Hue. Not even 5 hours ago I told a friend (while we were ranting about how Riot took the bulldozer approach with all their lore retcons to shoehorn champions into Freljord) "Look, Ezreal's an explorer and stuff, but they don't even use him anymore as a link to their lore, like when he served as a 'discoverer' of one of the new items".
There was a picture of him and Lux in the bottom left apparently, but they switched the image in the post. Bleh. Somebody saved it.
And there, bam, Ezreal. Maybe I can save Sivir or Pantheon with some other rant before they rewrite their lore. >.> (I believe the item Ezreal was supposed to have discovered was Wriggle's?)
Re: fucking up, I feel less inclined when I throw by getting caught or some other stupid mistake, because it was my fault, and I had full control over it, so I only get what I deserve (it's selfish, since the other 4 didn't necessarily deserve it, however). When an ally goes full retard (like that Vayne ult+tumbling on the side of the entire enemy team because he was obsessed with "focusing MF" at the back), it's frustrating because sometimes you can't do anything to salvage his mistake, and sometimes it makes you rage because it's not a guenine mistake but him repeating something the whole team asked him not to do earlier (like that guy who refuses to group). But I can't rage when I'm the one at fault, makes me really calm instead, sigh heavily, and try to see what I can learn from that.
On May 08 2013 14:52 OutlaW- wrote: Your improvement shouldn't be result-oriented, especially not in a team game. What you should be doing is perfect your technique. The reason why people always complain about trolls and feeders is because they think that if you win then you did well. but ideally, you shouldn't care about winning or losing at all. The only thing you should be looking at is your own play. Once you embrace this, trolls/feeders/afkers don't matter anymore, because you know that if you improve and stop making mistakes, your ranking (that shouldn't even matter to you) will improve.
This I don't think fits many people here, but the problem players mentioned above also provide a very, very easy and satisfying way to externalize mistakes. You see someone doing much worse than you, you lose because of him, you play him, you tell yourself you played better and that you deserved to win that game. It's fairly difficult to think of your own mistakes once you're in that mindset.
Every time someone (usually teut) or I say this, I feel like I'm being redundant and that this has been said many times before, but I still see the same complains over and over. I guess wanting to vent frustrations is fine, and so is playing this game recreationally, that is to have fun (I don't know how to do this), but the same concepts still apply.
People aren't mad about trolls, they are mad about the inability to instantly punish trolls, especially champ select trolls (although trolls do present the problem that it is unsatisfying to lose with a troll on your team, AND unsatisfying to win against a troll). Lets say I troll you. You can Screenshot>Dodge>Report (which is much more lengthy of a process than people pretend, plus you get a generic response), or you can Play > Report. Both are incredibly unsatisfying.
A pertinent/accurate analogy is if you were the owner of a 7/11, and people would steal from you, and you know it, and you have a video camera system. But your options are: Walk away then call the police, or get in the car with them then call the police when they get home. But either way you don't know if they go to jail, and there is a significant chance that the judge/jury are only going to see your car ride with the perp if you choose option 2. By the way, if you choose option one you have to pay the government a random $1500 fine.
I was more responding to Ketara, who said that he plays the game to improve and that trolls are making him unable to do that.
But to adress you. What exactly do you classify trolls? How do you want to instantly punish trolls? Say you pick mid as first pick and third pick picks another mid laner. Do you instantly ban him for trolling? This game is unrewarding for innovation as it is, do you really want to enforce positions in soloq? Trolls and feeders will always exist in mobas. (They exist everywhere but they have much more effect here, especially with how impossible it is to carry 4v5 when you compare it to say, dota) There's nothing Riot can do to magically remove all the trolls, and playing with/against trolls isn't nearly as bad as you make it seem with the correct mindset. I have carried many "trolls" and I also have been carried by "trolls" who forced the first pick to support and went mid lane. I've also won plenty of games with duo jungle and bottom lanes like Alistar Mundo. All this in ranked. Should we really be banning everyone like this immediately? I don't think so.
#1. The obvious answer is to implement Champion select reporting. You get the pre-game catharsis. Secondly in postgame you would get the same ability to report + the ability to un-report (so if the troll ended up just being azingy-like, everything is good). The additional bonus is people who troll pregame get double reported.
