I switched it back to the left cause thats what I'm used to from sc,dota etc., and boom, I end up dying a few times by accidentally clicking on the minimap :/ But it's still so awkward to look at the minimap on the right.
Anyway, I can finally jungle, havent bought any runes yet, but I started using masteries (for some odd reason I thought masteries were locked permanently once you use them), so now I dont have to worry about my lane partner spoiling last hits etc.
The hardest part for someone transferring over, even from other games of the genre is the heroes and what they do, a lot of times I look at a new hero and i have no idea what he does, or what his abilities do,death teaches you well though :p
On May 13 2013 20:22 Solaris.playgu wrote: Don't think that's a good comparison either. In the case of map awareness you have 2 games that are viewed from above at an angle, with an identical minimap in the exact same location of the screen. Even if it doesn't transfer over automatically I would say that after getting used to the gameflow a sc2 player will have an easier time adjusting to watching the minimap than someone who hasn't played a similar game will.
You know what, i wrote out a long post about how its the exact same thing to check your minimap in both games, but fuck it.
You look at the map and say "where is the enemy".
In both games.
Yes, i can see someone learning the game getting distracted, but after his first 20 games, he's going to be checking that minimap like a boss just like he did in SC2. Its a known fact RTS games are more mechanically demanding then MOBA's, your doing more stuff, all of the time, im pretty sure they can find the time in a game of LoL to check the map.
If you dont agree, then i laugh at you really, because its the exact same thing. Looking. At. A. Minimap.
Also to that FPS comment, lol. Yes i expect a CS player to completely suck at CoD.
On May 13 2013 21:10 Capped wrote: You know what, i wrote out a long post about how its the exact same thing to check your minimap in both games, but fuck it.
You look at the map and say "where is the enemy".
In both games.
Yes, i can see someone learning the game getting distracted, but after his first 20 games, he's going to be checking that minimap like a boss just like he did in SC2. Its a known fact RTS games are more mechanically demanding then MOBA's, your doing more stuff, all of the time, im pretty sure they can find the time in a game of LoL to check the map.
If you dont agree, then i laugh at you really, because its the exact same thing. Looking. At. A. Minimap.
Also to that FPS comment, lol. Yes i expect a CS player to completely suck at CoD.
I had zero map awareness in LoL and was wondering why as I'd expected to be quite good at it with years of playing bw.
Then I found out you could switch the mini map position and everything was so easy.
Yea I had exact same story. My minimap awareness in SC2/Dota was really good but in LoL I just had zero awareness. Then one day I was flicking through streams and saw it was on the wrong side. Life has changed after that, awareness shot up by a huge amount.
What is the reasoning for it being on the right? It seems like the normal convention is for it to be on the left.
edit: Now that they have gone into item limiting do you think they will ever limit wards in S4? Think this would be a huge step forward to more action packed early game.
On May 12 2013 08:56 Alaric wrote: Actually I wish they would make the silence longer (even if they have to make it scale with levels) so you're more reliant on an ally to cc Talon/protect you, Talon doesn't have the reach/mobility from Kha'Zix/Zed if his initial combo doesn't kill you, and part of it (a 1 bonus AD ratio) is a DoT, so a well-timed flash/shield can already protect you from him (his ult has 500 radius so with Flash up or a well-timed or instant (Ezreal) escape you can avoid the second part of it), he's much more vulnerable than, say, Kha'Zix, to somebody like Lulu bodyguarding his target, which I think is fine. It means that if Talon catches you 1v1, he has the potential to burst you in the midgame (and late if you're a squishy) assuming he didn't feed, but that if you've got an ally to save you/buy time for you to use your escape once the silence wears off he'll have a ton of trouble killing you. This forces him to rely on positioning and timing in teamfights (you can see Zed initiating by diving a squishy while his team follows up to exploit the chaos, and Kha'Zix just pokes you so he doesn't have to sit so long on the sidelines once a fight start before he can jump in), while trying to find isolated targets when he's roaming.
His escape mechanism is also his ult, so while it's on a shorter cooldown than most he isn't as reliable when splitpushing because despite his tower-killing Q if you force him to run/burn his ult you just bought a full minute while Living Shadow or Leap aren't much to Zed/Kha, and if he doesn't kill you with a combo he's much less threatening than both of them when it comes to follow-up dps.
I like Talon. I wish they'd look at what is good with him, and counterplay (he lacks counterplay in lane if he gets ahead post-6 and you're a squishy, but he's much more susceptible to ganks than other assassins, even Akali pre-6 is safer than him), then tone down the absurdity that are Zed and Kha'Zix (they aren't assassins, they just happen to have excellent single-target burst slapped on top of a shitload of pros) rather than buff him or anything.
