On May 15 2013 10:53 Agnosthar wrote: Is there anything more painful than being a CLG fan?
It's genuinely hard to find words to describe how disappointing this is. I'll assume the main point of this is to get Chauster back on support. If they really felt that had to happen, then they should have made the hard decision to bench Aphro and bring in a top tier, proven jungler or toplaner. Hell, MegaZero is free right now. I don't even like MegaZ much, but nobody can tell me Aphro will do a better job toplane.
All that time spent watching Aphro struggle, but improve on support has been for nothing. Argh, so sad.
Being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan.
The Leafs have won 13 stanley cups over the years. You want pain you can come to minnesota and know the bitter hatred and pain it is to be a Minnesota vikings fan.
In the promotion series they suddenly look better(although Azure cats was so bad that it's really tough to say.
We are doing well -> Better change everything. I don't get it.
I'd have rather put doublelift top and Aphromoo adc, at least Doublelift used to be a pretty good toplaner. (Note I don't think that that's what they should have done either but I think it'd at least have been better than having Aphromoo top instead)
Toronto Maple Leaves... They make me wish that you could start a sidebet when shootouts begin.
On May 15 2013 11:40 schmutttt wrote: I've probably missed it but where is the confirmation on this role change?
I think along the lines of this:
Aphromoo top: Kiwikid did it, why can't Aphro?
Chauster support: He can be a better shotcaller on support when he doesn't need to worry about (mis)smiting things
HSGG Jungle: Better then Chauster. Was a good, if unimpressive, support-style jungler. Putting him in jungle allows for a 3-threat (instead of 2-threat) game, as he's more comfortable on support-tanks then carries.
Not the worst thinking, just horrible timing tbh.
What would be a good time?
After S3 Worlds (gives them a large amount of time to adjust their roster to the changes), less if they're picking up dedicated <insert role here> players instead of shuffling old players onto roles they may be unfamiliar with (looking at Aphromoo here). Before Spring LCS would also be fine, if not ideal.
As is, their Summer LCS performance will determine playoff positions which determine who goes to the World Championship, which means they don't really have much time to adjust and gain experience.
On May 15 2013 11:47 iCanada wrote: I'm with Tolkien, Kha's evolved A so so dumb. It's like olaf axe on steroids... Does big damage, clears waves, has big sustain and crazy range. Even if you out play Kha by large amounts and get way ahead you can't push him out of lane or zone him, which would be fine if he didn't snowball so hard, but he does snowball really hard.
It's like combining lux range with alkali snowball and spell vamp. Just dumb design.
His Evolved W is the only part of his design which I'm really rather annoyed by (mostly because it invalidated choice of evolution by being so good you have to take it first, and thus limits the gameplay options you have as Kha). Design-wise, it's no good, while his jump reset is fine as is (comparatively weak reset compared to, say, Kat, but gives him very good potential mobility).
On May 15 2013 11:49 Sermokala wrote: Its going to be a while until they have to play professional games again. I don't know better timeing for them to do it then now.
Best choice atm, no doubt, if they wanted the switch.
However, it's probably better if they did the switch alot earlier. To be fair, they didn't have the opportunity to earlier, but ideally yes.
The thinking is likely: Current lineup is not good enough to qualify for worlds, even if it is good enough to qualify, it cant do shit at worlds. Better to hope the change is good enough over the season to get 6th place and by then be good enough to run through the tournament and qualify
On May 15 2013 12:01 Shikyo wrote: Um I wouldn't go ruin Khazix's general gameplay because even though it's annoying it's still something sort of interesting in my opinion. I actually believe that if one was to nerf Kha'Zix, they could take a look at his gank immunity. For example, increasing his ult cooldown in between casts to like 5 seconds and reducing his movement speed bonus by 10% would go a long way towards making him not completely safe against ganking.
Just make him build more damage before evolved W can clear waves.
Um I wouldn't go ruin Khazix's general gameplay because even though it's annoying it's still something sort of interesting in my opinion. I actually believe that if one was to nerf Kha'Zix, they could take a look at his gank immunity. For example, increasing his ult cooldown in between casts to like 5 seconds and reducing his movement speed bonus by 10% would go a long way towards making him not completely safe against ganking.
On May 15 2013 12:01 Shikyo wrote: Um I wouldn't go ruin Khazix's general gameplay because even though it's annoying it's still something sort of interesting in my opinion. I actually believe that if one was to nerf Kha'Zix, they could take a look at his gank immunity. For example, increasing his ult cooldown in between casts to like 5 seconds and reducing his movement speed bonus by 10% would go a long way towards making him not completely safe against ganking.
