[Patch 3.06: Lissandra Patch] General Discussion - Page 182
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United States23745 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
Kat, Kha, Trist, Yi + ? Only Kat's even make sense. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On May 15 2013 10:07 cLutZ wrote: How many champs have resets? Kat, Kha, Trist, Yi + ? Only Kat's even make sense. Trist's makes sense, because she designed as AD carry, and it her escape that reset. | ||
United States1938 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
On May 15 2013 10:07 cLutZ wrote: How many champs have resets? Kat, Kha, Trist, Yi + ? Only Kat's even make sense. Akali(kinda), Darius, and Diana(I guess) http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ecr15/confirmed_clg_role_swap/ I get to laugh a lot more now. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Hotshot Jungle again? <_< CLG has to make a circus of themselves, don't they? | ||
United States15065 Posts
On May 15 2013 09:43 thenexusp wrote: Just think of it as Division I actually is 200 LP long, but they compress second 100 LP into 15 points or something like that. Don't judge future behavior of this system by short term behavior, if you get past Plat IV MMR you'd get into promotions for sure To math it out a bit: Say they mapped Elos 500-2500 to approximately bronze V - Diamond I. Each division would represent an 80 Elo range. Furthermore let's say a person's Elo could fluctuate, by luck, +/- 100 from their "true Elo". If they really wanted to make sure you belonged in Plat before putting you in Plat, then they'd wait until you're 150 or 200 Elo "into" plat (to show that you weren't on a random +100 Elo upswing but your true Elo is still Gold level) before putting you into Plat. 150-200 Elo is 2 divisions. Which means you'd be playing Plat IVs and some Plat IIIs before that promotion happens. I am sure that the math of their system is sound, that's not really the issue. The issue is that they hide your rating, and then have to make very confusing rules to cover the fact that they've hidden your rating. Why can't division 1 be 200 points, to prevent random 100 point upswings? That would be much more understandable than having it 100 points but you suddenly only get 25% gains/losses in that division. Or a better question. They made it so you can't drop to a previous league, and then have to create this clamping issue to prevent you from accidentally jumping to a higher league that you can't drop from. Why can't you drop to a lower league? Why can't they just satisfy people by saying what their highest league at any point was but let them drop, like they used to? Another example. They make it so that your league point gains/losses will fluctuate as they try to reach your MMR, when it's their system that causes your league points to diverge from your MMR in the first place with things like promotion series and clamping. The league system creates it's own problems, and then creates more problems to fix them. And becomes more and more convoluted and confusing along the way. It's obvious that if the advice everybody is giving is "pay no attention to your rating" then it's not a very successful system. Mathematically it all makes sense, but systematically it's really, really dumb. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On May 15 2013 10:19 iCanada wrote: lolwut. Hotshot Jungle again? <_< CLG has to make a circus of themselves, don't they? I welcome the return of Chausterlift, but not at the cost of Hotshot back in the Jungle. Also Aphro going Top is a head scratcher. | ||
United States19573 Posts
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United States23745 Posts
On May 15 2013 10:23 cLutZ wrote: Welp, TSM vs. CLG is gonna be a cho-gath battle. Its TOO's best jungler + the only one HSGG isn't totally incompetent with! Hotshot played a pretty good Naut at MLG Anaheim from what I remmber. Naut is back, Hotshot in the Jungle is back, only makes sense. | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On May 15 2013 10:21 Ketara wrote: I am sure that the math of their system is sound, that's not really the issue. The issue is that they hide your rating, and then have to make very confusing rules to cover the fact that they've hidden your rating. Why can't division 1 be 200 points, to prevent random 100 point upswings? That would be much more understandable than having it 100 points but you suddenly only get 25% gains/losses in that division. Or a better question. They made it so you can't drop to a previous league, and then have to create this clamping issue to prevent you from accidentally jumping to a higher league that you can't drop from. Why can't you drop to a lower league? Why can't they just satisfy people by saying what their highest league at any point was but let them drop, like they used to? Another example. They make it so that your league point gains/losses will fluctuate as they try to reach your MMR, when it's their system that causes your league points to diverge from your MMR in the first place with things like promotion series and clamping. The league system creates it's own problems, and then creates more problems to fix them. And becomes more and more convoluted and confusing along the way. It's obvious that if the advice everybody is giving is "pay no attention to your rating" then it's not a very successful system. Mathematically it all makes sense, but systematically it's really, really dumb. Perhaps part of the purpose of the League system and obfuscating MMR is so that you don't have people saying "I'm 1500 player" when they were 1500 peak for a very brief short time and then back down to 800 forever. I don't really mind the system because in the long run your LP will track your MMR anyways. I've been stuck at my promo series partly because of tilting and partly from bad luck, but I've been winning so many games outside the series that now I'm at +30-35 for a win and -10-15 for a loss. Eventually I'll win that promo... one day.... | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On May 15 2013 10:23 cLutZ wrote: Welp, TSM vs. CLG is gonna be a cho-gath battle. Its TOO's best jungler + the only one HSGG isn't totally incompetent with! He not bad at Naut too. I dunno, thing is Hotshot just a bad jungler. He doesn't think the game the right way. Doesn't understand how to manage map pressure and time management and just ends up way way behind. I mean, I guess Chauster's style really similar to that too, but I think Aphro top pretty huge question mark, especially with him easing into support role nicely, and with HSGG showing the ability to not just tie/be behind 20-30 CS top lane. | ||
United States9006 Posts
As a CLG fan I don't see how that role swap makes them stronger at all. | ||
Sweden1908 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
HSGG, however... | ||
United States19573 Posts
On May 15 2013 10:25 onlywonderboy wrote: Hotshot played a pretty good Naut at MLG Anaheim from what I remmber. Naut is back, Hotshot in the Jungle is back, only makes sense. That was when Naut was like sick though if I recall. You could crush people with just mobos, and it was during the HOG+Philo era, which is more HSGG conducive than the modern jungle. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On May 15 2013 10:36 cLutZ wrote: That was when Naut was like sick though if I recall. You could crush people with just mobos, and it was during the HOG+Philo era, which is more HSGG conducive than the modern jungle. You mean camping one lane and standing in brushes for 25 consecutive minutes, getting XP from literally only Lane creeps dying in vicinity and buff camps while enemy jungler free farms two jungles and gets all the map objectives? lol, I just realize just how low my opinion of HSGG's jungling is. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On May 15 2013 10:36 cLutZ wrote: That was when Naut was like sick though if I recall. You could crush people with just mobos, and it was during the HOG+Philo era, which is more HSGG conducive than the modern jungle. That's a good point. People complain about the Season 3 Jungle but man I don't miss stacking GP10s in the jungle one bit. | ||
United States60033 Posts
I like this swap tbh. Hsgg won't need to be good jungler cuz lanes are super solid. So he only needs to support lanes rather than gank them. | ||
631 Posts
It's genuinely hard to find words to describe how disappointing this is. I'll assume the main point of this is to get Chauster back on support. If they really felt that had to happen, then they should have made the hard decision to bench Aphro and bring in a top tier, proven jungler or toplaner. Hell, MegaZero is free right now. I don't even like MegaZ much, but nobody can tell me Aphro will do a better job toplane. All that time spent watching Aphro struggle, but improve on support has been for nothing. Argh, so sad. | ||
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