On May 09 2013 23:50 sob3k wrote: well it is a little odd that we have silence, which stops casting but not autos, but we have nothing that does the opposite.
Also most AD carries hit by an Amumu ult stop attacking because they're furiously right clicking away or clicking their flash key.
You can't auto during amumu ult. This is why it is confusing lol, since it's the only cc in the game that works the way it does.
EDIT: actually, amumu's ult (the only "ensnare" in the game) fits that bill perfectly, though it stops movement as well as autos but not abilities.
It's a Snare/Blind (or Super Snare as my friend likes to say). You can use abilities and that's it. although I wonder how many people just think it's a full on stun and don't even try to use their abilities lol.
Edit: I just hope the new Wolves organization isn't something stupid like Vulcun Techbargains T_T
Xerath's still strong, but he's not all that satisfying to use. There's just so much wrong with his design from a "fun" point of view - even his visuals and sound have been disappointing from the start. If they wanted a siege-tank character they needed to actually commit to that idea instead of nerfing both the risk and the reward of playing an immobile long-ranged nuker.
On May 10 2013 00:43 sob3k wrote: Its a fucking entangle guys, sheesh, not an "ensnare". Its like you've never even played leagues.
If it was an entangle, it would just be a 50% slow, a -4 to Dex, and a -2 to Attack Rolls. It would also fuck with spellcasters.
Do you even Druid?
Dat wit check.
On May 10 2013 01:14 Juicyfruit wrote: Xerath's still strong, but he's not all that satisfying to use. There's just so much wrong with his design from a "fun" point of view - even his visuals and sound have been disappointing from the start. If they wanted a siege-tank character they needed to actually commit to that idea instead of nerfing both the risk and the reward of playing an immobile long-ranged nuker.
I think Riot believe Xerath has the Sejuani-Syndrome. Where something is good or better, they can't buff it without making it OP, but people don't play it anyway.
On May 10 2013 01:14 Juicyfruit wrote: Xerath's still strong, but he's not all that satisfying to use. There's just so much wrong with his design from a "fun" point of view - even his visuals and sound have been disappointing from the start. If they wanted a siege-tank character they needed to actually commit to that idea instead of nerfing both the risk and the reward of playing an immobile long-ranged nuker.
I think Riot believe Xerath has the Sejuani-Syndrome. Where something is good or better, they can't buff it without making it OP, but people don't play it anyway.
Sejuani is ridiculous right now. There were 2 reasons she was overshadowed on her release.
1. Her first clear was abysmally slow. 2. Naut was released 2 weeks later.
She has always been good and usable (ult is ridiculous). Now she's just absurd - permaban status imo.
Xerath is just annoying. Very good if played right, but also very susceptible to the heavy dive/assassin meta we have going on right now.
I was talking about Xerath with my friend over skype and we both came to the conclusion that nobody plays him simply because he is boring. None of his spells are unique or interesting albeit his Locus of Power is an interesting Mechanic. He's still overpowered though.
On May 10 2013 01:23 Ketara wrote: Well he does. Lux and Ziggs both in general do Xeraths job better.
lol, Ziggs is played less than Xerath.
I think Xerath is OP, whenever I play him I crush, but he's too boring to play.
That could largely be to a lack of experience playing against him. Whenever I face him, I have to really think about how I'm gonna deal with him. That's not something I really experience when playing against a lot of the more popular mids.
Xerath has seen play this season and is fun to play (though could likely be more fun). Can't they change Warwick, who has basically 1 ability outside of ult (and even that is a near-melee range point and click, zzzz), instead? A werewolf champion could be so much cooler to play. I understand Warwick is a good champ for new players, because he can run around giving 0 fucks while sustaining like a beast, and that those champs need to exist, but I'd like to see a little more there. Nerf his sustain in exchange for a jungle clearing active on E or something.
On May 09 2013 14:21 Ketara wrote: Lux vs. AP Yi is a gigantic crock of shit in lane if you try to play aggressive, but you really can just ignore him and farm and then win teamfights later.
Yi can't do that (well, that's basically all he does, because unless RNG he can't go aggro in lane). I mean, complaining about Yi when you play Lux is about as pointless as me perpetually ranting about Lux/Anivia/TF/any champ who can pussy out, insta-clear and scales well late while I'm only playing short-ranged mid. :D (Anivia still stupid shit though.)
