On May 13 2013 23:47 Ketara wrote: Ever since I started using that lolnexus thing to look at the team comp during the loading screen, I've been surprised with some of the recent matchmaking.
In my most recent game the enemy team had a gold 3, gold 4, gold 5 and a duo queue, and our team had 5 silver 1's. The gold 3 and gold 4 stomped us pretty hard, I was the only person in the game who held my lane decently and I couldn't really make any headway.
Not that I mind too much, people lose games, but the matchmaking of that is questionable, imo.
Does that sort of thing happen a lot to other people? mmr and duo queuing make the matchmaking much less transparent than you would expect
On May 13 2013 23:47 thenexusp wrote:Show nested quote +On May 13 2013 22:53 Requizen wrote:On May 13 2013 22:51 Keniji wrote:On May 13 2013 22:20 101toss wrote:On May 13 2013 21:44 Numy wrote: Yea I had exact same story. My minimap awareness in SC2/Dota was really good but in LoL I just had zero awareness. Then one day I was flicking through streams and saw it was on the wrong side. Life has changed after that, awareness shot up by a huge amount.
What is the reasoning for it being on the right? It seems like the normal convention is for it to be on the left.
edit: Now that they have gone into item limiting do you think they will ever limit wards in S4? Think this would be a huge step forward to more action packed early game. It's on the right cuz BW and SC2 have the minimap on the right old habits die hard uh? warcraft, bw etc. always had it on the left, which is exactly his point, why does LoL have it on the right when almost everyother game has it on the left?!. As Jon said, when you're playing Blue side, you click the bottom left to move back, and when you're playing purple side you click the bottom left to move forward. Because the flow of SR (and HA) moves from bottom left to top right, putting a map on one of those vertices causes more misclicks than having it on the bottom right. With your portrait and inventory on the bottom left, you're more likely to misclick an item than accidentally path yourself into death. Speaking of, it would be pretty cool to do one of those mouse click heat maps for LoL (I've seen them done for SC2) I've seen a couple on Reddit and what not, I don't know what software one uses for that sort of thing.
Hey guys, haven't played in about 4 months and came back for ARAM, but knowing me I'll get sucked back in again.
I've watched a few LCS games so I'm at least familiar with some of the changes, but obviously not all of them. Keep in mind the last time I played s3 items were new and still being figured out.
Why are there certain champs I stopped seeing? Ones that come to mind are Xin, Zyra, Taric, Mundo, Amumu, Cho, Kat, Jax, Olaf.
Is that Solvanas really 17yo ? O_o
United States37500 Posts
Xin: Audacious Charge nerf (check patch notes) Zyra: Still good but one of the harder supports to play. We saw her last week and the week before that. Taric: Somewhat one dimensional but Aphro picked it yesterday with Double's Urgot Mundo: Good clear but poor in team fights. Amumu: Good clear but subpar in skirmishes and highly dependent on ulti Cho: Solid pick but I guess even pros don't like aiming Rupture Kat: Teams need to leave her for last pick and pick only against team without CC and silences Jax: Better options for Top Olaf: Better options + Ragnarok nerf
Usually a combination of nerfs (Olaf, Kat), changing playstyle, new flashier champions for those jobs, and new stuff getting discovered.
On May 13 2013 23:42 ExoFun wrote:So? i hope we dont get a "Girls only" tourney. LoL. We should move away from girls only.
Esports doesn't discriminate in ability between males and females and there were some good female Chinese LoL players I hear. But if the community wants to watch girls play then we'll have girl only leagues.
On May 13 2013 23:52 Sandster wrote: Hey guys, haven't played in about 4 months and came back for ARAM, but knowing me I'll get sucked back in again.
I've watched a few LCS games so I'm at least familiar with some of the changes, but obviously not all of them. Keep in mind the last time I played s3 items were new and still being figured out.
Why are there certain champs I stopped seeing? Ones that come to mind are Xin, Zyra, Taric, Mundo, Amumu, Cho, Kat, Jax, Olaf. Olaf got the nerfbat pretty badly with his slow and ult, though I think he's still fine. I wouldn't be surprised to see certain players pick him out in a tourney.