This alone solves minimum 50% of the problems.
#2. Once #1 is implemented, 2 people + report, and you dodge, no queue penalty.
#3. You get a weekly email with the results of your reports (should have been implemented years ago).
#4. (Just a comment) Just because someone carried a game by making the firstpick Syndra support, then lastpicked Master Yi and got 4 Pentakills, does not mean that person should not be banned. Dominate got banned FROM THE LCS for ingame trolling, which is laughably inconsequential compared to champ select trolling.
Dominate did not get banned for trolling. He got banned for verbal abuse. Check your facts.. And no, that Yi doesn't deserve to be banned.
Verbal abuse is inconsequential. Mute = completely negated.
The Yi absolutely deserves to be banned as well. Its not like he said, Mid please, he said "Mid or Feed". Simply saying that, or anything similar is the kind of emotional terrorism that makes a significant % of the LoL population avoid SoloQ in the first place (Hint, one of our mods on TL plays almost exclusively ranked 5s).
On May 08 2013 15:55 wei2coolman wrote:
On May 08 2013 15:54 Amui wrote:
On May 08 2013 15:47 wei2coolman wrote: The problem with that is that it discourages meta changing champ selects.
I don't have a problem with meta-changing champ selects. That's something to be expected, especially at the lower and higher ends of soloq elo. I do have a problem with people forcing higher picks out of their selected role though, because the draft order is there for a reason. 12 year olds shouldn't get mid anyways when higher pick decides they want mid.
That goes without saying; but if such a tool was implemented it would be used to report players who want to do shit like fiddle support; or morgana support, and shit like that.
A possible issue. However, I play morg support all the time to no flaming, unless I suck. Then I get flamed for sucking, but that is no different than any other time I play terribly.
I never said I agreed with Dom's ban, but that was what he was banned for.
Yi didn't necessarily have to say anything. He could have been silent all game, picked Yi and said mid. Now your Syndra has a choice, double mid or let Yi mid. Yi isn't really trolling, just giving your team a choice. The question is, do you make people choosing to go duo mid a bannable offense? Because I wouldn't (and apparently Riot, too, because they haven't said anything about it) If people don't have the skin to play soloq, then they shouldn't. There is nothing wrong with playing just ranked 5s or draft normals (or even blind normals). Ranked is for people who take the game seriously and want to tryhard. Strong feelings overall and about wanting to play your best role is natural.
If you want to break the meta the BOP is on you. You can't be silent while doing it. If the Syndra thinks her experience was significantly affected, then she should report. 1 report is not a ban, of course, neither is 2.
Plus, do not forget the essential option of "unreporting" in postgame. If your Yi bro was friendly and carried, would not said Syndra do that? If she did not, and people kept pardoning her reports would be devalued like Riot already says that they do.
Edit, and by the way. The only non-meta things that have ever worked in Ranked games I have played are: 1. Things people talked about and said "we should try" in champ select. and 2. No AD Carry bot (and always something that is a great kill lane like Panth + Jarvan).
Why would the outcome affect your judgement?
So if I push someone out of a plane and he randomly survives I am home free? No guilt?
No, the point was if he acts like a bro, explains himself, and ends up generating a fun environment for his team, then the report is not needed.
You can't do meta-breaking without being friendly and explaining yourself.
Normally, I wouldn't ask for help. I've come across a lot of interesting relics in my travels, but never anything like these.
I've gathered everything on my desk for all of you to take a look. The important thing is that these relics were found all over Runeterra, and they date from different and completely unconnected eras. The thing is… they all share one similarity: they show a dark figure, clearly inhuman, wielding a jagged blade.
This is a mystery I'm not sure I want solved. From what I can gather so far, this dark figure has been at the center of many bloody conflicts and tales of war.
What do you think? Who is this figure, and what role has he played in Runeterra's history?
Oh, and if you really want to hear some of the stories about these things… I'll tell them, but some of them aren't pretty.
Sounds to me to be the unknown figure in Trynd's new lore. Dark figure with a big sword, heralding conflict, etc.
And the crazy thing is, here's the original teaser before ezreal put his extraneous personal effect away:
ooo that new champion looks interesting, maybe I'm crazy but his sword looks like it comes apart into chained segments (i.e. Ivy's sword from Soul Calibur), it even looks likes it's bending in the bottom right picture. Now I want a champion that has different moves depending on what "stance" he is in like in some fighting games.
