I need help from TL. I've come up with a great troll comp that is actually semi-good. For now it's just known as the C.R.E.A.M. Team and it consists of Gangplank top, Twisted Fate mid, and Ashe as ADC. I don't have a good jungler or support because no one else off the top of my head has a gold ability of some sort in their kit. Basically GP rushes Tiamat for maximum Q farm potential, TF just plays normal and tries not to die cause of that passive, and Ashe goes max E (maybe get Avarice blade/do the CAshe build I saw jcc post a month or two ago). The hilarious thing about this comp is that so long as you don't lose lane phase too badyou have crazy extra gold on GP and Ashe. Also at level 6 ganks are retarded with all those global ults.
I thought about Taric as a support since he's covered in fucking diamonds. But Taric/Ashe isn't that great of a lane, although it's just for funsies so it's not like it matters much. So yeah if anyone has any suggestions for jungle/support help me out. No idea who to run on jungle. So yeah suggestions would be awesome.
For optimal gold efficiency everyone buys at least one gp10 and gets pickpocket mastery.
+ Show Spoiler +Place holder theme song for this ultimate comp of sheer awesomeness.
Unless I'm wrong, I think they can't get the actual ratios of abilities until they actually log into the PBE
On April 02 2013 10:20 Slusher wrote: probly a wip I'm betting it's increased for detonation to add "risk"
If they increase it(so, reduce base damage, increase scaling), it'll end up being a buff to her mid+ game, which seems like the opposite of a smart idea. That does make sense though, because otherwise they're completely gutting her.
I got random IP boost for no reason... any idea why?
On April 02 2013 10:27 nosliw wrote: I got random IP boost for no reason... any idea why? cuz youre fucking amazing thats why.
Vancouver14381 Posts
On April 02 2013 10:27 nosliw wrote: I got random IP boost for no reason... any idea why?
Probably to compensate for the broken servers after the last patch.
On April 02 2013 10:27 nosliw wrote: I got random IP boost for no reason... any idea why? http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3293041
1 of 1 Riot Posts 4 Hours Ago Hello Summoners,
Stefan, aka Riot Cochese here. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a live producer charged with maintaining the health of the League of Legends live services in NA. As you know, the 3.5 deploy last week was a bit rough, lasting over 12 hours, and not something we intended to put you all through.
Here is what happened:
We proactively pushed a new map, Howling Abyss, to the PBE early in order to get more coverage and testing before we rolled it out to live. This is something new that we are working on process wise, and we published this map in an iterative state, well before it was finished. When we rolled the 3.5 deploy out to live a queue for this map was left in, which caused crashes when selected by players due to the map not actually being there. We had the right intentions, but we obviously found a hole in our new roll-out process that we’ll be correcting immediately.
Long-term improvement of our deploy times and quality continues to be one of our primary goals. Clearly we missed the boat with 3.5, and this is something we will continue improving upon.
In light of this extended downtime, we will be compensating you with a 4 Win IP boost. To ensure we don’t miss anybody, we’ll be providing the boost to anyone who has logged in within the past 30 days. We’ve already begun to roll this out, so you should see your boost within the next few days. I know that this doesn’t make what happened right, but I promise we will get better.
Thank you, Riot Cochese
Ouch, that Golem Spirit nerf. Really brutal, lost a lot of appeal to me (though getting it+tabi won't feel like stacking armour and neglecting MR now). And the Tiger changes are pretty... strange. They definitely want to push Udyr to an AS-based champ though, even on Tiger, which is kind of a nerf to him I guess since AD is much easier to get than AS, and it'll make on-hit (like BotRK) weaker on him.
On April 02 2013 10:46 Alaric wrote: Ouch, that Golem Spirit nerf. Really brutal, lost a lot of appeal to me (though getting it+tabi won't feel like stacking armour and neglecting MR now). And the Tiger changes are pretty... strange. They definitely want to push Udyr to an AS-based champ though, even on Tiger, which is kind of a nerf to him I guess since AD is much easier to get than AS, and it'll make on-hit (like BotRK) weaker on him.
How is it exactly a nerf?
In term of cost-effectiveness, on top of my head it seems that it didn't change too much (10% CDR is 375 gold IIRC, and 30 armor is like 450ish gold... but the item as a whole is also cheaper). The only thing that changed is that the armor bonus becomes the CDR bonus instead...