Xin and Mundo... I don't actually know. Both fit in pretty well with the current "low farm, high gank, rush Kindlegem items" junglers. They're still pretty prominent in solo queue, as is Amumu, who you still see, but really only in AoE comps.
Jax I think is because he can't perform as well in a 1v2 lane as some champs. He's better than many thanks to Counterstrike, but as a champ that's fairly farm reliant and likes to duel in lane, you can put your duo there and take away a lot of what makes him scary.
Taric, from my understanding, is because towers go down so fast now. Taric's strength lies in his laning, bodyguarding the AD during skirmishes and ganks. You see a lot of teamfight comps with fast pushes to towers and midgame rushing, where his only real strength is catching someone with a stun and then be tanky.
On May 13 2013 23:47 Ketara wrote: Ever since I started using that lolnexus thing to look at the team comp during the loading screen, I've been surprised with some of the recent matchmaking.
In my most recent game the enemy team had a gold 3, gold 4, gold 5 and a duo queue, and our team had 5 silver 1's. The gold 3 and gold 4 stomped us pretty hard, I was the only person in the game who held my lane decently and I couldn't really make any headway.
Not that I mind too much, people lose games, but the matchmaking of that is questionable, imo.
Does that sort of thing happen a lot to other people?
Most likely your team was full of silver I's that were getting close to promotion. Since you can't get demoted out of a 'V' division except by inactivity, the game wants to make sure you deserve to be in gold before you are actually put in gold -- hence matching you against gold IVs and gold IIIs. You're never going to prove you belong in Gold if you play Silvers all day.
Thanks guys. I'm sure I'll see you guys around, I'll probably be on a lot more June onwards.
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
On May 13 2013 23:52 Sandster wrote: Hey guys, haven't played in about 4 months and came back for ARAM, but knowing me I'll get sucked back in again.
I've watched a few LCS games so I'm at least familiar with some of the changes, but obviously not all of them. Keep in mind the last time I played s3 items were new and still being figured out.
Why are there certain champs I stopped seeing? Ones that come to mind are Xin, Zyra, Taric, Mundo, Amumu, Cho, Kat, Jax, Olaf. Welcome back! 
Zyra is still seen in the support role, Cho is used sparingly as a jungle (OddOne been owning with da noms).
Xin, Taric, and Olaf got hit with the nerf bat so people avoid them now. I think Taric and Xin are still pretty good, but they just fell out of favor. I think it's common knowledge that Olaf got straight gutted.
Amumu has always been around, just sort of a niche pick because of his early blue reliance. Kat is sort of in the same boat as Amumu. After her rework she is still strong, just not seen as often - but by all means still has her place.
Jax and Mundo seemed to disappear with Season 2 and late game play.
Many things have attributed to this: Changes in the meta (quick towers, rarely getting to late game, lane swaps) New champs (Elise, Zac, Zed, Kha'Zix all seem to do the same job better than many of the champions you mentioned) Changes to the jungle Item changes
Honestly, out of all the champions you mentioned, Olaf is the only one who seems to be actually weak.
I've doing the Ezreal build that Doublelift did on LCS, BT/Tear/Gauntlet/Cdr boots/Manamune/LW.
I like it because it gives you a lot more early damage than rushing Manamune or Elder lizard and once you finish your BT you start charging your Tear and getting utility with the Gauntlet.
The main problem i see is when facing double AP comps or fed AP mids you are buying a bunch of armor that is not particulary useful and getting a negatron cloack kinda sucks since you are already investing on damage,utility,armor and mana.
Quick thought. If you had every position rush an aura item and then force out of lane phase (with a team comp at pro play i suppose) wouldnt it make the team super strong?
Like, Aegis, Wota, Zekes, Frozen, Abyssal. (Seems like a double AP comp)
At like ~16 mins i guess is a good timing for 2nd items.
Wouldnt this give them the opportunity to outright win alot of teamfights and probably take an early baron / push a shit load of turrets down?
