledge. Today my question is: How do I beat the retarded madness that is Draven in lane?
I consider myself a decent bot laner and given equal skill, I have a plan on what I should do in what matchup. But I regularly get shat on by Draven. Especially when he is blue side and comes into the lane with the lvl 2 advantage. I feel ike there is nothing I can do in this case if he knows what he is supposed to do.
In other news: Why do I seem to be the only human being on earth that plays Rengar? I know he was blatantly op and shit, then got nerfed heavily. AP Rengar is not viable anymore, but I had decent success with half AD half tanky Rengar, both from jungle and top lane.
Thanks in advance.
On May 02 2013 06:16 little fancy wrote: Ok folks, you TL guys never failed me when it comes to providing a crash course to extend my game knowledge. Today my question is: How do I beat the retarded madness that is Draven in lane?
I consider myself a decent bot laner and given equal skill, I have a plan on what I should do in what matchup. But I regularly get shat on by Draven. Especially when he is blue side and comes into the lane with the lvl 2 advantage. I feel ike there is nothing I can do in this case if he knows what he is supposed to do.
In other news: Why do I seem to be the only human being on earth that plays Rengar? I know he was blatantly op and shit, then got nerfed heavily. AP Rengar is not viable anymore, but I had decent success with half AD half tanky Rengar, both from jungle and top lane.
Thanks in advance. Caitlyn+janna is your only chance imo.
On May 02 2013 06:16 little fancy wrote: Ok folks, you TL guys never failed me when it comes to providing a crash course to extend my game knowledge. Today my question is: How do I beat the retarded madness that is Draven in lane?
I consider myself a decent bot laner and given equal skill, I have a plan on what I should do in what matchup. But I regularly get shat on by Draven. Especially when he is blue side and comes into the lane with the lvl 2 advantage. I feel ike there is nothing I can do in this case if he knows what he is supposed to do.
In other news: Why do I seem to be the only human being on earth that plays Rengar? I know he was blatantly op and shit, then got nerfed heavily. AP Rengar is not viable anymore, but I had decent success with half AD half tanky Rengar, both from jungle and top lane.
Thanks in advance. I play Rango a lot. Most people just rode of the coattails of his op spells and didn't actually know how to play him well, so there was a massive falloff, similar to that huge Diana nerf a while ago.
Playing vs Draven is a pretty champ by champ basis, but I think (I might be wrong) Cait is a good pick
Sooooo.... apparantly, when you are 1-1 in your promotion series and get disced in the third game because your ISP sucks but your team manages to win 4v5, you still lose the series because you "left" the game.
Apparently there's still bugs with trading champions in champ select, where the process gets stuck and the trade never happens.
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the game (not level 30 even) and play duo queue with a friend mostly. We're playing bot right now as nunu (me) and vayne. Previously we were playing an ezreal/sona lane that we did really well with, but after a handful of games we seem to be pretty lost as to how to lane as vayne/nunu. I understand that it's supposed to be a passive lane, but we get out-traded and out-harassed by virtually any composition to the point where we never get out of the laning phase in good shape.
So my question is, how do you go about laning as vayne/nunu without getting too far behind? Some comps we have gotten stomped by are: caitlyn/morgana, twitch/voli, MF/leona.
United States47024 Posts
On May 02 2013 05:56 ItsFunToLose wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2013 05:53 TheYango wrote:On May 02 2013 05:33 wei2coolman wrote: I think that more so has to do with the fact it costs 800 for lifesteal now, instead of 450.
You're paying 400 for the lifesteal. Other than Zeke's, all other Vamp items were AD-based so you weren't buying a stat you wouldn't otherwise buy. Show me an item that gives me the lifesteal stat for 400 gold. or do you think longsword is somehow core on every jungler? Some junglers could start vamp scepter S2 and clear just fine. Well if you were buying the Wriggle's, you were buying the Longsword either way, which is the crux of this discussion.
On May 02 2013 06:40 paladin8 wrote: Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the game (not level 30 even) and play duo queue with a friend mostly. We're playing bot right now as nunu (me) and vayne. Previously we were playing an ezreal/sona lane that we did really well with, but after a handful of games we seem to be pretty lost as to how to lane as vayne/nunu. I understand that it's supposed to be a passive lane, but we get out-traded and out-harassed by virtually any composition to the point where we never get out of the laning phase in good shape.