On May 08 2013 14:52 OutlaW- wrote: Your improvement shouldn't be result-oriented, especially not in a team game. What you should be doing is perfect your technique. The reason why people always complain about trolls and feeders is because they think that if you win then you did well. but ideally, you shouldn't care about winning or losing at all. The only thing you should be looking at is your own play. Once you embrace this, trolls/feeders/afkers don't matter anymore, because you know that if you improve and stop making mistakes, your ranking (that shouldn't even matter to you) will improve.
This I don't think fits many people here, but the problem players mentioned above also provide a very, very easy and satisfying way to externalize mistakes. You see someone doing much worse than you, you lose because of him, you play him, you tell yourself you played better and that you deserved to win that game. It's fairly difficult to think of your own mistakes once you're in that mindset.
Every time someone (usually teut) or I say this, I feel like I'm being redundant and that this has been said many times before, but I still see the same complains over and over. I guess wanting to vent frustrations is fine, and so is playing this game recreationally, that is to have fun (I don't know how to do this), but the same concepts still apply.
People aren't mad about trolls, they are mad about the inability to instantly punish trolls, especially champ select trolls (although trolls do present the problem that it is unsatisfying to lose with a troll on your team, AND unsatisfying to win against a troll). Lets say I troll you. You can Screenshot>Dodge>Report (which is much more lengthy of a process than people pretend, plus you get a generic response), or you can Play > Report. Both are incredibly unsatisfying.
A pertinent/accurate analogy is if you were the owner of a 7/11, and people would steal from you, and you know it, and you have a video camera system. But your options are: Walk away then call the police, or get in the car with them then call the police when they get home. But either way you don't know if they go to jail, and there is a significant chance that the judge/jury are only going to see your car ride with the perp if you choose option 2. By the way, if you choose option one you have to pay the government a random $1500 fine.
I was more responding to Ketara, who said that he plays the game to improve and that trolls are making him unable to do that.
But to adress you. What exactly do you classify trolls? How do you want to instantly punish trolls? Say you pick mid as first pick and third pick picks another mid laner. Do you instantly ban him for trolling? This game is unrewarding for innovation as it is, do you really want to enforce positions in soloq? Trolls and feeders will always exist in mobas. (They exist everywhere but they have much more effect here, especially with how impossible it is to carry 4v5 when you compare it to say, dota) There's nothing Riot can do to magically remove all the trolls, and playing with/against trolls isn't nearly as bad as you make it seem with the correct mindset. I have carried many "trolls" and I also have been carried by "trolls" who forced the first pick to support and went mid lane. I've also won plenty of games with duo jungle and bottom lanes like Alistar Mundo. All this in ranked. Should we really be banning everyone like this immediately? I don't think so.
#1. The obvious answer is to implement Champion select reporting. You get the pre-game catharsis. Secondly in postgame you would get the same ability to report + the ability to un-report (so if the troll ended up just being azingy-like, everything is good). The additional bonus is people who troll pregame get double reported.
This alone solves minimum 50% of the problems.
#2. Once #1 is implemented, 2 people + report, and you dodge, no queue penalty.
#3. You get a weekly email with the results of your reports (should have been implemented years ago).
#4. (Just a comment) Just because someone carried a game by making the firstpick Syndra support, then lastpicked Master Yi and got 4 Pentakills, does not mean that person should not be banned. Dominate got banned FROM THE LCS for ingame trolling, which is laughably inconsequential compared to champ select trolling.
Dominate did not get banned for trolling. He got banned for verbal abuse. Check your facts.. And no, that Yi doesn't deserve to be banned.
Verbal abuse is inconsequential. Mute = completely negated.
The Yi absolutely deserves to be banned as well. Its not like he said, Mid please, he said "Mid or Feed". Simply saying that, or anything similar is the kind of emotional terrorism that makes a significant % of the LoL population avoid SoloQ in the first place (Hint, one of our mods on TL plays almost exclusively ranked 5s).
On May 08 2013 15:55 wei2coolman wrote:
On May 08 2013 15:54 Amui wrote:
On May 08 2013 15:47 wei2coolman wrote: The problem with that is that it discourages meta changing champ selects.
