On May 02 2013 02:41 Alaric wrote: Wave confirmed for father. That's why he has so little patience, the baby doesn't let him get any sleep.
This made me think of our AHGL highlight video. I'm sitting there with a crib and all sorts of baby shit in the background filming myself to answer interview questions for AHGL. Upon showing this video (not that anyone watching the stream could see/hear anything for more than 5 seconds, thanks Day[9]) I remember one comment from Twitch chat: "Wow this guy needs to fucking clean his room."
I HAVE A FUCKING 4 MONTH OLD INFANT. Go back to living off of mommy and daddy with not a care in the world you 15-year old children.
On May 02 2013 03:54 Ketara wrote: What's up with Wriggles Lantern these days.
Is there any time when it's a correct item to build?
I thought the conventional wisdom was it was just always bad all the time and you should just be sticking on Madreds if you're one of the few junglers who actually still uses Madreds over Elder Lizard.
If that's the case, why is it even still in the game, because people still build it.
It's bad. What with sightstone being a much better pikup if you want the wards and better items to put the lifestone on theres no point. I get madreds and vamp sceptre on Nocturne, but rarely upgrade to lantern since there's not that much point to be honest. I would buy it if I was somehow fed enough to grab it on my first back, but even then there's probably a few better items you could grab instead. It is really cheap though, just if you don't need the lifesteal then it's a pointless buy that slows down your other items which offer a lot more in terms of ganking and getting your laners fed.
Thats a terrible argument IF you have madreds and vamp sceptre its 100 gold for 300 gold worth of stats, 75 gold worth of a ward, and 5 gp/10 in wards. A sightstone cost 475 gold for 150 gold worth of wards and takes 6-7 minutes just to break even and meanwhile you can spend 100 gold for wriggles and get a stat boost and 75 gold of a ward straight away.
The main reasons people don't buy wriggles 1: Most junglers don't need AD that much at least early game 2: Most junglers only use lifesteal for jungle, other than that its a deadweight stat 3: Junglers fall behind in levels but still need to be tanky and at low levels hp is far and away the most effective health stat 4: Spirit stone offers better damage and tank stat options and wriggles is a dead end
The difference between wriggles and boots with a null magic nd boots and spirit of the ancient golem is pretty huge ehp wise, it clears better and is more cost efficient. If you want madreds locket is the logical item to rush because of how much hp you get for a cheap item and also gives some other useful stats all game (hp regen and armour)
If you want to be that support who builds selfishly/real items instead of gp10 cause you're snowballing (like a sunfire on ali or a NLR on soraka, etc.) what do you build on lulu? Sheen -> lichbane? Haunting guise? Deathcap?
On May 02 2013 03:54 Ketara wrote: What's up with Wriggles Lantern these days.
Is there any time when it's a correct item to build?
I thought the conventional wisdom was it was just always bad all the time and you should just be sticking on Madreds if you're one of the few junglers who actually still uses Madreds over Elder Lizard.
If that's the case, why is it even still in the game, because people still build it.
It's bad. What with sightstone being a much better pikup if you want the wards and better items to put the lifestone on theres no point. I get madreds and vamp sceptre on Nocturne, but rarely upgrade to lantern since there's not that much point to be honest. I would buy it if I was somehow fed enough to grab it on my first back, but even then there's probably a few better items you could grab instead. It is really cheap though, just if you don't need the lifesteal then it's a pointless buy that slows down your other items which offer a lot more in terms of ganking and getting your laners fed.
Thats a terrible argument IF you have madreds and vamp sceptre its 100 gold for 300 gold worth of stats, 75 gold worth of a ward, and 5 gp/10 in wards. A sightstone cost 475 gold for 150 gold worth of wards and takes 6-7 minutes just to break even and meanwhile you can spend 100 gold for wriggles and get a stat boost and 75 gold of a ward straight away.