So my question is, how do you go about laning as vayne/nunu without getting too far behind? Some comps we have gotten stomped by are: caitlyn/morgana, twitch/voli, MF/leona.
I dont know, nunu sup sucks. sona pokes harder, any cc can interrupt his ult immediately, he cant shield/sustain you, he is melee so he cant aa harass..
I hate nunu sup, both as adc and as nunu t.t NA LCS he has 0% winrate, on EU he did well actually. Maybe you should find out when he was played and watch the games
On May 02 2013 06:40 paladin8 wrote: Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the game (not level 30 even) and play duo queue with a friend mostly. We're playing bot right now as nunu (me) and vayne. Previously we were playing an ezreal/sona lane that we did really well with, but after a handful of games we seem to be pretty lost as to how to lane as vayne/nunu. I understand that it's supposed to be a passive lane, but we get out-traded and out-harassed by virtually any composition to the point where we never get out of the laning phase in good shape.
So my question is, how do you go about laning as vayne/nunu without getting too far behind? Some comps we have gotten stomped by are: caitlyn/morgana, twitch/voli, MF/leona.
You can't.Unless your opponents are bad or don't have a strong bot lane(let's say ez/taric).Both champs are just too weak early.The only other 2 ways are to either outclass your oppponents by far or just have your jungler set up a tent.Sorry for bad advice but it's just how it is.Lifesteal quints are pretty good atm I'd recommend them to every adc player.
United States23745 Posts
Nerf to Nunu made his laning phase even harder. Vayne/Nunu has got to be one of the most passive lanes in the game. I think Vayne could really use a different support. Or run a 2v1 hue.
On May 02 2013 06:16 little fancy wrote: Ok folks, you TL guys never failed me when it comes to providing a crash course to extend my game knowledge. Today my question is: How do I beat the retarded madness that is Draven in lane?
I consider myself a decent bot laner and given equal skill, I have a plan on what I should do in what matchup. But I regularly get shat on by Draven. Especially when he is blue side and comes into the lane with the lvl 2 advantage. I feel ike there is nothing I can do in this case if he knows what he is supposed to do.
In other news: Why do I seem to be the only human being on earth that plays Rengar? I know he was blatantly op and shit, then got nerfed heavily. AP Rengar is not viable anymore, but I had decent success with half AD half tanky Rengar, both from jungle and top lane.
Thanks in advance. You have to pick a lane that can all-in him whenever he tries to fight you--if you trade, you'll lose because of Q DoT. So your choices are either A) Never trade and focus on not dying more than farming/harassing or B) all-in that jackass and force him to catch axes if he wants to stand a chance.
Also I know a guy who eloboosts who has got to diamond multiple times on just rengar.
i think vayne is in a poor spot right now.
team comp wise i can only see her being viable in a pick-off style comp. because of how the meta plays out, her range is a huge liability so you have to hope you can burst someone down. the old S2 days of teamfighting and fending off one diver are out the window when you have aoe comps and assassin/pick-off comps.
i see her being a very niche pick.
On May 02 2013 06:16 little fancy wrote: Ok folks, you TL guys never failed me when it comes to providing a crash course to extend my game knowledge. Today my question is: How do I beat the retarded madness that is Draven in lane?
I consider myself a decent bot laner and given equal skill, I have a plan on what I should do in what matchup. But I regularly get shat on by Draven. Especially when he is blue side and comes into the lane with the lvl 2 advantage. I feel ike there is nothing I can do in this case if he knows what he is supposed to do.
In other news: Why do I seem to be the only human being on earth that plays Rengar? I know he was blatantly op and shit, then got nerfed heavily. AP Rengar is not viable anymore, but I had decent success with half AD half tanky Rengar, both from jungle and top lane.
Thanks in advance. I play Rengar <.< I think his best lane is mid. Top I feel like he's really suspectible to ganks etc. while mid just feels perfect for him. Safe and incredible ganks starting at 6. Also able to dominate most lanes.