Allowing him to E to an ally/allied minion would help with his escape too, much like Katarina. I mean hell, their lore is so close it would even make sorta sense. Then you could make dem plays too.
On May 13 2013 20:39 dartoo wrote: Now I realize why the minimap is on the right,
I switched it back to the left cause thats what I'm used to from sc,dota etc., and boom, I end up dying a few times by accidentally clicking on the minimap :/ But it's still so awkward to look at the minimap on the right.
This so much. I was playing sc2 and LoL at the same time so I moved the minimap to the left side. Anyone who thinks Blue side is OP has never misclicked their newly left-oriented minimap when running like hell. At least with purple, if you misclick, you usually run back home instead of into the enemie's face. Minimap on the right side makes so much more sense, but I was raised to look at the bottom left. Sometimes I have TOO much map awareness and end up dying when I am staring at the minimap.
On May 12 2013 08:56 Alaric wrote: Actually I wish they would make the silence longer (even if they have to make it scale with levels) so you're more reliant on an ally to cc Talon/protect you, Talon doesn't have the reach/mobility from Kha'Zix/Zed if his initial combo doesn't kill you, and part of it (a 1 bonus AD ratio) is a DoT, so a well-timed flash/shield can already protect you from him (his ult has 500 radius so with Flash up or a well-timed or instant (Ezreal) escape you can avoid the second part of it), he's much more vulnerable than, say, Kha'Zix, to somebody like Lulu bodyguarding his target, which I think is fine. It means that if Talon catches you 1v1, he has the potential to burst you in the midgame (and late if you're a squishy) assuming he didn't feed, but that if you've got an ally to save you/buy time for you to use your escape once the silence wears off he'll have a ton of trouble killing you. This forces him to rely on positioning and timing in teamfights (you can see Zed initiating by diving a squishy while his team follows up to exploit the chaos, and Kha'Zix just pokes you so he doesn't have to sit so long on the sidelines once a fight start before he can jump in), while trying to find isolated targets when he's roaming.
His escape mechanism is also his ult, so while it's on a shorter cooldown than most he isn't as reliable when splitpushing because despite his tower-killing Q if you force him to run/burn his ult you just bought a full minute while Living Shadow or Leap aren't much to Zed/Kha, and if he doesn't kill you with a combo he's much less threatening than both of them when it comes to follow-up dps.
I like Talon. I wish they'd look at what is good with him, and counterplay (he lacks counterplay in lane if he gets ahead post-6 and you're a squishy, but he's much more susceptible to ganks than other assassins, even Akali pre-6 is safer than him), then tone down the absurdity that are Zed and Kha'Zix (they aren't assassins, they just happen to have excellent single-target burst slapped on top of a shitload of pros) rather than buff him or anything.
Allowing him to E to an ally/allied minion would help with his escape too, much like Katarina. I mean hell, their lore is so close it would even make sorta sense. Then you could make dem plays too.
On May 13 2013 20:39 dartoo wrote: Now I realize why the minimap is on the right,
I switched it back to the left cause thats what I'm used to from sc,dota etc., and boom, I end up dying a few times by accidentally clicking on the minimap :/ But it's still so awkward to look at the minimap on the right.
This so much. I was playing sc2 and LoL at the same time so I moved the minimap to the left side. Anyone who thinks Blue side is OP has never misclicked their newly left-oriented minimap when running like hell. At least with purple, if you misclick, you usually run back home instead of into the enemie's face. Minimap on the right side makes so much more sense, but I was raised to look at the bottom left. Sometimes I have TOO much map awareness and end up dying when I am staring at the minimap.
"Where the hell are the- fuck."
«What is the chance I get hooked while watching bottom lane ?... HOLY SHIT»
On May 12 2013 08:56 Alaric wrote: Actually I wish they would make the silence longer (even if they have to make it scale with levels) so you're more reliant on an ally to cc Talon/protect you, Talon doesn't have the reach/mobility from Kha'Zix/Zed if his initial combo doesn't kill you, and part of it (a 1 bonus AD ratio) is a DoT, so a well-timed flash/shield can already protect you from him (his ult has 500 radius so with Flash up or a well-timed or instant (Ezreal) escape you can avoid the second part of it), he's much more vulnerable than, say, Kha'Zix, to somebody like Lulu bodyguarding his target, which I think is fine. It means that if Talon catches you 1v1, he has the potential to burst you in the midgame (and late if you're a squishy) assuming he didn't feed, but that if you've got an ally to save you/buy time for you to use your escape once the silence wears off he'll have a ton of trouble killing you. This forces him to rely on positioning and timing in teamfights (you can see Zed initiating by diving a squishy while his team follows up to exploit the chaos, and Kha'Zix just pokes you so he doesn't have to sit so long on the sidelines once a fight start before he can jump in), while trying to find isolated targets when he's roaming.