Just for the sake of being constructive... Having only 1AP ratio as damage on long-ish CD means he actually does very little unless he's ahead. Just compare Lux numbers with similar CD, she does way more just on Q-E (and she has a much better passive too!).
Yi meditate has a 35 sec base cooldown, and it's early heal is kinda crap. Play around that. Ignite, morello, other healing reduce are helpful to burst him down in the early time window he uses the ability. As other said, his heal is NOT free. It also actually cost mana at the early levels.
Alphastrike targets up to three additional enemy. Try to keep an eye on your minions and time your CC for when he appears back.
Yi is annoying to lane against, but he does have weaknesses that you can still abuse. I don't even think his laning phase is that strong. Being melee means he will have to sacrifice some CS because of the sheer randomness of alpha strike and his long cool down. You need to be unforgiving when he can't use his abilities, and put him in an uncomfortable position. Even is the lane goes to farmfest you can still outfarm him unless he takes wolves AND wraith but then he isn't putting any pressure on the map and starving his jungler.
On May 10 2013 01:40 upperbound wrote: Xerath has seen play this season and is fun to play (though could likely be more fun). Can't they change Warwick, who has basically 1 ability outside of ult (and even that is a near-melee range point and click, zzzz), instead? A werewolf champion could be so much cooler to play. I understand Warwick is a good champ for new players, because he can run around giving 0 fucks while sustaining like a beast, and that those champs need to exist, but I'd like to see a little more there. Nerf his sustain in exchange for a jungle clearing active on E or something.
I think Warwick's kit fits with a werewolf really well though. If I ever play him, I absolutely love it, especially if I get some tankiness. I just feel like I'm on the hunt for any blood to find, and when I sniff it out, I speed up and kill him? That's awesome.
On May 10 2013 01:40 upperbound wrote: Xerath has seen play this season and is fun to play (though could likely be more fun). Can't they change Warwick, who has basically 1 ability outside of ult (and even that is a near-melee range point and click, zzzz), instead? A werewolf champion could be so much cooler to play. I understand Warwick is a good champ for new players, because he can run around giving 0 fucks while sustaining like a beast, and that those champs need to exist, but I'd like to see a little more there. Nerf his sustain in exchange for a jungle clearing active on E or something.
Well, when you look at it from the "predator stalking his preys from afar and jumping on them after only a warning sound then pounding them to death" angle... initially Riot encompassed that into Warwick. Then their "design philosophy" evolved, and they redid it with Rengar. I know which of the two I like more.
On May 10 2013 01:40 upperbound wrote: Xerath has seen play this season and is fun to play (though could likely be more fun). Can't they change Warwick, who has basically 1 ability outside of ult (and even that is a near-melee range point and click, zzzz), instead? A werewolf champion could be so much cooler to play. I understand Warwick is a good champ for new players, because he can run around giving 0 fucks while sustaining like a beast, and that those champs need to exist, but I'd like to see a little more there. Nerf his sustain in exchange for a jungle clearing active on E or something.
Well, when you look at it from the "predator stalking his preys from afar and jumping on them after only a warning sound then pounding them to death" angle... initially Riot encompassed that into Warwick. Then their "design philosophy" evolved, and they redid it with Rengar. I know which of the two I like more.
Wow... you just blew my mind. Somehow I never realized how similar Rengar was to Warwick.
On May 10 2013 01:40 upperbound wrote: Xerath haw seen play this season and is fun to play (though could likely be more fun). Can't they change Warwick, who has basically 1 ability outside of ult (and even that is a near-melee range point and click, zzzz), instead? A werewolf champion could be so much cooler to play. I understand Warwick is a good champ for new players, because he can run around giving 0 fucks while sustaining like a beast, and that those champs need to exist, but I'd like to see a little more there. Nerf his sustain in exchange for a jungle clearing active on E or something.
I think Warwick's kit fits with a werewolf really well though. If I ever play him, I absolutely love it, especially if I get some tankiness. I just feel like I'm on the hunt for any blood to find, and when I sniff it out, I speed up and kill him? That's awesome.
Oh I agree that Warwick has some of the game's best flavor, and the rework would be minor. But there's a pretty low skill ceiling with him, and he's frustrating to play against (if you can't kite him or dictate the length and frequency of trades, he can just run up to you and auto attack). So ditch a little of that sustain to give him some jungle clear/wave clear, and I would play Warwick a lot because he would be fun in both substance and style.