I think he needs to be able to be zoned/shut down able in lane, or he needs to not scale so well. Not other assassin has escapes, range, and sustain. None.
Closest is Akali, but akali has really limited range and can be shutdown quite hard. There was Rengar, but that guy got absolutely gutted.
My issue is that his laning too good for his teamfight ability. Like in lane, best case scenario, he gets ahead and kicks your teeth in with an all in whever the hell he wants, while having a free invisible disengage if a jungler arrives... cool. Thats fine, same with like akali, or zed, or pantheon etc etc.
Worst case scenario, he behind so he just waveclears and sustains himself for late game, being ungankable or fightable because he has invis, and a huuuge jump. Thats fine, same with like Lux, TF, Jayce, Morg, etcetc.
On May 15 2013 12:01 Shikyo wrote: Um I wouldn't go ruin Khazix's general gameplay because even though it's annoying it's still something sort of interesting in my opinion. I actually believe that if one was to nerf Kha'Zix, they could take a look at his gank immunity. For example, increasing his ult cooldown in between casts to like 5 seconds and reducing his movement speed bonus by 10% would go a long way towards making him not completely safe against ganking.
I think he needs to be able to be zoned/shut down able in lane, or he needs to not scale so well. Not other assassin has escapes, range, and sustain. None.
Closest is Akali, but akali has really limited range and can be shutdown quite hard. There was Rengar, but that guy got absolutely gutted.
Really, what makes Khazix (and Zed) so much better then other assassins is their ability to waveclear/poke. Nerf those two aspects, and both of them are much more in line with other assassins. They do have better escapes, but like other assassins, if they commit and fail to get a kill, they're dead (the issue being they can poke the enemy team/target down before committing).
Well, Khazix actually does have pretty weak early laning. A ton of champions wreck him before he hits 6. The problem is that after 6 he can farm from far away, clear jungle and waves really fast, and be practically immune to ganks(while also rapidly becoming able to 1v1 anything). I think that nerfing ult would reduce this "invisible" safety he has but wouldn't touch his teamfighting and poking(I actually believe that if he loses either of those he goes straight into shit tier).
Leap range reduction would be one thing that could be nerfed, and another would be slightly nerfing his W AD ratio and base dmg so that he needs lvl 9 instead of 7 to 1shot ranged minions with a tear. This would help with his safety and farming as well.
I wouldn't increase the mana cost of his W because it's already gigantic. Q and E could possibly have their mana costs increased, though. E primarily, 50 mana 900 range leap is sort of dumb.
I guess if you want to go slightly extreme you could nerf the explosion radius of his spikes.
I don't have much of an issue with Khazix. You can beat him down before he gets to 6. You can steal blue buffs from him and run him out of mana.
Zed on the other hand, is bullshit.
Edit: It would be VERY nice if Khazix was tweaked a little so there was some variance in his evolve path. That's my only real Khazix issue. The evolve mechanic is cool and made dumb by the fact that we've figured out the optimal way to do it. If that meant nerfing the W evolve, I'd be fine with that.
On May 15 2013 12:29 Ketara wrote: I don't have much of an issue with Khazix. You can beat him down before he gets to 6. You can steal blue buffs from him and run him out of mana.
Zed on the other hand, is bullshit.
I quite aware he sucks pre 6, I main pantheon. Usually by 6 Kha down 20-30 CS and a kill. Whats not fine is that post 6 that advantage i have literally doesn't matter. And thats not a Panth falling off thing, thats a literally you can't punish him thing.
Really the nerf I would like to see to khazix's safety is a mana cost increase on his jump. It is by far the cheapest jump in the game, especially since it also does scaling damage and resets. Every jump should be a commitment, and a jungler forcing it should be painful early on.
On May 15 2013 10:53 Agnosthar wrote: Is there anything more painful than being a CLG fan?
It's genuinely hard to find words to describe how disappointing this is. I'll assume the main point of this is to get Chauster back on support. If they really felt that had to happen, then they should have made the hard decision to bench Aphro and bring in a top tier, proven jungler or toplaner. Hell, MegaZero is free right now. I don't even like MegaZ much, but nobody can tell me Aphro will do a better job toplane.
All that time spent watching Aphro struggle, but improve on support has been for nothing. Argh, so sad.
Being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan.
The Leafs have won 13 stanley cups over the years. You want pain you can come to minnesota and know the bitter hatred and pain it is to be a Minnesota vikings fan.
Could be worse, your QB could be a dog killer that thinks he's gods gift to football and going to lead a dynasty. Last I check 4-12 does not a dynasty make.