His escape mechanism is also his ult, so while it's on a shorter cooldown than most he isn't as reliable when splitpushing because despite his tower-killing Q if you force him to run/burn his ult you just bought a full minute while Living Shadow or Leap aren't much to Zed/Kha, and if he doesn't kill you with a combo he's much less threatening than both of them when it comes to follow-up dps.
I like Talon. I wish they'd look at what is good with him, and counterplay (he lacks counterplay in lane if he gets ahead post-6 and you're a squishy, but he's much more susceptible to ganks than other assassins, even Akali pre-6 is safer than him), then tone down the absurdity that are Zed and Kha'Zix (they aren't assassins, they just happen to have excellent single-target burst slapped on top of a shitload of pros) rather than buff him or anything.
Allowing him to E to an ally/allied minion would help with his escape too, much like Katarina. I mean hell, their lore is so close it would even make sorta sense. Then you could make dem plays too.
Depending on who their jungle is, and their respective positioning, you can already avoid ganks (or reduce the damage taken) without wasting your ult by Eing on the jungler or laner, kinda the way Elise does (but with much less range and without the Cocoon follow-up); it doesn't work at all on some of them though (stuff like Udyr or Maokai if the laner has follow-up cc).
On May 12 2013 08:56 Alaric wrote: Actually I wish they would make the silence longer (even if they have to make it scale with levels) so you're more reliant on an ally to cc Talon/protect you, Talon doesn't have the reach/mobility from Kha'Zix/Zed if his initial combo doesn't kill you, and part of it (a 1 bonus AD ratio) is a DoT, so a well-timed flash/shield can already protect you from him (his ult has 500 radius so with Flash up or a well-timed or instant (Ezreal) escape you can avoid the second part of it), he's much more vulnerable than, say, Kha'Zix, to somebody like Lulu bodyguarding his target, which I think is fine. It means that if Talon catches you 1v1, he has the potential to burst you in the midgame (and late if you're a squishy) assuming he didn't feed, but that if you've got an ally to save you/buy time for you to use your escape once the silence wears off he'll have a ton of trouble killing you. This forces him to rely on positioning and timing in teamfights (you can see Zed initiating by diving a squishy while his team follows up to exploit the chaos, and Kha'Zix just pokes you so he doesn't have to sit so long on the sidelines once a fight start before he can jump in), while trying to find isolated targets when he's roaming.
His escape mechanism is also his ult, so while it's on a shorter cooldown than most he isn't as reliable when splitpushing because despite his tower-killing Q if you force him to run/burn his ult you just bought a full minute while Living Shadow or Leap aren't much to Zed/Kha, and if he doesn't kill you with a combo he's much less threatening than both of them when it comes to follow-up dps.
I like Talon. I wish they'd look at what is good with him, and counterplay (he lacks counterplay in lane if he gets ahead post-6 and you're a squishy, but he's much more susceptible to ganks than other assassins, even Akali pre-6 is safer than him), then tone down the absurdity that are Zed and Kha'Zix (they aren't assassins, they just happen to have excellent single-target burst slapped on top of a shitload of pros) rather than buff him or anything.
Allowing him to E to an ally/allied minion would help with his escape too, much like Katarina. I mean hell, their lore is so close it would even make sorta sense. Then you could make dem plays too.
Depending on who their jungle is, and their respective positioning, you can already avoid ganks (or reduce the damage taken) without wasting your ult by Eing on the jungler or laner, kinda the way Elise does (but with much less range and without the Cocoon follow-up); it doesn't work at all on some of them though (stuff like Udyr or Maokai if the laner has follow-up cc).
That's true. I still think it could help out Talon. Give him some more versatility/mobility. I plan on getting Talon as soon as I have the IP for him. I have 2 weeks in July to farm dat IP. Gotta have Talon.
pretty sure someone with idra's mechanics would be well above here. his teamwork on the other hand...
Don't think so, he said he was playing to spend time with his girlfriend, and wanted to stay away from ranked
"I'm not going to go into ranked or anything, because that just invites people to be dicks."
Pretty sure he said "I'm not going to go into ranks or anything, because that just invites people to be dicks." He doesn't want to reveal his level of play in LoL, because if he's gold/plat, people would be dicks about him being so low, when LoL is supposedly so easy (according to some SC2 players including IdrA).