I don't have a problem with meta-changing champ selects. That's something to be expected, especially at the lower and higher ends of soloq elo. I do have a problem with people forcing higher picks out of their selected role though, because the draft order is there for a reason. 12 year olds shouldn't get mid anyways when higher pick decides they want mid.
That goes without saying; but if such a tool was implemented it would be used to report players who want to do shit like fiddle support; or morgana support, and shit like that.
A possible issue. However, I play morg support all the time to no flaming, unless I suck. Then I get flamed for sucking, but that is no different than any other time I play terribly.
I never said I agreed with Dom's ban, but that was what he was banned for.
Yi didn't necessarily have to say anything. He could have been silent all game, picked Yi and said mid. Now your Syndra has a choice, double mid or let Yi mid. Yi isn't really trolling, just giving your team a choice. The question is, do you make people choosing to go duo mid a bannable offense? Because I wouldn't (and apparently Riot, too, because they haven't said anything about it) If people don't have the skin to play soloq, then they shouldn't. There is nothing wrong with playing just ranked 5s or draft normals (or even blind normals). Ranked is for people who take the game seriously and want to tryhard. Strong feelings overall and about wanting to play your best role is natural.
If you want to break the meta the BOP is on you. You can't be silent while doing it. If the Syndra thinks her experience was significantly affected, then she should report. 1 report is not a ban, of course, neither is 2.
Plus, do not forget the essential option of "unreporting" in postgame. If your Yi bro was friendly and carried, would not said Syndra do that? If she did not, and people kept pardoning her reports would be devalued like Riot already says that they do.
Edit, and by the way. The only non-meta things that have ever worked in Ranked games I have played are: 1. Things people talked about and said "we should try" in champ select. and 2. No AD Carry bot (and always something that is a great kill lane like Panth + Jarvan).
Why would the outcome affect your judgement?
So if I push someone out of a plane and he randomly survives I am home free? No guilt?
No, the point was if he acts like a bro, explains himself, and ends up generating a fun environment for his team, then the report is not needed.
You can't do meta-breaking without being friendly and explaining yourself.
On May 09 2013 02:59 YouGotNothin wrote: ooo that new champion looks interesting, maybe I'm crazy but his sword looks like it comes apart into chained segments (i.e. Ivy's sword from Soul Calibur), it even looks likes it's bending in the bottom right picture. Now I want a champion that has different moves depending on what "stance" he is in like in some fighting games.
On May 09 2013 02:59 YouGotNothin wrote: ooo that new champion looks interesting, maybe I'm crazy but his sword looks like it comes apart into chained segments (i.e. Ivy's sword from Soul Calibur), it even looks likes it's bending in the bottom right picture. Now I want a champion that has different moves depending on what "stance" he is in like in some fighting games.
So... Jayce/Nid/Elise but with 2 melee forms?
Yes! but having one form be more for like aoe and utility (sword in whip form) and the other form for dueling (sword in normal form).
On May 08 2013 14:52 OutlaW- wrote: Your improvement shouldn't be result-oriented, especially not in a team game. What you should be doing is perfect your technique. The reason why people always complain about trolls and feeders is because they think that if you win then you did well. but ideally, you shouldn't care about winning or losing at all. The only thing you should be looking at is your own play. Once you embrace this, trolls/feeders/afkers don't matter anymore, because you know that if you improve and stop making mistakes, your ranking (that shouldn't even matter to you) will improve.
This I don't think fits many people here, but the problem players mentioned above also provide a very, very easy and satisfying way to externalize mistakes. You see someone doing much worse than you, you lose because of him, you play him, you tell yourself you played better and that you deserved to win that game. It's fairly difficult to think of your own mistakes once you're in that mindset.
Every time someone (usually teut) or I say this, I feel like I'm being redundant and that this has been said many times before, but I still see the same complains over and over. I guess wanting to vent frustrations is fine, and so is playing this game recreationally, that is to have fun (I don't know how to do this), but the same concepts still apply.
People aren't mad about trolls, they are mad about the inability to instantly punish trolls, especially champ select trolls (although trolls do present the problem that it is unsatisfying to lose with a troll on your team, AND unsatisfying to win against a troll). Lets say I troll you. You can Screenshot>Dodge>Report (which is much more lengthy of a process than people pretend, plus you get a generic response), or you can Play > Report. Both are incredibly unsatisfying.