But IMO CDR is better on a tank jungler than flat armor, because you will be allocating items for flat armor anyway and flat armor is much easier to itemize.
On April 02 2013 10:53 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On April 02 2013 10:46 Alaric wrote: Ouch, that Golem Spirit nerf. Really brutal, lost a lot of appeal to me (though getting it+tabi won't feel like stacking armour and neglecting MR now). And the Tiger changes are pretty... strange. They definitely want to push Udyr to an AS-based champ though, even on Tiger, which is kind of a nerf to him I guess since AD is much easier to get than AS, and it'll make on-hit (like BotRK) weaker on him. How is it exactly a nerf? In term of cost-effectiveness, on top of my head it seems that it didn't change too much (10% CDR is 375 gold IIRC, and 30 armor is like 450ish gold... but the item as a whole is also cheaper). The only thing that changed is that the armor bonus becomes the CDR bonus instead... But IMO CDR is better on a tank jungler than flat armor, because you will be allocating items for flat armor anyway and flat armor is much easier to itemize.
it's a hidden randuin's buff hue
United States47024 Posts
PBE changes seem awkward. Obviously they're work in progress, but some of them just feel like they aren't very well directed.
- Akali change makes her Q numerically more clunky. The skill is intuitively easier to work with when you know the initial and proc damage are identical. - Corki and Morgana changes feel like "we want these heroes to get played more, but we can't actually decide why they aren't so we'll just buff something random". - Vayne buff feels like a typical cop-out buff to make the champion more well-rounded rather than embracing her kit's weaknesses. Vayne's *characteristic* weakness is her low range, and I think it makes for a more interesting and unique champion to play around that rather than buffing her spell range.
Nunu change actually sort of makes sense because I can see the viewpoint that Empire ults are the fun part of Nunu while Snowball and Blood Boil are the boring/annoying parts, so they buff the fun part after nerfing the annoying parts.
completely agree with you Yango. I honestly think Riot is making Vayne waaaaaay too strong right now.
And that Corki buff isn't anything close to what he wants :/
On April 02 2013 11:01 TheYango wrote: PBE changes seem awkward. Obviously they're work in progress, but some of them just feel like they aren't very well directed.
- Akali change makes her Q numerically more clunky. The skill is intuitively easier to work with when you know the initial and proc damage are identical. - Corki and Morgana changes feel like "we want these heroes to get played more, but we can't actually decide why they aren't so we'll just buff something random". - Vayne buff feels like a typical cop-out buff to make the champion more well-rounded rather than embracing her kit's weaknesses. Vayne's *characteristic* weakness is her low range, and I think it makes for a more interesting and unique champion to play around that rather than buffing her spell range.
Nunu change actually sort of makes sense because I can see the viewpoint that Empire ults are the fun part of Nunu while Snowball and Blood Boil are the boring/annoying parts, so they buff the fun part after nerfing the annoying parts.
Vayne's E is being buffed so it's the same range as her autos (spell ranges work differently than auto ranges) -- they gave tristana the same treatment a while back with her E.
I hadn't realized it was that much lower range than her autos. Also, why are ryze's spells like all different ranges but within 25 of each other. It seems like so much unnecessary complexity.
The Lux one seems weird to me. Was she really considered op? I thought that she was just really solid. Corki I can't really comment on because I don't really know what he'd have to get buffed in order to be a competitive pick again. Vayne, I have no idea why she's getting a buff. Happy for the Nami buffs though, her mana usage can be really brutal. Nautilus is looking good too
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a Lux nerf nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
My guess is that it's more of a "comfort" thing, like when they "buffed" MF's Q so that it has the same range as her auto-attack, making it smoother. They want to make auto-Condemn combos easier to hit, or something like that, because it helps the "flow" of the champ.