He talks about league from that point and a few minutes forward, check it out if you want to know what he said word for word.
I have been consulting with the Pony on the issue.
We will be trying out a version where he can 'merge' the augments together by spending more gold.
Obviously this is an iteration and subject to change!
Stats too, since one of the common complaints about Viktor is that the Core feels like a waste of a slot late game.
So one of the biggest reasons I like this iteration is actually the ability to 'color-code' the augments . For example since Q is yellow and E is red... if we allow you to merge Q and E what color would that be?.........(drumroll)........ ORANGE!!
The stats will probably be nerfed, they are EXTREMELY gold efficient because they take up a slot late game, if we give slot efficiency back it is difficult to justify the gold efficiency.
So one of the biggest reasons I like this iteration is actually the ability to 'color-code' the augments . For example since Q is yellow and E is red... if we allow you to merge Q and E what color would that be?.........(drumroll)........ ORANGE!!
The stats will probably be nerfed, they are EXTREMELY gold efficient because they take up a slot late game, if we give slot efficiency back it is difficult to justify the gold efficiency.
On May 13 2013 21:44 Numy wrote: Yea I had exact same story. My minimap awareness in SC2/Dota was really good but in LoL I just had zero awareness. Then one day I was flicking through streams and saw it was on the wrong side. Life has changed after that, awareness shot up by a huge amount.
What is the reasoning for it being on the right? It seems like the normal convention is for it to be on the left.
edit: Now that they have gone into item limiting do you think they will ever limit wards in S4? Think this would be a huge step forward to more action packed early game.
It's on the right cuz BW and SC2 have the minimap on the right
old habits die hard
warcraft, bw etc. always had it on the left, which is exactly his point, why does LoL have it on the right when almost everyother game has it on the left?!.
To be fair tho, only blizzard games always had it on the left. mini map position varies from game to game.
On May 13 2013 21:44 Numy wrote: Yea I had exact same story. My minimap awareness in SC2/Dota was really good but in LoL I just had zero awareness. Then one day I was flicking through streams and saw it was on the wrong side. Life has changed after that, awareness shot up by a huge amount.
What is the reasoning for it being on the right? It seems like the normal convention is for it to be on the left.
edit: Now that they have gone into item limiting do you think they will ever limit wards in S4? Think this would be a huge step forward to more action packed early game.
It's on the right cuz BW and SC2 have the minimap on the right
old habits die hard
warcraft, bw etc. always had it on the left, which is exactly his point, why does LoL have it on the right when almost everyother game has it on the left?!.
As Jon said, when you're playing Blue side, you click the bottom left to move back, and when you're playing purple side you click the bottom left to move forward. Because the flow of SR (and HA) moves from bottom left to top right, putting a map on one of those vertices causes more misclicks than having it on the bottom right. With your portrait and inventory on the bottom left, you're more likely to misclick an item than accidentally path yourself into death.
Ever since I started using that lolnexus thing to look at the team comp during the loading screen, I've been surprised with some of the recent matchmaking.
In my most recent game the enemy team had a gold 3, gold 4, gold 5 and a duo queue, and our team had 5 silver 1's. The gold 3 and gold 4 stomped us pretty hard, I was the only person in the game who held my lane decently and I couldn't really make any headway.
Not that I mind too much, people lose games, but the matchmaking of that is questionable, imo.
Does that sort of thing happen a lot to other people?
On May 13 2013 21:44 Numy wrote: Yea I had exact same story. My minimap awareness in SC2/Dota was really good but in LoL I just had zero awareness. Then one day I was flicking through streams and saw it was on the wrong side. Life has changed after that, awareness shot up by a huge amount.
What is the reasoning for it being on the right? It seems like the normal convention is for it to be on the left.
edit: Now that they have gone into item limiting do you think they will ever limit wards in S4? Think this would be a huge step forward to more action packed early game.
It's on the right cuz BW and SC2 have the minimap on the right
old habits die hard
warcraft, bw etc. always had it on the left, which is exactly his point, why does LoL have it on the right when almost everyother game has it on the left?!.
As Jon said, when you're playing Blue side, you click the bottom left to move back, and when you're playing purple side you click the bottom left to move forward. Because the flow of SR (and HA) moves from bottom left to top right, putting a map on one of those vertices causes more misclicks than having it on the bottom right. With your portrait and inventory on the bottom left, you're more likely to misclick an item than accidentally path yourself into death.
Speaking of, it would be pretty cool to do one of those mouse click heat maps for LoL (I've seen them done for SC2)