A pertinent/accurate analogy is if you were the owner of a 7/11, and people would steal from you, and you know it, and you have a video camera system. But your options are: Walk away then call the police, or get in the car with them then call the police when they get home. But either way you don't know if they go to jail, and there is a significant chance that the judge/jury are only going to see your car ride with the perp if you choose option 2. By the way, if you choose option one you have to pay the government a random $1500 fine.
I was more responding to Ketara, who said that he plays the game to improve and that trolls are making him unable to do that.
But to adress you. What exactly do you classify trolls? How do you want to instantly punish trolls? Say you pick mid as first pick and third pick picks another mid laner. Do you instantly ban him for trolling? This game is unrewarding for innovation as it is, do you really want to enforce positions in soloq? Trolls and feeders will always exist in mobas. (They exist everywhere but they have much more effect here, especially with how impossible it is to carry 4v5 when you compare it to say, dota) There's nothing Riot can do to magically remove all the trolls, and playing with/against trolls isn't nearly as bad as you make it seem with the correct mindset. I have carried many "trolls" and I also have been carried by "trolls" who forced the first pick to support and went mid lane. I've also won plenty of games with duo jungle and bottom lanes like Alistar Mundo. All this in ranked. Should we really be banning everyone like this immediately? I don't think so.
#1. The obvious answer is to implement Champion select reporting. You get the pre-game catharsis. Secondly in postgame you would get the same ability to report + the ability to un-report (so if the troll ended up just being azingy-like, everything is good). The additional bonus is people who troll pregame get double reported.
This alone solves minimum 50% of the problems.
#2. Once #1 is implemented, 2 people + report, and you dodge, no queue penalty.
#3. You get a weekly email with the results of your reports (should have been implemented years ago).
#4. (Just a comment) Just because someone carried a game by making the firstpick Syndra support, then lastpicked Master Yi and got 4 Pentakills, does not mean that person should not be banned. Dominate got banned FROM THE LCS for ingame trolling, which is laughably inconsequential compared to champ select trolling.
Dominate did not get banned for trolling. He got banned for verbal abuse. Check your facts.. And no, that Yi doesn't deserve to be banned.
Verbal abuse is inconsequential. Mute = completely negated.
The Yi absolutely deserves to be banned as well. Its not like he said, Mid please, he said "Mid or Feed". Simply saying that, or anything similar is the kind of emotional terrorism that makes a significant % of the LoL population avoid SoloQ in the first place (Hint, one of our mods on TL plays almost exclusively ranked 5s).
On May 08 2013 15:55 wei2coolman wrote:
On May 08 2013 15:54 Amui wrote:
On May 08 2013 15:47 wei2coolman wrote: The problem with that is that it discourages meta changing champ selects.
I don't have a problem with meta-changing champ selects. That's something to be expected, especially at the lower and higher ends of soloq elo. I do have a problem with people forcing higher picks out of their selected role though, because the draft order is there for a reason. 12 year olds shouldn't get mid anyways when higher pick decides they want mid.
That goes without saying; but if such a tool was implemented it would be used to report players who want to do shit like fiddle support; or morgana support, and shit like that.
A possible issue. However, I play morg support all the time to no flaming, unless I suck. Then I get flamed for sucking, but that is no different than any other time I play terribly.
I never said I agreed with Dom's ban, but that was what he was banned for.
Yi didn't necessarily have to say anything. He could have been silent all game, picked Yi and said mid. Now your Syndra has a choice, double mid or let Yi mid. Yi isn't really trolling, just giving your team a choice. The question is, do you make people choosing to go duo mid a bannable offense? Because I wouldn't (and apparently Riot, too, because they haven't said anything about it) If people don't have the skin to play soloq, then they shouldn't. There is nothing wrong with playing just ranked 5s or draft normals (or even blind normals). Ranked is for people who take the game seriously and want to tryhard. Strong feelings overall and about wanting to play your best role is natural.
If you want to break the meta the BOP is on you. You can't be silent while doing it. If the Syndra thinks her experience was significantly affected, then she should report. 1 report is not a ban, of course, neither is 2.