I read their c/p of the big VUs thread and, well... "We want to factions and themes to our champions. - What about Rengar, all we know is he's been taught by a human and he hates Kha'Zix. Where is your factional stuff? He's pretty disconnected actually. - That's not a problem, Rengar is fine." Then Trundle promoted to Ice Troll King because "he feels disconnected, we can't tell stories about him"... Come on, the only tie is "Kha'Zix comes from the Void, which doesn't mean anything apart from the fact that we can make him aggressive and monster-like and call it a day", and Rengar only has the rivalry thing going on, you could easily do the exact same thing with Trundle (you'd lose the AvP connection obviously, but I mean in League context that'd work as well). Double standards all the way. :/
About Lux, she's basically a combo of Anivia and Nidalee: potentially infinite super-high damage/range poke on low cooldowns (she wants the 40% CDR so Q and R are spammy, and her ult, well... ), along with supreme wave-clear and counter-initiation/disengage suppression. She's safe to a fault, with cooldowns and damage (especially her ultimate, the base damage is already absurd for the range/cooldown before factoring in her passive) allowing her to treat AP as icing once she has enough to clear, CDR and some form of mana sustainability being her primary stats. Making her slower seems sensible, considering her already huge range she doesn't need to be amongst the fastest running mages on top of that. If you manage to get on top of her, you should have more opportunities to stick.
On April 02 2013 11:01 TheYango wrote: PBE changes seem awkward. Obviously they're work in progress, but some of them just feel like they aren't very well directed.
- Akali change makes her Q numerically more clunky. The skill is intuitively easier to work with when you know the initial and proc damage are identical. - Corki and Morgana changes feel like "we want these heroes to get played more, but we can't actually decide why they aren't so we'll just buff something random". - Vayne buff feels like a typical cop-out buff to make the champion more well-rounded rather than embracing her kit's weaknesses. Vayne's *characteristic* weakness is her low range, and I think it makes for a more interesting and unique champion to play around that rather than buffing her spell range.
Nunu change actually sort of makes sense because I can see the viewpoint that Empire ults are the fun part of Nunu while Snowball and Blood Boil are the boring/annoying parts, so they buff the fun part after nerfing the annoying parts. The vayne condem did needed changing, especially since they fixed the same issue with MF's doubleup, and trist's E and R (i think?) It'd be a pretty big double standard if they didn't get around to doing that.
I don't get why they feel the need to change akali's Q, her pre-6 lane is hard enough as is; don't know why they want to make it even riskier for her to play out her lane; not to mention this is already stacked upon one a huge ass nerf on her shroud; thus making it EVEN riskier for her to even exchange pre-6.
Morgana change is nice; but doesn't fix her issues. Corki buff didn't do jack shit; his rockets still hit for nothing. If they wanted a corki buff, should have given him a more cohesive kit by removing AP ratio on his ulti, and bumping up AD ratio.
Changing to Physical damage instead of magical on his ulti, would make his lategame more deadly (though, don't know if this would actually be a buff; cuz midgame would be weaker w/ a change like this)
On April 02 2013 11:28 Alaric wrote: My guess is that it's more of a "comfort" thing, like when they "buffed" MF's Q so that it has the same range as her auto-attack, making it smoother. They want to make auto-Condemn combos easier to hit, or something like that, because it helps the "flow" of the champ.
I read their c/p of the big VUs thread and, well... "We want to factions and themes to our champions. - What about Rengar, all we know is he's been taught by a human and he hates Kha'Zix. Where is your factional stuff? He's pretty disconnected actually. - That's not a problem, Rengar is fine." Then Trundle promoted to Ice Troll King because "he feels disconnected, we can't tell stories about him"... Come on, the only tie is "Kha'Zix comes from the Void, which doesn't mean anything apart from the fact that we can make him aggressive and monster-like and call it a day", and Rengar only has the rivalry thing going on, you could easily do the exact same thing with Trundle (you'd lose the AvP connection obviously, but I mean in League context that'd work as well). Double standards all the way. :/
About Lux, she's basically a combo of Anivia and Nidalee: potentially infinite super-high damage/range poke on low cooldowns (she wants the 40% CDR so Q and R are spammy, and her ult, well... ), along with supreme wave-clear and counter-initiation/disengage suppression. She's safe to a fault, with cooldowns and damage (especially her ultimate, the base damage is already absurd for the range/cooldown before factoring in her passive) allowing her to treat AP as icing once she has enough to clear, CDR and some form of mana sustainability being her primary stats. Making her slower seems sensible, considering her already huge range she doesn't need to be amongst the fastest running mages on top of that. If you manage to get on top of her, you should have more opportunities to stick. ironically, lux's only change was her quality of life on her E, for the longest time. Yet everyone pretty much called her shit, and no one played her; There were jokes about a high elo guy who spammed lux games, with ridic KDA but barely broke .500 in w/l The major complaint was that her late game power scaling dropped too much.