[Patch 3.06: Lissandra Patch] General Discussion - Page 130
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United States7572 Posts
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United States60190 Posts
On May 10 2013 01:55 sob3k wrote: seriously, anyone saying AP Yi's laning isn't completely bulletproof....I feel like people play against Yi's who don't know how to minion harass with alpha strike and meditate in the middle of lane or something. But a long has you don't feed him, he is garbage later on without items. Alpha strikes cool down might as well be a month and meditate has a huge cool down as well. As long as you don't play into his hands and offer yourself up for a sweet alpha strike tower dive, you should be able to keep up. Personally, I love playing Diana against him and watching him try to break through my shield over and over and over while I power farm. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On May 10 2013 00:27 Vanka wrote: You can't auto during amumu ult. This is why it is confusing lol, since it's the only cc in the game that works the way it does. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Amumu/Ability_Details EDIT: actually, amumu's ult (the only "ensnare" in the game) fits that bill perfectly, though it stops movement as well as autos but not abilities. Lol. I had it the other way around XD so scrubby I rarely ever use spells while Amumu ulted, which I should get into the habit of doing. A Cait Q or Malz ult could eat up the entire duration of Amumu's ult. | ||
United States27922 Posts
On May 10 2013 02:01 Plansix wrote: But a long has you don't feed him, he is garbage later on without items. Alpha strikes cool down might as well be a month and meditate has a huge cool down as well. As long as you don't play into his hands and offer yourself up for a sweet alpha strike tower dive, you should be able to keep up. Personally, I love playing Diana against him and watching him try to break through my shield over and over and over while I power farm. Diana is a bit different seeing as you can just build straight tanky AP and still do tons of damage. If I see a yi and know he's mid, I'd probably pick Galio into him (although I can't do much outside my ult to stop a meditate). I just love Galio into a heavy burst snowbally mid like LB or Yi. But saying that Yi is useless outside lane if he doesn't get kills is horribly naive. His mid game power is ridiculous, and if he gets one or two resets in a team fight (not that hard to do), he starts to get out of control. He's obviously not unbeatable, but it's not the simplest thing in the world either. | ||
Germany11335 Posts
On May 09 2013 21:00 Scip wrote: Correct. For completeness, shared golems+full red+full blue puts you at 3 as well. I'm probably a bit late for this, but the main route where stealing XP from wolves is annoying is Wolves - blue -wraiths-wolves-red-wraiths. Though that one is not really popular anymore anyways. At least in season 2 stealing XP from wolves meant that you don't hit 3 before red, AND you don't hit 4 after wraiths. It was incredibly annoying. But nowadays the only jungler i run that route on is nautilus anyways. | ||
United States7572 Posts
Btw, that's 600+2AP more than a fully channeled level 3 Katarina ult hitting the max number of players which can't even happen until level 16... | ||
United States60190 Posts
On May 10 2013 02:15 jcarlsoniv wrote: Diana is a bit different seeing as you can just build straight tanky AP and still do tons of damage. If I see a yi and know he's mid, I'd probably pick Galio into him (although I can't do much outside my ult to stop a meditate). I just love Galio into a heavy burst snowbally mid like LB or Yi. But saying that Yi is useless outside lane if he doesn't get kills is horribly naive. His mid game power is ridiculous, and if he gets one or two resets in a team fight (not that hard to do), he starts to get out of control. He's obviously not unbeatable, but it's not the simplest thing in the world either. I am just not impressed by YI and the only time I see him get out of control is when he gets super fed. Any comp or team that has any reasonable cc can disrupt him. Like Kha'xic, YI can end a fight if people don't respect him, but I don't worry about him starting one. Also, Zac thinks YI is funny, since Highlander does nothing to knock up and all Zacs abilities chunk YI so hard. On May 10 2013 02:25 sob3k wrote: If Yi gets one reset in a dragon fight for example, he just did 2400+ 8AP damage. Which I think any AP would be pretty happy with.... Btw, that's exactly equivalent to four fully channeled level 3 Katarina ults hitting the max number of players... If you team lets that happen, you should lose. There is no reason for him to get off three A-strikes in a single fight, unless you all forgot to get MR and decided that half health was in style. | ||