Dont see any of this sort of play at high level, nobody abuses teamfightie items.
On May 14 2013 00:29 Capped wrote: Quick thought. If you had every position rush an aura item and then force out of lane phase (with a team comp at pro play i suppose) wouldnt it make the team super strong?
Like, Aegis, Wota, Zekes, Frozen, Abyssal. (Seems like a double AP comp)
At like ~16 mins i guess is a good timing for 2nd items.
Wouldnt this give them the opportunity to outright win alot of teamfights and probably take an early baron / push a shit load of turrets down? I feel like TL did a writeup on one of ex-Azubu Frost's games where they went for exactly this strategy.
Saw Alex go ls quints + Doran start on Zed on his stream. It seemed pretty good and I was wondering if that is an option on other ad mids as well ? I dont have the ip to buy the quints yet, but if it is viable on say Kha too, I might consider it.
Somebody tried that opening yet in the mid lane ?
On May 14 2013 00:00 thenexusp wrote:Show nested quote +On May 13 2013 23:47 Ketara wrote: Ever since I started using that lolnexus thing to look at the team comp during the loading screen, I've been surprised with some of the recent matchmaking.
In my most recent game the enemy team had a gold 3, gold 4, gold 5 and a duo queue, and our team had 5 silver 1's. The gold 3 and gold 4 stomped us pretty hard, I was the only person in the game who held my lane decently and I couldn't really make any headway.
Not that I mind too much, people lose games, but the matchmaking of that is questionable, imo.
Does that sort of thing happen a lot to other people? Most likely your team was full of silver I's that were getting close to promotion. Since you can't get demoted out of a 'V' division except by inactivity, the game wants to make sure you deserve to be in gold before you are actually put in gold -- hence matching you against gold IVs and gold IIIs. You're never going to prove you belong in Gold if you play Silvers all day.
I don't mind playing people from other divisions but using lolnexus you will realize matchmaking can be pretty wonky. Usually the team including duo queuer have much lower average rank then 5x solo players. But you can still have pretty big gaps for no real reason. Usually the higher ranked team gets purple side.
But yeah, if you want to belong to higher division you need to own people from those leagues
It's how the matchmaking is supposed to work. DuoQers have their Elo inflated for the purposes of matchmaking, and purple side gets the higher average team to compensate for imbalance.
I haven't tried it, but i'd say that sounds pretty shaky. If anything happens and you end up at 50% hp due to harass/weird gank/whatever, you can hit stuff anymore, and thus can't heal with that lifesteal. It works for ADCs because it is pretty hard to keep them from hitting stuff, but for a melee mid i'd say that can go wrong pretty easily.
It purposefully gives you angry feeders when you on last game of promotion. That's how matchmaking works.
On May 13 2013 23:47 Ketara wrote: Ever since I started using that lolnexus thing to look at the team comp during the loading screen, I've been surprised with some of the recent matchmaking.
Does that sort of thing happen a lot to other people?
Yes. Been gold 3/4 for a long time, sometimes I get matched with 2 silvers and the entire enemy team is like gold 1-3, with a plat or two mixed in. I expect some variance, but matchmaking is just stupid sometimes. I've had ADCs do really stupid stuff and I always think to myself "I bet this dude is silver" and then after the match he's like silver 3 or something. It's really bad when you're supporting an Ezreal and he panic arcane shifts away from a fight you're winning, then flashes back in almost getting both of you killed in the process when it should have been the easiest double kill with no summoners burned.
I blame duoers for the most part. On the flip side, there's some really bad plat V's out there, so you never really know which way it's going to go. More often than not I can help these bozo ADCs out, but then I get like 14 league points and am like "That's all I get for putting up with this bs? Ugh."
I stopped supporting by default because I got sick of having to deal with it. I can only put up with so many instances of an ADC who doesn't know how to lane and is never around during team fights without you yelling at him to stop farming bot lane 40 minutes in when the enemy team is threatening baron. The worst part is these jerks tend to think they're superior and I'm the inferior support who has no idea what I'm talking about, never mind the fact I probably created every the opportunity for every single one of their kills. -_-