The main reasons people don't buy wriggles 1: Most junglers don't need AD that much at least early game 2: Most junglers only use lifesteal for jungle, other than that its a deadweight stat 3: Junglers fall behind in levels but still need to be tanky and at low levels hp is far and away the most effective health stat 4: Spirit stone offers better damage and tank stat options and wriggles is a dead end
The difference between wriggles and boots with a null magic nd boots and spirit of the ancient golem is pretty huge ehp wise, it clears better and is more cost efficient. If you want madreds locket is the logical item to rush because of how much hp you get for a cheap item and also gives some other useful stats all game (hp regen and armour)
I've had this problem since the start of season 3 and I still have it, where I find it extremely difficult to skirmish whatsoever in the early game with a spirit stone. I try to go fight the enemy 2v2 and just get crushed, or I spend any extended about of time vs a solo laner and lose the majority of my hp. It doesn't really seem like much, the madred's armor helps you significantly in almost all ad jungler cases in being relevant in small fights in the laning phase. On udyr, for example, I always go madred's instead of spirit stone, even though ancient golem and the mana regen are really good on him, because i like to itemize for the early game 2v2s or 3v3s.
That being said, it's not really worth it to finish the wriggles unless you're like lee sin (which case, why not?), since you can buy a kindlegem instead and it'd be better.
So, trundle is dumb. Im pretty sure i could build anything on him and just stomp my way up the ladder. Currently going with The HP Spirit thing, into Locket or Bulwark depending on the enemy team. Usually get a zeke's after so I can start soloing things.
His Dueling is most likely unbeatable. I've yet to find someone except maybe fiddle who can beat him 1v1 in the jungle on equal level.
Unless your opponent builds tons of HP right off the bat or is Nunu or something (in which case the HP drain may beat what it was before), Trundle's the same as before.
Well his Q deals more dmg and his W is better if the opponent doesn't have hard CC but yeah, trundle's always been unbeatable in the jungle His pillar feels like it disables the opponent for like a second though, pretty strong if you aim it on their head.
Last game my team's Ahri got 13-3-7 score and I felt jealous
Wriggle's problem is that it is situational, but with a rare situation. Also if you have madreds + vamp building wriggles isn't always logical because then you are 1100 Gold further away from whatever legit Vamp item you wanted otherwise.
It's just a FoTM thing champions that don't get played much you don't see do well so you assume they suck when a champ gets changed (wasnt really even a buff) then its like omg he's so op
On May 02 2013 04:18 Vanka wrote: If you want to be that support who builds selfishly/real items instead of gp10 cause you're snowballing (like a sunfire on ali or a NLR on soraka, etc.) what do you build on lulu? Sheen -> lichbane? Haunting guise? Deathcap?
I get Phantom Dancer when wrecking face with Lulu (it doesn't happen often). Too funny watching Pix try to keep up :D
On May 02 2013 05:05 Alaric wrote: Unless your opponent builds tons of HP right off the bat or is Nunu or something (in which case the HP drain may beat what it was before), Trundle's the same as before.
Basically. People just forgot how godly his jungle dueling was (though the minislow on Q helps him stick better), because SSOTP.
On May 02 2013 04:18 Vanka wrote: If you want to be that support who builds selfishly/real items instead of gp10 cause you're snowballing (like a sunfire on ali or a NLR on soraka, etc.) what do you build on lulu? Sheen -> lichbane? Haunting guise? Deathcap?
I get Phantom Dancer when wrecking face with Lulu (it doesn't happen often). Too funny watching Pix try to keep up :D
In that case just get a Hurricane and watch Pix shoot 3 people at even higher speed.
I'm not 100% sold on Wriggles being dead yet. I started experimenting with SotEL on Nocturne and I won a game but I REALLY missed the lifesteal. It's so much harder to dragon/baron with spirit over wriggles. I still started 5-0-0 but that's largely because I'm a baller on Nocturne and not so much because of item. It did look pretty when I q'd things, though.
On May 02 2013 04:26 TheYango wrote: Basically Rejuv Bead items are OP for junglers (Aegis, Locket, Spirit Stone), so there's zero reason to use Lifesteal as your health sustain stat.
I think that more so has to do with the fact it costs 800 for lifesteal now, instead of 450.
I think I've figured out why Kr/China/Tawian scene so much better than NA/EU. All of these regions have huge PC cafe/bang scenes, and paying for time on computer = don't want to wast time. That means no trolling, and super serious all the time.