[Patch 3.06: Lissandra Patch] General Discussion - Page 152
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France45622 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
On May 12 2013 06:17 Masq wrote: Need some advice to buy a new hero that can jungle and also top, I'm growing bored with my current heroes. I have currently: - Jax - Shen - Riven - Kayle - Udyr - Tryndamere - Zed Suggestions? pick whatever champion you'll have the most fun playing or had the most fun playing in free week | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
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England706 Posts
On May 12 2013 06:17 Masq wrote: Need some advice to buy a new hero that can jungle and also top, I'm growing bored with my current heroes. I have currently: - Jax - Shen - Riven - Kayle - Udyr - Tryndamere - Zed Suggestions? Xin Zhao OP in jungle and top | ||
United States496 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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Botswana368 Posts
On May 12 2013 06:58 GolemMadness wrote: Just logged on and got the yellow ribbon. Then I clicked ok and it told me I have the blue ribbon. What's with that? Which one is rarer? Blue's rarer iirc. I've had the same thing happen to me, except for leagues. "You have been demoted to Gold 2", but I'm gold 1 in profile still :/ | ||
United States7572 Posts
On May 12 2013 06:17 Masq wrote: Need some advice to buy a new hero that can jungle and also top, I'm growing bored with my current heroes. I have currently: - Jax - Shen - Riven - Kayle - Udyr - Tryndamere - Zed Suggestions? Elise Darius Jarvan also where is your Reesin | ||
3232 Posts
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United States545 Posts
On May 12 2013 07:12 swim224 wrote: Blue's rarer iirc. I've had the same thing happen to me, except for leagues. "You have been demoted to Gold 2", but I'm gold 1 in profile still :/ Might have been one of your ranked teams being demoted to Gold 2 | ||
United States7572 Posts
anyone play her? is she boring? Its either her or Darius for jungle Darius. | ||
France8631 Posts
On May 12 2013 07:33 sob3k wrote: I think i might have to buy Lissandra, that 42% winratio just gives me a huge indieboner. anyone play her? is she boring? Its either her or Darius for jungle Darius. It's not indieboner but hipsterboner you're looking for. | ||
United States7572 Posts
the sad part is that I own like all the pokey mids in the game, which are my favorite....they gotta make some more. the only ones I don't have are Brand (who I hate despite loving with W, unreliable ult), and Anivia (can't play at all), I guess kennen is kind of pokey. | ||
France8631 Posts
On May 12 2013 06:17 Alaric wrote: I've been weeping over Talon for weeks now, Kha'Zix's plain better too, and before they toned Rengar down the same applied to him. It's not that Talon isn't viable (well competitively he's less viable than LB I'd say), it's just that he doesn't have anything at all that is on par or better than them. He's got way more reliable AoE than Kha and is way less ult dependant than Zed. He has his place, he's just really out of flavor. | ||
France45622 Posts
Zed also has better mobility and dps if you put their ults out of the picture. | ||
United States7572 Posts
He just has to kill you in one rotation, if he can then their is extremely limited counterplay due to silence and stealth, if he cant then he is just trash. He is just way too bursty. | ||
United States10467 Posts
Like it's less than that in normals but I recall some site that said she was near 60% in ranked. Here it is: http://lolmatches.com/championstats/ Seems like a small sample size though. | ||
France45622 Posts
It means that if Talon catches you 1v1, he has the potential to burst you in the midgame (and late if you're a squishy) assuming he didn't feed, but that if you've got an ally to save you/buy time for you to use your escape once the silence wears off he'll have a ton of trouble killing you. This forces him to rely on positioning and timing in teamfights (you can see Zed initiating by diving a squishy while his team follows up to exploit the chaos, and Kha'Zix just pokes you so he doesn't have to sit so long on the sidelines once a fight start before he can jump in), while trying to find isolated targets when he's roaming. His escape mechanism is also his ult, so while it's on a shorter cooldown than most he isn't as reliable when splitpushing because despite his tower-killing Q if you force him to run/burn his ult you just bought a full minute while Living Shadow or Leap aren't much to Zed/Kha, and if he doesn't kill you with a combo he's much less threatening than both of them when it comes to follow-up dps. I like Talon. I wish they'd look at what is good with him, and counterplay (he lacks counterplay in lane if he gets ahead post-6 and you're a squishy, but he's much more susceptible to ganks than other assassins, even Akali pre-6 is safer than him), then tone down the absurdity that are Zed and Kha'Zix (they aren't assassins, they just happen to have excellent single-target burst slapped on top of a shitload of pros) rather than buff him or anything. | ||
Canada3353 Posts
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