Plus, do not forget the essential option of "unreporting" in postgame. If your Yi bro was friendly and carried, would not said Syndra do that? If she did not, and people kept pardoning her reports would be devalued like Riot already says that they do.
Edit, and by the way. The only non-meta things that have ever worked in Ranked games I have played are: 1. Things people talked about and said "we should try" in champ select. and 2. No AD Carry bot (and always something that is a great kill lane like Panth + Jarvan).
Why would the outcome affect your judgement?
So if I push someone out of a plane and he randomly survives I am home free? No guilt?
No, the point was if he acts like a bro, explains himself, and ends up generating a fun environment for his team, then the report is not needed.
You can't do meta-breaking without being friendly and explaining yourself.
Shen's AA doesn't sound quite as good as expected, I am disappointed
Yea, I was hoping for a duller thud, or even something over the top like bongo sounds. Still, I have no Shen skin, and the other ones I want are out of shop.
Not sure I want to pick up Lissandra after trying her once, enough of my mids sigh and go mind their business elsewhere when facing long-range pricks as is.
Normally, I wouldn't ask for help. I've come across a lot of interesting relics in my travels, but never anything like these.
I've gathered everything on my desk for all of you to take a look. The important thing is that these relics were found all over Runeterra, and they date from different and completely unconnected eras. The thing is… they all share one similarity: they show a dark figure, clearly inhuman, wielding a jagged blade.
This is a mystery I'm not sure I want solved. From what I can gather so far, this dark figure has been at the center of many bloody conflicts and tales of war.
What do you think? Who is this figure, and what role has he played in Runeterra's history?
Oh, and if you really want to hear some of the stories about these things… I'll tell them, but some of them aren't pretty.
Sounds to me to be the unknown figure in Trynd's new lore. Dark figure with a big sword, heralding conflict, etc.
I don't know about the sword, but that's Balanar. At least that statue is. GG
On May 08 2013 14:52 OutlaW- wrote: Your improvement shouldn't be result-oriented, especially not in a team game. What you should be doing is perfect your technique. The reason why people always complain about trolls and feeders is because they think that if you win then you did well. but ideally, you shouldn't care about winning or losing at all. The only thing you should be looking at is your own play. Once you embrace this, trolls/feeders/afkers don't matter anymore, because you know that if you improve and stop making mistakes, your ranking (that shouldn't even matter to you) will improve.
This I don't think fits many people here, but the problem players mentioned above also provide a very, very easy and satisfying way to externalize mistakes. You see someone doing much worse than you, you lose because of him, you play him, you tell yourself you played better and that you deserved to win that game. It's fairly difficult to think of your own mistakes once you're in that mindset.
Every time someone (usually teut) or I say this, I feel like I'm being redundant and that this has been said many times before, but I still see the same complains over and over. I guess wanting to vent frustrations is fine, and so is playing this game recreationally, that is to have fun (I don't know how to do this), but the same concepts still apply.
People aren't mad about trolls, they are mad about the inability to instantly punish trolls, especially champ select trolls (although trolls do present the problem that it is unsatisfying to lose with a troll on your team, AND unsatisfying to win against a troll). Lets say I troll you. You can Screenshot>Dodge>Report (which is much more lengthy of a process than people pretend, plus you get a generic response), or you can Play > Report. Both are incredibly unsatisfying.
A pertinent/accurate analogy is if you were the owner of a 7/11, and people would steal from you, and you know it, and you have a video camera system. But your options are: Walk away then call the police, or get in the car with them then call the police when they get home. But either way you don't know if they go to jail, and there is a significant chance that the judge/jury are only going to see your car ride with the perp if you choose option 2. By the way, if you choose option one you have to pay the government a random $1500 fine.
I was more responding to Ketara, who said that he plays the game to improve and that trolls are making him unable to do that.
But to adress you. What exactly do you classify trolls? How do you want to instantly punish trolls? Say you pick mid as first pick and third pick picks another mid laner. Do you instantly ban him for trolling? This game is unrewarding for innovation as it is, do you really want to enforce positions in soloq? Trolls and feeders will always exist in mobas. (They exist everywhere but they have much more effect here, especially with how impossible it is to carry 4v5 when you compare it to say, dota) There's nothing Riot can do to magically remove all the trolls, and playing with/against trolls isn't nearly as bad as you make it seem with the correct mindset. I have carried many "trolls" and I also have been carried by "trolls" who forced the first pick to support and went mid lane. I've also won plenty of games with duo jungle and bottom lanes like Alistar Mundo. All this in ranked. Should we really be banning everyone like this immediately? I don't think so.