United States7572 Posts
On May 10 2013 02:31 Plansix wrote: If you team lets that happen, you should lose. There is no reason for him to get off three A-strikes in a single fight, unless you all forgot to get MR and decided that half health was in style. No, thats two alpha strikes. Ex: one person got low, Yi Highlandered in and pressed Q and killed them and then pressed Q one more time. If anyone on your team gets low in a teamfight you deserve to lose? Yeah, good luck with that. | ||
Iceland2039 Posts
Karthus defile after death and ult is 1320+2.35 ap per person, but that would assume someone stands in his defile the whole duration. | ||
United States5211 Posts
it's like...... wow what a play! you have slain an enemy! +134g ...errr, wait a minute... | ||
United States60190 Posts
On May 10 2013 02:41 h3r1n6 wrote: You're assuming the alpha strikes hit all the targets. People that get low leave the fights, etc. At his best AP Yi is really good at cleanup, but it's not guaranteed. Karthus defile after death and ult is 1320+2.35 ap per person, but that would assume someone stands in his defile the whole duration. Exactly, and ignoring MR and that all the alpha strikes might no connect(unless you are all hanging out in the dragon pit with no wards). Seriously, if there is a YI that is running around doing that much damage, ward up that dragon so you can see him coming. Its easier to snare his ass if you have wards. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
If your team isn't able to, AP Yi does nothing and is deadweight. He still splitpushes really well though because of how incredible of a combination AP + Aspd is for killing towers. My biggest problem with AP Yi is that even if you're really fed and ahead in farm, if your team just cannot deal enough damage you won't be able to carry. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On May 10 2013 02:48 Shikyo wrote: If your team is able to burst the enemy enough to get them low, AP Yi carries fights. If your team isn't able to, AP Yi does nothing and is deadweight. He still splitpushes really well though because of how incredible of a combination AP + Aspd is for killing towers. My biggest problem with AP Yi is that even if you're really fed and ahead in farm, if your team just cannot deal enough damage you won't be able to carry. Kat is almost always the better choice if resets are what you want to do for a majority of your damage. | ||
United States5211 Posts
On May 10 2013 02:53 wei2coolman wrote: oh Kha'zix... | ||
Germany11335 Posts
On May 10 2013 02:48 Shikyo wrote: If your team is able to burst the enemy enough to get them low, AP Yi carries fights. If your team isn't able to, AP Yi does nothing and is deadweight. He still splitpushes really well though because of how incredible of a combination AP + Aspd is for killing towers. My biggest problem with AP Yi is that even if you're really fed and ahead in farm, if your team just cannot deal enough damage you won't be able to carry. AP Yi basically lets his team fight a 4v5 and hopes they get the enemy team reasonably low for him to cleanup afterwards. He can't Alphastrike in without getting a kill, because then due to the CD and him being in the middle of the enemy team he will probably not do anything else. So you just have to win that 5v4 without getting low enough for Yi to kill you. | ||
United States60190 Posts
Kha'zix also has way better poke than both of them, better chase and mobility. Plus, his ult is ground breaking when cleaning up. | ||
United States60033 Posts
Well, assuming you want magic damage instead of AD; it's not uncommon to see an all AD team with khazix just become completely useless lategame when the opposing team just stacks enough armor. | ||
United States60190 Posts
On May 10 2013 03:02 wei2coolman wrote: Well, assuming you want magic damage instead of AD; it's not uncommon to see an all AD team with khazix just become completely useless lategame when the opposing team just stacks enough armor. Well anyone taking Kha'zix mid will likely have an OP jungle or Top. No one goes all AP or all AD, thats madness. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On May 10 2013 03:00 Plansix wrote: Kha'zix also has way better poke than both of them, better chase and mobility. Plus, his ult is ground breaking when cleaning up. The reset itself though is by far the weakest for Kha'Zix. His Q cooldown really helps him with that. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
Doing something for your 20k? | ||
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