#1. The obvious answer is to implement Champion select reporting. You get the pre-game catharsis. Secondly in postgame you would get the same ability to report + the ability to un-report (so if the troll ended up just being azingy-like, everything is good). The additional bonus is people who troll pregame get double reported.
This alone solves minimum 50% of the problems.
#2. Once #1 is implemented, 2 people + report, and you dodge, no queue penalty.
#3. You get a weekly email with the results of your reports (should have been implemented years ago).
#4. (Just a comment) Just because someone carried a game by making the firstpick Syndra support, then lastpicked Master Yi and got 4 Pentakills, does not mean that person should not be banned. Dominate got banned FROM THE LCS for ingame trolling, which is laughably inconsequential compared to champ select trolling.
Dominate did not get banned for trolling. He got banned for verbal abuse. Check your facts.. And no, that Yi doesn't deserve to be banned.
Verbal abuse is inconsequential. Mute = completely negated.
The Yi absolutely deserves to be banned as well. Its not like he said, Mid please, he said "Mid or Feed". Simply saying that, or anything similar is the kind of emotional terrorism that makes a significant % of the LoL population avoid SoloQ in the first place (Hint, one of our mods on TL plays almost exclusively ranked 5s).
On May 08 2013 15:55 wei2coolman wrote:
On May 08 2013 15:54 Amui wrote:
On May 08 2013 15:47 wei2coolman wrote: The problem with that is that it discourages meta changing champ selects.
I don't have a problem with meta-changing champ selects. That's something to be expected, especially at the lower and higher ends of soloq elo. I do have a problem with people forcing higher picks out of their selected role though, because the draft order is there for a reason. 12 year olds shouldn't get mid anyways when higher pick decides they want mid.
That goes without saying; but if such a tool was implemented it would be used to report players who want to do shit like fiddle support; or morgana support, and shit like that.
A possible issue. However, I play morg support all the time to no flaming, unless I suck. Then I get flamed for sucking, but that is no different than any other time I play terribly.
I never said I agreed with Dom's ban, but that was what he was banned for.
Yi didn't necessarily have to say anything. He could have been silent all game, picked Yi and said mid. Now your Syndra has a choice, double mid or let Yi mid. Yi isn't really trolling, just giving your team a choice. The question is, do you make people choosing to go duo mid a bannable offense? Because I wouldn't (and apparently Riot, too, because they haven't said anything about it) If people don't have the skin to play soloq, then they shouldn't. There is nothing wrong with playing just ranked 5s or draft normals (or even blind normals). Ranked is for people who take the game seriously and want to tryhard. Strong feelings overall and about wanting to play your best role is natural.
If you want to break the meta the BOP is on you. You can't be silent while doing it. If the Syndra thinks her experience was significantly affected, then she should report. 1 report is not a ban, of course, neither is 2.
Plus, do not forget the essential option of "unreporting" in postgame. If your Yi bro was friendly and carried, would not said Syndra do that? If she did not, and people kept pardoning her reports would be devalued like Riot already says that they do.
Edit, and by the way. The only non-meta things that have ever worked in Ranked games I have played are: 1. Things people talked about and said "we should try" in champ select. and 2. No AD Carry bot (and always something that is a great kill lane like Panth + Jarvan).
Why would the outcome affect your judgement?
So if I push someone out of a plane and he randomly survives I am home free? No guilt?
No, the point was if he acts like a bro, explains himself, and ends up generating a fun environment for his team, then the report is not needed.
You can't do meta-breaking without being friendly and explaining yourself.
Shen's AA doesn't sound quite as good as expected, I am disappointed
Yea, I was hoping for a duller thud, or even something over the top like bongo sounds. Still, I have no Shen skin, and the other ones I want are out of shop.
I had something more like this in mind
Although I guess that really only happens when you hit them together and Shen doesn't do that...but fuck logic lol.